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Introduce chatbot functionality to make the app more interactive

Launch a chatbot that is gathering all necessary information from the patients to increase the speed.
The team does not believe this will create a better, faster and smoother experience for the patients,
and not a very complex implementation.
Cost: €150,000

Automated scheduling
Implement a full-scale planning and optimization engine to automate planning and scheduling of
appointments, without any human intervention. The team estimates this to increase efficiency by 70%
and cut costs corresponding to 6 FTE's, but implementation will be complex.
Cost: €350,000

Introduce AI to make the app give suggestions regarding appointments

Incorporate AI to provide suggestions on whether an online doctor's appointment or physical
appointment is needed based on input from the patient. The team believes this is a very complex
functionality to introduce but could save the patients an unnecessary virtual appointment.
Cost: €400,000

Introduce two-factor identification in the log-in process

Implement two-factor identification to increase security in the app and on the Digital Health website.
The team believes an existing solution can be purchased, with a straightforward implementation.
Cost: €125,000

Introduce NLP that can read in multiple languages and include in chatbot
Introduce NLP in the chatbot so it can interpret the answers from patients and can adjust the next
question depending on the answer. The team believes this will be a value adding functionality and not
very complex to implement when the chatbot is launched.
Cost: €170,000

Marketing campaign to spread awareness of the improved mobile app

"Launch a digital marketing campaign across the Nordics through paid social media and
YouTube/online video. The team believes this can drive traffic and build back lost loyalty, through
simple execution.
Cost: €150,000

Launch physical health centers for patients in need of a physical appointment

Introduce physical health centers to create a seamless experience for the patients. The team believe
this is a good strategic next step for Digital Health, but a very complex one.
Cost: €900,000

Automated analytics dashboard to improve scheduling

Create an automated analytics dashboard for the back office, which is estimated to optimize efficiency
in planning and scheduling of appointments by 20%. The team believes this will be a straightforward
Cost: €175,000

Fetch data from partner hospitals

Partner with hospitals and set up integrations to fetch data about patient's records, to enable the
doctors to get the full picture of a patient's medical history. The team believes this to be a medium
complex implementation but would probably require some investments in additional security as well.
Cost: €250,000
Introduce new services such as psychiatrist and nutritionist
Broaden Digital Health's offering by introducing other services such as psychiatrists and nutritionists.
The team believe this is a good strategic next step for Digital Health and it will create great value for
their patients. Although, it is complex since it would require technical changes as well as adding more
employees to Digital Health's payroll.
Cost: €450,000

"Knowledge portal" in the app about illnesses

Increase traffic and amount of time spent in the app by launching a knowledge portal for different
illnesses. This could also help patients to understand if they need an appointment or not. The team
believes this will be a straightforward implementation.
Cost: €70,000

Use blockchain to increase security

Introduce blockchain for storing (and potentially sharing) personal information and patient's medical
records. The team believes this will be a complex implementation but will also have significant impact
on security.
Cost: €550,000

Introduce home testing service for vaccines, lab tests etc.

Launch a service for doctors and nurses to go to the patient's homes to take tests, give vaccines etc.
The team thinks this could be an alternative to launching physical healthcare centers, and not equally
Cost: €350,000
UI changes to the app that were identified but not prioritized
Make the app UX design more appealing with colors, pictures and logos, implement functionality that
will increase the speed and further analyze how to improve performance. The team believes this will
be a quite straightforward implementation since there is already documentation and data gathered for
Cost: €200,000

Enable auto-population of personal information

Healthcare profiles will automatically be created and populated with official data such as address,
postal code etc., based on the patient's social security number, to decrease the time patients need to
spend on adding this information manually. The team believes this to be a semi-complex
implementation since a new integration is required, but a prerequisite for this is to introduce two factor
identification to increase security.
Cost: €350,000
Ease Impact Category
1 = Hardest 1 = Least impact Quick-win
2 = Medium 2 = Medium Strategic

2 2 Quick-win

2 3 Quick-win

1 2 Strategic

3 3 Strategic

3 3 Quick-win

3 3 Strategic

1 3 Strategic

3 2 Strategic

2 2 Quick-win
2 3 Strategic

3 2 Strategic

1 3 Strategic

1 2 Quick-win

3 3 Quick-win

2 1 Strategic

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