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Act 2: In India, but they got married in Belgium.

Describe the photo: in this photo there are 12 people who I guess that they are in a barbecue,
there are 4 girls and 8 boys. 1 of the girls is a woman that has a glass on her hand and she has
sunglasses, she’s also blonde. she is with a man that has also sunglasses. One of the other girls
is an ancient woman, I guess that she’s the grandmother and in the other side, there is the
grandfather . There is another girl, that I think she is a teenager who is holding a baby that is
crying. She is with a boy, that I think he is the uncle. And there is also a girl with the hair red with
sunglasses. Next to she, there is a big, who has the hair black. I guess he is sad. And the last
persons, are two twins that has the hair red like the other woman. They are running.

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