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Designing Hook Experiences

Name: _____Angy Olivari____________________ Classroom: _Skyriders___________

Lesson Overview: How do you anticipate the children will explore with the materials? What do
you think they will do? What COULD happen?

I anticipate that the students will interact with the material by playing pretend with the
different dress-up clothes and different play food, tools, and other materials accessible to them
that can enrich their experience as they explore the different community jobs.

Lesson Plan Objectives: what do I INTEND for the children to explore?

The students will be able to identify and explain the different community jobs and community
helpers by playing pretend and answering questions while they play about the job that they are

● What are the CHILDREN doing? What is your explorable question? Ideally, children
should be able to loop back to this question in their exploration
○ The children are playing pretend with different dress-up clothes like police
officers, chefs, bakers, doctors, veterinarians, construction workers, and more.

○ While playing children will pretend that they are performing the job of the
particular community helper that they chose.

○ Children would also answer questions about what they are doing and what their
job is as a community helper.

● What is the TEACHER doing? How are you asking children to engage with the explorable
question? Write 3 ways to ask: how; what; where)
○ HOW: How are you going to help us being a police officer?
○ WHAT: What are you making? What are you doing now?
○ WHERE: Where is your job at? Where do you go when you are at work?

● How are you DOCUMENTING? What tools are you using for documenting the
○ I will be taking pictures of the experience to document what the students are
○ I will be taking notes of the answers the students give me to the different questions I ask

○ I will be taking notes on how the students interact with one another and what they do
during the activity.
● What is NEW about the experience? Is it the materials, the physical space, or
set-up of familiar materials?

What is new about the experience is the materials since I will be using different
dress-up clothes that would be new to them as well as other prompts that would
be new to them.

● Sketch it out–below sketch out what the experience will look like, highlighting the new
and the questions for each of the three experiences.

EXPLORABLE QUESTION: Who are our community helpers

and what is their job in our community?
Schemas anticipated: Transport, enclosing/enveloping,
Below: At least 3 ways to stage the environment to discover more. Include materials, location, and questions for each.
1. 2. 3.

In home living I will put the In the block center I can put the For the other dress-up clothes I
dress-up clothes for the chef and construction worker dress-up can set them in the tables to
the baker, as well as the new clothes as well as the tools, s the allow the student to pick what
play food and other item to students can pretend to build new they want to do.
pretend. things using blocks and the
different tools.
Once the students are playing in Once they are playing, I can ask
this center I can ask the student, As the students play, I can ask the student what are they play?
what are you dress up as? Or are them what are they building? What are they dress as? What
you a chef or baker? What do What do construction workers do? does that person do? How they
you do as a chef? Uh are you How do the things they build help help us?
making food? Can I buy some us? What are some of the things
food for you? What are you that use to build?
going to cook for me? What do
you think is important about you
job? Where do you usually see a

1. What part of this lesson experience went well?

I think the lesson experience went well; some of the students were engaged in playing

with some of the items we brought. They answered the questions I asked and were

interested in what we were talking about.

2. What part of this lesson experience surprised you?

It surprised me that some of the kids were not interested at all in participating in the

activity and that they only showed interest in some of the items.

3. If you could change anything, what would it be and why?

I think I would like to have more time to set up the activity. I think that if we had more

time to create little stations for each community job maybe they would be more

engaged. Also, I would maybe focus more on just a few jobs instead of having too many


4. Do you feel the children engaged with the experience as you expected?

The kids engaged in the activity as I expected, but I was expecting more kids to show


5. Provide photos or documentation from your lesson implementation.

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