Designing Hook Experiences C

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Designing Hook Experiences

Name: __Colleen Morisette______ Classroom: _____Jets______________

Lesson Overview: How do you anticipate the children will explore with the materials? What do
you think they will do? What COULD happen?

I think that the Jets will approach the materials like normal. With an open mind. They will use
all of their senses to explore what is Infront of them. There is the potential that they will not be

Lesson Plan Objectives: what do I INTEND for the children to explore?

Movement in water

● What are the CHILDREN doing? What is your explorable question? Ideally, children
should be able to loop back to this question in their exploration
○ What are the different patterns that water make when moving it around with
various objects?

● What is the TEACHER doing? How are you asking children to engage with the explorable
question? Write 3 ways to ask: how; what; where)
○ HOW: using the bottles and gems to move water around, as well as their hands
○ WHAT: the movement of water
○ WHERE: At the water table
● How are you DOCUMENTING? What tools are you using for documenting the
○ Notes after the exploration is done
● What is NEW about the experience? Is it the materials, the physical space, or
set-up of familiar materials?
Nothing is new. The students are still exploring movement in water.

● Sketch it out–below sketch out what the experience will look like, highlighting the new
and the questions for each of the three experiences

What are the different patterns that water make when moving it around with various objects?

Schemas anticipated:
Positioning and Transporting/Transforming
Below: At least 3 ways to stage the environment to discover more. Include materials, location, and questions for each.
1.Materials: 2.Location: 3.Questions:
More water Outside How do you see that the water is
Bigger bin moving?
Shovels Do you like it when the water is
Rubber ducks still (not moving), or when it is
Food dye swooshing around?
How did you move the water?
What made you do that?

1. What part of this lesson experience went well?

a. The Jets love the water table, so it was no problem getting them to stick around

and move the water around.

2. What part of this lesson experience surprised you?

a. I was surprised by their interest in the subject.

3. If you could change anything, what would it be and why?

a. I would have brought in materials to add to the table for the students to use.

4. Do you feel the children engaged with the experience as you expected?

a. Yes, they did. The Jets love the water table!

5. Provide photos or documentation from your lesson implementation.

a. Unfortunately I was not able to get any photos from my own experience,

however I can add photos of them at the water table if you would like!

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