Not A Moments Peace

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Not A Moment's Peace

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Additional Tags: Fluff, Humor, One Shot, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Romance,
Smut, Sexual Content, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism
Language: English
Collections: The Hex Files
Stats: Published: 2006-12-20 Words: 1,449 Chapters: 1/1
Not A Moment's Peace
by Alisanne


It's hard to find time to spend together at the holidays.


Note from SeparatriX, the archivist: this story was originally archived at The Hex Files,
which was closed for financial and health reasons. To preserve the archive, I began manually
importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in August 2016. I e-
mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached
everyone. If you are (or know) this creator, please contact me using the e-mail address on The
Hex Files collection profile.
Written as a thank you for Ladybahiya, who helped me come up with a title for my D2D fic a
few weeks ago.

Beta: Sevfan

Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this
fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Not A Moment’s Peace

Draco waved politely as the last of their party guests left. Closing the door firmly, he didn't
even watch that they all got to the Apparation point at the end of the drive, he simply
collapsed onto the door, letting his head fall back with a thunk.

“I suppose that means you’re tired,” Harry asked, amused.

Draco cracked open one eye. “Malfoys are not meant to work like common laborers,” he
drawled. “This is why we are supposed to have house-elves.”

Harry shook his head. “If we hadn’t given them the night off we would never have heard the
end of it from Hermione. And trust me, having to clean up ourselves is far better than being
treated to one of her lectures.”

Draco had to concede that point. Still... “Well, she’s gone now. Surely we can recall them to
finish up.”

Harry looked as if he were considering the idea. “We could. But you know how she is. The
next time she visits she would be sure to ask Binky if she enjoyed her Christmas night off,
and Binky is so...”

“Honest. Yes, yes she is, despite my attempts to make her less so.”


Draco, eyes now closed, smiled. Waving a hand airily, he said, “Well, I’m prepared for the
wrath of Hermione if she finds out we left work for them. Just leave it and we’ll go to bed.
I’m knackered.”

“You’re tired? But this is our first chance to be alone all day.” Harry sighed. “Why don’t we
take this whipped cream with us?” he suggested.

Draco pushed off the door and sauntered over towards him. “Why ever would we do that?”
he asked.
Harry shook his head. “Because we could use it before we go to sleep,” he said, holding the
bowl up and waggling it.

Draco’s face was blank. “Potter, I’m too tired for Gryffindor attempts at subtlety. What are
you suggesting?”

Harry rolled his eyes. “It’s whipped cream, Draco,” he said, dipping his finger in the half-full
bowl. “It’s white and creamy and sweet and easy to lick off. What does that suggest to you?”

Draco was still staring at him. Harry sighed.

“Wouldn’t you like to have me lick this off you?” he asked. “Imagine me spreading this all
over that luscious body of yours and then sucking off every dollop, no matter where it went.”

Draco’s eyebrows went up. “On our thousand count Egyptian cotton sheets? I think not!”

Harry groaned. “Okay, fine,” he said. “What about down here? In front of the fire. We
could... play a bit, then go upstairs to sleep later. It’s just... I miss being intimate with you.”

Draco considered this. In truth, Harry’s suggestion had merit, and as he’d been describing
licking the cream off him, Draco had gone half-hard. It had been a busy Christmas, and
between his family, Harry’s friends, and the Ministry always checking up on them, they’d had
no time alone in several days.

“Very well,” Draco said, grabbing the bowl and stalking over to the fireplace, where a thick
bear rug was thrown invitingly close to the roaring fire. It was the perfect romantic scene
Draco admitted to himself. And he, too, had missed Harry.

Harry had followed him, and by the time Draco looked back, he was lying down and was
propped up on an elbow, looking eager.

Draco smiled at the invitation in Harry’s eyes and, handing him the bowl, stretched out
beside him. They undressed slowly, and Harry reached over, taking a dollop of cream and
circling Draco’s nipple with it.

Draco hissed in reaction to the cool wetness.

Harry smiled wickedly and, leaning down, fastened his lips to the pebbled nub, lapping at the
cream gently.

Draco moaned softly and arched up. Okay, so this was turning out to be one of Harry’s better

He spread his legs as Harry moved lower, his hands buried in Harry’s hair as that mouth
drifted closer and closer to where he really needed it...

“Draco! I cannot find my heirloom crystal bowl anywhere...”

Draco came to as if he’d been drenched in cold water, turning his head to see his mother’s
face sticking out of the Floo. She had mercifully stopped speaking, but that was clearly out of
shock. Her mouth was opening and closing soundlessly.

They must have made quite a picture, Draco realized, with Harry’s head buried in his crotch,
although now he, too, was looking at Narcissa’s head in the fire and was slowly turning a
bright red.

“I... erm... We’ll speak tomorrow, Draco,” she stammered, and withdrew so quickly that he
swore he heard a muffled thump and an unladylike curse before the connection closed.

Draco’s head hit the rug with a thud. “I can never look my mother in the face again,” he

Harry sighed, and his warm breath brushed the tip of Draco’s still erect cock, making it
twitch. “Should I keep going?” he asked.

Draco glared. “Well you can’t stop now...” His last word ended on a squeak as Harry
swallowed him to the root and sucked, hollowing out his cheeks as he did so.

“Fuck,” Draco breathed, intrusion quickly forgotten as Harry slid his stretched mouth up and
down his cock. “You... look... fabulous...” he panted.

Harry hummed an answer, and the sensation was too much for Draco, who arched and came
spurting down Harry’s throat.

After licking up every drop, Harry rose up, pushing Draco’s knees to his chest and settling
Draco’s legs over his shoulders. He was flushed, his eyes boring into Draco’s intently, and
Draco smiled.

“So, what are you waiting for? Fuck me,” he whispered.

Harry’s hands shook as he prepared Draco roughly. When he had two fingers in, Draco,
already writhing, said, “Enough, do it!”

Slicking himself, Harry leaned in, burying himself in Draco in one smooth push. They both
groaned loudly at the contact.

“So tight,” Harry moaned, his eyes mere slits as he stared down at Draco.

Draco laughed softly and wriggled his hips, making Harry’s breath hitch. “Mmm, and you
love it, don’t you?”

“Fucking tease,” Harry said, withdrawing and slamming back in.

Draco shouted, his hands clinging to Harry’s arms as Harry fucked him relentlessly. His heels
dug into Harry’s back as he wordlessly urged him on with his body, whispering filthy words
and nipping biting kisses against Harry’s open mouth.

Gods, how I missed this... Draco was hard again, his cock leaking copiously as it brushed
against Harry’s stomach with each of Harry’s thrusts.
“Harry, did I leave my...? Oh, dear...”

Both men turned heir heads, horrified, to see Hermione, her head in their Floo. Her words
trailed off abruptly.

Harry was too far gone to stop, so he was still rocking roughly into Draco, who was grunting
softly with each push.

Hermione’s gaze wandered up and down their glistening, joined bodies for a long moment
before she came to her senses, eyes snapping back up to Harry’s face.

“I... um... sorry!” she squeaked, pulling her head back. A thump followed by an, “Ow!” came

“Why’d you do that...?” Ron’s voice asked in the distance, and then the Floo connection was
abruptly ended.

“We... have got to... close... that thing...” Draco panted.

Harry nodded and, still stroking rhythmically into Draco, said, “How?”

Draco groaned. “I can’t think about creating a spell right now!”

Harry could feel his balls drawing up, his nerve endings tingling, and he knew he was close.
“How about... Claudito... no... um... fuck... Propterus? Bugger! Maybe... Terminum!”

The Floo rumbled ominously, and even as Harry came in deep spasms inside Draco, it
seemed to implode, a pile of bricks falling into the center before it went suspiciously quiet.

Draco arched his back and came spurting between them, just before Harry collapsed on top of
him. He could still feel Harry’s cock twitching in his arse.

He turned his head and inspected the ruined Floo. “Erm, Harry? I think you broke it,” he said,
laughter in his voice. “Don’t you think that was rather excessive?”

Harry buried his face in Draco’s neck. “At least there will be no more interruptions,” he said.

Draco began to answer, but was interrupted by the distant sound of multiple Apparation

“I think the Ministry noticed the destruction of our Floo,” Draco said.

Harry groaned. How in the hell was he going to explain this one?

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