Managing People 11

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Managing People (BUSS10005)


Student name: Shihab Khalil Ibrahim Al_balushi

ID: 21F21856

Name Of Instructor: arti Sharma

Session: B
Table of Contents:
– Spring 2022

• Introduction…………………………………………………………………………....1

 Objectives…………………………………………………………………………….……..1,2

 Methodology……………………………………………………………………...............2

 Question1……………………………………………………………………………………2,3,4

 Question2…………………………………………………………………………………….4,5

 Question3…………………………………………………………………………………..6,7,8
Shihab Al_balushi

 Referencing………………………………………………………………………………………9

 Introduction:
 Work ethics is one of the subcategories of applied ethics that looks at
some of the ethical issues and dilemmas that might arise in the corporate
world. The concept of stakeholders, which includes shareholders,
partners, suppliers, distributors, and customers as well as employees and
their families, the environment, the local community, and society at large,
forms the foundation of the social responsibility of capital. In order to
achieve political, economic, social, and environmental stability for the
business community, the social responsibility of capital is a key tool.
According to some academics, social responsibility of capital is one
method that all businesses employ to manage and structure their
connections with customers, after which social responsibility initiatives
become more prevalent.
The first question is necessary, and the subject is customization in general.
Determine the methods you would employ to encourage and include some
individuals in organizational transformation, and b discover a case study that
details each impact of HR roles on two different organizations. The second
question covers A. Describe the idea of social responsibility in business, and
include B by identifying any three causes that affect firms. Socially conscious
and that C is expected to explain some CSR towards any two interest groups in
the third question, explaining haw the HR plan will go and haw the company
Recruit people and select the perfect person of all the candidate.

 Methodology:
All of the secondary sources I used to gather information for this research,
including web pages, websites, books, magazines, newspapers, and websites
that provide a wealth of information

A) Change is a planned, or unplanned, response by business organizations

to the daily pressures left by technical progress and development 1
What is tangible and intangible in materiality’s and ideas Strategies that
work to motivate and engage people in Coercion strategies include the
use of force Subjugation and submission to compel individuals to effect
change. Change is imposed on workers, without opposition by force,
and when workers resist this change, sanctions and penalties are used
For everyone who disagrees or resists. Learning strategies and restoring
standards strategies These strategies are based on the belief that a
person's behaviour and actions are influenced by values And customs
and traditions, and in order for a certain method or practice to be
changed, it must change the individual His values and standards
towards practice and the old style Organizational Change works to
develop all relationships, and one of the most desirable and important
team management strategies that is not often overlooked is to build
some relationships with your team members and there is no concern or
doubt that the individual works with love for those they love. Create a
good and positive work environment that encourages all employees to
love work and express themselves. The manager should not
underestimate the importance of appreciating the work and effort of his
team and rewarding them with either moral or material support. All
team members are encouraged to participate in decision-making by
themselves and provide their opinions. And attention to the
humanitarian aspect of the organization's workers: in addition to
concern for their social and humanitarian motives. Human
communication, teamwork and focusing on measurements and reviews
to ensure that the objectives are reached, strengthen and deepen the
relationship between the objectives and profitability of the organization
and the goals of the employees (loyalty, belonging, customer service
and job evaluation) Study the processes in the organization, and form
circles around the core processes in it.
B) In the M&A process, some employees are sometimes disputed or
ignored. Doing so can lower morale and productivity and lead to key
talent drain and Some HR staff face a lot of challenges during a merger
or acquisition for help Employees often see change as annoying. The
human resource manager must communicate effectively with all
employees in the transition period and the human resource manager
must communicate with all employees employed in the company about
the necessity of the change, and explain how it will benefit them or
them Change, M&A formation and M&A leader selection and
training. Evidently, each merger and acquisitions process are different
in some cases, there'll be no changes to personnel in others, changes
could be drastic (Global Expansion2019). A manager should focus a lot
on mergers and acquisitions rather than being involved in running the
business, be sensitive to cultural differences, lead the change process,
retain, encourage and motivate key employees One company may be
sales-driven while others may focus On innovation and creativity HR
must anticipate all of the cultural challenges and take some of the
services to integrate the two cultures and the resource company must
define the new organizational structure, retain talent for employees and
motivate them Benefits and compensation And it works to achieve
sectoral balance in employment between the sectors of activity in the
organization, that is, balance in the number of employees in the various
sectors of the organization, which contributes to the fair distribution of
workloads in general. This is done by addressing the deficit in the
productive and technical disciplines in the productive sectors, as well as
increasing some office disciplines in the administrative and service
sectors And achieving the objectives of the organization through the
optimal use of human resources to ensure an increase in the degree of
satisfaction with work on the part of the workers and to ensure a
balance between the supply and demand for human resources at a level
consistent with the needs of the organization and under the surrounding
environmental conditions, which achieves optimal use of this vital
resource Develop plans and programs to manage human needs to meet
the rates of retirement, transfer and promotion.


A) There are some definitions of corporate social responsibility, which differ

according to the views of some in defining the form of this responsibility. Some
see that it reminds all companies of their responsibilities and duties towards the
society in which they live, while others see that this responsibility does not
exceed only some of the voluntary initiatives undertaken by some of the
companies related to their will towards society. Others see it as a form of
corporate social adequacy to engage in CSR meaning that, in normal business,
the company operates in all ways that enhance and educate society and the
environment, rather than contributing negatively to it (JASON FERNANDO
2021). However, Tweed all these views in terms of the concept, which is a form
of corporate self-regulation that is tied together in a business model in a
company to operate in an economic, social and environmentally sustainable
manner. And it works to raise the standard of living in a way that can serve the
economy with all societies in the world. All companies and all private sector
institutions must start important socially responsible projects.
B) All companies in the world must be socially responsible because 1-
Companies care and play a role towards social responsibility to some extent that
all members of society support their goals and development mission, realize
their presence and contribute to the success of their goals according to what has
been planned for progress, 2- Contribute to meeting The needs of the
community and its necessary life and living requirements, in addition to creating
many new job opportunities through the establishment of some charitable and
social projects in the community of a developmental nature, reducing all
operating costs for all, improving all of the general image of the product and its
items and its reputation in the world and increasing sales, profits and sincerity
customers and increase their productivity and quality3- Because of the interest
in the standard of living that serves and cares about the economy and
development efforts at the same time through work, interest in joint work with
local communities, and all private sector companies and institutions must start
themselves with projects of interest and social responsibility, as self-motivation
by institutions and individuals, According to all his power and position.

c) When recognizing the importance of the social goal of business, it is

important for us to know who, for which, these and who is responsible for all
companies and how and how they are managed. In the beginning, which unit in
the work must decide in which areas it should go or implement its social goals,
and many important responsibilities and specific projects can be identified as
Responsibility towards workers: When managing the institution or company,
this is responsible for providing all available opportunities for workers in the
company to do important, specific and purposeful work. The company must try
to find the appropriate type of working conditions so that it can find cooperation
and participation of all workers with each other in the company and work as
well as the institution must respect all the rights of workers and respect them in
forming unions. The worker should also make sure that he gets a pension that he
is satisfied with, which is a good deal from the management
Responsibility to government and society: All enterprises must respect all of
the state's laws and pay taxes regularly and honestly. You must act as a good
and honest citizen and act politely in accordance with the respected and
accepted values of society. It must protect and preserve the natural environment
from the weather and pollution that will destroy it and it must avoid bad
chimneys, effluents, smoke, ugly buildings and unacceptable dirty working
conditions And provide good compensation and benefits provide a safe work
environment Protect public safety environment protection
Responsibility towards consumers: responds to the formation and supply of
goods and services of the original quality and the appropriate quantity for
consumers at very low and reasonable prices. And so on. They should have
information about all the products, the company, and other matters that have an
influence on the buying decision.
Responsibility towards the media: It also answers all institutions and
companies a responsibility to cooperate, be honest and not lie about issues that
affect the public welfare.

Question: 3

Bad product: When the product is manufactured, its quality must be checked
before selling it because quality is a major characteristic that consumers use to
evaluate products or services and therefore, everything that everyone in a
company participates in, to meet the overall needs of every consumer used,
whoever this customer is, and is driven In market conditions, that is, through
competition, especially by the consumer, and the company did not verify the
quality of the product, did not test the product before selling it, did not care for
the product, and did not care for the boxes used to package the product that
contained pollutants, and this matter led to disease and poisoning of young
people and children in schools It is the company's neglect.

The company was late in resolving the problem: the company was late in
solving the problem because it did not prevent the sale of drinks faster and did
not admit its mistake and neglect in making the product in schools.

B)No business can do where it is unethical because the most important thing in
the business is ethics towards the consumer and because there is an increase in
demand for more ethical processes in business and at the same time pressure is
applied to the industry to improve business ethics because if the work is legal
and unethical it can be For the consumer to wait when buying the product itself
because it can cause diseases for him, so the work must be legal and ethical in
terms of product quality and usefulness, and for example today most of the
websites of all major companies confirm their commitment to promoting social
values It aims to increase the standard of living in a way in which it can serve
the economy with local communities. Companies and all private sector
institutions must start themselves projects with social responsibility Also,
credibility in making the product is important in the company, and it is also
necessary to test the product and not neglect the product.
c) He answers that Coke is not sold in schools because it is dangerous for young
people and because most of them do not know its danger, as it caused the illness
of more than 100 school students in the previous six days after it was sold to
children in schools. After that, children in six schools in Belgium complained of
headache and nausea Vomiting and shivering after drinking Coca-Cola drinks,
which led to their hospitalization. Most of them reported an "unusual smell" and
"unpleasant taste" in the drink. Coca-Cola's financial performance suffered a
major setback due to the Belgian crisis and the recall had a negative impact on
Coca-Cola's net income for the second quarter of fiscal 1999 , down 21% to
$942 million Furthermore, the entire process of removing and destroying the
recalled products cost Coca-Cola Enterprises $103m (£66m) The recall led to a
5% drop in the company's revenue and a 6% cash operating profit drop, after the
youth boycotted it because of what happened to them because of chemicals in
the drinks, and the whole problem was solved in Belgium because their experts
tested suspicious batches of chemicals.

D)The biggest problem facing the company is that the way the crisis was
managed, and not the crisis itself, made the company appear arrogant and
condescending, which clearly angered officials and consumers. At first, the
crisis was nothing but a small operational defect that could have been
contained and its repercussions could have been contained if the company
recognized it and assumed responsibility from the first moment and they
employ young people in their advertisements for the product to increase
sales significantly by young people and that marketing this product results
in many harmful effects for young people Because it contains a high
percentage of concentrated plant extracts, which lead to poisoning


Expansion G ,(2019). 4 HR Challenges in Mergers and Acquisitions [online]

Available From
mergers-and-acquisitions [2021/5/30]

FERNANDO j, (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) [online]

Available from
responsibility.asp [2021/5/29]

William A,(2019) CBSE Class 11 Business Studies Notes : Social Responsibilities

of Buisness [Online] Available from
clarkfeng1987,(2011). Crisis Management and Strategies[Online] Available
from [2021/6/5]

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