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To: Bob Basil, Instructor, Kwantlen Polytechnic University

From: Ravanjit Gosal, Student ID# 100165004
Date: 20-Jan-2019
Subject: Idea Generation Assignment

At your request, I am writing this memo to propose two term projects from the generated list of
ideas for a CMNS 3000 individual organization and TSX-V Exchange Company project.

Our CMNS 3000 class has been asked to select two term project ideas from the generated list of
ideas from individual organization and TSX-V Exchange Company. I have compiled the
following criteria to assess the project ideas. I have selected the following two project ideas:

1. (#2) -Kwantlen Polytechnic University does not offer on-campus housing for its students.
2. (#31) - Evaluate marketing strategy at Absolute Software Corporation.

1. (#2) Kwantlen Polytechnic University does not offer on-campus housing for its students

Kwantlen Polytechnic University has taken an initiative to provide students off campus housing
information on their website. It provides useful information to students on renting options as well
as transportation details. The rental and house market price in British Columbia has increased
and affording off campus rental place has become an issue for students. While the university has
taken a good initiative to help domestic and international students to provide off campus renting
information, but the university currently have no plans in place for student to offer on campus
housing. Despite the university has taken the initiative to help both domestic and
international students with information regarding off campus rental information, there are no
current plans in place for students being offered on campus housing

Project Analysis

Direct effect on my education

For a college student, having a comfortable and an affordable place to live can have a large
impact on their ability to focus and study as well as other day-to-day responsibility affect
student’s focus on study. On campus housing could brings numerous benefits to students such as
an easy access to campus resources, academic support from other fellow students and most
importantly creating a stable and reliable place to live in.

Research Opportunity

Preliminary research indicates that Kwantlen Polytechnic University has taken the initiative to
build on campus housing but the provincial government has restricted it. Proposed primary
research would include interview with the kwantlen student association to assess if the
management is considering any further actions for on campus housing. Secondary research
would include analyzing other comparable universitiesy who offer on campus housing to

2. (#31) - Evaluate marketing strategy at Absolute Software Corporation


Absolute Software Corporation provides endpoint security and data risk management solutions
for commercial, healthcare, education and government customers. Absolute Software Corp is
fast growing company and their main head office is based in vancouver, BC. The scope of this
project would include evaluating the current marketing strategy at Absolute Software

Project Analysis

 Network Benefits

Absolute Software Corporation is rapidly growing business and is located in Vancouver, BC. It
will be great opportunity for me to increase networking locally and learn more about technology.

I need to pick one more criteria from the following list….Any suggestion?

Direct effect on my Education?

• Helpful to my career and/or that of my classmates? •
• Useful Research Opportunity?
• Entrepreneurial Possibilities?
• Satisfies a personal goal (friend’s goal; family goal)? • Appropriate, useful real world
• Worthwhile cause?

I will look forward to your comments and suggestions regarding the evaluation of these project
options. You can contact me at

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