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Project Management & Enterprise Portfolio

Initiating Process
√ Established goals & deliverables classifying Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
√ Project governance including a project charter S M A R T
√ Performance tracked through recognised measures & performance indicators SPECIFIC Measurable Achievable Relevant Time bound
√ Kick-off meeting inaugurated
Measure performance Critical Performance criteria set mutually. Clearly defined Team member
√ Iterative project management style employed ACHIEVE: Win an award in against scorecards to Our performance in the Regional and roles & individual targets aligned Timely completion of all
World Finals qualify for receiving at National Finals confirms this is a realistic with Team Blaze’s Objectives and deliverables managed
least one award. aspiration. Individual members Strengths through
and weaknesses. » Gantt Chart
1.1 WHAT IS OUR PROJECT? » F1 in schools Engaging team members » Performance Tracker
DELIVER: Work Quality & Scorecard. craft these to tap into their
Our F1 in schools venture was a 10-month-long project to accumulate resources needed How Work quality benchmarked against » Project management
precision within timeline » Managed and creativity and knowledge of
to design, manufacture and race a remarkably fast and compliant car, supported by a Nationals. tools
We will accomplish the task accessed through 360 “what is” possible and “how”
range of deliverables including marketing, branding, sponsorship, presentations.
objectives and expectations by degree appraisal. and, as a result, achieve better » Milestones Chart
As a young all-girls team, the project was an opportunity to encourage more girls in India following best Project Management commitment.
to be involved in STEM and motorsports, and young people aged 9-19 to gain interest in practice, including:
STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Enterprise. » Projections made with teams historical
» Gantt chart data and extensive research of » Budget was recalibrated when
» Group contract predicted expenses and sponsorship. the event was confirmed as
What When Where Budget control - Deadline for finding
» Performance tracker » Prioritization of important elements like Virtual.
FINANCES: Within Budget Projected Budget V/S car, uniform. sponsors, was set in order
» F1 in Schools World » Accomplishing success measures Actual Tracking. » Historical data of team to raise funds in-time
Finals 2020-21 is a and using 360˚ performance » Provisions for unexpected expenses expenses used to prioritise and
Project deliverables. » This prestigious
time-bound project, trackers such as the scorecard. » Priority II budget of Secret Sauce project.
Creation of project deliverables running from August elements.
competition will Together this optimises individual
would require a combination 2020 - June 2021, with take place virtually members’ performance and
of resources, including human the actual competition » Courses Undertaken
» To be live- learning and the team as a » Timeline for courses was
(Team members; Support running from 4th - 8th » Learner Profile
streamed from the cohesive group. fixed to be three weeks
structure & mentors), financial, of June. Improvement
time, and material (3D printed United Kingdom Courses were taken as per interest » Weekly Share, reflection
» Ten months to LEARN: Gain life skills and » Experiential learning Technical training Objectives set
parts, car paint, virtual testing » Cars will be racing Who of members and Roles and & evaluation on : (1)
delivery of all project technical knowledge in STEM - learning through according to time availability as per
software, and numerous others). physically Performance Criteria Allotted to Knowledge gained (2)
deliverables: May 21, » We are essentially working to & Enterprise fields doing, collaboration school schedules.
them as per Teams Goals. Knowledge from Training
2021. accomplish our objectives and and guidance from taken (3) Lessons Learnt
present the best quality work for mentors, Time of from trial & error.
PROJECT DELIVERABLES DUE (Final) TARGET Virtual the World Finals. Sports, and others.
» The work will be submitted to the INSPIRE: To inspire and
1 Digital 11-page Design and » Women Followership,
21-May-21 30-Apr-21 VIRTUAL F1 in Schools, our ICC and Time encourage Girls in
Engineering portfolio We were the first all-girls team to
of Sports. motorsports and STEM and » Women Events & By conducting workshops and activities Timeline for activities, and
represent India, but will not want
1 Digital 16-page Enterprise and » We are also working to meet our challenge stereotypes for » More women team to engage girls. initiatives were scheduled
21-May-21 30-Apr-21 PHYSICAL to be the last.
project Management portfolio women in motorsports and participation.
stakeholder expectations.
Engineering drawings + Car
21-May-21 30-Apr-21 PHYSICAL Why
» To get more women and young INDICATORS (TEAMWORK KPIs) We followed an agile project management approach. We broke down our project into smaller,
Car A + Car B + Display car + girls involved in STEM and more manageable tasks through this iterative approach, completed in short iterations throughout
21-May-21 30-Apr-21 PHYSICAL » A performance tracker was utilized to
fully machined car body motorsports the project life cycle. We were able to complete work faster and adapt to changing project
track each member's execution
» To gain knowledge about Science, requirements and deadlines due to COVID-19 while optimizing our workflow.
» The monthly score was then marked
Virtual pit display 21-May-21 30-Apr-21 VIRTUAL Technology, Engineering, and against the project guidelines to track
Maths and learn imperative 21st- progress and performance Waterfall method Iterative Agile method
Recorded verbal presentation 21-May-21 30-Apr-21 VIRTUAL century skills.
» Skills such as leadership,
management, and tenacity that 1.5 1.6 MANAGING
Team Partnership declarations 21-May-21 30-Apr-21 VIRTUAL 1.8 TRIPLE CONSTRAINTS Scope
we gain through this project will KICK OFF THE PROJECT
be advantageous for us in our KNOWLEDGE » Distinguishes the three limitations and elements of our project: schedule,
Spare parts box (component MEETING:
21-May-21 30-Apr-21 VIRTUAL lives and future professions. expenses, and scope (adapted from the classic Time-Quality-Money
box) AUGUST 4TH It was crucial to
» Learning life lessons and skills 2020 manage knowledge Quality
The Team Blaze app, Blaze by gaining experiences through gained over the » Assisted us to see how all viewpoints are correlated & influence the project
30-Oct-20 30-Oct-20 VIRTUAL Cost Time
women in motorsport song our journey in this competition previous rounds to
will help us work in a professional use further and build
Uniforms and backdrops 20-Apr-21 16-Apr-21 VIRTUAL environment. on it for the World 1.9 DERIVING CHANGE
Finals. We created » A project aims to improve from its current state to the future state.
four google folders » We changed our organisational style to an iterative method and changed our strategies in
with our names and
1.2 PROJECT CHARTER every field based on industry-standard methodologies.
put our work and
Our project governance was underpinned by a Project Charter designed to formally
research in there.
govern the project and provide the team transparency on goals and objectives. Current State Change strategies and problems to improve
Future State
The Project Charter:
» committed us to establishing the pace and desired results for the project 1 EVALUATION
» specifies roles and responsibilities, risks, assets, financial plan, and so forth √ We identified project deliverables, set goals, designed a project √ The kick-off meeting supported us to evaluate our expectations from each member.
» provides a formal record of the project and shows a strategic link between the charter and performance tracker We encountered a problem during this phase because we did not know if the competition
vision and reality
√ Initiating a kick-off meeting helped us understand our vision for the was physical or virtual. However, we had proper plans for each circumstance, which
Please scan the QR code to take a look at our charter. World Finals as individuals and how we benefited the team helped us initiate the project professionally.
Stakeholder Engagement
√ Stakeholder register » Looking at the power and interest of each stakeholder, we were able to design our approach, » Stakeholder satisfaction was the top
which is displayed below. priority
√ Contact methods stated explicitly
» Analyzing the power and interest of each stakeholder, we composed our practical approach. » Having a dynamic relationship with our
√ Engagement activities evidence
stakeholders was indispensable
√ Stakeholder management cycle and interest accompanied by matrix
High interest Low interest » We communicated frequently to identify
ongoing needs and expectations
2.1 STAKEHOLDER REGISTER Strategy: Complete involvement throughout A feedback form was created which assisted
A project stakeholder is a person or an organisation impacted by our team, positively or negatively. Recognising what the journey, Strategy: Will give the stakeholders us to identify the scope for improvement
success looks like for our various stakeholders enabled us to manage and engage them efficiently and effectively. routine updates and make sure their based on feedback from stakeholders.
Work in collaboration to mutually meet
expectations. expectations are met.
Engagement Power/ Means: Have regular meetings & Means: We will do this through virtual
Name Role in project Organisation Contact methodology
activity interest meetings or email and request their
conduct engagement activities. input on our work.
sonica.puri@british-school. 2.6 STAKEHOLDER MEETINGS
Ms. Sonica Lead adult The British School IMAGE 1 H/H How success looks like for stakeholders falling How success looks like for
org; teams To engage and update our stakeholders, the most reliable (due to
under this section: stakeholders falling under this section: COVID-19), and acknowledged method was to have meetings virtually. We
Mr Taitt Accompanying adult The British School IMAGE 1 H/L

High power
Ms. Sonica - All members are mentally and Mr. Taitt - All members balance had numerous types of stakeholder conferences such as :; physically well, with good well-being. Work is school work and F1 in schools - while
Pranav Jain D&E mentor The British School IMAGE 3 L/H » Sponsorship proposal review
voice call : whatsapp completed and submitted on time. gaining life lessons and technical » Feedback sessions
Director of Time of; Mr. Manish - Work to be completed to the best skills.
Mr. Manish Time of Sports IMAGE 4 H/H of the team’s ability and submitted on time. » Creative ROI activities planning
Sports voice call; zoom meetings Mr. Ajay Seth - We are satisfied with
Ms. Ravleen & Mr Chadwick - Team to work the quality produce. » Quality review sessions
Mr. Jyotish CNC milling operator Time of Sports IMAGE 5 L/H together, learn along the way, and produce Mr. Sanjay - To complete pit renders » Marketing and branding sessions
and voice call
the best work possible. and provide them to the team on
Providing 3D-printed
Mr. Saras I-print 3D IMAGE 6 L/L Mr. Harinder Singh and Mr. Sanjay Sareen: time. Win the Best pit display award.
parts for the car and whatsapp Team should perform well and deliver high Mr. Manohar and Mr. Raunaq - To be ROI. able to edit and render team videos 2.7 STAKEHOLDER MANAGEMENT TEAM SKILLS
Providing feedback Ms. Claudia - To be able to engage more girls on time. To manage stakeholders and have reciprocal benefits, we had to use
Ms. Ravleen & Adrian.Chadwick@british-
and communicating Parents IMAGE 7 H/H in STEM and motorsports. human interaction skills. Some crucial ones are mentioned below.
Mr. Chadwick; whatsapp
with all parents » Negotiation: Used to decrease price and savemoney. Mostly used with
groups; Zoom meetings Strategy: To contact and refresh with
Strategy: Most formal correspondence during updates when required as it were. Vendors
Mr. Harinder
Director (sponsor) Sharan IMAGE 8 H/H inception and planning with regular updates. » Cultural awareness: Fluent Hindi (India’s main language) speakers from
Singh and zoom meetings Means: Significant achievements or
Means: Timeline updates provided. data are shared during meetings. the team to talk to vendors and organizations
Director Corporate The ALP group
Mr. Sanjay; Effective communication and seek mutual How success looks like for
Affairs, The ALP group IMAGE 9 H/H
Sareen [Referred to as ALP] zoom meetings support—regular meetings to keep stakeholders falling under this section:

Low power
engagement and involvement. Mr. Saras: Blaze is impressed with the
singh.nitin@petal. How success looks like for stakeholders falling quality of prints and recommends
Mr. Nitin for Petal Maserati [Referred to as IMAGE 10 L/L Components of the project experiencing a high degree of change, requiring under this section: Iprint 3D to other F1 in schools teams
(sponsor) Maserati] both the team and stakeholder to be actively involved.
Mr. Pranav: Engineers try to expand their Mr. Nitin - For Maserati, to get more
Swift corporation knowledge and work together to produce a young followers and impressions. Our pit display stakeholder, Swift Corporation, had to endure various changes; from creating a physical booth to a virtual environment. Allowances we made
Mr. Sanjay Swift coreration head [Referred to as IMAGE 11 H/L good car.
whatsapp groups; zoom Ms. Asaavari Kaur - By collaboration included giving them time to adapt to virtual software such as 3DS max &
Swift] Mr. Jyotish - To provide the team with high with team blaze, we should collect a blender. Supported us to create trust and learn new skills in collaboration!
Founder of mission Mission Uditi quality CNC car body. more significant number of sanitary
Ms. Asaavari; pads.
uditi (sustainability [Referred to as IMAGE 12 L//L
Kaur voice call.
partner) Uditi]
Operations manager FIA Women in 2.4 ENGAGEMENT ACTIVITIES
Ms. Claudia FIA women in motorsports - girls IMAGE 13 H/H
motorsports on track initiative
Mr. Manohar
Verbal presentation;
and HKS Manpower
and pit display video Email; Whatsapp group; IMAGE 14 H/L
Mr. Raunaq group
editors Zoom meetings
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Uniform designer and;
Mr. Ajay Seth Sabs export IMAGE 15 H/L
manufacturer zoom


8 9 10 11 12 13 15

Ask for feedback Analyse

& suggestions requirements
√ Identifying a wide range of stakeholders assisted us with √ Following the stakeholder strategy assisted us with understanding their requirements
making an arrangement to keep them included to improve our services so that there is an acceptable expert relationship
Meet their
expectations √ Engagement activities were a great method to associate with √ We learned a lot of life-skills such as negotiation, and how to work with adults in
our partners and keep them involved throughout the process professional environments.
Project Schedule & Scope
Review, 3.5 GANTT CHART
√ Blaze project scope ACCEPTANCE Testing & We made an industry-standard Gantt
Quality acceptance criteria acceptance and Timing Responsibility
√ Acceptance criteria for each project deliverable CRITERIA Assessment chart which upheld us to plan our tasks
sign off
» Making » The effective Click-Up program
√ Work breakdown structure and project sequence acceptance (Car) The car must meet the sent updates through email while
Visual checks,Wheel Completion of printing
√ Gantt chart criteria for each specifications exactly Look Manufacturing assisting us to fulfill all our deadlines
rotation, and track Team Manager and manufacturing
√ Major category of work identified undertaking for broken, damaged parts, Engineer as arranged
testing based on Gantt Chart.
deliverable was scrutineering to meet criteria
√ 3-point estimating and controlling a simple method
to check quality Visual identification,
(Car) No bubbling in paintwork, Completion of paint Manufacturing
Weighing scale, Team Manager
» The following finishing, number of coats before track testing Engineer
3.1 PROJECT SCOPE track testing
is a model with
Our aim was to achieve success at the World Finals by winning an award, as the first and youngest some examples (Verbal presentation) Must cover Timely completion of
all-girls team representing India. all the criteria specified Using the feedback
script and presentation Digital Media
and rubrics as a Team Manager
Our scope encompassed the full range of deliverables, risks, goals, strengths, strategies, resources, Incorporated feedback from structure before manager
and finance plans; as well as how we would work together using our Charter to achieve these goals nationals presentation practice
We used a work breakdown structure (WBS) approach to identify elements in scope: High quality deliverables with
After portfolio content Digital media
» Create a well-engineered and manufactured car correct spelling, grammar and Visual checks Team Manager
is done by the team. manager
» Successful enterprise
» Create awareness and engagement of our brand and the F1 in Schools program
» Provide a creative and fulfilling return on investment to our sponsors
» Deliver on time with the focus on quality 3.4 INDEPENDENT AND DEPENDENT TASKS
» Have a world-class, engaging verbal presentation 3.7 TEAM MEETINGS
Deliverable Dependent tasks Independent tasks In team meetings, we had to brainstorm,
» Create the best Enterprise and Project Management portfolio
collaborate and work alongside each
» Create the best Design and Engineering portfolio » Be proficient users of Fusion 360 before designing the car other to deliver good quality work while
» Creating a budget and managing the costs successfully » Testing Car virtually before manufacturing fulfilling time constraints
Researching concepts for cars and
» Create professional pit display renders 2 Cars + 1 display car » Tweaking design based on virtual tests before track testing » Meeting agendas were created and
manufacturing needs
» Researching about Paints, bearings, primer before ordering them minutes were recorded.
» Make sure all products we use are sustainable
» Research on the car designs before designing it Each meeting had a different purpose:
Elements out of scope:
» Car design and development » Mondays - delegation for a status
» Individual work or participation
» Car thoroughly tested report
» Support from other teams (although collaboration was sought)
D & E portfolio » Strategies for each stage to be used here Creating design concepts » Wednesdays - digital media and
» Adding other deliverables after the Gantt chart is made unless deemed by F1 in schools. marketing
» All information about the physical and virtual designs before
» Adding boys to the team (since the all-girls team. Promoting women in motorsports) manufacturing » Thursday - Sponsorship
» All project management phases are planned before putting in the » Fridays - Mentor meeting
3.3 SCOPE DECOMPOSITION : WORK BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE portfolio Creating strategies for project management, » Saturday - Engineering
Project management time management, financial management,
» Make the budget before writing about financial management
and enterprise portfolio sponsorship, ROI, marketing, digital media, and
» Planning and executing marketing activities before placing them in sustainability
the portfolio
Car renderings and Learning how to make good-quality renders in
» Final car manufacturing and assembling
engineering drawings software such as a blender
Learning how to make good-quality renders in
Virtual Pit Display » Designs and ideas to be brainstormed before creating prototypes
software such as a blender and 3DS max
Creating the power-point presentation layout
» Have innovation, collaborations, and F1 in schools learning journey Learning how to use industry-standard
Verbal presentation
information to be collected adobe video editing software to make the Saturday D&E meetings
presentation visually appealing

» We need content to be displayed to our audience before making

Social media ( posts ) & the posts for social media Creating formats including the team identity
Website along with narratives we can potentially follow
» We need to post before analysing the data


» The COVID-19 pandemic brought along a lot of uncertainty
We planned our Gantt chart deadlines till March of 2021, since this was the assumed date for the World Finals, held in Australia. Later, we were
notified that the competition is in June of 2021. This happens in projects and our adaptive approach meant we could cope; and this gave us more Wednesday-Marketing meetings
time to improve our work, but we had to re-work our entire deadline structures.


Identifying significant work categories assisted » Sponsorship √ Identifying the project scope, assisted us with understanding what we √ Milestone planning assisted us in making the final Gantt outline
us with recognizing the major pieces. The » Engineering (designing and manufacturing) needed to accomplish and how we can reasonably move toward it which was utilised all through the competition
segmentation of major work we identified was : » Secret sauce √ Making acceptance criteria for deliverables kept us accountable, focused on √ It was our first time using an industry-standard project
» Fundraising quality, and on-track management software, which was profoundly effective for us to
» Project Management
√ Recognising interdependencies between tasks helped us plan our deadlines devise and satisfy deadlines
» Marketing
Roles & Responsibilities
Role Tasks Project outcomes
» Formulate, implement and monitor project Below are a few examples from our responsibility chart (4.5 ) displayed in the RACI
√ Each team member’s strengths were identified
management plan to ensure timely completion methodology.
√ Team roles and structure discussed and proper control of initiatives
R = responsible
√ RACI responsibility matrix identified accountability » Clarifying, aligning, and motivating individual's
A = accountable
√ Roles and responsibility chart displayed efforts toward the achievement of Blaze's goal » Enterprise portfolio
Jasmeh C = consulted
» Effectively communicating with team & mentors » Project Management
Team Manager I = Informed
» Tasks include project planning, checking » Verbal presentation script
document quality, informing and communicating Jasmeh Tamara Amaira Seowon
with the eams
D & E portfolio A I C R
» Providing clarity of individual roles to explain the
4.1 TEAM MEMBER STRENGTHS bigger picture Project management A R R I
Jasmeh Kaur Dang
» Exploration about paints, bearings, materials, and » Manufacturing Car (A & B) to keep it ready Enterprise portfolio A R R C
» Incredible logical capacity
so on Car renderings A I C R
» Energetic and eager to learn about STEM » Tool kit
Jasmeh » Assembling the car (hands-on work)
» Practical organisational skills and decisiveness » Good quality content for the D&E portfolio Car Drawings A I I R
Manufacturing » Understanding CAM/CNC
» Goal-oriented and organised » Accountable for completion of the portfolios Car A & B R I C A
Engineer » Essential information in Fusion 360˚ to make sure
» Scrutineering Fully machined car + A C C R
we have a car made as similar to the CAD model
Amaira Anand » Replacement component box extra parts box
as possible
» F1 in schools enthusiast since participation in the Marketing and brand C A C I
primary challenge » To make sure the team is well funded
Sponsorship C C A I
» Creative and imaginative » To communicate with sponsors and fulfil their » Sponsorship Proposal
» Associations and knowledge of resources due to a requirements » ROI packages
long presence in F1 in Schools Amaira
» Keeping the team in the loop with all » Providing good quality content Enterprise Portfolio
» Excellent persuasive skills Sponsorship sponsorships and funds pages (Interactions, ROI and Sponsors) 4.4 TEAM CONTRACT
manager » Raise funds through sponsors and fundraisers » Communication with external companies » We created a project contract to avoid misconceptions or disagreements
Tamara Chadwick
» Create sponsorship and ROI plan » Verbal Presentation » Created to eliminate risks to our short-term goals
» Has strong English and Communication skills
» Delivering ROI to sponsors » This contract was shared with the team, parents, and mentors who need to sign it
» Skilled user of digital and creative media software
» Pit display » Helped the team stay focused and determined
» Imaginative and creative with remarkable,
innovative ideas » Uniforms, Secret Sauce, merchandise
» Exploring about most ideal assets
» A keen learner » Good quality content for Portfolio Pages-
» Creating a financial management plan (Financial Management, Pit display, Teamwork
Seowon Yoo » Ensuring all resources are high quality and Communication)
Resource Manager From the primary challenge to the World Finals, our tactics of leadership have
» STEM enthusiast » Communicating with the team and vendors » Creating the team’s budget
changed based on experience during the competition.
» Self-motivated and focused » Timely sourcing of resources as per specification » Creating and handling the financial management
We commenced by following transactional leadership in which we concentrated on
» Strong knowledge and experience of design software supervision, organisation, and performance. We promptly realised that we required
» Collaboration with external companies individual consideration and inspirational motivation. After close consideration, we
» Virtual tests decided to use a combination of both as visible in the Venn diagram.
» Designing the car using CAD
» Research and Development - to research and
gather knowledge for design pages » A set of Engineering Drawings including
Seowon orthographic and 3D renders for Scrutineering
» Delivering a car design that is based on a lot of
4.2 TEAM STRUCTURE Design engineer research and analysis
» Having a clear team structure was indispensable for everyone to
» Responsible for creating the car's engineering
» Developing good quality content for the design Transactional Transformational
understand how the organisation operates pages in the D&E portfolio
drawings and renderings
» Gave a sense of ownership and accountability to each member in
their respective area of expertise » Social media (posting) Monitered Individual
» Our buddy system benefited us immensely » Graphic design for the whole project » Website Consideration
» If someone were unable to complete their assignment or understand » Make formats for portfolios » Secret sauce Supervision
the scope of it, another member would support them Tamara » Assemble all the documents and portfolios » App development Idealised
Marketing » Team identity » Graphic design
Controlled Infulence
And Digital me- » Taking care of web-based media » Colour schemes, logos, and covering team
dia » Handling social media identity
» Targeting each kind of audience on different » Marketing and digital media strategy Organisation Motivation
platforms » Cover Adobe/ graphic design and renderings on
» Marketing and digital media strategy after effect
» Physical marketing events

√ By Recognising each member's diverse strengths throughout our journey, we √ Utilising the RACI technique gave clarity on every member's
chose each member's job and the ability for the World Finals. role for each deliverable.
√ During Nationals, when collaborating, there were miscommunications, which √ We changed our team mindset from goals to growth and
impacted deadlines, and quality of work. uniformity to diversity which helped us work together.
√ To avoid miscommunication, we made a roles and responsibilities document so
that everybody was able to comprehend their position and remaining workload.
Budget and Resource Management
KEY POINTS: ACCOUNTING The amount of funds required were approximately Rs. 1,500,000/- after reducing travel expenses. While we were able to raise a majority of
√ Budget control and financial management COVID-19 and a virtual World Finals this amount through cash and in-kind sponsorship, we decided to raise the balance through fundraising activities like the ones listed below.
√ Resource Management - Tracking and quality influenced our financial plan considerably This approach also helped us promote ourselves and sponsors.
√ Fundraising but in our favour. Quarantine restricted Description: FUNDRAISING: Description: SALE AND SERVICES Description: ASSET
the testing of our car and purchasing of through Go Fund me SALE such as
resources directly but decreased the total Bake Sale, Bingo Night, Dance
campaign, to aise money night, Among Us. Selling our old pit,
break-even point. Since we would not be and donations. old car, sponsors
Financial Management was critical as the amount we needed to raise directly impacted crucial project travelling, our budget cost (which had Evidence: Amount raised products and
elements. We estimated the maximum cost of participating in the World Finals based on research, advice and spiked up immensely) reduced down by Evidence: Go fund me - ₹48,100 (several bingo and
-Amount raised - ₹120,000 services etc. on
our experience in the regionals. This, plus a provision for contingencies, gave us our budget, which was the target ₹400 000, therefore, stabilising the finance Among us game nights) F1 in schools fan
for income generation through cash or in-kind sponsorship. Essential project elements were prioritised, while a and sponsorship side of our project. portal.
list of discretionary value-added elements where listed to be undertaken if finances permit. Cash Accounting: The cash accounting Evidence: Amount
method determined that the payment raised - 6,000 (4
receipts are recorded during the time 3D Printed parts,
5.1 TEAM BUDGET they are received or simply that no money one toolkit)
(Click on the link below to go into greater depth of Team Blazes budget and financial plan) could be spent until we had a sponsor
to cover that cost. This method was
beneficial since we had limited cash on
hand, like taxes (if necessary) would be
Description: SUBSCRIPTION FEE for Description: INFLUENCER MARKETING: Social Description: TRAINING SESSIONS: Fusion
Sponsorship Finances and due on revenue when it is received, not
Description Budget Cost Actual Cost Balance Cost covered by: Prime Subscription to F1 in Schools Media Posts priced at Rs.1000/post for f1 in 360 and CAD design, PERT CHART
when services are rendered.
Cost Coverage Fan page, Blaze app. Subscribe to school vendors. Using our identity and followers training session were given to Sharan
Sponsorship Money, get insights/extra info on social media to raise money. F1 in Schools and ALP in return for funds for Uniforms
Manufacturing ₹ 275,000.00 ₹ 148,951.00 126049-
In-kind Amount Coverage Fan Page and Team Blaze advertised HKS in and Manufacturing Elements.
Participation Evidence: Amount raised - ₹200
Marketing ₹ 115,000.00 ₹ 144,548.00 29548+ Sponsorship Money return for vouchers for back office support. Evidence: Amount raised - ₹20,000 per
₹ 292745.00 ALP Manufacturing
Sponsorship Money, Evidence: Amount raised - ₹5,000 session (adjusted against ROI)
Participation ₹ 400,000.00 ₹ 368,000.00 32,000- Marketing
Go fund me ₹ 308251.00 Sharan
Pit, uniforms, Sponsorship Money, ₹ 46,800.00 Fundraiser
₹ 395,000.00 ₹ 51,000.00 344,000- Sundry
merchandise In-kind, Fundraising 5.7 PURCHASING AND OUTSOURCING
₹ 112,000.00 Go Fund Me R&D Outsourcing components proved to be a complicated and time-consuming task. A
Sundry ₹ 27,000.00 ₹ 50,000.00 23,000+ Sponsorship Money
Pit, Uniforms, few products (such as our car's paint) were of low quality and needed replacement,
Research and Sponsorship Money, ₹ 100,000.00 Maserati Merch which couldn't be prepared due to time constraints. To eliminate an event like this
₹ 195,000.00 ₹ 50,197.00 144803-
development In-kind from happening again, we created an acceptance criteria table (shown in the
Extra ₹ 87,000.00 ₹ 38,000.00 49,000- Sponsorship Money 859796 example below). It ensured heavy research was carried out before any resources
were purchased and outlined an experienced agent who would run through the plan.
5.6 RESOURCE QUALITY ACCEPTANCE PLAN (EXAMPLE) Bearings: Ordered from Boca Bearings, located in the US. By express delivery, our
Purchasing resources online can sometimes unable you from seeing flaws in the physical bearings took two weeks to deliver. They were of high quality and reduced the
5.2 FINANCIAL PLAN 5.3 BUDGET CONTROL product. To ensure all our resources were of the best quality, we went through quality assurance reoccurring problem of wheel wobble.
» Made a budget showcasing Planning the budget alone is not sufficient since we have to develop a and acceptance plans (a detailed plan shown in our budget). Car Parts: Ordered from I print my things, located in Delhi NCR. Delivery in 3-5 days,
maximum amount of money strategy to control the actual cost compared to the projected/budget Manufacturing: To reach our aim of being the first team from India to win an award in the F1 in received with no dimensional errors.
needed for each element costs. Schools competition, we ran our car parts through numerous virtual and physical tests, including Uniforms: Ordered from Sabs Export, located in Delhi. The uniforms were manufactured
CFD, FIA, bearing rolling resistance, primer test, a water slide decal test and much more. and delivered in two weeks with perfect embroidery and attention to detail.
» Verified cost requirement Our budget control had two main steps :
Enterprise: Our enterprise and team identity elements went through a straightforward quality Virtual elements: Our outsourced virtual factors included the verbal presentation
» In-kind elements were » We had a continuous comparison between the actual and budgetary acceptance plan similar to the manufacturing example above. video and the pit display renders, assisted by Swift and HKS. It took a month to create
mentioned the final two videos.
Main Acquired Date Date
» Budget, as well as data Review Sign off
» We made revisions of the budget if there are any changes in the resources from ordered received Quality acceptance criteria example
analysis, resource circumstance Manufacturing: Good quality, Team Manager Overseeing
24 Dec, Resource Criteria Review Sign off
management tables, 3D printed Mr. Saras 30 Dec, 20 good finish, light- & Manufacturing responsibility
Additionally, we had 20
historical data comparison parts weight. engineer.
a balance column No strings, The 3D parts were
3D Printed Manufacturing Team
and quality acceptance Team Manager smooth finish, good quality, with a
for every cost. In this Resource Manufacturing: Time of Good finish, low parts Engineer Manager
charts, served as visual 15 Dec, 20 17 Dec, 20 & Manufacturing light-weight very smooth finish
column, we reviewed Planning Car body CNC sports tolerance.
reminders of our financial Smooth finishing, Accurate
the remainder left or the Manufacturing Team
limitations Very similar to Car body accurate dimensions, good
amount we overspent. Resource manager Engineer Manager
Ritu kumar design handed, dimensions finish
Uniforms 15 Jan, 21 15 Feb, 21 and marketing
» Members then asked to This was we could track (designer) team identity
manager The bearings were
recheck if every little thing visible. Light-weight,
and adjust our budget if good quality, Manufacturing
low friction and Team
was on the budget we over/under spent in Cost Cost Marketing Bearings will low rolling
Project Cost Good quality, fit reducing wheel engineer Manager
Control Estimating Helmets 20 Jan, 21 23 Jan, 20 manager and resistance but
some area. An example Management us well. wobble.
resource manager quite heavy.
of the same would be
when we bought our
bearings. The budgeted
money set was 70,000
INR, but we spent 72,000 Cost Naturally, the financial side of the project was deeply impacted as the
Budgeting occurrence of the pandemic delayed not only shipments and deliveries
INR. Therefore, we
but also restricted our resources due to lack of physical interaction. The
wrote +2000 INR in the imposed lockdown shut down companies of many of our vendors which
balance column. added additional costs to many elements on the manufacturing side. On
the positive side, we were pleasantly surprised at the startling decrease in
our projected costs due to the announcement of the virtual competition.
Communication Strategy
KEY POINTS: To eliminate misunderstandings and keep formal
√ The communication plan and cycle for members and stakeholders communication as professional as possible, we comprehended Tool Use
and implemented the industry standard PMBOK 5 C's method:
√ Multiple processes are used for communication » Drive was the platform where we uploaded all our
» Correct grammar and spelling
√ The various tools we used and each purpose documents for the team and mentors to review.
» Concise expression
√ RACI communication matrix shown » We created multiple subfolders to make it easy for everyone
» Clear purpose to navigate this, resulting in an organised team.
» Coherent, consistent flow
» Checking the flow of words and ideas » Microsoft teams were our central communication platform
6.1 COMMUNICATION PLAN AND CYCLE where we conducted daily meetings to touch base on each
To support professionalism in meetings as well we followed the member's work.
» Since we first started in the primary
following rules:
challenge, effective communication is » We clarified doubts and discussed creative ideas here as
a vital skill we have built on. Upward • Listen actively (staying engaged and taking notes to well.
communication to summarise conversations).
» Giving all team members a high level » Multiple folders and channels were created to avoid
senior management • In virtual meetings, our cameras being on is mandatory.
of visibility during the enterprise was confusion and maintain clear communication.
excellent for the team’s morale. such as our ICC and
sponsors » Individual chats were created, such as 'Blaze D&E' and
» Communication fostered a sense of 'Official Blaze members chat.
responsibility, community and created
accountability amongst us.
Lateral Lateral » We used Zoom to conduct meeting with parents, sponsors,
» We follow a communication strategy and external stakeholder.
where everything connects to the
communication communication 6.5 COMMUNICATION RACI METHOD
with mentors and towards social We used the RACI method( responsible, accountable, consulted, informed)
project manager.
parents media audience to divide communication tasks. This helped everyone to function
» Designed proper guidelines to follow » Outlook email was used to communicate with Time of
productively. Sports and sponsors since it was a professional platform.
when communicating externally
and internally, which are further
mentioned on this page.
Digital media Sponsorship » WhatsApp was used for touching base with parents, and
» Jasmeh identified all team members Downward Team Design external stakeholders mentioned on page 2
and marketing and resource
and stakeholders which was used to Communication to Manager engineer
create a plan the project team manager manager
» Instagram was our main channel for communicating with
» Each stakeholder had to be contacted our digital audience. We used pictures, videos, stories to do
on an appropriate platform, with a Team A R C C
so. This approach helped us keep them engaged with our
defined frequency team.
Mentors A C R I

Who to contact What to communicate Communication method Frequency Time of Sports A C C I » We used Twitter to interact with teachers and judges, mainly
Millennial. We tweeted in forms of text, mostly accompanied
Sponsors A C R I by a picture.
Team Individual updates and progress Microsoft teams Daily meetings at 12pm

Parents A C R I » Facebook was an old yet effective platform to engage

Mentors Status reports Microsoft teams Weekly, Friday 3pm with our older audience. We used pictures and videos to
Vendors R I A C communicate.
F1 in schools World Finals preparation
Time of Sports Phone Numbers and Emails Every two weeks
updates, and car body CNC milling
Digital audience R A C I
Work progress updates & feedback on Whatsapp (messaging) and
Parents Weekly
our work Zoom (for calls)
We closely evaluated our performance in terms of communication and made
ROI, Progress and engagement Email, Whatsapp (If adjustments when necessary. For example, when meetings were required with
Sponsors Monthly
activities applicable) the parents we would use zoom because of ease of uses.

There are multiple types of communication » We set rules for internal communication, and they were : √ The industry-standard communication cycle helped us link
forms that we identified before creating the » We were alert and active on our shared communication everything to the project manager, who was also in charge of
plan was: platform—messages not to be missed and are understood well. communication.
» Internal communication: In internal For any doubts, ask the team. √ The RACI method helped us involve the entire team in this
communication, an informal method of » Respond to team members' requests within the same day for process, which eased communication.
reaching would be implemented urgent requests like correcting errors within an hour. Microsoft
√ Our communication strategy was quite successful; since
» External communication: During external Teams is the leading platform to set notifications and get alerts.
everything was connected to the project manager, it was
communication, we would use proper Any request to a team member should have a direct @ Tag so
formal methods they can be alerted. Get clarifications and check to understand Teams organisation easier to avoid miscommunications.
the same day. √ By setting guidelines and following them, communication was
adequate, which helped us achieve good results since all our
stakeholder were engaged throughout, and we had consistent
Risk Management
» To identify risks, we brainstormed risks in a blank A risk matrix was used to score risk Responding to risks was a significant element of risk
√ Risk management strategy including identification,
slate tabletop exercise, using risk categories. quantitatively to identify the level of management.
assessment, evaluation, and risk response Accept Risk:
» We conducted meetings where we had scenario- the risk. The class is calculated by
√ Risk log example with solutions multiplying the consequence by the After conducting research and taking into account previous use the
based team discussions. risks and experiences, we realised that there were 4 contingency
√ Risk matrix measuring likelihood and impact likelihood.
» This provided us with a suitable environment for ways of dealing with a threat i.e. avoiding, mitigating , plan
problem identification and solving. transfering and accepting. Though avoiding risk would
» It developed practical teamwork skills and critical Likelihood - low to high be the most preferred method, it was not always the Transfer Risk:
thinking. available choice. We tried to transfer risks where to third party Avoid Risk:
1 3 5 7 9 possible to stakeholders and created detailed plans or to the team removing
7.1 RISK STRATEGY » After the meeting, the team manager immediately

Consequence - low to high

for contingency management and mitigating risks instead of cause of risk if
We established a risk cycle that outlined the most common risks created a comprehensive risk log, as displayed on
10 10 30 50 70 90 using the plan created in the log. individual possible
and a mitigation and contingency plan to have a smooth journey. this page.
The development of this process allowed us to obtain knowledge. 8 8 24 40 56 72 We faced some risks in our journey for the world finals
We understood what action we were required to take if any of these and responded to them as per plan. For example, we
risks occurred. Mitigate
6 6 18 30 42 54 could not test our cars physically due to the rise in cases
Risks: reduce
7.4 NON-EVENT RISKS and lockdown. We innovated to find solutions and test our impact of
» Non-event risks occur due to a set of new 4 4 12 20 28 36 wheels using a treadmill before sending the final car. risk
conditions. Another example of a risk we faced was that we couldn’t
2 2 6 10 14 18
» The two types of non-event risks are variability and get our cars painted by our in-kind sponsor House of polish.
ambiguity risks. Low Medium High They along with most vendors shut down, due to COVID-19
» It was essential to have a slightly flexible schedule lockdown in India. Since we had proper planning and knew
for these types of risks to be ready for all types of how to respond to risks we were able to get our nationals
situations. vendor - European motor works to complete the job.


Risk Level Area of impact Score Mitigation Contingency

Q - the car’s speed would be slower

Car is overweight or overweight We put our parts in Cura, a slicer software, where Apply, minimum paint and reduce the use of
Medium according to our research and development 30
(as per teams goal) the predicted weight was displayed. adhesives

T - we may not enough time to manufacture We tested different materials and designs before
the part Carry a replacement box for components, as
Car parts break Medium 42 the actual competition and make sure this does
mentioned in the regulations
R - we would need to manufacture new part not happen on race day.

T - we won’t be able to complete project on If the deadline is not met

time We followed the Gantt chart and recorded
Deliverables aren’t ready on Have an emergency meeting with the team and
Medium 40 individual performance in the tracker, regular
time Q - If we do complete on time, the quality will the specific member’s parents to understand the
meetings to discuss progress.
not be the best cause and evaluate.

Q - we will lose points Constantly visited the scorecards in the

Compare Nationals work, and if it is higher quality,
Poor quality work/deliverables Medium S - we won’t be able to achieve the scope of 30 competition regulations to make sure work is
make some changes to that and use it.
7.2 SWOT ANALYSIS the project successfully. completed.

Helpful Harmful T - we won’t be able to test and ship our cars

High ( due to COVID-19 in time We replaced track testing with, impact tests, wheel
Unable to test car physically 50 Use results from virtual testing
Strengths: restrictions ) Q - if we don’t have track results, we might wobble tests, and treadmill tests.
» Engineering Weaknesses: not have the fastest car
» Team/brand » Manufacturing R - we would need to print new parts
Internal » Identity » Renderings Nylon PA 12 - breakage during We provided a replacement component box, with
Medium T - we might not have enough time 30 Use gorilla glue and adhesives to fix the car.
origin test race spare parts.
» Enterprise » Partnerships manufacture
» Confidence in » Partners for
Manufacturing We had a proper communication strategy and
» Verbal Presentation Q - miscommunication would result in poor
Communication gaps Medium 28 assigned platforms. N/A
» Qualified courses quality work
We applied our learning from nationals.

Opportunities: Car doesn’t reach the UK as per High (due to lockdown Q & T - we would get a penalty for late Send cars with express delivery ( the fastest they
56 We had a proper delivery plan, and method.
» Add team members schedule and COVID-19) submission can go)
» Work with sponsors Threats:
External » Courses done by every » Impact of COVID-19 on
origin member in the team project 7 EVALUATION
» Growth opportunities » Competitors √ The risk identification table √ We used a risk log which √ Having a risk response
» Already existing India top process to prepare us for was extremely useful since strategy was beneficial
trying to make a mark nearly everything it professionally recorded for the project to go
Globally everything while giving smoothly
multiple solutions
Monitoring & Closing Process
√ Defining the execution phase When we had to validate change in our project, which had a major impact, we would have a meeting with 5 - Always, 4 - Mostly , 3 - partially , 2 - Not really, 1 - Never
√ Monthly Status reports the team and stakeholders like parents and mentors. We would brainstorm and discuss if this change was
positive or negative and how we would manage it in an efficient manner. Our project management iterative Factors for assessment : Jasmeh Tamara Amaira Seo Won
√ Scope creep and how we managed it
method, enabled us to make changes as required. Meeting Deadlines 4 4 4 3
√ Validating changes and controlling methods
Quality of work 5 4 5 4
√ Self and peer assessment activity
Communication 4 4 4 5
√ Recording lessons learned 8.4 THREE POINT ESTIMATING AND CONTROLLING
√ Project sign off Punctuality 5 5 4 4
At the commencement of every month, we listed down all the responsibilities to use the industry-standard
PERT 3-point estimating method. We used the following terms against each task Meeting participation 5 5 5 5
» Optimistic: This means we will achieve the deadline without a problem Using feedback 4 4 5 3
8.1 EXECUTION PHASE » Most likely: This refers to the fact that we should look at a new support structure to get this done in time Supporting the team 4 4 4 3
In the execution process, one critical element is monitoring and controlling. » Pessimistic: TThe deadline for this task will not be met, re-grouping and discussion will be required Trying to learn something new, 5 5 5 4
Everything does not go according to our plan, therefore, requesting changes, This helped everyone in the team stay on track and understand advancement in every aspect of the
measuring performance and adapting to new circumstances is crucial. competition.
During this phase, we had to incorporate our planning and respond to the


» Monthly status reports given to our stakeholders to update them about
the progress and document any issues that we are facing so they can Scope creep faced Corrective Action plan Preventive Action Effect on acceptance criteria
be resolved plan
» Helped us be accountable, stay on track, and view the progress in a
simple way At one point, we We had to de- We re-calibrated Marketing activities confirmed
planned too many prioritize and see what the gantt charts, with our audience were
» We also included the 360˚ performance tracker results which gave us virtual marketing we missed out on. based on the conducted since we wanted to be
individual reflections which were helpful activities back to Accordingly, we started scorecard to professional with commitments.
back which caused focusing on that so we prioritise activities Using our action plan, we quickly
Project Name: F1 in schools us to not have could catch up in an with more points. covered up - which made sure
Team Name: Blaze enough time to meet planned manner we met quality standards
Date: 1 December 2020 The final project sign off provides a The performance Tracker was used for 360 degree
Project status: Decent shape The car designing We manufactured For the final cars, We made final changes based on summary and provides evidence appraisal which included self, peer, mentor appraisals
overrun resulting three cars with multiple we ensured we had results from testing, following the regarding what we achieved from the as well as appraisals through feedback received from
Tasks accomplished: Tasks in progress: project scope and goals. vendors and shareholders. [Refer to 1.4]
in limited time for materials to analyse contingency time, design cycle approach, and met
» Pit display draft 1 » Enterprise portfolio manufacturing & the best results. roughly about 2 our quality standards » Signing off a project is vital to give it
» Manufacturing pages » Merchandise designs testing weeks. closure
» Car design draft 1 » Pit display » We completed all deliverables on
time, and shipped the physical Self
» Manufacturing material » Merchandise
deliverables.This got signed by the
selection manufacturing
» D & E portfolio 8.6 LESSONS LEARNT
» Please scan the QR code to view our
We have gained a lot of knowledge, both as individuals and as a team. Technical knowledge related to our
project sign off
Issues/ risks occurring domain, along with lifelong learnings and lessons. This competition has taught and challenged us more
» Deadline for merchandise missed - New deadline - 10 to December 2020 than we could have ever imagined! Below we have listened to some examples of the knowledge we take
away. However, there were countless learnings. Performance
» Deadline for website missed, Team Manager will be taking charge of it- Peers
Sponsors Tracker
New deadline 6 to December 2020 What did we do correctly? What are our lessons learned?
» We followed our acceptance criteria » We learned how to have a good work ethic
Reflections for the past month : which helped us produce good quality » Technical skills related to our roles (College level
Jasmeh (Overall score - 48/50) deliverables industry standard course done by each member)
» My work ethic improved, planning. I was able to meet all deadlines, » We never gave up and were there for » We learned how supporting each other is
quality of work each other to support the team important
» If I could improve I would be very clear with communication with external » We were confident, and believed that » We understand the importance of hard work and Mentors
vendors women can do motorsports which gave that it always pays off
us motivation to meet deadlines
Tamara (33/50) » We all have found our passions and hope to
What should we continue to improve in? implement them in our careers for the future
» I wasn’t very organized this month, I missed deadlines and couldn’t help
others If I were to improve I would be more organized since that helps all » We learnt how to work as a team. Working as a
» We should keep playing around with
cohesive group, supporting and having each
the issues rendering software since that would This meeting is the final official team meeting which was used to confirm that the deliverables have
help improve quality other's backs made us effective and resulted in
high-quality work and a positive work environment. been accepted and to celebrate the work done by the team. We gathered lessons learned from this
Amaira (43/50) project along with memories and takeaways.
» I helped the team a lot, I helped each member, gave them feedback What significant problems did we » We learnt how to separate friendship from work
which was something positive ) encounter and how did we resolve them? relationships
» I would work on my communication skills and attend meetings regularly » Our design Engineer left the team in » We learnt resilience, and to stay motivated when
September due to her changing schools times are tough, such as the pandemic
Seo (34/50) » We had to interview various » Using digital platforms to collaborate and network.
» I incorporated feedback and used it to improve my work. There was an participants to ensure that we had the √ Giving weekly status reports to √ We were aware of the term √ Closing the project
» The power of networking, human behaviour, and
attempt to share the progress of the work and resolve the issue together best possible outcomes aligning objectives to achieve the bigger goal our mentors, and turned out to be scope creep since we faced it professionally using a
with team members very useful since we could resolve in Nationals, but this time we sign-off and recording
issues and keep documented created a plan which reduced lessons learned was
» However, I should manage time better in order to meet all the deadlines
track of our progress the chances of creep essential
Sponsorship & ROI
Through the ROI packages, Team Blaze established a robust platform that positively influenced common vision or lead generation, the clearly defined tiered packages left room for customising
√ Strategy and sponsors the way the sponsors were perceived and viewed. Mutually beneficial arrangements were ensured each sponsors expectations.
√ ROI tiered packages and analysis through a range of sponsorship assets. Whether it was visibility, promotion of products or a
√ Mutual benefits
Company Name> ALP Group Sharan Swift Maserati Simscale Boca Bearings FIA in Motorsport Mission Uditi
√ Third party opinion/ involvement
Type of Association Cash Cash and In-Kind In-Kind Cash In-kind In-Kind Expert Collaboration Expert Collaboration
Rs. 30,000 44,325/-
10.1 SPONSORSHIP PLANNING- MUTUAL BENEFITS AND TARGET SECTORS Amount Covered 300,000 300,000 300,000 100,000 0 0
Of free testing discount
Type Pros Cons Example
Pit display √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X
Their- Direct access to ideal
Car dealerships/ customer profile i.e. people with high Already high visibility Portfolio √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X
buying power and interest Maruti,
Automotive and standard Website √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X
industries Our- Strong market point, visibility marketing policies
Social Media Every week Every week Every month Every 2 months Every 2 months Every 2 months Every week Every 2 months
increase, credibility
Social Media ROI Rs. 94,984 Rs. 84,519 Rs. 85,600 Rs. 1,03,577 Rs. 18,000 Rs. 20,530 Rs. 95,206 N/A
Their- Direct access to ideal
customer profile i.e. OEM companies. Creative Collaborative
√ √ √ √ X X √ √
Car part making Can lead to introduction with Activities Refer to: Exhibit 10.4
industries/ automotive companies and high Less interest with
ALP, JK tyres Logo visibility in print media,
OEM Automotive visibility audience
virtual media & official √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Ancillaries Our- flexible & easily approachable. emails
Can lead to introduction to
prospective vendors and sponsors Uniform √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X

Linkage to our Their- Extreme marketing and easy They will be Car X X X X X X √ X
way to evolve brand Boca
project/F1 in Compared to other Offer to Promote on F1 in
bearings, √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X
school vendors Our- Easily approachable. Help with brands = Maybe Schools Fan Page
ABEC, Swift
or stakeholders project outcomes or elements reduce sales
√ Yes, to Future
Direct access to ideal
Theirs-brand building and Us not being able to Moderate Moderate √ buyers with buying √ √ √ √
match their level of customer base power.
association to a young and
dynamic team & visibility to current, marketing we have
Amazon, Lead Generation √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Popular brands prospective and future customers less negotiating
power and more red √ ALP converted √ 1 Car Sold
Ours - Credibility, connections, strong tapism to deal with √ Sale of Rs. 95,000 √ Cupboards to customer to Attendee of Money for 2000
Marketing point, visibility increase difficult to contact Conversion of sanitization range and coolers sold for ACREX Show unveiling car event Unknown Unknown Unknown pads raised and
during covid after event @ Rs. 83,000 Stall @ Rs. (approx commission delivered.
Their- Spreading more awareness;
7,50,000 Rs. 7 to 10,00,000)
brand association to a young and Microsoft,
dynamic team & access to current, Logical way to gain Introduced 3D printer & Hosted CAD Guest List and
STEM related FIA Designing
prospective and future associates more prominence in SWIFT exhibits as quality GANTT Chart Location for Hosting
companies Women in Customised ROI offered and sessions, ROI Multiple Instagram Live events and
their chosen field suppliers. Hosted CAD, and Fusion 360 Unveiling event of X X
Our- Having a sponsor with Motorsports delivered events with lil Lives. fundraising drive
knowledge in this field. Gantt Chart and Fusion Training for Car offered visibility
360 Training for Alp Staff Sharan Staff. and sale of one car.
Brand Visibility through
backdrops, mentions and √ √ √ √ √ √ √ X
10.2 MEASURING OUR SUCCESS video adverts in live events.
success from Vision Alignment √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
nationals led to
enhanced project Common Goal X X X X X X √ √
outcomes and Increased our credibility X X X √ √ √ √ √
ROI methods.
T h r o u g h o u t Resources √ √ √ X √ √ √ √
nationals, we had Knowhow √ X √ No √ √ √ X
varied techniques
and activities that Financial √ √ In-Kind √ In Kind In Kind X X
were profoundly Risk Transfer due to common
successful and stake holders/ brand image/ X X √ X √ √ √ X
received a high common customers
and interaction
response as well
as events that When we were approached by such young girls to do a “We were unsure of the return the kids would 11 EVALUATION
didn’t. While on sponsorship meeting we were hesitant to meet. However, their deliver initially but they left us stunned.
sponsorship proposal, persuasion and professionalism was They presented our brand in the right Lockdown had a relatively large impact on the sponsorship side of our
the road to world
commendable. Furthermore, the return on investment they have light & introduced us to a cost effective 3D project. Many companies were left unable to sponsor teams which led us
finals, we measured
provided was highly professional, and these girls went above Manufacturer & SWIFT Corporation who to have limited options, activities, and sponsors; therefore, having creative
analytical responses for each event and activity to finalize our plan going forward. As per the
marketers from the industry, Instagram CPC in India on an average is approximately worth Rs. and beyond to arrange activities, trainings and promotional helped us effectively market our products at tiered packages was more crucial than ever. We innovated by incorporating
40 and average CPM is worth Rs. 90. If we take these rates into consideration then we were able events. We are very proud to be associated with them! the ACREX show improving our sales.” as many sponsorship assets as possible, ensuring we provided a steady
to deliver value worth Rs. 4,85,000 to our sponsors put together till date. ROI despite the circumstances, including a range of mutual benefits
- Harinder Singh, Director of Sharan - Sanjay Sareen, Director Corp. Affairs, ALP Group
making pitching to a company straightforward and efficient.
Sponsorship & ROI
4. Design a pit with Swift
We hosted the design your booth Bull's eye target:
√ Sponsorship approaches challenge in which individuals or pairs
» Companies of family, friends, associates or existing sponsors
√ ROI activities needed to design their pit booth in the
form of a painting, sketch, drawing, render. » Biggest shot to get a sponsorship
√ Sponsorship interaction/meetings The winner would get an expert session Getting the initial contact and introduction set us on a good platform to pluck the low lying
√ COVID - 19 Impact from Swift as well as an amazon gift card. fruits. Such companies with links were more aligned and supportive of our vision, values, and 1 2 3
5. Maserati Quiz
Segmenting, targeting and positioning
We started with segmenting and targeting for the sponsors as shown in the diagram.
SPONSORS pQLSdOiD6HMcoUScntfmwTnUuo2Ic27e8
Our goal was to raise funds and attract sponsors and industry
collaborators who had synergy and could support our team
through their expert knowledge. Since we were the youngest and
Maserati's tailored quiz helped us reach
numerous people outside our marketing
Positioning 4 5 6
first-all girls team from India, we used that as the centre point of circle. It was short and crisp, and the
our team identity.
winner with the correct answers received
Our sponsorship strategy was 4 pronged: an Amazon gift card. Selecting the
Determining how
Diving into distinct most appealing
» Targeting Prospective Sponsors whose goals and visions to position our ROI
6. Lil' League Dance session groups of different and beneficial
aligned with ours resulted in increased mutual benefits. This for each target
We organised a dance session with The sponsors sponsors to focus
applied to our sponsors Maserati (power, speed, youth), FIA segment
Lil' League where we had an engaging our ROI on
Women in Motorsports (to introduce more girls into the wonders
of STEM), our sustainability sponsor Mission Uditi (women's session with kids 3-12. This event was
sanitation and rights), as well as other sponsors. curated to promote our newly-released This segmentation and targeting analysis of the sponsors, and their background research 7 7 8
girls in STEM song and our sponsor FIAs, along with segmenting, targeting and positioning of the the audience helped us to simplify,
» Based on background research of each sponsor, we applied
new program. summarise and present a well researched customised ROI value proposition. This analysis was
customised approaches to presentations and deliverable ROI
over and above the standardised tiered packages. based on each supporters target audience, brand and attribute.
7. Maserati Quattroporte Unveiling
» Quality over quantity method where we looked for a regulated Top down approach:
We hosted an unveiling of the first
number of sponsors who met our needs enabling us to
Quattroporte S in India, which was Using the top-down approach, we aggregated and analyzed data from sources mentioned
concentrate our energy on delivering better ROI.
immediately sold at the event. Assuming below to persuade prospective stakeholders. This method helps understand specific target
» Having a balance between in-kind and cash sponsorship to that the approximate commissions on segments by narrowing down a large audience by relevance.
leverage ROI equally. a sale of Maserati Quattroporte are Rs.7
to 10,00,000, this was excellent ROI. A live Item Amount Notes Source
stream of the unveiling is displayed on the 20,000,000 X 1,000 (Assuming
Maserati India Page. No. of people linked
20,000,000,000 their school, families, vendors, Estimate
» Sharan to f1 in schools
NOTABLE SPONSORS supporters, teachers, sponsors)
» ALP 8. F1 in Schools Activities session
Financial Support No. of students
» Maserati A short event with Lil' League put children 2018 estimate, rounded to infinitudeaustralia.
interested in F1 in 20,000,000
aged 7-13 in a miniature f1 in schools nearest 10,000,000 9
experience where they had to design their
» Swift for Pit Display logo, dream car, team name and much No. of students
more! Each of them came up with reasons participating in the 250 Virtual event
IN-KIND SPONSORS » Simscale for Testing
why they should win, and it got many world finals
Reduce Funds required » Boca Bearings for discount interested in participating in Season 5! No. of teams in the
» Sharan for toolkit 45 Virtual event
world finals
9. Tailored posts
% of participants that Rough calculation from the F1 in
Working closely with sponsors to create 33% Event plan 2019
» FIA for marketing coverage are girls schools event plan
personalised, tailored posts such as
EXPERT COLLABORATION & vision synergy event invites or promotional materials % of participants that
Expert advice & Guidance 8.80% 45 teams - 4 all girls teams
» Uditi for Sustainability portraying their brand to the audience in are all girls teams
Partner the right light.
10. Promotional Background
Covid-19 left a significant impact on our sponsorship, as
10.5 CREATIVE ROI AND Sponsors logos were displayed due to a suffering economy, we could not gain as many
prominently, arranged in a checkered sponsors. For example, when we approached AIRBUS
format on our blaze backdrops, used for through an inside contact, we were turned down in light
1. Among us night filming our verbal and pit display videos of recent losses in sales. Although, following our quality
The promotion of our sponsors, F1 in Schools and Team Blaze, as well as during our events and live over quantity method, we managed to cover all funds
through Among us night worked effectively as the game was the session. required and, despite lack of physical engagement,
most downloaded mobile title worldwide in 2020. The event was found effective ways to promote our sponsors, F1 in
a success, to say the least, as we organised it three times with 35 11. F1 in Schools Fan Page Promotions Schools and Team Blaze!
players in each rolling event! Sponsors who could earn from supplying
2. Bingo night to F1 in Schools participants will be 10.8 VIRTUAL SPONSORSHIP MEETINGS
advertised on F1 in School website and
Our bingo game night was a hit amongst all age groups during social media pages closer to submission dcRffI3d3rth3z9DyyA5TGUXCPdupO6LOUzBWGM/ 10 10
lockdown and we raised Rs. 11,100/-. We played adverts for ALP, edit?usp=sharing
dates with contact addresses and sample
Sharan and Swift during the event. ALP and Sharan were able to
works to promote them while maintaining These helped us review and update our mutual
get leads through this event which later converted into sales.
our work confidentiality. expectations. Professionalism was paramount while We delved into detail while curating our ROI activities, measuring our
3. Q&A with F1 teams pitching to our sponsors. It was a great learning sponsor's online presence, cost of the return, and analytical elements such
12. CAD, FUSION 360 and GANTT Training experience to pitch repeatedly, revisit mistakes and get as money they received per Instagram click, per product sold and more.
We hosted a webinar to organise a Q&A session with teams
Training to ALP and Sharan designers and back up and try over when things did not go as planned. We learned how to communicate with third parties effectively, how to
across the world to clarify doubts and make connections. We
marketing team were widely appreciated Each member had to memorise a 10-minute script which personalise and base an approach/strategy depending on the companies
recommended these teams vendors and sponsors that had
and well-received. was great practice for the verbal and pit videos. vision, and how to pitch and convince prospective investors.
supported us.
KEY POINTS: » TBS community contacted through school
Implementation Schedule
√ Marketing goals channels SEP-OCT 2020 NOV 2020 DEC 2020 JAN 2021 FEB 2021 MAR-APR 2021 MAY-JUNE 2021
√ Market research and audience identification » Young adults (9-19) through social media, Profiles of the Team Virtual campaigns
events, connections
√ Channels of marketing Sponsors, F1 in schools Teasers, stakeholder
» Virtual game nights attracting a wider Narratives - Team, Car, Our Fi in updates, testing updates, testimonials, final
√ Implementation schedule and Marketing activities World Finals
audience Prep for the Finals and Throwbacks journey, F1 schools, Sponsors Formula one grand prix reveals, thankyou's and
sponsors in Schools TOS, TBS updates, behind the scenes, advocacy through live
live events events
11.1 MARKETING Women in Motorsports, Sponsors and Team Blaze

In the highly competitive crowded world of social media we wanted to stand out, use One of the absolute highlights of Team Blaze’s marketing work has been meeting with and being
SEGMENTING, endorsements, and draw in our target audiences through fun activities supported by role models from different walks of life, and none more so than our live Instagram
MARKETING TARGETING, interview with FIA’s Women in Motorsport. We were interviewed by Ms Mira Erda.. Mira is herself
GOALS POSITIONING Burning questions with Blaze (Image A) National champion, and the first female driver from India to race in F4. She was also the first
(USP) We started a webinar called Burning Questions with Blaze where we would answer unfamiliar indian to win internationally.
teams' questions about the project. Q&A sessions with teams from all around the world helped She is an inspiration to Team Blaze, and all who follow her. After this live, we gained about 50
The Strategic Phase: Our Marketing strategy envolved first clarifying our marketing goal[11.2]. We develop friendships, collaborations, and support structures. Helping each other, helped us revisit followers which was a huge spike. We are so grateful to have the opportunity to work with FIA
then Segmented and Targeted the audience [11.3 & 11.4]. Thereafter, we throuroughly analysed our work and improve while also helping other teams who could be the next grand champions. women in motorsports, and be associated with them. Link for the live event - https://www.
and reevaluated our marketing initiaives as well as our and the comepeting teams previous
performances. We spoke to senior marketing professionals from Altitudo, ALP, Sharan and British Mentoring: F1 in schools Primary challenge (Image B)
coucil. We conducted a SWOT Analysis of the current situation.
Mentoring teams in the F1 in School's primary, in the Key Stage 2 STEM challenge, brought back
Strategy and Tactical Planning: The analysis confirmed that Team Blaze has a powerful brand memories from where we originated from. It was a wonderful experience to help clear doubts
and visual identity. However to distinguish ourselves from the other teams, we needed a Unique and use our past mistakes to support future world finals teams!
Selling Proposition that differentiated us from the others in the competion. We chose to position
ourself and our Marketing Strategy around being resilient and the “young all girls team” . Theme song & girls in STEM song ( Image C)
Our analysis and feedback also confirmed that fewer posts around our core marketing We released 2 songs, now a norm for other F1 in Schools team, our girls in STEM song, is also
messages would work better with more use of video. We knew the World's was a step up, that available on spotify! These songs portrayed our feelings and thoughts about being girls in a
the Covid-19 pandemic would limit face-to-face activities making digital engagement even FIA Women in motorsports : Aashi Hanspal live
male dominated field, and was sung by our team member, Tamara! Here’s the link - https://
more critical, and we wanted to be ready! We collaborated with Aashi Hanspal, who was a part of the
Operational Phase: We followed the strategy through with our brand identity, collaborations, top 20 racers in the FIA girls on track - rising stars event at
events, endorsements, digital media and creative marketing strategies listed below within the A List endorsements (Image D) Circuit Paul Ricard. She was the only Indian racer, and it
budgets we had available. » Suresh Raina (Indian International cricketer. He plays in the T20’S, and IPL.He is regarded as was a phenomenal experience to be able to work with her.
one of the best fielders in the world) - more that 230,000 views!! We talked about our journey, women in motorsports, and
promoted girls in STEM through this live.
» Rajiv Rajpal (Davis cup captain)
» Dhruv Dhalla (Famous Indian musician)
Our marketing goals were:
» Nagesh Singh (Chief of protocol MEA)
» Supporting gender equality 11.8 TEDX YOUTH
» Hema malini (Indian actress, writer, producer and dancer, known as the ‘dream girl’) We were proud to be selected to
» To raise awareness for Blaze
» 2 British High Commissioners to India participate in a TEDX Youth event, the
» Building advocates and promoting F1 in Schools
» Rhythm Anand Bhardwaj, (Executive Editor, Republic TV), one of the most-watched Indian, global programme of TEDx events
» Spreading the message of the importance of girls in STEM designed for, and often organised by,
English news channel
» Promoting Sponsors young people. We created our very own
These endorsements not only brought up our interactions, but helped us reach a larger audience presentation on breaking stereotypes -
the perfect title for us as it’s what we’re
11.3 MARKET RESEARCH & AUDIENCE DEFINITION all about, being a young all girls team
We revised our audience strategy after the Nationals, looking to retain our follower base (eg from India. The TedX Youth event was
over 1000 followers on Instagram), but narrowing the range of messages and target audience an ideal opportunity to promote STEM
segment. Without a large marketing budget, we used focus group discussions, SEO, and and F1 in schools to young students
consultation with professional marketeers to define a tight audience of international and private around the world, sharing our journey
schools, especially TBS, children, parents and wider networks, that was reachable, and a primary and guiding them towards a bright
target for F1 in Schools, our sponsors and partners. future! Unfortunately the event has been
A A B postponed and we are awaiting our
chance to present.
Based on social media analysis, we segmented our audience into 3 categories:
1. Parents and relations
» Relatives and parents of the TBS community and other schools participating in F1 in Schools 11.9 MARKETING MATERIALS
To us, merchandise is extremely critical as it is one of the most efficient ways to promote
2. Younger audience
ourselves, as well as our sponsors.
» A younger audience with interest in STEM-based fields
For physical marketing materials, we chose bottles, coasters, calendars, bags, popsockets,
D D masks and sanitizers as our give aways. For digital marketing materials click here : https://www.
3. Sponsors - Current and prospective
» Organizations willing to support Blaze (currently or in the future)
» Values align with ours
» Similarities in brands 11 EVALUATION
The vital takeaways from our research, incorporating discussions with professional marketers, were that the pandemic, restricted budget and time,
Looking into our direct audience strategy, we established a loyal support foundation of 1000
implied that we should focus on wide awareness, utilising our social media and advancing sustainability, and deeper engagement with TBS and
followers on Instagram, recognition on Twitter as well as a strong marketing base on Facebook.
comparable global school networks. Due to COVID-19, we were unable to do physical activities, however we tried to use digital methods such as
Focusing on those close to us as a team, we received more attention on social media, our
marketing and ROI events as well as our website.
instagram lives. We were able to get F1 in schools viewership to over 230,000 using celebrity endorsements, which was highly successful.
Digital Media
» Video marketing was used to promote our brand and F1 in schools through videos as a
√ Retaining audience interest during the pandemic Platform Audience Timing
positive form of engagement
√ Innovation online » We targeted the younger generation
» 4 - 5 pm was the time where our » Posted fun facts, tips and a lot more to spike interest in our work and content
Instagram as well as well-educated parents and
√ Target audience audience would interact most.
√ Dynamic visuals
» 3-4 pm was the time we posted.
» We targeted professionals, such as
Twitter skilled teachers and adults in the » At this time, our posts received
the highest number of adult
12.1 DIGITAL MEDIA STRATEGY business sector.
likes and retweets.
Our Digital Media strategy was a priority given the pandemic. We analysed our own posts and
the work done by other teams. This led us to sharpen our key messages, narrow our target » Facebook proved successful for
» 4:30 pm was the most effective
audiences, and use data insights to increase the impact on digital platforms. We also tracked Facebook interaction with our older audience and
time to reach our sponsors.
proxy measures based on numbers of likes, retweets, comments, and followers which gave us sponsors.
better clarity on the interest of our audiences & further improvement in the communication.
Following the Nationals, and discussions we had with Marketing experts we changed from the
broader AIDA marketing approach, to the four-stage. 12.5 INTERACTING WITH YOUNGER CHILDREN
We know that children from the age of 9-13 are not permitted to use
social media, according to the platform’s privacy policy. To interact
with the younger audience, we hosted multiple collaborations with 12.10 F1 IN SCHOOLS PORTAL
Lil’ League (an organisation with children 8- 13 from top-tiered To enable collaboration, networking, awareness and resource sharing, we created an F1 in
schools in India) and involved younger children from our school in Schools portal which included:
AWARENESS Creating awareness
a STEM project.
through video » F1 in schools updates, regulations, fun facts and other information
» A shop where f1 in school teams could sell their used F1 products and parts as well as
Promoting girls in merchandise. We would charge 5% commission on sale via our portal.
INTEREST STEM and generating » Information about vendors, resources and more
interest » Information of events, and updates of F1 in schools teams that they would like to share.
» F1 in schools is a global initiating
building study and careers in STEM
Multiple strategies
» Team blaze is the youngest all-girls
CONSIDERATION including email marketing
team representing india 12.11 BLAZE RACE APP 12.12 GROUP CHAT MARKETING
were implemented with a We created a quick WhatsApp groups curated
clear call to action » A-list sponsors with excellent communicative bridges between
and fun reaction
mutual ROI us, other teams and parents/adults.
time game in the app
ADVOCACY Endorsement by celebrities, » We support gender equity & other called Blaze Race Additionally we used Snapchat
and testimonials by our women in Motorsport which was created group chats as a way to sell our
sponsors in the National finals, brand to people our own age who
» Blaze’s brand identity of passionate,
bright, bold colours and Resilience inspired by Flappy are in neighbouring schools.
Bird to prove that girls
can code.
The app is
12.2 RESEARCH AND ASSUMPTIONS 12.7 USP IDENTIFICATION downloadable on the We designed filters on Instagram for
» We carefully focused on our and other team’s (using to identify After thorough consideration, we had to identify our Unique Selling Point (USP), which sets us play store and can our younger viewers to enjoy. Our
them) social media frequency, mode (text or video), and content, to understand which were apart from other teams. Our main USP was “resilient young all girls team” followed by the other easily be accessed by filters portray our team identity with
gaining the most traction and why. The most successful teams posted infrequently but narratives listed in 12.5. This helped us to get our followers to engage with our story and what typing in Blaze Race the fire on the person’s cheeks and
upped the frequency around critical milestones, particularly competitions, so we successfully we stand for. App into the search the diamond-shaped sunglasses.
adopted the same approach while ensuring to create a schedule and post accordingly. bar, or scanning the We mainly have our filters to reach
QR code on the right! a larger community where anyone
» As part of the Digital marketing funnel, we decided to dedicate September-January towards
can use our filters.
awareness, interest & consideration. Raising profile and interest in F1 in Schools, Team Blaze
promoted existing sponsors and collaborators to gain more support from current and
prospective stakeholders. Closer to the competition, around February-June, we focused on
advocacy through Live events with FIA, Mission Uditi, racers and testimonials from stakeholders 12.8 EMAIL & WHATAPP MARKETING 12.14 SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYSIS Analysis for 10-16 May 2021
like Lil’ League Foundation, Sponsors, Suppliers etc. » Email marketing technique, and continuous updates of our journey in the school magazine We analysed the number of accounts
helped spread awareness about Team Blaze and F1 in schools. reached, insights, engagement
12.3 TARGET AUDIENCE » Private Whatsapp and email messages and invites to affiliates. and interactions. It helped us
Our digital media target audience comprised: » Content around our upcoming events, engagement activities competition and our narrative with connecting better with our
» Primary & Secondary school students age 9-19 years old at international schools, and private of gender parity. customers and prospects, identify
national schools. Motivated to support an all girls team from India, and potentially interested » This initiative was successful as we got our message across while also achieving increased the most effective strategies and
to participate in F1 in schools themselves. followership after every email and whatsapp message drive. create brand awareness through
» Adults, especially women, located in India so they can help us spread awareness to support » 15 new students, including one all girls team, signed up for the regional F1 in schools, after this highly competitive yet most
girls and encourage them to participate in STEM. They should be interested in education and our success, marketing efforts and various events we hosted.
equality. accessible marketing medium.
» Companies, particularly automotive, who can support us financially or in-kind. Our social
media ROI for existing sponsors would help us attract potential companies.
Instagram Twitter Facebook
Digital Media emerged as the key marketing medium to engage audiences during the
pandemic. Keeping this in mind, we focused mainly on high interaction activities. USP
identification made us stand out as a team and a thorough study helped us with defining a
content marketing plan with clear goals for frequency, channel, audience, and relevant F1 in
Schools & Team Blaze messages. This allowed us to post less frequently as per the defined
schedule, and achieve higher engagement rate (likes, retweets). We used multiple creative
marketing techniques such as WhatsApp, email etc. to cover all the four stages of digital marketing funnel. The Blaze app enhanced our digital marketing presence.


KEY POINTS: Examples of how Sustainability is embedded in all our work. SANITARY PRODUCTS
√ Sustainability strategy including environmental, social and economical factors Since we advocate using environment-friendly
1. Social Media posts included:
√ Our plan of action products, we did research. We realised that regular
a. The importance of the environment sanitary pads are polluting waterways and the
√ Implementing our strategy with companies such as mission uditi
b. The way F1 was moving to greener more sustainable engines marine world as well as being more expensive, so
c. The way technologies developed in F1 were benefitting society like the way F1 60% of the pads we purchased biodegradable cotton
technology was used in incubator design to treat the Covid Pandemic.
d. Girl Empowerment!


F1 in schools main objective and our’s too - is to raise young people’s interest in Science, We made our merchandise from sustainable materials. For example, for our tote bags,
we decided on using canvas, a sustainable fabric made with natural fibers. Along with
Technology, Engineering, and mathematics. But today isn’t possible to imagine working in our steel-reusable Blaze bottles. 13.6 PAD DRIVE (SOCIAL AND ECONOMICAL PURPOSE)
these fields without being committed to sustainability. » We collaborated with Mission - Uditi to distribute sanitary pads, supporting women's health
and menstrual hygiene.
We are advocates for sustainability and used the F1 in schools platform to do so. We chose to
» Staying safe we conducted virtual Go-fund-Mes, raising 11,000 rupees to buy
collaborate with our existing sponsors and partners to promote sustainability, since we had environmentally-friendly sanitary products for underprivileged women, distributed by our
aligned visions about saving the environment. sponsor ALP.
» We were able to provide 2,940 pads to a women’s NGO in Punjab via Mission Uditi.
To support girls/women with providing education, sanitation and social rights using
our 3 pillars to implement our goal in our work:

3. Advocacy:
Q&A session with the teams taking part in F1 in Schools Regional competition to share
our learning, and support girls participation, as well as informing other teams of the
Environmental Social Economical
importance of sustainability, and the ways we implemented it. We gave them ideas, on
ways to be sustainable and had interesting conversations about the same.
» We modelled robust » We identified issues » To show that
environmental practice that were particularly business and 4. Pit Display:
in all our work, through prevalent and economic growth is One of the many important contributions of our wonderful sponsor Swift was that they
activities such as: impacted marginalised necessary to provide reused all the materials used to build our pit display for future projects.
We worked with our sponsors’ Corporate Social Responsibility teams
» Not using single-use groups and girls growing populations
on the second sustainability goal of zero hunger. Sharan provides rice
plastics and printing » We wanted to with better education and lentils to the poor, and we worked together to raise funds for 500
less. make a statement or healthcare biodegradable plates and spoons. We joined hands with ALP’s trust
to provide 2500 meals to migrant workers who were returning home
» Using Mission and be seen to be » It should support
by foot during lockdown. Working with our sponsors on sustainability
Uditi to promote comfortable talking the community, objectives improved our collaboration.
environmentally friendly about social problems environment, talent
sanitary pads. such as poverty and and culture, and use
malnutrition on our human and material
channels resources optimally
produced materials FACTOR)
to manufacture our » That’s why we were so » We benefited from Connecting to the food donation drive, we tied up with Project
merchandise. pleased to collaborate covid restrictions to Skar of Mumbai (who have donated 50,000 masks) to raise
on the workshop on reduce our collective money and donate reusable, recyclable and washable
» Re-using existing masks to migrants. Reusable shields were donated where it
menstrual health and carbon footprint.
items and materials to was difficult to wear masks as they walked down hundreds
package our car. of kilometres in the heat back to their hometowns. This
would prevent polluting the environment and support the
community for health and safety.


» Model sustainability ourselves by re-using, delivering stock from biodegradable materials, To spread awareness and be vocal about menstrual hygiene, we conducted Instagram lives
13.4 BLAZE AND MISSION UDITI with Mission Uditi. We talked about F1 in schools, their vision and sustainability, and the drives we
and working in a way that does minimal harm to the climate.
» We collaborated with Mission Uditi to achieve our goal of providing girls/women sanitary were doing together.
» Utilise the platforms we constructed through F1 in Schools to discuss the significance of products in India.
» In our home country - India, 70 % of Indian mothers consider menstruation a shameful act,
» Encourage our supporters and accomplices to act reasonably. We generally took a and most girls in rural areas are not aware of menstruation until their first period.
gander at our accomplice's supportability methodology before consenting to work with
» Because of these shocking statistics, we believed that it was vital to support girls to maintain 13 EVALUATION
their comfort and hygiene. Sustainability was always part of blaze’s work, but it needed to be more direct, and show
» Motivate our family and friends to act in a sustainable manner since it isn't simply natural that all aspects of our work needed to be sustainable. We took the decision to move
» Our collaboration with Mission Uditi helped us conduct multiple activities and advocate
- it's an entire framework. to fully reusable recyclable merchandise; we encouraged sponsors and partners to act
about this topic.
sustainably, and we linked our focus on gender equality to social and economic issues.
Team Identity & Pit Display
We embedded the team colors, logo, and brand through all project
√ Defining our team name, colours and logo. elements. We created a format that represented youthfulness, passion, Health and
Prototypes Team Identity Budget Sustainability Time constraints Technology Evidence
√ Displaying how our team identity was embedded in all project and energy while making it professional and consistent. We displayed Safety issues
elements. our team identity in everything we made or used.
Merchandise, Can be assembled
√ Our pit display design process including constraints, sustainability, Portfolio’s Social Media layouts Loud and Banner, glass
75,000 materials used to in 1 hour and a half; Ipads placed
budget, identity and safety. 1 covers almost cabinet, Image A
INR make the base of takes a week to pre- with videos.
30% of the pit spotlights
the pit. construct.

14.1 TEAM NAME Merchandise, Can be assembled in Screens

Loud and
Spotlights, 150,000 materials used to 1 hour and 20 minutes; placed
Shakespeare wrote; “What's in a name?” For Blaze, everything. We are young, bold, bright, 2 covers almost Image B
banner INR make the base of takes a week to pre- with video
driven and we will fall and get back up again. We wanted a team name that would portray 80% of the pit
the pit. construct. marketing.
that which is why we decided on Blaze for our team name.
Merchandise, Interactive
Can be assembled
Loud and materials used to panels with
14.2 TEAM COLOURS 200,000 in an hour; takes 5
3 covers almost Spotlights make the base games and Image C
We used intrepid colours - red, yellow, and orange, signifying burning fire, which is a INR working days to pre-
Merchandise Sponsorship Approach 100% of the pit of the pit and our visual video
significant part of our Team Brand. construct
interaction game. marketing.
» Red: Triggers an instinctive response and mighty characteristics of passion, courage,
youth, aggression, and fierceness, energy all of which made it the obvious choice for
being the predominant colour in the logo. It gestures that we are the youngest, strongest,
and most enthusiastic team in a specific race.
» Yellow: With a ray of optimistic enthusiasm, optimism, passion, enthusiasm, and
enlightenment is a tint of the colour yellow signifies. It spurs one's mind into action and
is the colour of warmth, motivation, and creative thinking.
» Black: added elegance and sophistication to our bold colours. This colour evokes
emotions of dynamism, including elegance. Evoked emotions of elegance, sophistication,
strength and dynamism. Website Our final Regional
Pit Display
Nationals prototype Brainstorming our
14.3 - LOGO DEVELOPMENT sketch Regional’s Pit

Our Car Team Identity

World Finals World Finals

Prototype B World Finals Final
The phoenix: Prototype A
The centrepiece of our logo is the phoenix, which in mythology rises from the ashes,
symbolises our determination to recover from any setback and soar like a bird. The
centrepiece of our logo is the phoenix, which in mythology is reborn from the ashes of
flames of death. It symbolises eternity, strength, power, resilience and our determination
Uniforms INSPIRATION AND » Used a combination of Fusion 360 and 3DS Max to create it.
to recover from any setback and soar like a bird. Blazes Phoenix is the fire of our passion
and the flame of our inspiration. Visual identity is really important and RESEARCH » Swift, mentored us through the process and we learned techniques such as applying textures and
we wanted the best finish on our cars’ experimenting with lighting tools that were beyond fusion 360 and 3D Max.
We reviewed
Prototype 1 : paintwork, which is why we were delighted » Constructed multiple interactive games for the pit using this!
successful pits of
The first logo had our two critical elements, our mascot - the mighty phoenix along to have HOP paint our car. The finish was
smooth and bold, conveying our bright the world finals Interactive games and screens
with a touch of Formula one racing - a wheel. This design was quite impressive with a
hint of youthfulness, but we looked for something more straightforward, with a hint of colours much clearer. Due to COVID-19, and identified
Interactive elements in our Pit Display included:
sophistication. HOP was closed therefore we got our car factors that
painted from EMW. » A small photo booth system! It would have a Team Blaze Snapchat filter, and you could click a
made them stand picture. Later, we would review the top 3 pictures and they would receive Team blaze merchandise!
Prototype 2 : Brand needs to run right the way through out. We studied
your design. For Blaze this meant even our » Blaze Race app! It was easy to play, yet competitive which engaged both adults and young teens.
This logo turned out acceptably since we gave it a simpler look with a gradient shade of the regulations
colours. We gradually acknowledged it did not have that blast look to it and began once tool box that we carried around, had our » A short video, playing the endorsements we got from celebrities like Suresh Raina, where the video
Team Blaze logo on it. and conducted got over 300,000 views!
again, once and for all.
Our uniform was inspired by the black » A reaction racing game! There were 2 buzzers and once they were pressed the reaction time would
Final Logo : and red Team Blaze palette and from the brainstorming come on the timers attached! For every 15 games played, 500 biodegradable pads would be
After a survey with 100 participants including stakeholders, friends and family, we zeroed classic F1 driver jumpsuit. Sponsors and sessions to do so. donated to Mission Uditi!
back on our initial nationals logo for displaying our team identity and representing us. collaborators were strategically placed
Our name carried high by the mighty phoenix depicted power, energy, and resilience.. We on the front of the uniform and the arms,
made sure the track was on fire with our energy, our logo. It had better recall value due to
its boldness and simplicity of texture, it was easy to replicate on different mediums and
keeping in mind the virtual environment. We
realised that many logos would not be visible due to recording angles
easily convertible into monologo. San-serif font used in logo and the portfolios signifies and therefore we placed those logos on our promotional backgrounds We refreshed our brand-identity for the world finals, for a more professional brand identity. We implemented our
youth and modernism.We chose San Serif because the clean lines and sharp edges are as well. FIA Women in Motorsports and Maserati were given prominence identity through all project elements, and had re-call value ; our identity was engraved in everything we did! We
able to render out more clearly on a screen which increases legibility for users. as they resonate with our image of bold young women in STEM. considered aspects such as time constraints, identity, budget, and sustainability while creating our pit display.

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