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Jamie Tooley


Henry Martyn Robert Friedrich Engels ( 9 borderland 1866 , Solingen - 24 May 1926 ,
Munich ) was a German painter , illustrator , lithographer , designer , and art instructor .==
Biography == He was the firstborn son of a bargainer in steel goods , also named Robert
Friedrich Engels , and his married woman Auguste , née Kirschbaum .He was trained to take
over the family clientele , but had lilliputian interest group in it so , after his Church Father
's Death in 1885 , he left it to his jr. siblings and enrolled at the Kunstakademie Dü sseldorf ,
where he studied until 1889 .His instructors there included Hugo Crola , Johann dick
Theodor Janssen , Heinrich Lauenstein and Adolf Schill .Following his commencement
ceremony , he made some prolonged stays in French Republic , Belgium and England ;
eventually deciding to reconcile in Dü sseldorf , where he became a fixture contributor to the
powder store Jugend .In 1898 , this led to the crack of a education stance at the Kö nigliche
Kunstgewerbeschule in Munich , which he accepted .There , in 1908 , he married one of his
students , Gustava von Veith .He was named a Professor in 1910 .Two yr later , he became a
penis of the Deutscher Werkbund .His notable students included Franz Kolbrand , Erwin
Bowien , Otto Michael Schmitt , and Carl Otto Mü ller .He maintained physical contact with
the creative person ' colony at Schondorf , received commissions from the Krupp
fellowship , designed church Windows in Breslau and did scenographic work for dramatics
in Munich and Leipzig ; all of which is documented in personal papers left by Gustava .In
1934 , she donated large character of his esthetic estate to the newly-created Henry Martyn
Robert Friedrich Engels Memorial Foundation ; funded by the urban center of Solingen .In
return , she was granted a monthly pension .Another great part of his estate was donated in
1955 .The residual passed to Solingen following her death in 1970 .== generator == '' Engels
, Henry Martyn Robert '' .In : Ulrich Thieme ( Ed .) : Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildenden
Kü nstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart , Vol.10 : Dubolon–Erlwein .E. A. Seemann ,
Leipzig 1914 , pg.546 ( Online ) Franz Hendrichs : Robert Engels 1866–1926 .Ein Lebensbild
des Kü nstlers , Buchdruckerei der Bergischen Zeitung Wald , 1928 Johann Karl : Professor
Robert Friedrich Engels Nachlaß , 1926 .( Catalog for the estate of the realm sales
agreement ) Robert Friedrich Engels 1866–1926 ( catalog for the memorial exposition ) ,
1956 Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen == External links == Media related to Robert
Engels at Wikimedia Commons Documents and letters from the estate of the realm of
Gustava Engels @ Wayback ( Solingen archive )

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