Advisory Board Outline 1

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Advisory Committee

Guidelines and Expectations

Importance and Role of the Advisory Committee:

Advisory committees serve as the link between the agricultural education program and local
businesses, industries, and partners within the community. Including an advisory committee
within an agricultural education program fosters shared responsibility and lends to the program’s
longevity. Additionally, the committee functions to further prepare students for participation in the
workforce and community following graduation.

The advisory committee exists to advance the goals of the program. As a collective committee,
members will define these goals, take the necessary steps to meet them, and assess whether
these goals are being progressed toward.

Selection and Identification of Key Members

The ____(school name)______ Advisory Committee will consist of between five and twenty
members. Ideally, the committee will consist of fifteen members. Potential committee member
types are listed below. Please note: this list is simply a guide. Any individual with a dedication to
improving the agricultural education program would be a great fit for this committee.
● School Administrator
● School Board Member
● Economic Developer (ex: Chamber of Commerce member)
● Pathway-specific Content Experts
● Public Relations Representative
● Student Representatives
○ Non-voting members
● Program Alumni
● Any community member with an interest in advancing the program
It is also important to note that committee members are intended to represent a diverse set of
viewpoints and community connections. Further, the Advisory Committee should represent a
wide variety of program stakeholders.

Advisory Committee Activities and Functions:

As a whole, members of the advisory committee play a crucial role in ensuring that the
agricultural education program is progressing and meeting defined goals. Individual committee
member roles and responsibilities are determined within the committee. Further, the advisory
committee exists to meet the needs of the community.

Committee activities will fall under four general umbrellas–curriculum review and direction,
providing community resources, involvement in career student organizations (FFA), and
assistance with job placement for students. Examples of activities are listed below:
● Identifying curricular changes
● Reviewing existing curriculum
● Coordinating opportunities for student certification
● Identifying guest speakers
● Identifying and coordinating sponsorships
● Keeping financial records
● Offering suggestions for financial improvement
● Serving as judges or mentors for contests
● Identifying potential job or internship opportunities
● Strengthening relationships within the community
● Other activities as needed to meet committee and program goals

Potential functions of the committee include but are not limited to:
● Evaluating the current agricultural education program to determine if it is providing
realists and current preparation and training for students
● Act as a change agent to increase the agricultural education program’s relevance
● Help secure training stations and assist in the placement of program graduates
● Provide input and support for legislation and corresponding funding at the local, state,
and federal levels,
● Act as a communications link to assist in the development of community understanding
of and support for the agricultural education program
● Provide a service to the agricultural education program
● Assess committee effectiveness in meeting defined goals

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