Emm Assignment No.2-1

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SEM amd \E M e xplai n indekails

S E M (Scanminq eleekron micr oSCope)

SCanninqeleunon: mttroscope i9 C
gpe ofmicyosco pe hich use a to co.sed
beam. of elecdron t o sC@N a SUT fac of a Sa mple
to ciecLte c hgh esolufiOn_image
SEM_predu e indgej fhot con how ihtormation
On ca mote dial's SUrtute co MpesfEOn
an Lo pe aaphy
TEM (Tiansmissiom: Fleckr on_Mtroscapy
TEm_CaU stand foy Tans mi gsion.Eledon
MieroC py oy ran miSSi O)_ecdron Mitroscope
A TE is a ypeofele cka on_miroscope
th ue abroad bea o e l e cdyon o cienle
an inage eF 0 Samplel inten sirurlon e
A beam ele drom ls 4ransmited hrough
o Sampke CYe ng Image hk_
delalS a sampie' moTpholagy, ompssiion,
Omd cryitul siTo etore

D.Y. P. C. Soci.
p l a i n optical mitoscope utth meak diagrdm
he_ap hical micoscope also e fe Y ed
a o gnl mieros.cop,isatypeoE
mirogrope hot tmonly vse) Nisible qht
amd a System alen to geneYate maJHd
images b S mall' ob,je e Optica icosope)
laxe the oldest : destqn micyoS(ope
1he ohjet isplaced on a stag.e ano may
be dir ecklyNiewecd throug h one oY
tuo eupieces otk o n the microsc ope
The Sample an be E n a Vaie o unys
FTamge of_objechive lense) wim dlf ma qni fookton
are uSOally pro)ded n.aund fd o na lurmelL
allowing hem o be roaked inta pldce omd
oovidimgan billt o 200m inzeo a Dutghaha


D.Y. P. C. Soci.
hat are al mico SCopiC te chique
ptical micTOSCopy
Micoscopis a detce uced or bteauni ng
mecolutdon Gnd on.aniticatfon ner details
ta befasily amd cleary eMamined by SIng
tconsists_af a_sfand hich is a ta ched to a
mouable tube Whih _containi he opttcal par6
md a dexice tor llDminatmq ne Specieme a-
Opaaue netaly Cannot be uiew ed by the
animittrd Iaht hentetheyATe vieuwed by
the etlected liqht

Electron MilTOS.Co py
Fléttron minos.cop.e 0xe quíte dilferent
omopticalomicrosco pe)
In thee rroCOpe a hg h yelocf y eleit ron
beam S USed instcad 0xdunor liqhk.
The magniHCHOn obtcuN Ad S e hiqhih
ne ange o f I s s lakha
.The NerHca TeSolution o E elettTOn mcroscop
is obot 2mitons whith is_much higher than
tha o optic microscope

D.Y. P. C. Soci.
.Eplaun NOI methods in dekails.
Liquid Dye Penekrant Test
Dye peneirant nspeetion is also called a Llquid
Lpe nelavt inspection
| IA i's ery wldely applied. omd low cos inspecHtn
method Used to locaAe 3ur face ocak1mg defes
i n al non- porous matenoy_

MagnetiC Parti le InspeeHon

This methad of inspectfon is ued to dekect
AToS p e o fSor face a well a Coh sor face
defeth fox exampie poths/flow on feroUJ
tOnponenta such a casttrg weldAMg amd forging
iron amd See.
The de frcti wuth_are commonly found by
theje methodsare quen {hing CYacks therma
ratks qrindtng cratks, oNerlaps fatique Ctatks,-
non metallik inclusions_ett.
Eddy torrent Tes t
Fcldy co TTent xefers to Such an 0J cllating_
CUTOent which S_indured in onductive
m acr'al by an alternaHng magnetic Held
de to_eletTo maqneklc inductlo.
The m ekhod_ o E CT S based on the_pinepa
of faxadoy ele.ctdomognett nducttoon
lIp1trasonic Jnspeckio
.UItTaSon'Cispecfi on_sone 6i he veasatle NDTmeked
. blkaso ni insgecAon ued to deket and
efe c iKe
LoCouke shrinKageCOvities, poros}
0nd non*metal|ic imclosio n
D.Y.P. C. Soci.

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