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53rd Annual Juneteenth Jubilee Parade

Wednesday June 19, 2024

"Our History, Our Culture, Our Village"


Dear 53rd Annual Juneteenth Jubilee Parade Volunteer,

Thank you for being a part of history as Northcott Neighborhood House presents the 53rd Annual
Juneteenth Jubilee Parade. This year's theme is "Our History, Our Culture, Our Village," and we
want everyone to be involved in Juneteenth because this is an historical holiday for all.

Milwaukee is home to one of the longest running Juneteenth Day celebrations in the country. Our
parade will be televised live on TMJ4 from 9 AM to 11 AM, and the historic parade route steps off
at 14th & Atkinson Ave. and ends at Dr. MLK Jr. Drive & Locust St.

This year we are looking for more volunteers to help with the Juneteenth Jubilee Parade. We are
requesting a 3-hour minimum of volunteerism. We will need volunteers beginning at 7 AM to
assist with the parade line-up and as late at 2 PM to assist with cleaning up along the parade route.

If you or your organization is interested in volunteering, please complete the sign-up form
and return your completed application out to:

George Akpan & Nicole Goins

Co-Chairs of Juneteenth Jubilee Parade

We would like to thank you in advance for your participation and we look forward to you joining
us as we celebrate on Wednesday June 19, 2024.

Warm regards,

Tony A. Kearney, Sr.

Northcott Neighborhood House Executive Director & Juneteenth President
Description of Requirements & Basic Duties of General Parade Volunteer
● Must be 18 years or older
● Answer questions from parade participants and spectators (Don't worry, we will help you
with answers to commonly asked questions)
● Be firm, but friendly. You will help keep the parade route clear of obstacles. For the
safety of everyone, volunteers will help maintain the curb line, preventing spectators
from moving into the street.
● Be available for check-in at 7:00 AM until 2:00 PM (if you are on the clean-up team)
● Be pleasant, helpful and willing to have fun. Most people who attend our parade are
well-behaved. So, your job is often not very difficult, meaning you will have more fun.

Parade Volunteer Captains

● Requires walking the entire parade route of 1.4 miles (Approx. 30 min walk)
● Overseeing a division of approximately 8-10 participating units marching in the parade
down Atkinson Ave. and Dr. MLK Jr. Drive.
● Must be a mature adult due to the need to be able to confront situations which may
require the involvement of a mature adult.
● Reporting time is 7:00 AM and lasts until approximately 1:30 PM depending on place in
the line-up (Your shift could end sooner if assigned to units closer to the front of the
● We could use as many as 15 individuals in this role.

Volunteer Type
o General parade volunteer
o Parade volunteer captain
Select T-Shirt Volunteer Team
o Small
o Medium o Registration & Check-In Team (7:00 AM - 10:00 AM)
o Large o Step Off & Street Team (7:00 AM - End of Parade)
o X-Large o End of Route Team (9:00 AM - End of Parade)
o XX-Large o Clean-Up Team (11:00 AM - 2:00 PM)
o XXX-Large o All Day Team (7:00 AM - 2:00 PM)
Volunteer Participants:

Name____________________________________________ Shirt Size______________________

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Signature______________________________________ Date_________________

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