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Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2012) 37:45–51

DOI 10.1007/s10484-011-9175-9

Increased Muscle Activation Following Motor Imagery During

the Rehabilitation of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Florent Lebon • Aymeric Guillot • Christian Collet

Published online: 30 November 2011

 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract Motor imagery (MI) is the mental representation muscular properties recovery following motor impairment.
of an action without any concomitant movement. MI has MI may thus be considered a reliable adjunct therapy to help
been used frequently after peripheral injuries to decrease injured patients to recover motor functions after recon-
pain and facilitate rehabilitation. However, little is known structive surgery of ACL.
about the effects of MI on muscle activation underlying the
motor recovery. This study aimed to assess the therapeutic Keywords Motor imagery  Anterior cruciate ligament 
effects of MI on the activation of lower limb muscles, as well Electromyography  Motor rehabilitation
as on the time course of functional recovery and pain after
surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). Twelve
patients with a torn ACL were randomly assigned to a MI Introduction
or control group, who both received a series of physio-
therapy. Electromyographic activity of the quadriceps, pain, The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) torn is one of the most
anthropometrical data, and lower limb motor ability were serious injuries that might occur during sporting activities
measured throughout a 12-session therapy. The data pro- (Derscheid and Feiring 1987; Roos et al. 1995). Recon-
vided evidence that MI elicited greater muscle activation, structive surgery is usually well-adapted in case of severe
even though imagery practice did not result in pain decrease. injury of the ACL to reconstruct the ligament with different
Muscle activation increase might originate from a redistri- techniques including hamstring or patellar tendon graft
bution of the central neuronal activity, as there was no (Lemaire or Kenneth Jones techniques) before a long period
anthropometric change in lower limb muscles after imagery of physical rehabilitation. However, the effects of post sur-
practice. This study confirmed the effectiveness of inte- gical pain and effusion, combined with decreased function of
grating MI in a rehabilitation process by facilitating the knee, result in reduced muscle activation in the early
recovery from ACL surgery. Therefore, the combination of
these factors after surgery results in muscle atrophy and force
F. Lebon loss, especially in the quadriceps muscle. For instance,
Applied Clinical Neuroscience, Neurology Research Group,
Hortobagyi et al. (2000) reported a 47% quadriceps strength
Department of Medicine, Centre for Brain Research, University
of Auckland, 1142 Auckland, New Zealand loss after injury, albeit with only 11% due to the amyotrophy.
Immobilization is therefore likely to primarily affect the
A. Guillot  C. Collet (&) neural factors at the peripheral level (Häkkinen 1994;
Centre of Research and Innovation in Sport, EA 647, Mental
Kaneko et al. 2003). Functional changes may also occur at
Processes and Motor Performance, University Claude Bernard
Lyon I, University of Lyon, 27-29 Boulevard du 11 Novembre the central level as the motor cortex is reorganized during the
1918, 69622 Villeurbanne, France motionless period (Liepert et al. 1995). Motor imagery (MI)
e-mail: is a cognitive process during which the representation of an
action is mentally reproduced without any overt motor out-
A. Guillot
Institut Universitaire de France, 103 Boulevard Saint-Michel, put (Jeannerod 1995). Different types of MI can be described
75005 Paris, France and easily combined. While people commonly report that

46 Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2012) 37:45–51

using visual imagery and auditory imagery (for example, the and the MI program content received the agreement of the
rate and pace at which the movement is executed), kinaes- direction of the IRIS functional rehabilitation centre of
thetic imagery is defined as the set of sensations that match Lyon.
those generated during the execution of the movement, such The criteria to include patients in the experimental
as muscle tension, range of motion… More generally, it is paradigm were clearly defined. All underwent a successful
built on proprioceptive cues (Kosslyn et al. 1990). Although arthroscopic ACL reconstructive Kenneth Jones-technique
MI can involve selectively specific sensory information, it surgery using a central one-third of patellar tendon graft.
often combines several indices from different sensory sys- None showed other acute lower extremity trauma (e.g.,
tems, thus making MI a global sensory-motor experience, in meniscal damage, micro-fracture, medial, lateral or pos-
reference to perception. This technique has been shown to terior cruciate ligament injury). Nine participants had
substantially enhance motor rehabilitation, as well as regular sporting competitive activity, from departmental to
increase self-confidence and motivation of injured patients national level. The patients incurred right ACL injury
(e.g., Cramer et al. 2007). Studies demonstrated that imple- while participating in soccer (n = 5), skiing (n = 3),
menting MI during the classical course of physical therapy handball (n = 2) or other sport activities (n = 2). Personal
resulted in less anxiety and pain, assessed by questionnaires data related to individual technical characteristics of sur-
and interviews (Driediger et al. 2006; Evans et al. 2006; Law gery and to drug treatment were collected confidentially
et al. 2006; Milne et al. 2005; Sordoni et al. 2000), and further from the medical files.
facilitated motor function recovery following sport injuries
(Christakou and Zervas 2007; Christakou et al. 2006; Cupal Dependent Variables
and Brewer 2001; Green 1992; Heil 1993; Ievleva and Orlick
1991; Richardson and Latuda 1995; Sordoni et al. 2002; The data recordings of the test sessions are summarized in
Taylor and Taylor 1997). To the best of our knowledge, the Table 1.
study by Cupal and Brewer (2001) was the only research
focusing on the effect of MI after ACL injury. The main Self-Estimation of Pain
outcome measures were knee strength, re-injury anxiety, and
pain. The results showed greater knee strength and less The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used to assess pain,
re-injury anxiety and pain for the treatment group at 24 weeks before taking medication (Bodian et al. 2001). The patients
post-surgery than for placebo and control group participants. were requested to mark the perceived pain on an analog,
The authors concluded that relaxation and imagery sessions not graduated scale, representing the increasing pain from
facilitated motor recovery after ACL reconstructive surgery. the left to the right on a black line, 10 cm in length. The
However, measurements were recorded 24 weeks after the back of this analog scale was a numeric scale allowing the
surgery. It would have been interesting to assess muscle experimenter to change patient assessment into a numeric
activation during the first weeks post-surgery to explain the value from 0 (no pain) to 10 (severe pain). This procedure
mechanisms of these effects in greater details. prevented the patient to attach too much importance to
Based on the results mentioned above, the purpose of numerical values. The VAS offered a quick assessment of
the present study was to assess the therapeutic effects of MI pain, with a high correlation with pain measurement using
on electromyographic (EMG) activity, functional recovery, verbal and numeric pain-rating scales (Ekblom and Hans-
range of motion (ROM), and effusion resorption, as well as son 1988). Reliability and validity were previously
pain management, in athletes who have undergone addressed (Badia et al. 1999; Hoher et al. 1995).
arthroscopic ACL reconstructive surgery. We hypothesized
that a guided MI training program would contribute to EMG Recordings
improve motor recovery by increasing muscle activation
and decreasing pain. The activation of the right and left vastus medialis was
recorded using surface EMG electrodes positioned on the
belly of the muscles (YSY Est Evolution, France) during a
Methods maximal extension of the knee. Circular electrodes with a
diameter of 10 mm were placed with reference to con-
Participants ventional international recommendations (Hermens et al.
Twelve volunteers (10 men and 2 women), aged from 18 to While sitting on a chair with both arms on the chest, the
40 years (mean = 28.5 ± 5.0), gave their informed con- participants were instructed and verbally encouraged to
sent to take part to a 5-week motor rehabilitation program. perform two isometric maximal voluntary contractions
The medical team was closely involved in the experiment (iMVC), with the knee in full extension. The best attempt

Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2012) 37:45–51 47

Table 1 Time-table of physiological and psychological recordings

Session1: pre-test Session 4 Session 7 Session 10 Session 12: post-test

EMG activity EMG activity EMG activity EMG activity EMG activity
Anthropometric data Anthropometric data Anthropometric data
Pain Pain Pain
LEFS test LEFS test
During every test session, electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded. Anthropometric data, including knee effusion and thigh circum-
ference, were also considered as dependent variables. The Lower Extremity Functional Scale (LEFS) evaluated the individual ability of injured
participants to perform twenty daily activities

was kept for data processing, with a 5-min rest between the Difficulty’’ (level 2) and ‘‘A Little Bit of Difficulty’’ (level
2 contractions. Trials of the non-injured limb were first 3). The 5-point difficulty rating scale was selected to
attempted. Raw EMG signals were sampled at 2,048 Hz maximize the capacity of the scale to measure change.
before being processed. Then, the signal was filtered
(Butterworth order 4, band pass 10–500 Hz), and the root Anthropometrical Data
mean squared-value (EMG rms) was calculated using a
25 ms average time period. Before placing the EMG sur- Anthropometrical data of the injured leg were measured to
face sensors, the skin was shaved, abraded and cleaned be compared with the non-injured side, and to assess the
with alcohol swabs to improve the contact with the skin but magnitude of effusion resulting from surgery and amyot-
also to limit skin impedance. After each electrode place- rophy: (1) knee circumference was measured just above the
ment, manual muscle testing was performed to ensure the patella, (2) thigh circumference was measured 15 cm from
placement and appropriate related EMG signal. Electrode the superior edge of the patella, and (3) ROM of the knee
positioning was marked each time, to guarantee the accu- was assessed with a goniometer. All data were collected by
racy of EMG recordings during each test sessions (test and the same experimenter to prevent variability in the proce-
retest). EMG data were processed to test whether MI dures and ensure the validity of the measurement. Sensor
training elicited increase and improvement of muscle placement and MI sessions were nevertheless performed by
activation during the pre- and the post-tests and during the two different experimenters in order to make the assessors
intermediate sessions, i.e., sessions 4, 7 and 10. EMG blind to condition.
recordings were also used as control procedure during
mental training to check that the participants have not Procedure
associated muscle contraction—even tonic activity—while
mentally rehearsing. The participants were recruited on a rolling basis when
they received the surgery diagnostic. The criteria for
Motor Ability of Lower Limb inclusion in the study were: (1) to have undergone surgery
within a 6-month period, i.e., the duration of implementa-
The patients completed the Lower Extremity Functional tion of the experimental protocol, (2) to present an isolated
Scale (LEFS—Binkley et al. 1999) to evaluate their ability rupture of the ACL and (3) to benefit from reconstructive
to perform daily activities with their injured lower limb. surgery with the patellar tendon. Twelve patients fulfilling
The version of the scale consisted of 20 items. The intro- these conditions were included in the sample after they
ductory statement of the questionnaire states: ‘‘Today, do gave their informed consent. Each was randomly assigned
you or would you have any difficulty at all with:’’ followed in the MI group (7 patients) or in the control group
by a listing of the functional items (Binkley et al. 1999, (CTRL—5 patients). All initiated the rehabilitation pro-
p. 74). Test–retest reliability is high, i.e., 0.98 and 0.88, gram within a period of 7–12 days after surgery (mean =
when tested by both Watson et al. (2005) and Yeung et al. 8.1 ± 2.39).
(2009), respectively. The LEFS is also responsive to clin- The MI rehabilitation program ranged from 28 to
ical changes as shown by both studies. The participants 34 days (mean = 30 ± 2.02). Each participant underwent
filled out the questionnaire and rated from 0 (Extreme a total of 12 sessions. The sessions were arranged every
Difficulty or Unable to Perform Activity) to 4 (No Diffi- 2 days with every session lasting 15 min (whenever pos-
culty) the trouble they would have encountered if they had sible, as a function of the schedule of each patient).
to perform the movement physically. The maximal score Both groups received traditional rehabilitation sessions
could thus be 80. Three other intermediate levels were simultaneously (a 30-min every 2 days) with strengthen-
proposed, ‘‘Quite a Bit of Difficulty’’ (level 1), ‘‘Moderate ing exercises, massages, passive joint mobilization,

48 Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2012) 37:45–51

electrostimulation, cycling without strain and cryotherapy. difference between pre- and the post-rehabilitation periods.
The control group did not perform any mental training The results are presented as mean (standard deviation), and
based on movement, but was subjected to a neutral task the alpha level was set at P \ 0.05.
(e.g., mental calculation or crosswords) during equivalent
time along the physical therapy.
Motor Imagery Training
EMG Activity
The instructions were designed to make the patients using
kinesthetic imagery rather than pure visual MI. Kinesthetic First, the pre-test normalized EMG activity was similar in
imagery is more likely to provide better somesthetic bio- the MI and the CTRL groups (Z = -0.24, P [ 0.05), data
feedback from joint and muscles (Hale 1982; Ranganathan being 9.11 (6.74) and 8.10 (5.54), respectively. Even
et al. 2002) and to better increase corticomotor excitability, though both groups showed an increased in the muscular
primarily at the supraspinal level (Stinear et al. 2006). activity at the end of the recovery therapy, the Wilcoxon
During the MI sessions, the participants were sited with the test revealed a significant difference between MI and
legs extended to preserve physiological activation, favor- CTRL groups during the last test session (Z = -2.35,
able to MI efficiency (Holmes and Collins 2001). As sug- P = 0.02, Fig. 1), normalized activity being 85.36 (28.12)
gested by Rushall and Lippman (1998) and Louis et al. and 51.56 (18.81), respectively.
(2011), relaxation is not essential to MI training, and may
even limit its benefits when the ultimate imagery outcome Pain
is to improve learning and motor performance. In other
words, relaxation was only used during initial imagery A significant pain decrease was observed between S1 and
sessions to help the participants to reduce interferences S12 in both groups, but there was no group significant dif-
from distractions just before using MI, but they were then ference at the last session, mean score being 0.21 (0.39) in the
requested to increase their arousal level as they would do MI group and 1.20 (1.25) in the CTRL group (Z = -1.54,
during physical performance (Guillot and Collet 2008; P [ 0.05, NS; ES (d) = 0.03, trivial effect, [-1.05, 1.12]).
Louis et al. 2011). The participants were instructed to
perceive muscle contractions and joint tension while Anthropometric Measures
imagining maximal isometric contraction of a full knee
extension during 10 s, without moving. Each participant Increased ROM of the knee was measured in the MI and
was thus clearly instructed not to contract their muscle CTRL groups, the respective difference between the last
during MI sessions. They performed 3 blocks of 10 and the first session being 37.86 (14.10) and 30.00 (7.91).
imagined contractions, with a 10-s rest period between The difference did not reach significance (Z = -0.99,
rehearsals and 2-min rest period between blocks. The
physiotherapists who undertook the physical care were
blinded to the first part of the session (i.e., MI or neutral
cognitive task). To check whether the participants did not
contract their muscles during MI trials, EMG recordings
were performed continuously during training.

Data Analysis

Due to the number of participants and as the distribution

was not Gaussian, only non-parametric tests were per-
formed. The EMG rms of the injured limb was normalized
to the contralateral healthy limb values to allow compari-
son between them, i.e., within-subject comparison. First,
the Mann and Whitney test compared both groups during
the pre-test. The Wilcoxon signed-ranks test was carried Fig. 1 Increase in normalized electromyographic (EMG) activity
out to compare the evolution of the dependent variables along the time course of the experiment (from Session 1 to Session
12). EMG activity of the vastus medialis of the injured limb was
during test sessions (Sessions 1, 4, 7, 10 and 12). The effect
normalized to EMG of the contralateral limb. EMG activity in the
sizes (ES) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were also motor imagery (MI) group was significantly higher during the last
calculated using Cohen’s d (Cohen 1988) on the mean session than that recorded in the control (CTRL) group. *P \ 0.05

Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2012) 37:45–51 49

P [ 0.05, NS), but the effect size was large (ES (d) = 0.8, profound impairment of quadriceps strength 1 month after
[-0.4, 1.9]). surgery, due to their impossibility to command the muscle
The data related to the effusion reduction did not reveal activation voluntarily, as the joint remained immobilized.
significant group difference (Z = -0.51, P [ 0.05, NS), To a lesser extent, this was also influenced by muscle
mean differences between the circumference of the injured amyotrophy. By monitoring neuromuscular changes of the
and the contralateral knee being 0.93 cm (1.17) and 1 cm knee extensors early after ACL reconstruction, Drechsler
(0.77) in the MI and CTRL groups, respectively (large et al. (2006) observed that the restoration of voluntary
effect size, ES (d) = 0.7, [-1, 1.16]). activation was achieved by 3 months after surgery in most
Finally, measures of the thigh circumference during the cases. Nevertheless, the muscle weakness often persisted.
last session provided evidence of a significant muscle Electrophysiological data (EMG median frequency and
amyotrophy in both groups, even though the group differ- amplitude) suggested changes in the patterns of activation
ence was not significant (Z = -0.49, P [ 0.05, NS). The and motor units recruitment of large, fast contracting muscle
mean amplitude of the circumference decrease was fibers, 1 and 3 months after surgery.
1.57 cm (2.30) in the MI group and 2.25 cm (1.90) in the The evolution of the EMG activity during the rehabili-
CTRL group (small effect size, ES (d) = 0.3 [-0.8, 1.4]). tation period revealed a larger increase in the MI group as
compared to the CTRL group after the 7th MI session. The
LEFS Scores use of kinesthetic MI might have influenced the modulation
of these physiological properties, hence resulting in higher
No significant difference was observed between the two EMG activity. As shown by Stinear et al. (2006), kines-
groups (Z = -0.274, P [ 0.05, NS). The mean score thetic MI, but not visual MI, modulates the corticomotor
during the last session was 49.00 (7.82) in the MI group excitability, primarily at the supraspinal level. MI
and 48.80 (10.70) in the CTRL group (small effect size, ES instructions should therefore be carefully controlled before
(d) = 0.28 [-0.8, 1.4]). engaging in MI to ensure its effectiveness in enhancing
motor recovery.
While imagery has been extensively, albeit not system-
Discussion atically, found to manage and decrease pain (e.g., Cupal and
Brewer 2001; Driediger et al. 2006; Evans et al. 2006; Law
The main result of this study showed that muscle activation et al. 2006, see also Moseley 2006; Moseley et al. 2008), the
increased from the pre- to the post-test in both groups, and present study failed to replicate this result. At first glance,
the activity was significantly greater in the MI group after these findings seem somewhat inconsistent, and might be
the rehabilitation program, than in the control group. These due to the content of the MI scripts, which primarily
data support previous findings demonstrating the effec- focused on motor recovery processes, and only integrated
tiveness of MI on strength gain (Yue and Cole 1992; pain management during the first sessions. Moreover, the
Ranganathan et al. 2004) and on the limitation of force loss participants received strong analgesic treatments during
after immobilization (Newsom et al. 2003). However, the the first week following surgery, hence possibly limiting the
relationship to muscle strength and EMG activity was not effect of mental practice on pain management. It was
established in this study. Despite the limitation of surface therefore difficult to interpret the lack of MI effect, as the
EMG to examine muscle force (due to muscle factors, self-evaluation by the patients may have been directly
recordings and analysis components, see Dowling 1997), biased by the medical analgesic treatment. Somehow, the
the greater increase in EMG activity following MI training absence of significant difference strengthened the higher
might be related to central activation modulation. Based on level of EMG activity in the MI group, which did not
the functional equivalence between MI and motor perfor- depend on lower pain during voluntary contractions.
mance (Decety et al. 1994; Lotze et al. 1999), and the As expected, the quadriceps size changed along the
similar cortical reorganization following MI and physical rehabilitation period, i.e., its circumference decreased
training, Ranganathan et al. (2004) explained the increase similarly in both groups due to muscle atrophy. This result
in the elbow flexor and digiti minimi adductor muscles’ confirms that MI may influence neural but not structural
strength after MI by the enhancement of the cortical output modulations (Ranganathan et al. 2004; Zijdewind et al.
signal, which could drive the muscles to higher activation 2003). Yue and Cole (1992) stated that strength gain fol-
level. lowing MI training was associated with increase in EMG
Moreover, the association of strength loss and decrease in activity which was dependent upon changes in motoneu-
the pattern of EMG activity with immobilization was highly rons, interneurons and reflex pathways activities. MI
correlated to muscle activation level. Mizner et al. (2005) practice activates motor cortex areas (Decety et al. 1994;
reported that patients who underwent knee arthroplasty had Lotze et al. 1999) and facilitates the excitability of neural

50 Appl Psychophysiol Biofeedback (2012) 37:45–51

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and Zervas (2007) who did not found any MI effect on guided imagery on knee strength, reinjury anxiety, and pain
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amplitude being limited by the effusion. However, the representations with positron emission tomography. Nature, 371,
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cally, MI might influence the recovery of muscle activity, 261–271.
thus supporting the MI efficiency on strength gain and lim- Ekblom, A., & Hansson, P. (1988). Pain intensity measurements in
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