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Operating Systems
Dr. Youssef Iraqi
College of Computing



• Need for Operating Systems

• Computer System Components
• What is an Operating System?
• History of Operating Systems
• Operating Systems Types
• Operating System Concepts
• Operating System Structure

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Need for Operating Systems

• Why do we need operating systems?

• To shield programmers and users from the complexity of the ‘bare’
machine (hardware)
• Ex: how does ‘bare’ machine read file from disk?
• Find location of file records, move disk heads, rotate disk, etc.
• How does user read file from disk in system with OS?
• User: ‘Open file’ command
• OS does the rest
• sends detailed commands to disk and other devices

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Computer System Components

A computer system consists of

• hardware
• system programs
• application programs

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Computer System Components

• Physical devices
• integrated circuits - processor, memory, registers, disks, displays, keyboard,
• Microarchitecture
• primitive software in read-only memory or hardwired
• fetch instructions and carry them out as a series of steps
• ex: ADD R1, R2 ; add register R1 to R2
• read operands R1 & R2, send them to ALU, store result in R2
• Machine Language
• set of instructions that microarchitecture interprets

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Computer System Components

• System Programs
• Operating system
• hides hardware complexity from user and programmer
• runs in ‘kernel’ (‘supervisor’) mode
• protected from user tampering by hardware
• Compiler, command interpreter (shell), editors
• run in ‘user’ mode - unable to access hardware directly
• may be changed by user
• Application Programs
• word processing, spreadsheets, multimedia, custom-designed, etc.

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What is an Operating System?

• It is an extended machine
• provides simpler and more abstract interface to hardware
• abstraction makes application software more machine independent

• It is a resource manager
• provides orderly and controlled allocation of resources to programs
competing for them
• resources: hardware (processor, memory, I/O) and software
• keeps track of who is using what resource
• grants resource, accounts for usage, mediates conflicting requests

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History of Operating Systems

• First generation computers (1945-1955)

• vacuum tubes computers
• programming in machine language (1’s and 0’s)
• no programming languages
• no operating systems

• Second generation computers (1955-1965)

• transistors computers, punch cards
• programs in assembly language or FORTRAN
• batch system
• executing series of non-interactive jobs all at one time
• primitive OS that interprets control cards

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History of Operating Systems

• Early batch system (in photo)

• bring cards to 1401 and read cards to tape
• put tape on 7094 which does computing
• put tape on 1401 which prints output
• Modern batch processing

• way that credit card companies process billing


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History of Operating Systems

Figure 1-3. Structure of a typical FMS job.

1.2.3 The Third Generation (1965-1980) ICs and

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By the early 1960s, most computer manufacturers had two distinct, and totally
10 incompatible, product lines. On the one hand there were the word-oriented, large-scale
scientific computers, such as the 7094, which were used for numerical calculations in
science and engineering. On the other hand, there were the character-oriented, commercial
computers, such as the 1401, which were widely used for tape sorting and printing by
banks and insurance companies.

Developing and maintaining two completely different product lines was an expensive
proposition for the manufacturers. In addition, many new computer customers initially
needed a small machine but later outgrew it and wanted a bigger machine that would run
all their old programs, but faster.

IBM attempted to solve both of these problems at a single stroke by introducing the

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History of Operating Systems

• Third generation computers (1965-1980)

• Integrated Circuits (ICs) computers
• family of computers - different only in price, performance
• same instruction set, compatible software, same operating system
• enormous and complex OS to meet conflicting requirements
• multiprogramming
• partition memory with different job in each partition
• while one job wait for I/O, another job could use CPU
• spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line)
• input spooling - read jobs from cards onto disk and when running job finished,
OS load a new job from disk
• timesharing
• sharing CPU by many jobs - each job uses CPU for fraction of time

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History of Operating Systems

• Fourth generation computers (1980-)

• Large and Very Large Scale Integration (LSI and VLSI)
• Personal Computers and Workstations
• User-friendly software
• OS: MS-DOS & Windows for PCs; Unix for Workstations
• Network of computers
• Network Operating System
• explicit access to multiple computers and their resources
• Distributed Operating Systems
• system appears to user as a single machine
• new OS techniques are needed

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Operating Systems Types

• Mainframe operating systems

• Processing many jobs at once with large I/O
• Server operating systems
• Multiple users over a network. Share resources.
• Multiprocessor operating systems
• Special features for communication and connectivity
• Personal computer operating systems
• Good interface to a single user
• Real-time operating systems
• Response time is a key parameter
• Embedded operating systems
• Size, memory, power restrictions (PDA, mobile phone, etc.)
• Smart card operating systems
• Severe processing and memory constraints

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