Change Over Time

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‘Death of a Naturalist’ Compared to ‘The Prelude’

Plot Messsage Context

Similarities Differences Similarities Differences Similarities Differences
Both looking back at P - No dramatic turning point. Both refer to how D of N - As we grow older we Both poets grew up P - Romantic movement -
childhood There is only a slight sense of wonderful childhood understand more of the world - in the countryside - power of imagination
“melancholy”, when was: children are free. see the ‘ugly’ part of nature Autobiographical
Both about the countryside Wordsworth realises that he P - 1898
won’t be able to recapture his Loss of childhood P - We can’t recapture, go back, Both wrote as adults D of N - 1966
Both positive memories - youth innocence to our youth
childhood activities Both inspired by P - Lake District
D of N - Resembles the poets Appreciation of nature D of N - Innocence is lost as we their past D of N - Rural Ireland
growing up and losing his love grow up experiences
for nature

P - Winter
D of N - Spring/Summer

Language Structure Tone

Similarities Differences Similarities Differences Similarities Differences
Both give vivid imagery of D of N - Army imagery - Both is chronological D of N - Longer 1st stanza as he Both show sadness D of N - Peaceful at the
nature, animals, seasons negative - “grenades” - violent order - just like a is more passionate about nature of their youth fading start and then it is
and the country side effect memory when he was younger; but the - loss of innocence aggressive at the end
2nd stanza is shorted to symbolising the loss of
Both use onomatopoeia, D of N - The Irish colloquial Both use enjambment resemble the loss of innocence Both celebrate innocence
such as: D of N - Gargling language, for example: - freedom - nature
and P - “Hissed” “mammy”, shows that he was excitement P - Snapshot of happiness - no P - Tranquil throughout the
young. change poem

P - Remains positive D of N - Blank Verse - line 21 “in

throughout the poem, with only rain” - symbolises that change is
a slight sense of sadness after about to come and it is a
line 13 of the poem metaphor for the rain washing
away innocence

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