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It is a mathematical expression denoted by the symbol I.

Mathematical definition of Moment of Inertia:

I = ∫ ρ2 dA

ρ = perpendicular distance from dA to the axis of inertia

Moment of Inertia about the X axis:

Ix = ∫ y2 dA

Moment of Inertia about the Y axis:

Iy = ∫ x2 dA

Units and Signs:

in4 or ft4 = dimensional unit of I.

For a net area, moment of Inertia must always be positive.

A positive area (one which adds to the area of a figure).
A negative area (one which reduces the area of the figure).
Polar Moment of Inertia
It is the moment of inertia for an area relative to a line or axis perpendicular
to the plane of the area. It is denoted by the symbol J.

Jz = ∫r2 dA
= ∫(x2 + y2) dA
= ∫x2 dA + ∫y2 dA
Jz = Ix + Iy

Radius of Gyration

Denoted by the symbol k (sometimes by r)

k= I_

I = Ak2


I = the moment of Inertia

A = cross-sectional area
Transfer Formula for Moment of Inertia
Is useful to transfer the moment of inertia from a centroidal axis, or vice

Ix = Ix + Ad2

Moments of inertia between parallel axes

This equation states that the moment of inertia with respect to any axis in
the plane of the area is equal to the moment of inertia with respect to a
parallel centroidal axis plus a transfer term composed of the product of the
area multiplied by the square of the distance between the axes.
Moments of Inertia for Composite Areas
It is the sum of the moments of inertia of its component parts.
Table 1: Moments of Inertia for Geometric Shapes
When the geometric shape is the cross section of a structural element such
as an angle or channel, use the values on table 2.

Table 2: Properties of Structural Sections


1. A rectangle is 3” x 6”. Determine the polar moment of inertia and radius

of gyration with respect to a polar axis through one corner.


6 X

Ix = bh3 = 6(3)3 = 54 in4 (Moment of inertia about the x-axis)

3 3

Iy = hb3 = 3(6)3 = 216 in4 (Moment of inertia about the y-axis)

3 3

Polar Moment of Inertia

J = Ix + Iy
= 54 + 216
J = 270 in4

Radius of Gyration

k= I_

= 270_
√ (3)(6)

= 270_
√ 18

k = 3.87 in.

2. A hollow square cross section consists of an 8” x 8” square from which is

subtracted a concentrically placed square 4” x 4”. Find the polar moment of
inertia and the polar radius of gyration with respect to a Z axis passing
through one of the outside corners.

Solve for the Centroidal moment of inertia

I = bh3
= (BH3 - bh3)
= ((8)(8)3 -(4)(4)3)
= 320 in 4

I = Ix = Iy = 320 in4

Solve for the area:

A = (8)2 - (4)2
= 48 in2

Using transfer formula for moment of inertia

I = I + Ad2
= 320 + 48(4)2
= 1088 in4
I = Ix = Iy = 1088 in4
Polar Moment of Inertia
J = Iz = Ix + Iy
J= 1088 + 1088
J= 2176 in4

Radius of Gyration:

kz = I_

kz = 2176_
√ 48

kz = 6.73 in

3. Determine the moment of inertia of the area shown with respect to its
centroidal axes.

A1 = (12)(1) = 12 in2
A2 = (1)(12) = 12 in2
A3 = (6)(1) = 6 in2

y1 = 0.5 in
y2 =6 + 1 = 7 in
y3 =0.5 + 12 + 1 = 13.50 in

I = bh3

I1 = (12)(1)3 = 1 in4

I2 = (1)(12)3 = 144 in4


I3 = (6)(1)3 = 0.5 in4


Ay = A1y1 + A2y2 + A3y3

30y = (12)(0.5) + (12)(7) + (6)(13.5)

y = 6 + 84 + 81
y = 5.7 in

Transfer formula for moment of inertia

I = I + Ad2
Ix =( I1 + A1d12) + ( I2 + A2d22) + ( I3 + A3d32)
=(1 + (12)(y - 0.5)2) + (144 + (12)(7 - y )2) + (0.5 + (6)(13.5 - y )2)
=(1 + (12)(5.7-0.5)2) + (144 + (12)(7 - 5.7 )2) + (0.5 + (6)(13.5 - 5.7 )2)
=(1+ (12)(5.2)2) + (144 + (12)(1.3)2) + (0.5+(6)(7.8)2)
=325.48 + 164.28 + 365.54
Ix = 855.3 in4
Iy = (1)(12)3 + (12)(1)3 + (1)(6)3
12 12 12
= 144 + 1 + 18
Iy = 163 in4

4. A girder is composed of four 6 x 6 x 1/2 in. angles connected to a web

plate 23.5 in. x 1 in., plus two flange plates each 18 in x 1 in. as shown.
The properties of the angle are Ix = Iy = 19.9 in4, the area = 5.75 in2, and x
= y = 1.68 in. Compute the moment of inertia with respect to the centroidal
Xo axis.


By transfer formula of moment of inertia

I = I + Ad2

Web plate:

I = (1)(23.5)3 + (1)(23.5)(0)2
= 1081.5 in4
Two Flange plates:

I = (18)(1)3 + (18)(1)(12.5)2
= 2(2814)
= 5628 in4

Four angles:

I = 4(19.9 + 5.75(10.32)2)
= 2529.16 in4

Total moment of Inertia

I = 1081.5 + 5628 + 2529.16

I = 9238.66 in4

Product of Inertia
It is a mathematical expression of the form ∫ xy dA and is denoted by the
symbol P.

Needed in:
- determining the maximum and minimum moments of inertia
- unsymmetrical bending of beams
- structural analysis of indeterminate frames.

(lenght)4 = unit of the product of inertia

Sign depends upon the location of the area relative to the axes
(+) if the area lies in the I and III quadrants
(-) if the area lies in the II and IV quadrants
x’= y and y’ = -x
∫ x’y’ dA = ∫ y(-x) dA = - ∫xy dA

Product of Inertia with respect to axes of symmetry

∫ xy dA = 0
Transfer Formula for Product of Inertia
Is useful for transferring the product of inertia between a centroidal and
parallel set of axes.

Pxy = Pxy + Axy

This equation serves as the basis of computing of products of inertia for

areas composed of simple geometric shapes.

Product of inertia between parallel sets of axes

Sample Problem:

Determine the product of inertia of the 8 x 6 x 1 in. angle section shown

with respect to the indicated X and Y axes.

Pxy = Pxy + Axy

Since the centroidal axes parallel to the X and Y axes are axes of
symmetry for both rectangles, therefore Pxy = 0.

For 5 x 1 rectangle:

Pxy = 0 + (5)(1)(0.5)(3.5)
= 8.75 in4

For 8 x 1 rectangle:

Pxy = 0 + (8)(1)(4)(0.5)
= 16 in4

Pxy = 8.75 + 16
Pxy = 24.75 in4

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