Decline in English Proficiency in Philippines Threatens Economy May 22 2006

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Posted on Monday, May 22, 2006 (EST)

For decades the troubled Philippines economy has been able to bank on one key asset in
attracting foreign investors -- proficiency in the English language.

MANILA (AFP) - In recent years it has helped win outsourcing contracts in the
booming business process and call center sectors, one of the few areas of the
nation's economy that is actually expanding.

But even that lifeline in this poor country appears a tenuous one as fears surface
over a sharp decline in English compounded by falling school standards and a mass
exodus of linguistically skilled professionals.

Business leaders are starting to question just how long the country can go on touting
its English skills.

Some local and foreign business groups are so concerned they have started their
own language centers to fill the gaps left by a deteriorating school system.

The European Chamber of Commerce warned recently that 75 percent of the

country's annual 400,000 college graduates have "sub-standard English skills".

With an exodus of teachers, especially in English and math, to better paying jobs
overseas the country's education system is fast deteriorating.

Senator Edgardo Angara recently described the deterioration of the country's school
system as a "ticking bomb".

"We have practically squandered our intellectual capital," he said at a seminar.

He said that in all international achievement tests, the Philippines is rated near the
bottom in all subjects.

"That is a reflected in the fast deterioration of our education standards both in public
and private schools."

Official achievement tests given to graduating high school students in the 2004-2005
school year showed that only 6.59 percent could read, speak, and comprehend
English well enough to enter college. Some 44.25 percent had no English skills at all.

Eduardo Gullas, who filed a bill in 2004 to make English the medium of instruction at
all levels in schools, has warned that the rapid decline in English competency would
"eventually erode the competitiveness of the country's human resources, both here
and abroad, in an increasingly globalized village".

His bill is still sitting in the House of Representatives gathering dust.

"The employment of Filipinos overseas will soon be overtaken by China and India,"
Gullas said, warning that Filipino engineers in the Middle East risk being dislodged by
Indian and Chinese engineers who not only speak better English, but analyze and
write reports in English better.

Concerned with the decline in education, especially in English, the American and
European chambers of commerce have begun ambitious training programmes in an
attempt to reverse the trend.

The European Chamber, along with local business groups, recently launched a
program called "English is Cool!" intended to revive the popularity of English among
the country's youth.

In a globalized economy, "English is a ticket to the future," the chamber said, adding
that only three out of 100 applicants meet proficiency standards of the outsourcing

For program director Rina Tanchoco the decline of English among Filipinos is
"definitely repairable and reversible".

The Makati Business Club's Philippines-US Business Council and the American
Chamber of Commerce are targeting their English proficiency program at teachers,
students, and the workforce.

The program hopes to have 50 computerized English language centers operating in

the Philippines with 250 teachers and 42,000 students trained and certified within
the next three years.

Philippine President Gloria Arroyo has ordered the education department to make
English the primary medium of instruction nationwide, although the decree does not
have the force of law to compel schools to do.

Although some subjects will still be taught in the national language, Tagalog, the
Filipinos must recognize that English makes it internationally competitive, Arroyo said
in a policy speech earlier this year.

The decline of English sounds painful for Matthew Gray, an American who trains
Filipinos to speak with American accents for jobs at call centers.

"Filipinos are pretty good but they still have lapses with their tenses, verb usage,
subject-verb agreement -- the basics," the Call Center Academy accent trainer told

Peter Wallace, president of The Wallace Business Forum which regularly surveys
foreign businesses in this country, said that only six percent of people interviewed for
jobs in call centers had the required skills in English.

"So it's hard to see how the Philippines can compete with elsewhere," Wallace said.
There is plenty of blame to go around, with Gray faulting cellphone text messaging
and the popularity of foreign soap operas dubbed into the Filipino language.

"There has been a steady decline from the time when the Philippines took pride in
itself as one of the best English-speaking nations," Neil Perez an English and
Literature lecturer at Manila's University of Santo Tomas acknowledged.

Perez blames the decline on the influence of pop culture and domestic media, where
the dominant language is "taglish", a combination of Tagalog and English.

"The common language of everybody is this hybrid language taglish," he said. "It has
become the standard rather than the exception.

"The kind of things that we see on television promotes the bastardization of the
English language. We accept what the media feeds us," Perez added.


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