Ties Which Bind

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Ties That Bind

Carol Eisom

2002 Copyright Library Of Congress

1806 Turtle creek Drive
Missouri City, Texas 77459
c. Copyright, 2002 by Carol Eisom

All rights, including the right if reproduction in whole or in part, in any form, are
reserved under INTERNATIONAL and Pan-American Copyright Conventions.

Caution Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that "TIES THAT BIND", being
fully protected under the Copyright laws of the United States, the British Empire,
including the Dominion of Canada and all other countries of the Universal Copyright and
Berne Conventions, is subject to royalty. All rights including professional, amateur,
motion picture, recitation, lecturing, public reading, radio and television broadcasting
and the rights of translation into foreign languages, are strictly reserved. Particular
emphasis is laid on the question of readings, permission for which must be secured in
writing. All inquires should be addressed to Carol Eisom author, l806 Turtle Creek
Drive, Missouri City, Texas 77459.


Jade Young-Noble
Carl Noble
Lacey Noble
Jasmine Shepherd
Tyrese Noble
Shayla Noble
Pastor Vernon Young (Grand father)
Mother Nadine Hewitt
Doctor David Starr

Jade is in the kitchen washing dishes when an excited Lacey rushes in.

Lacey: Mom...hey Mom! (Jade rushes into the living room while wiping her hands on
her apron.)

Jade: What on earth is it, Lacey?

Lacey: I made All-American...

Jade: Wonderful...now exactly what does that mean?

Lacey: What does it mean? Do you know how many guys would kill to be All-

Jade: Apparently, you're one of them the way you came in here almost scaring me into a

Lacey: Mom...

Jade: Alright Lacey, that is good news and I'm proud of you. But you can't blame me
for not being surprised. You always said you were going to be the best. Now I guess
you've proven it...

Lacey: Because you never stopped believing in me, did you?

Jade: No. But more importantly you had enough faith to believe in yourself. Remember
how the Word says, "Call those things which are not..."

Lacey: Yea?

Jade: Well what a lot of your classmates might have thought of as being cocky… was
just your way of speaking things into existence... You're going to have quite a testimony
to share.

Lacey: ...you mean, at church?

Jade: Yes...

Lacey: ...on Sunday?

Jade: That's when most church services are held...Really! Has it been that long Lacey?
(She smiles.) Oh by the way, this letter came for you today. (She hands him the letter.)

Lacey: It's from Grambling State...

Jade: ...that's one of the schools you applied at?

Lacey: Yea... (Still staring at the envelope.)

Jade: Well that letter's not going to open itself... (He opens the letter, looks at it, grabs
his mother and spins her around.)

Lacey: I'm in Mom! I made it in!

Jade: Praise God! Now put me down boy...save some of that enthusiasm for Jasmine.

Lacey: Jasmine...that's right! I've got to tell Jasmine!

Jade: Well I certainly hope you don't rush up into Jasmine's house the way you did ours.
If Mother Hewitt's there, I'm not sure her heart can take it.

Lacey: Don't worry Mom, I'm cool... Man, first the engagement, now this...

Jade: What engagement?!

Lacey: Did I say that out loud? Look Mom, please don't tell anyone yet, me and
Jasmine wanted it to be a surprise.

Jade: Mission accomplished! And exactly when were you going to let me in on this

Lacey: Now?

Jade: I know when I'm being played. So, are there any other surprises I should be aware

Lacey: Not that I know of....

Jade: Alright Lacey, you need to come clean… because I'm much too young to be a

Lacey: Really? Well Mom, if my calculations are correct, this birthday you'll be

Jade: ...and you still haven't answered my question...

Lacey: Mom, everything's fine...

Jade: So, you're saying that you and Jasmine are still both virgins?

Lacey: I didn't say all that...

Jade: Boy...am I going to have to get your Grandfather over here to lay hands on you...

Lacey: No Ma, it's cool...

Jade: It's cool? That could mean anything!

Lacey: I was just kidding! But just out of curiosity...how old are you going to be?

Jade: Don't you worry about my age. All that matters is that I still look good! Because
"Black" don't crack... Mother Hewitt says people still guess that she's in her fifties..

Lacey: Mother Hewitt? ...yea, maybe in dog years...

Jade: Lacey?! Now you seem to forget I'm from the old school… So don't think I won't
take off these size nines' and show you what I'm working with!

Lacey: Mom, can't you take a joke?

Jade: …the ones that are funny.

Lacey: Mom. Besides, all the guys say you look good too. But just for the record I'd
still like to know if I'm right about your age. Here, I'll even write it down...

Jade: Boy, you better get away from me. I can tell from here that you're wrong...

Lacey: O.K...Then, how old are you?

Jade: ...and we can just change the subject young man!

Lacey: ...but you haven't said yet...

Jade: And I don't plan to. You're wrong for expecting any woman to reveal their rightful
age to begin with. And I'm wrong for even teaching you…how to count!

Lacey: Mom, I'm your son...

Jade: Makes no difference...

Lacey: Mom! Come on...

Jade: I'm warning you son...if I tell you my age, I'll be forced to kill you...

Lacey: Women! …always threatening us "Brother's" with violence...

Jade: You better ask somebody. Besides I'm threatening a "son" with violence... We
Mother's know that's the only language you and some of your "road dogs" can

Lacey: Well you still have to catch me first...I'm not the star running back for nothing

Jade: I don't have to catch you. I'm your still your mother and you better do as I say...

Lacey: You'd order me to just stand here...

Jade: That's right...while I whip your tail!

Lacey: Where's the love?

Jade: Honey, you brought this on yourself…anyway, love hurts!

Lacey: …you ain't kidding…

Fade to Black

Lacey enters the kitchen as his mother Jade is preparing dinner.

Lacey: Hey Mom...what you doing...

Jade: Just starting tonight's supper... Lacey…son, is everything alright?

Lacey: Oh, yea... I was just thinking...

Jade:...about what...

Lacey: Oh, I heard on the news about this guy that got caught up in this robbery and
while making their escape accidentally wrapped his car around a telephone pole...

Jade:...my God...

Lacey:...now they're both in critical condition...

Jade: Lord have mercy…Lacey, I thank God everyday that I don't have deal with
anything like that when it comes to you and Tyrese.... I know you boys could never
disappoint me in that way...

Lacey: Mom...

Jade: Yes…What is it Lacey?

Lacey: I know you had hopes of my attending college...and I still plan to!

Jade: What do you mean...you still, plan to attend to college?

Lacey: Ma, Jasmine's pregnant...

Jade: Pregnant? But you told me everything was fine...

Lacey: I thought things were...

Jade: …but your scholarship...

Lacey: I was thinking maybe I can postpone it a year or two...

Jade: Lacey, that's the way it always starts out.... First it's just for a year or two...then
before you know it, ten years have gone by. Besides they just don't postpone

Lacey: I know. I'm sorry Ma... I was looking forward to college too. And even though I
realize that I love Jasmine and we were planning a future together and all…I just wasn't
expecting to be a father so soon.

Jade: I admit, this news caught me off guard. But everything's going to be O.K. Lacey.
I mean it's not as though I didn't expect you to have a child...someday. Lacey, things
happen. Marriage and starting a family is just the first step in the natural progression of

Lacey: I guess. What time will Dad be getting home today? I probably should break the
news to him myself...

Jade: Why don't you let me talk to your father. He'll need a little time for the shock to
wear off. Now your Grandfather should be here any minute. I think you should talk to
him since now he's going to marry you and Jasmine a lot sooner. Knowing Dad, he's
going to want to set up some counseling as soon as possible...

Lacey: Looks like I messed up pretty bad this time?

Jade: Well, I can't say I'm not a little disappointed...when it comes to your scholarship
and all...

Lacey: Don't worry, we'll manage somehow Mom... Look at you and Dad...

Jade: I know you will, it's just that we wanted something better for you son. Your father
didn't want to see you struggle the way he did...(There's a knock at the door.) That must
be your Grandfather.

Lacey: I'll get it. (He opens the door.) Hey Grand dad...

Vernon: Lacey! How you doing son... (He enters.)

Lacey: Not too bad...

Jade: Daddy...

Vernon: There's my little girl. (They hug.)

Jade: Have you been taking care of yourself? You look thin...

Vernon: A little "fast" never hurt anyone...

Jade: Well come on in. Lacey has something he wants to say to you...

Vernon: Is this about the wedding? (They sit.)

Lacey: Yea, ah Grand dad... Jasmine...is pregnant...

Vernon: And you're the father? (He nods.) But son, what about your schooling? You
were going to be the first generation in this family to go to college.

Lacey: I know I've let the whole family down...

Vernon: You haven't let anyone down... although I guess you may have let yourself
down a bit but this isn't about this family. It's about you...and your future happiness. So
now I take it, you're still planning on being married?

Lacey: Yes sir.

Vernon: Well I'm glad you're doing the right thing. I would like to talk to you both as
soon as you all have some time.

Lacey: Sure, no problem...

Vernon: I image you're planning on moving up your wedding date?

Lacey: Yea, Jasmine wants to change it to next month...

Vernon: That's not giving you much time...

Jade: They don't have much time Daddy...

Vernon: Well just let me know the exact date and I'll be sure to make myself available...

Lacey: Thanks Grand dad...

Vernon: Well I better get back to the church. Now I'll be waiting for your call son.

Jade: Thanks for stopping by Dad. (They hug.) I love you...

Vernon:...love you too... (He exits.)

Jade: You O.K? (Jade sings, "If I Could".)

Lacey: Yea...

Jade: Lacey, how come you told me that whole story about that robbery and the two
boys running into some phone pole? Was it because you were afraid to tell me about

Lacey: Sort of... I thought if I told you about something worst than the situation I was
in, maybe I wouldn't look so bad...

Jade: Lacey. Where did you learn a stunt like that?

Lacey: I saw it on television...

Jade: Boy, you're a mess!

Fade to Black

Jade is just about to start dinner when Carl comes in from work.

Jade: Hey baby...you're home earlier. How was work?

Carl: Business was kind of slow, so I decided to call it a day...

Jade: Carl, I need to discuss something with you... So have a seat.

Carl: Jade, it's so serious that I need to have a seat...

Jade: Well...

Carl: I get it, you want me to sit down so I won't fall down. That's it, right?

Jade: No, it's not like that… We're expecting a new addition...

Carl: ...a baby, Jade... a baby… I knew I still had it in me... Wait until the boy's at the
shop hear about this.

Jade: I wouldn't toot my horn too soon, if I were you...

Carl: What's that supposed to mean? You said you were expecting a baby. This'll teach
those young bucks a thing or two. Yea, I got it like that... Who you calling "old school"
now! What, what? (Hunching his shoulder muscles "gangbanger" style.)

Jade: Carl, I'm not expecting a baby...Jasmine is.

Carl: I'm not going to be a father?

Jade: You're going to be a Grandfather.

Carl: And Lacey's the father?!

Jade: Of course…who did you think....

Carl: But what about college…his scholarship?

Jade: He's decided to forgo the scholarship...

Carl: What? No! Everything we've done to see that Lacey attended the best school in
the state and in a good neighborhood too? And now he's just going to throw his future

Jade: Carl, he wants to marry Jasmine...

Carl: And how's he supposed to support a wife and a baby without a college education?

Jade: You did it. Besides, it's his decision, Carl.

Carl: I can't believe you're supporting him in this decision...

Jade: I don't have any choice. And neither do you...

Carl: …this is foolishness!

Jade: Carl, this is our grandchild…your grandbaby! Now, Lacey and Jasmine will be
here tonight for supper and I want you to give them your blessing.

Carl: I'll do no such thing...

Jade: Now, you sound like your father... Remember when we told them about our plans
to be married? Your father asked if I were pregnant. As though you weren't man enough
to know your own mind too.

Carl: I remember... Yea, he thought the only real way I'd ever get a wife would be
through an accidental pregnancy. Fine…point taken… I understand O.K?

Jade: I thought you might...So, now are you going to be the man I know and love…and
give our son your blessing? Or are you going to prove to this family that generational
curses actually exist?

Carl: Woman, I never could slip anything past you. You know I can't stand it when you
mess with my head...

Jade: What can I say? Twenty years of marriage united us in more ways than just one.

Carl: Yea, well just don't forget... I'm still the head of this family around here...

Jade: I won't. I'm perfectly happy to remain "the neck that turns the head".

Carl: Say what?

Jade: Never mind... Now why don't you get cleaned up for dinner and relax a while. I'll
let you know when supper's ready.

Carl exits as Jade starts supper. Moments later Mother Hewitt stops by. Jade goes to the

Jade: Mother Hewitt, come on in. How are you? (She enters carrying a piece of

Mother Hewitt: Oh Baby, I'm just fine. I wanted to drop this Tupperware off before I
forgot who it come from...

Jade: Mother Hewitt, you didn't have to do that. I could have dropped by and picked it

Mother Hewitt: By then, I might have forgot where I put it. You know my memory's
not what it used to be...

Jade:...a few years ago?

Mother Hewitt: Years? I'm talking about a few days ago... The last time I borrowed
other folk's belongings I never did remember who lent them to me. So, I ended up
selling them at a garage sale...

Jade: I know, that's how I got my electric mixer back...

Mother Hewitt: What you complainin' 'bout, I gave you a good price...

Jade: Mother Hewitt, would you like to stay for supper? We're having steak

Mother Hewitt: I would, but I walked off without putting my good "teefess" in...

Jade: Oh. Well...I could cut it up for you...

Mother Hewitt: Baby with these old dentures, you'd have to put it in a blender...

Jade: Say, no more... I understand. Well I really appreciate you stopping by. Can I
have Carl drop you off at home...

Mother Hewitt: No child, I'm driving...

Jade: Mother Hewitt, should you be driving?

Mother Hewitt:...a person drives on the wrong side of the road a couple times and you
just can't let it go, can you?

Jade: Now Mother Hewitt…you know it's just that we don't want anything to happen to

Mother Hewitt: I explained to that "Judge Judy" that my Alzheimer's took me back to
the time I spent in London...

Jade: I understand… but you know you're just like a Mother to me, Mother Hewitt...

Mother Hewitt: Adopted Mother… If I was so much like a Mother you would have
hooked me up with that fine Daddy of yours, long ago...

Jade: I've tried to push Dad to get out and socialize but he's gotten so stubborn in his
later years...

Mother Hewitt: Well it's been five years since your Mama passed. Ah...may she rest in
peace... And I'm 87...I ain't got too many good years left....

Jade: I know Mother Hewitt. I guess after the loss of a spouse it's just hard accept that
our loved one's would want us to go on with life...

Mother Hewitt: Well he needs to be told. Heck…at this rate, if I keep waiting on him,
I'll be able to confirm it with your Mama face to face...

Jade: Mother Hewitt... You know, you could always see him at church...

Mother Hewitt: Who you telling? I ain't missed a Bible study or prayer meeting in five
years! Anyway, how's Shayla and them boy's of yours? Has Tyrese decided where he's
going to college, yet?

Jade: Lacey. Tyrese still has a year left...

Mother Hewitt: Well your boys act so much alike you should have saved yourself some
time and had twins... I know this ball player that went professional after he finished
college. That boy did so good he bought a Mansion and moved his whole family in...

Jade: The entire family Mother Hewitt...

Mother Hewitt: Sure enough....the place was so big he had to buy his folks each one of
them "Rascal" scooters so they could go from one wing to the next...

Jade: That's rather extravagant...

Mother Hewitt: I thought it was pretty considerate... They still had to call before
stopping by though...

Jade: Well, you might as well know Lacey's plans have changed... He's decided to
marry Jasmine... She's pregnant...

Mother Hewitt: Is it his?!

Jade: Of course the baby's his....

Mother Hewitt: Well a fella' can't be too careful nowadays. You remember when Diane
Jenkins got pregnant two years ago and claimed the baby was Victor's...

Jade: Mother Hewitt, that's a soap opera…"The Young And Restless" It's not real...

Mother Hewitt: It's a lot more realistic then folks would like to think! You know, none
of this would have ever happen if these young men could keep their privates zipped...

Jade: Mother Hewitt...

Mother Hewitt: It's true... I seen them videos on "B.E.T"! "It's getting hot in here so
take off all your clothes". It's always hot in this city... If folk's took off their clothes
every time it got hot we'd all be running around "butt" necked! Heathens! Lord, now my
blood pressure's up...

Jade: Maybe you should have a seat... Would you like something to drink?

Mother Hewitt: No baby, I've got to keep moving... These days, when a person with as
many years as I have stays in one place too long, old age will catch up to you. But as
long as I got Jesus, I don't need nobody else…

Jade: Amen!

Mother Hewitt: Now listen here…(Mother Hewitt sings, "Long As I Got King Jesus".)

Mother Hewitt: Well let me get out of here before some mind changing illness over
takes me.

Jade: Mother Hewitt, don't tell me you believe in "old timers" disease?

Mother Hewitt: It's the truth! "Old timers' disease is the very reason half the folks my
age got "one foot in the grave" already... Bye! (She exits.)

Jade: Bye Mother Hewitt. Be careful! (We hear tires squeal as Mother Hewitt peels off.
Seconds later Tyrese enters.)

Tyrese: Hey Ma...was that Mother Hewitt who just drove off...

Jade: I'm afraid so...

Tyrese: She tore out of here like her house was on fire.

Jade: In her instance, it very well could be... So you're home just in time for supper...

Tyrese: Oh really? I was going to meet Simone...

Jade: Simone? What happen to Chandra?

Tyrese: Haven't you heard? There's enough of Tyrese to go around...

Jade: I guess that would depend on what you're packing...

Tyrese: Nothing but much love Mama...much love...

Jade: Yes, well Lacey and Jasmine just found out where that gets you...the hard way...
and love won't pay the bills...

Tyrese:...come again?

Jade: Lacey and Jasmine are expecting a child?

Tyrese: What? ...Lacey, a father?!

Jade: That's right... You know, those two have some nerve, making me a grandmother
while still in my prime...

Tyrese: Ole' Lacey…I didn't think he had it in him…Granny Jade!!! (Laughing.)

Jade: I wouldn't laugh, if I were you, Uncle Tyrese! (Shayla enters.)

Shayla: What's so funny...

Jade: Lacey and Jasmine are having a baby...

Shayla: What's funny about that?

Jade:...my point exactly...

Tyrese: I was laughing at Ma being called Granny...

Shayla: That does sound kind weird...

Jade: Really...as weird as Aunt Shayla...

Shayla: I don't have a problem with it. For once I finally get the chance to boss
someone around...

Jade: Trust me, you do just fine. Tyrese, you need to at least stay until Lacey gets here
with Jasmine...long enough to make an appearance...

Tyrese: Cool but then I'm out.

Shayla: Again? Is that the only magic trick you know...how to disappear?

Tyrese: What can I say? The ladies are waiting...

Jade: Just don't pull this stunt Saturday night because your Grandfather's expecting
everyone's presence for his sermon on Sunday...

Tyrese: Say what?

Jade: You heard me...

Shayla: And for his next trick ladies and gentlemen, Tyrese goes deaf.

Tyrese: You mean, this Sunday?

Shayla: No Tyrese, she means Easter Sunday!

Jade: You and Shayla need to learn that even though you're young now…you can't keep
putting things off until tomorrow…

Shayla: Because tomorrow never comes…TYRESE!

Jade: …because tomorrow's not promised to any of us… (Jade sings "Tomorrow").

Jade: What you two don't seem to understand is that God holds us as parents responsible
for our children's spiritual upbringing... And one day you'll both remember me telling
you this when you've become parents of your own.

Shayla: ...some sooner than other's...

Tyrese: Don't hate… Hey, is Dad here? (Carl enters.)

Carl: The answer is "no"!

Jade: Carl, you haven't even heard his question yet...

Carl: Alright, go ahead son....

Tyrese: Dad, can you spare a few bucks?

Carl: No.

Jade: Carl...

Carl: What? He spoke his piece...

Tyrese: Come on Pop. I'm meeting Simone tonight...

Carl: Simone, I thought her name was Chandra?

Shayla: "Was" being the operative word...

Tyrese: Quiet "squirt"... Dad, I promised I would meet Simone at the game today...

Carl: That sounds like a personal problem to me...

Tyrese: But I told her I would pay her way...

Carl: …then pay her way. It has nothing to do with me…

Shayla: For your sake I hope Chandra's not at the game...

Jade: Carl, just give the boy a few dollars...

Carl: I wish a few dollars would do. Jade these kids don't want a few dollars, they want
to break the bank! What Tyrese needs to do, is get a job!

Jade: During the school year?

Carl: If he has time to go to a game, he has time to work...

Tyrese: Mom says going to school is my job...

Carl: Tyrese, with your grades, you're about to be fired!

Tyrese: Pops...

Carl: I was working at fifteen...

Jade: Carl?

Carl:...a little hard work never hurt anyone...

Tyrese: Come on Dad...

Carl: I saw a "help wanted" sign right up there at the "McDonald's".

Shayla: Tyrese, Dad has a point...and at least then your dates can "super size"...

Jade: I'll give everyone a few dollars if you'll all just shut your mouths and get out of my
kitchen...(They all put their hands out.) For heaven's sake...(They follow her to the
living room. She picks up her purse and hold up a dollar.)

Tyrese: A dollar?

Shayla: You said a few dollars...

Jade: This will be a few dollars, once you each put your dollar together. Besides it's a
woman's prerogative to change her mind...and you two haven't stopped talking yet.
(Turning to Carl she hands him a dollar.) What do you have to say?

Carl: I'm happy...

Tyrese: What?

Shayla: Maybe he has a fever?

Carl: Hey, I'll take anything I can get... What?! It's a refreshing turn of events to be the
recipient for a change. (Lacey and Jasmine enter as Jade gives Tyrese his dollar.)

Lacey: Looks like we came at the right time...

Jade: Hello Jasmine (They hug.) ...ignore them...

Jasmine: Hi Mrs. Noble...how are you?

Jade: Just fine… And you're right on time…come on in and make yourself at home...

Shayla: Hi Jasmine...

Jasmine: Hey Shayla, how are you...

Shayla: Excited. We heard about the baby...

Tyrese: Way to go "Bro"... (They shake hands.)

Lacey: Thanks...

Shayla: I can't wait to be an Aunt... (She hugs Jasmine.)

Carl: Well, I for one refuse to be called "Grandpappy"...

Jade: And exactly what do you expect your grandchild to call you...

Carl: Carl! Like everyone else that pops into my life all of the sudden...

Jade: It won't be sudden. You'll have nine months to get use to the idea...

Carl: I'm too young to go out like this...

Jade: Come on Grandpa, we'll continue this discussion in the kitchen, supper's almost
ready... (She pushes him toward the kitchen.)

Tyrese: Could somebody help a "Brother" out with a few more "bills"? (Holding his
dollar, following everyone into the kitchen. Lacey remains behind and Jasmine
approaches him.)

Jasmine: Lacey…

Lacey: What's wrong? You O.K?

Jasmine: I'm fine…I guess things just seem to be moving so fast…

Lacey: …with the marriage? You don't believe everything's going to be O.K?

Jasmine: I know things may not be easy at first… but I believe in us Lacey…I believe in
you and me… (Jasmine sings, "I Believe In You And Me")

Fade to Black

Jade has invited Jasmine over for a surprise wedding shower. Jade and Shayla make the
final preparations.

Shayla: You don't think she knows do you…

Jade: I doubt it…

Shayla: But what if Lacey opened his big mouth…

Jade: Oh I think he knows better…

Shayla: You're probably right. Mom…

Jade: Yes dear…

Shayla: …you know the school talent show is in six months…

Jade: Really…

Shayla: Yea, I was thinking about entering the vocal competition…

Jade: Shayla that's wonderful…you have a beautiful voice…

Shayla: Do you really think I'm good enough?

Jade: Not only that…I don't doubt with a little dedication that you can win that talent
show… Shayla, if you can believe it, you can achieve it…

Shayla: Mom, "come on"…are you trying to say…all I have to do is believe?

Jade: That's right…because when you believe, who knows what miracles you can
achieve…especially if you're willing to work hard…

Jade and Shayla sing, "When You Believe" They hug as the doorbell rings.

Jade: That must be Jasmine. Hide! (Jade opens the door. Shayla hurriedly exits.)
Jasmine, I'm so glad you were able to make it for lunch. (They hug.) Let's sit in here and
talk a minute. (She enters and they sit.) So, how's your mother holding up?

Jasmine: Pretty good.

Jade: Just think, in a few more days you'll be a married woman. (Jasmine sighs
nervously.) Jasmine, what's wrong?

Jasmine: Mrs. Noble, don't get me wrong... I'm happy about marrying Lacey and
everything but...

Jade: But what?

Jasmine: It's just that I never expected something like this to happen to me... I'm so

Jade: Jasmine there's nothing to be embarrassed about. You and Lacey have been
discussing marriage for months. And you're bringing a life into the world…my first
grandchild and heir to the Noble family name… Jasmine, let me ask you something…
You do love Lacey, don't you?

Jasmine: Yes, of course...

Jade: Well that's all that really matters... This is life Jasmine…the natural progression of
things. Just like you had to grow up one day…you as a woman, were created to bear
children. Baby, that's what all good marriages are made of...

Jasmine: Oh Mrs. Noble…

Jade: We're just speeding things up a bit. Now you just keep God in your life and both
you and Lacey will be just fine...

Jasmine: Thank you…thank you for everything Mrs. Noble...

Jade: I haven't done anything yet...and don't you think it's time you called me Mother...
besides in a few days there's going to be two Mrs. Noble's.

Jasmine: Thank you Mother...(They hug.)

Jade: And this is for you... (She takes a box from behind her chair. It's a beautifully gift
wrapped present.)

Jasmine: ...a gift?

Jade:...a shower gift...

Jasmine:...a wedding shower?

Shayla: Surprise!!! (Shayla enters carrying a gift and balloons.)

Jasmine: What? Oh my God?!

Jade: I know you're not shocked that we wanted to surprise you with your own wedding
shower...(There's a knock at the door.)

Shayla: That must be Mother Hewitt. (Shayla opens the door.)

Jasmine: Mother Hewitt knew too…

Shayla: Mother Hewitt, let me take that... (She takes the gift as Mother Hewitt enters.)

Jasmine: I can't believe this…

Shayla: Believe it…

Jade: It was Shayla's idea…

Jasmine: Shayla?

Jade: You didn't pick her as your Maid of Honor for nothing…

Shayla: …just doing my job…

Jade: Mother Hewitt, come on in...

Mother Hewitt: Did I miss anything? (She sits.)

Shayla: Nope. (Shayla helps her get comfortable.)

Mother Hewitt: Well let's get this party started!

Tyrese: Did someone say the word "party"? (Tyrese enters.)

Jasmine: Tyrese...

Tyrese: Hey girl...congratulations...(He kisses her on the cheek.)

Jasmine: Thanks...

Tyrese: Oh this is for you... (He hands her a gift.)

Jasmine: This was the last thing I expected today. Thank you Tyrese..

Jade: Shayla, tell your father he can come down now...

Shayla: O.K. but I'm not sure I can drag him away from ESPN. (She exits.)

Lacey: Do you have room for one more... (Lacey enter and kisses Jasmine on the cheek.)

Jasmine: Lacey, why didn't you tell me?

Lacey: Because Mom and Shayla would have had my head. So what do you think?

Jasmine: Everything's wonderful...

Lacey: Isn't Mom something else?

Jasmine: Your whole family is so wonderful Lacey... They should be my family...

Lacey: They are your family...(Shayla and Carl enter.)

Carl: Alright, I'm here...the guest of honor...

Shayla: Daddy...

Carl: What? You're saying this party's not for me?! Gifts! (Jasmine laughs.)

Jade: He's just being silly...

Jasmine: Dad, since my father's not around...I was wondering if you'd walk me down the
aisle? (Jasmine stands.)

Carl: I'd be happy to! What a surprise…

Jasmine: Thanks Dad... (They hug.)

Carl: Just let me get my double knit leisure suit out of the closet. Is canary yellow still
in season?

Lacey: Dad...(Laughing.)

Carl: Don't laugh. I got one for you and your brother too.

Lacey: Now I know he's joking... Mom?

Jade: I'm afraid not...

Lacey: I told you we should have eloped...

Jade: Don't you dare... (Jasmine sits.)

Mother Hewitt: I don't mean to interrupt but I'm on a tight schedule. Comic View
comes on in an hour.

Jade: I guess Jasmine can start unwrapping gifts...

Mother Hewitt: Open mine first! (She points at her gift and Shayla hands it to Jasmine.)

Jasmine: Alright. (Jasmine opens the gift and takes out a baby rattle.) It's a rattle.

Jade: Mother Hewitt, we told you this was a Wedding Shower....

Mother Hewitt: The girl's pregnant ain't she? Why mince words?

Jade: But you're supposed to give her something like lingerie...

Mother Hewitt: Why? Those two already had the honeymoon. That's how she got
"knocked up"!

Jade: But we were planning a baby shower for Jasmine later...

Mother Hewitt: I'm 87 years old…which means I ain't got a lot of time left. Lord
knows, I may not be around long enough to see the baby shower...

Carl: She's got a point...

Jade: Carl... Why don't we just change this subject…Jasmine, I know that one day I'll be
planning for Shayla's wedding day just like this too.

Shayla: Really Mom?

Jade: …of that, I have no doubt…someday you'll be a beautiful bride…(She touches

Shayla's cheek.) And so we just want to welcome you into the family. Jasmine, I want
you to know that you're just like a daughter to me too…

Shayla: …and a sister to me…

Jasmine: Oh Mom…thank you… I just hope I can be half the Mother you are…

Jade: …you will be, and then some…

Shayla: Jasmine, the thing about Mom is…she's not like just a mother…she's like my
sister or a best friend… Whenever I've needed anything I could always count on her to
try to get it for me…

Jade: You still can. And Jasmine I want to know you'll always be able to count on this
family too…

Shayla: …through thick and thin! (Jade and Shayla begin singing the duet, "Count On
Me" and Jasmine joins in. They all begin to cry afterwards.)

Carl: Oh Lord, here come the "water works"!

Fade to Black

It's Lacey and Jasmine's wedding day. Tyrese sings, "On Bended knee". The ceremony
begins as Carl escorts Jasmine down the aisle to Tyrese singing, "One In A Million".
The intimate wedding includes Shayla as the maid of honor and Tyrese as the best man.
Pastor Young, Lacey's Grandfather, presides over the ceremony.

Pastor Young: He who finds a wife, finds a good thing. Who gives this woman to
this man?

Carl: I do.

Mother Hewitt: Waaaa...

Pastor Young: I am here to bring together in holy matrimony this man and this
woman, Lacey Noble and Jasmine Shepherd. Speak now or forever hold your peace...
do you Lacey take Jasmine as your wife in holy matrimony? Do you promise to love
honor and protect and cherish forsaking all others, as long as you both shall live?

Lacey: I do.

Pastor Young: And do you Jasmine promise to take Lacey as your husband in holy
matrimony? Do you promise to love honor and protect and cherish, forsaking all others,
as long as you both shall live?

Jasmine: I do.

Pastor Young: The ring please. (Tyrese hands Lacey the ring.) Lacey place the ring on
Jasmine’s finger and repeat after me...With this ring I thee wed. (Lacey slides the ring
on Jasmine's finger.)

Lacey: With this ring I thee wed.

Pastor Young: Then by the authority vested in me I now pronounce you man and
wife. What God has brought together let no man put asunder. You may kiss the bride.
(Lacey turns to Jasmine and raises her vale then kisses her.)

Tyrese: Man, come up for air. You've got the rest of your lives for that!

Pastor Young: Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. and Mrs. Lacey Noble!

Fade to Black

Six months later. Tyrese is at the house with his latest conquest.

Tyrese: Come here baby… (He kisses her.) Now do you believe those were nothing but
rumors about Chandra and Simone? (She nods.) Alright. And you know what? I even
reserved our favorite restaurant for this occasion. (Tyrese sings, "My, My, My" and they

Moments later after returning home from the talent competition, Shayla's mother Jade
suddenly collapses to the floor from an excruciating pain.

Shayla: I can't believe I won… You said I could do it.

Jade: Well, you earned it Sweetie… Would you sing it again for me?

Shayla: O.K… (Shayla sings, "Have You Ever".)

Shayla: Mom, you always believed in me…Mom? (Jade suddenly begins to cringe.)

Jade: Oh God!!! GOD!!!! (Grabbing her head.)

Shayla: Mom, what's wrong?! Mom?!

Jade: God help me…(Holding her head, Jades' shrieks become unbearable. She falls to
her knees and she passes out.)

Shayla: MOM!!! …oh God Mom! (Shayla rushes to call 911. She grabs the phone and
dials.) Oh God please help my Mother…(Crying.) I need an ambulance. It's my
Mother. I don't know, please just send someone, please… Yes, Walnut street, please
hurry! (She holds down the flash hook then dials Lacey, who's nearby on his cel phone.)
Lacey, it's Mom…she needs help. She just started screaming, grabbed her head and
passed out. (Sobbing. Instrumental, "if You Believe" begins.) I'm scared… Please hurry!
(She goes back to her Mother who's on the floor.) Mom… Mom? (Shayla hurries to
kitchen and wets a cloth next placing it on her mother's head.) God please, please help
my mother! You're the only one who can help her now…(Sobbing.) …please God…
(Lacey arrives.) Lacey!!! (He gets on his knees.)

Lacey: Mom…Mom.

Shayla: What's wrong with her?

Lacey: I don't know…

Shayla: Oh God…

Lacey: It's going to be alright…(He picks his mother up in his arms as Shayla heads to
the door.)

Shayla: You're going to be alright Mommy…(Shayla opens the door and Lacey carries
her out to the car.)

Fade to Black


Now in critical condition Jade is rushed into emergency. Before long Carl arrives at the
hospital. Carl, Lacey, Tyrese and Shayla anxiously sit in the waiting room.

Carl: What's taking so long…

Lacey: I'm sure the Doctor will be out as soon as he knows something Pops…(Carl
starts pacing the floor.)

Shayla: Daddy, do you think Mom's going to be alright…

Carl: I wish I knew baby…

Shayla: It's my fault…

Carl: Now don't you go blaming yourself…

Shayla: I should have done something… (Sobbing.)

Carl: What more could you have done, baby?

Shayla: I don't know…(Grand father Young enters.) Grand dad! (Shayla jumps up and
rushes to him. He holds Shayla.)

Vernon: How is she?

Carl: We're still waiting to hear something…

Vernon: We've just got to pray and have faith in God…(Seconds later the Doctor enters
to give the family the tragic news.)

Doctor Starr: Mr. Noble?

Carl: I'm Carl Noble...

Doctor Starr: I'm Doctor Starr...I'm afraid there's no easy way to say this... Mrs. Noble
has a brain aneurysm. Since we don't know the extent of the damage we're prepping her
for exploratory surgery now...

Shayla: Oh my God...

Vernon: Can it be removed? I'm her father...

Doctor Starr: I'm afraid things are pretty much touch and go...She's lucky to even be
alive. Young lady you were smart for putting that cold compress on her forehead. It's
the only thing that kept her stable.

Carl: Are you saying there's nothing we can do?

Doctor Starr: We're going to do the best we can... Mr. Noble. All you can do right now
is pray...(Shayla begins to sob.) I know this is difficult but we need to get Mrs. Noble
into surgery as soon as possible. If you'll see the nurse at the desk she'll have some papers
you'll need to sign... (Both Carl and the Doctor exit.)

Shayla: Oh Grandpa...(He takes Shayla's hand.)

Vernon: It's going to be O.K. Come on let's pray... Tyrese...Lacey... (They all join
hands and bow their heads.) Heavenly Father, we come to You as humbly as we know
how. And we know that You have all power in Your hands. We come to You
interceding for Jade Noble, Lord... We ask that You put a hedge of protection around
her. We bind any spirits of infirmity and ask that You appoint an avenging Angel around
her for her protection and well being. Guide the surgeons' hand Father God. Give the
"O.R." staff discernment, wisdom and a special anointing...from the crown of their heads
to the souls of their feet. These blessings we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and
Savior, Amen...

All: Amen... (When Carl returns Lacey is comforting Shayla. Grandpa approaches

Vernon: Son?

Carl: I don't know what I'm going to do if she doesn't make it Dad...

Vernon: Don't even think that way son...

Carl: I can't help it...

Vernon: Well we're going to speak healing into Jade's life. You know the Word says
when two or more ask in His name, it will be done. Son, we've got to put this situation in
God's hand...

Carl: I know Dad... I know...

Vernon: That's my only child in there...and as easy as it would be for me to fall apart
right now...we both know that we need to be strong, for the children. And that goes
double for you Carl. Because you're the backbone of this family...

Carl: I'm not sure I can do it... (He starts to sob.)

Vernon: It's not a choice of whether you can do it...you have no other choice... Now you
pull yourself together son, while I see to Shayla...

Carl: Thanks Dad...(Vernon goes over to Shayla.)

Vernon: Baby...are you alright?

Shayla:...just kind of tired, I guess... (Shayla sings, "Through The Storm".)

Vernon: Why don't you put your feet up there and try to get some rest...

Shayla: But Mom...

Vernon: I promise I'll wake you up the second Jade comes out of surgery...

Shayla: Thank you Grandpa... (Shayla lies on the small sofa. Tyrese's Grandfather
notices he's extremely withdrawn. Seconds later, he begins to pray.)

Tyrese: It's me, your boy Tyrese...Look, I know I haven't been around much. And
probably got a lot of nerve asking for your help... But it's my Mama Lord. (Sobbing.)
She doesn't deserve to die...so please God... I promise if you'll... just spare her life… I'll
change...I promise I'll change! I'll even rededicate my life to You Lord because… if
You're merciful enough to spare my Mama's life… then, then… it'll be no doubt to me

and my family that we witnessed first hand… Your awesome power. Anyway, you know
what I'm trying to say... And this comes from the heart… at a time when I know I need to
be strong… for my "peeps". I don't want anyone around here thinking I'm some kind of
punk or something.... So, I guess that's it "G" ... "Peace out"...

Grandpa overhears Tyrese's promise and goes into Pastor mode.

Vernon: Tyrese, I know you're obviously concerned about your Mama. Right now,
we're all worried about her. But it's O.K. to let it out. It's human…You don't have to be
strong for our sake.

Tyrese: I'm fine Grandpa...

Vernon: ...are you? Jade's my daughter...and I'm being straight with you when I say, I'm
not alright...

Tyrese: You're not...

Vernon: ...far from it. Look, I heard your promise and I know the power of God's
Word. And I feel the need to share with you concerning God’s grace.

Tyrese: I'm not sure I'm ready for this...

Vernon: Maybe not. But Jade's the only Mama you'll ever know. And dead or alive
she's the only Mama you'll ever have...(Tyrese starts to sob.) It's alright son... God
knows son...God knows...

Fade to Black

Hours have passed and the Doctor enters the waiting area. The chorus to "I Believe I
Can Fly" begins. Perspiration stains the Doctor's scrubs. Carl instinctively raises his
head. Grandpa wearily stands to his feet.

Doctor Starr: Mr. Noble...(Wearing a grim facial expression.) I’m sorry, we’ve done
all we can do... (Carl becomes distraught.)

Carl: Don't you tell me my wife is dead. I know my wife… You have to go back in
there! Well get in there!

Lacey: Dad...

Carl: She's not dead...she's not Lacey... (Shayla bursts into tears. Grandpa consoles her.
The Doctor returns to the operating room. Carl sits putting his face in his hands.)

Shayla: Why my Mama?! Why would God take my Mama...and all my friends still get
to have a Mother?! It's not fair!!!

Vernon: I know baby...but don't be angry with God. It's "the enemy" who's out to steal,
kill and destroy...he's the one who made her ill and he's trying to steal her life...

Shayla:...but God can help her... He doesn't have to let her die. You always told me that
nothing's too hard for God...

Vernon: That's right baby...

Shayla: Then what did my Mama do wrong? She's a good Mom…

Vernon: Sure she is. (He pauses.) Maybe it's not that she necessarily did anything
wrong...Jesus was blameless but he died on a cross...

Shayla: But Mama's not Jesus Christ. Her death's not going to help anyone! But she is
my Mom…

Vernon: I know baby…And that's something only God can answer.... Did you ever think
that maybe God has another assignment for your Mother...

Shayla: I don't care! I just want to keep my Mother here, on earth... I'm an only
daughter. I need her! I don't have a sister...Don't you see...she's not just my
Mama...she's my friend Grandpa...

Vernon: I know, I do baby... And I want to keep my daughter. I've already lost a wife,
and that doesn't make it any easier... The hardest thing for a parent is to see their child
leave this world before them. It's the last thing any parent would ever expect to happen.
(Tyrese sings, "Stand". Doctor Starr enters bewildered.)

Carl: Yes Doctor…

Doctor Starr: I can't explain it. Your wife was dead on the table….when her heart started
respiration again...

Vernon: I can explain it! It's the burden removing, yoke destroying...power of God!!!
(They all praise God as they sing, "Hold On, Jesus Is Coming")

Fade to Black

Carl is in the recovery room as Lacey enters. Jade is unconscious.

Lacey: Dad?

Carl: Hey son...

Lacey: Any improvement?

Carl: I'm afraid not...

Lacey: I had Tyrese take Shayla back to the house. They just left. Tyrese is going to
stay with her...

Carl: Good. I image she was pretty wiped out...How's Jasmine...

Lacey: She's still feeling kind of out of it... I guess she's just ready to drop that load...

Carl: I'm sure the stress of this ordeal didn't help any...

Lacey: Naw...but Mother Hewitt's there with her. She should be O.K. I think... She's not
due for another month....(Lacey's cel phone rings. He answers.) Hello? Hey
Tyrese...what? When...

Carl: What's wrong Lacey?

Lacey: Mother Hewitt?! (He responds to Carl.) Jasmine's water broke... Tyrese found a
note saying she's on her way here... and Mother Hewitt's driving...

Carl: Mother Hewitt? Why didn't she call an ambulance?!

Lacey: What? (He goes back to the phone.)

Carl: What did he say?

Lacey: Tyrese says Mother Hewitt can get her here faster than any ambulance...

Carl:...in one piece?

Lacey: Dad, I'm going to wait in the emergency entrance...(On the phone.) Tyrese, I'll
call you back.

Carl: Son, with Mother Hewitt driving...be sure to stay clear of the driveway. This
family's had enough trauma for one week...

Lacey: Right... (Lacey exits. Seconds later Doctor Starr enters.)

Doctor Starr: Mr. Noble... I thought I should stop by and give you Mrs. Noble's

Carl: What is it?

Doctor Starr: It's not good, I'm afraid...

Carl: But she's alive... She came through the surgery.

Doctor Starr: Yes, however if and when she does regain consciousness she'll remain in a
vegetated state...

Carl: What do you mean a vegetated state...

Doctor Starr: …by that I mean she'll never walk again, remain basically paralyzed and
be fortunate if she regains the ability to form words and syllables...

Carl: No, you're wrong. There must be a mistake...(Doctor Starr is paged.)

V.O: "Doctor Starr...to the emergency room..."stat".

Doctor Starr: I'm sorry... I'm needed in emergency. I'll stop back later if you have any
more questions. I'm sorry. (He exits.)

Carl: No...it can't be. Lord I know you didn't let my wife survive to live like some
vegetable...(Grandpa enters the recovery area.)

Vernon: Son, what is it?

Carl: They're trying to tell me that Jade will never walk again. That she's going to be

Vernon: The doctor's don't really don't know son...

Carl: But he said she may never speak either...

Vernon: Remember, this is the same Doctor who declared Jade clinically dead... He was
wrong then and he can be wrong again...We both know God has the final say.

Carl: But Dad...no one could live like this for more than 3 or 4 years...

Vernon: Now listen son, we've already seen the power of God... my daughter is alive
and I'm claiming Jade's healing... Complete restoration...in the name of Jesus! And you
need to do the same…

Fade to Black

Mother Hewitt enters along with Jasmine into the emergency room.

Lacey: Thank God... (He rushes to Jasmine. They hug.)

Jasmine: Oh, Lacey... (Lacey helps Jasmine into a wheel chair.)

Lacey: You're here now baby...everything's going to be fine...(Doctor Starr approaches


Jasmine: But it's too earlier.... Owww...owww...

Doctor Starr: Nurse we better get her down to labor and delivery...

Mother Hewitt: Well move it "nurse lady"! Come on with it...she's about to "blow"...
(The nurse rolls Jasmine out.)

Jasmine: Lacey...

Lacey: Everything's going to be alright...I love you honey...(Doctor Starr exits.)

Jasmine: I love you! (Off stage.)

Mother Hewitt: I thought you two took Lamaze ...

Lacey: we did…

Mother Hewitt: Well boy, what you doing out here?! If you really loved her you'd be
right in there with her.

Lacey: Mother Hewitt please... Now, I appreciate your getting Jasmine here in one
piece but...

Mother Hewitt: You say that like there was some doubt...

Lacey: No, I'm saying things have been kind of stressful lately, you know?

Mother Hewitt: Try having a baby pop out of your tail...now that's stress...

Lacey: I know Mother Hewitt...

Mother Hewitt: Well that girl needs you...You put it in there didn't you?! Well didn't
you?!!! (He nods.) ...then you can watch it come out!

Lacey: Mother Hewitt please...

Mother Hewitt: That's the problem with you young men. All you want is the fun part!
Heathens! Five minutes and then you're out like a light...

Lacey: Excuse me?

Mother Hewitt: I'd like to see a man experience just one labor pain...just one! That
would give you a whole new perspective of the world!

Lacey: I'm too tired for this…

Mother Hewitt: That's because you haven't turned things over to the Lord. You've got to
go to the rock baby… That's the problem… Listen here… (Mother Hewitt sings, "I Go
To The Rock".)

Lacey: My view of the world is just fine, unlike some people...

Mother Hewitt: Oh really?! Well try viewing it from the "spread eagle" position! Bet
that'll make you think twice about where, when and who you're fornicating with...

Lacey: Mother Hewitt, PLEASE!!!

Mother Hewitt: How's your Mama doing baby? (The nurse returns.) There you is…
nurse, you all got any drugs over there you can give this boy? He's a mess! …not
Viagra though…

Fade to Black

Tyrese and Shayla return to the waiting room...Mother Hewitt has nodded off.

Tyrese: Lace...what's up?

Shayla: Jasmine still in labor?

Lacey: Yea...

Shayla: Mother Hewitt?

Lacey: Please don't wake her up...

Shayla: Lacey, why not?

Lacey: The last four hours have been like the waiting room from hell!

Shayla: You mean with Mother Hewitt here?

Tyrese: Man, she can't be that bad...

Lacey: I swear man, if you wake her...I'm going to find my own way to sedate her!

Shayla: Lacey...

Lacey: She's a Geriatric menace to society...

Shayla: Alright. How's Mom...

Lacey: There's been no change...

Tyrese: Is Dad still with her?

Lacey: Yea, but I think they've moved her to a room...

Tyrese: Well, since it looks like you're going to be a while...I'm going to check on

Lacey: See if you can convince him to get some rest...

Tyrese: I'll do my best... (Tyrese exits. Moments later Doctor Starr enters.)

Doctor Starr: Mr. Noble...

Lacey: Yes...

Doctor Starr: You're a father...you've got yourself a son...

Lacey:...a boy? It's a boy!!!

Shayla: I heard...

Lacey: I'm a father....

Shayla:...and I'm an Aunt!

Lacey: Oh yea, thanks Doc... Ah, how's Jasmine...

Doctor Starr: It was a little rough going for a while but she's going to be just fine...

Lacey: Can I see her?

Doctor Starr: As soon as they move her to recovery...

Lacey: Thanks Doc...thank you...

Doctor Starr: You're welcome. Glad I could be the bearer of some good news this
time...(He exits.)

Lacey: I can't believe it...

Shayla: Oh Lacey...(They hug.) Hey, what are you going to name him?

Lacey: Jordan...

Shayla: Jordan Noble...no middle name?

Lacey: Oh yea, Lacey of course!

Shayla: Of course!

Lacey: I've got to tell Dad...

Shayla: You know what would be great? ...if you took your son down to Mom's room

Lacey: You think they'd let me...

Shayla: Under the circumstances, I don't see why not... It would boost Dad's ego and it
might even aid in Mom's recovery...

Lacey: I don't know...

Shayla: The Word says, you have not...because you ask not...

Lacey: But she's still unconscious...

Shayla: That doesn't mean she can't hear him...

Lacey: I guess it won't hurt to ask.

Shayla: No, it won't

Lacey: Well, it's worth a try...let's go.

Shayla: What about Mother Hewitt?

Lacey:...leave her...

Shayla: Lacey?!

Lacey: What? Let the nurse deal with her for a change...

Shayla: That's "mean"...

Lacey: She'll be fine...we're in a hospital…

Shayla: I don't believe you…

Lacey: Fine. I'm wrong, she should be in a psychiatric hospital... (Lacey and Shayla exit.
Mother Hewitt wakes up moments later. She goes to the desk.)

Mother Hewitt: Where "the devil" is everyone…(A nurse enters.) Young lady did
Jasmine Noble birth that baby yet? (The nurse nods.) And was it a boy? (The nurse nods
again.) I knew it was a boy! (Mother Hewitt sings, "Joy")

Fade to Black

Jasmine is in her hospital room taking a few moments to bond with her new son Jordan.
Jasmine sings, "Who Would Imagine A King". Lacey arrives at Jasmine's hospital room.

Lacey: Hey baby...how you doing?

Jasmine: Better...

Lacey: I'll bet...

Jasmine: How's Mom... (He walks over to his son.)

Lacey: There's been no change...

Jasmine: I'm so sorry baby...(Shayla enters.)

Shayla: There he is...

Lacey: Oh man... He's beautiful. (Lacey takes Jordan in his arms.) Come here boy...
Hey little man... Hey, I'm your Pappy... Did you talk to the desk? (To Shayla.)

Shayla: I sure did...

Lacey: Are you sure it's alright...

Shayla: Lacey! He's your son!

Jasmine: ...is what alright?

Lacey: I thought, if I went down the hall and surprised Dad with his new Grandson, it
would lift his spirits...

Jasmine: Oh Lacey, that's a wonderful idea... Who knows, it might even bring Mom
around in the process...miracles can happen...

Lacey: Yea, I'm holding one... Well here goes... (He exits with Jordan in his arms.)

Jasmine: Shayla...thanks.

Shayla: ...for what?

Jasmine: I sense your handy work in this...

Shayla: Nooo....

Jasmine: Yes...

Shayla: Alright, guilty as charged...

Jasmine: Let me know what Dad says...

Shayla: O.K...

Jasmine: Well go!

Shayla: You're right. I've just got to see this... (She heads toward the door.) Hey, wait
for me...

Fade to Black

Lacey arrives at Jade's room. Carl is at her bedside while Tyrese stares out the window.

Lacey: Dad? (Carl looks up.)

Carl: Oh my Lord...It's a boy?

Lacey: Yep. Say hello to Jordan Lacey Noble...(He puts him in his Carl's arms.)

Carl: He's beautiful... I know your Mother hates that she's missing...th... (He starts to

Lacey: Here let me take him...

Tyrese: Dad, is Mom not going to be alright...

Carl: I'm not really sure...

Lacey: Has Doctor Starr said anything else?

Carl: He said your Mother would never walk again...

Lacey: What?

Carl: ...that she'd be paralyzed and lucky if she can even talk...

Tyrese: But I don't understand...Mom survived the surgery...

Carl: I know. I can't explain it either... Lacey, you better take Jordan back to Jasmine's
room...(Grandpa enters.)

Vernon: Is that my great Grandson? Lord what a blessing... Lacey, I do believe this
family has a hero in our midst. (Shayla enters.)

Shayla: Definitely…Can Aunt Shayla please hold her nephew? Thank you…(Shayla
sings, "Hero".)

Lacey: I'm afraid this blessing's kind of bittersweet.

Vernon: Nonsense!

Tyrese: Dad told us about Mom's prognosis...

Vernon: Prognosis?! Humph! We're not going to listen to any "ole" Doctor...

Tyrese: But what about his prognosis...

Vernon: I'm trusting in God's prognosis which says, "By Jesus' stripes we're healed!"

Shayla: Praise God...

Vernon: I was telling your father earlier, that we've already seen the burden removing,
yoke destroying, power of God in the mere fact that my daughter/your Mama's still

Shayla: Grandpa's right...

Vernon: Oh course, I'm right. And if Doctor Starr can be wrong once...he can be wrong
again! Now you just leave me here with my great grandson a minute. We need to have a
little talk with my daughter...

Carl: Alright...let's go kids... (They exit as Shayla hands him the baby.)

Lacey: His name is Jordan Lacey....

Vernon: Jordan Lacey Noble... Well Jordan Lacey, looks like we've got our work cut out
for us... (He steps toward Jade and lays Jordan on her stomach.) Jade, this is your father
speaking. I'm here with your new grandson Jordan... That's him on your stomach. And
I know you're not going to let this boy grow up without a Grandmother... Now I know
you been through a lot but there's no reason for you not to make a complete recovery...
(He calls outside.) You all can come back in now...

Lacey: All done?

Vernon: Almost...this was a good idea to bring Jordan down here but I'm thinking we
should take things a step further. Let's bless the baby...

Carl: Here?

Vernon: Right here...right now...

Carl: You know…I think you're on to something Dad...

Tyrese: I'll get a wheel chair and swing by Jasmine's room....

Shayla: And I'll get Mother Hewitt...

Lacey: Shayla...

Shayla: Lacey, yes! (Vernon hands Jordan back to Lacey. Tyrese and Shayla exit.)

Fade to Black

Moments later Tyrese rolls in with Jasmine and Mother Hewitt makes her way into the
room...The entire family's present in Jade's hospital room.

Mother Hewitt: Alright, let's get a move on Reverend... Time ain't waiting on you.

Vernon: Can I have everyone's attention...we are here to bear witness to the Christening
of Jordan Lacey Noble. Let us pray. (Everyone bows their head.) Father God, we want
to begin by thanking You for Your grace and mercy...for waking us up in our right minds
this morning. We thank You for this precious soul that we rededicate back into Your
capable hands. We also ask a special prayer for daughter and mother Jade Noble. And
as we as a family step out on faith we're assured of Your magnificent Power and Might…
and that You alone have all Power in Your hands. Lord, this family has been through a
lot in recent days but we know that You'll never give us more than we can bear. And as
You guide the life of Jordan Lacey Noble…place Your anointed hedge of protection
around the Noble family and help us all to remember that the Ties That Bind us as a unit
are ties that will last throughout eternity. Lord, for this we give You the glory and the
honor as we ask these blessings in the name of Your precious son Jesus Christ, Amen.

All: Amen. (Pastor Young takes Jordan in his arms. Then he dips his fingers in the holy

Vernon: Jordan Lacey Noble...I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Amen...

All: Amen...

Mother Hewitt: That's it?!

Tyrese: Mother Hewitt...shhh...

Mother Hewitt: Don't "shush" me! I was here when you were nothing but a "panty

Jasmine: Please Mother Hewitt, let's not ruin the Christening...

Mother Hewitt: Hello...the Christening is over...the shortest one in history I reckon...

Lacey: Mother Hewitt...

Tyrese: Well I have to admit I was expecting something like "behold, the only thing
greater than Thyself"...

Shayla: That's from "Roots"...

Lacey: We're blessing my son...not "Kunta Kinte'..." (When You Believe" begins.)

Tyrese: Maybe we need to go back to our roots. That's the problem with our people...

Lacey: Don't start...

Tyrese: What?!

Lacey: Man, you just need to "step"…

Tyrese: What you going to do? If you're feeling "froggy" then "leap" my Brother…

The entire family becomes so preoccupied that they don’t notice that Jade has opened her
eyes. She raises her hand unnoticed. Then in her normal motherly tone Jade speaks.

Jade: Could everyone please keep the noise down...(Everyone's quiet for a moment.)

Tyrese: What? Mom spoke...

Carl: Jade... (The Pastor takes Jordan and walks over and holds him close to Jade's
chest so she can get a better look.)

Vernon: Honey, this is Jordan Lacey Noble...your grandson. (Carl kisses Jade on the

Carl: Praise God...

Jasmine: Hallelujah...

Mother Hewitt: Thank You Jesus! Thank You....(She starts getting "happy".)

Carl: Thank You Lord...Dad, after today… I'm going to rededicate my life to Christ...

Tyrese: You too? I told Grand dad I'm going to accept Jesus as my Savior at this
Sunday's service.

Vernon: You know, I can do you one better. We don't have to wait for Sunday or be in
church. Anyone truly serious about being saved can repeat the Salvation scripture right
now. All in favor say I?"

All: “I”!

Vernon: "The “I’s” have it." Amen! It says in Romans lO:9, "...that if you confess
with your mouth that Lord Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised
Him from the dead, you will be saved." Everyone repeat after me… Lord, I want to
rededicate my life to You.

All: Lord, I want to rededicate my life to You.

Vernon: Come into my heart.

Vernon: Come into my heart.

Vernon: I repent of my sins.

All: I repent of my sins.

Vernon: And ask that You cleanse me Lord of all unrighteous.

All: And ask that You cleanse me Lord of all unrighteous.

Vernon: I believe that Your Son, Lord Jesus died on the cross for my sins.

All: I believe that Your Son, Lord Jesus died on the cross for my sins.

Vernon: I confess Jesus as Lord.

All: I confess Jesus as Lord.

Vernon: And believe that You raised Him from the dead.

All: And believe that You raised Him from the dead.

Vernon: … and now I am saved.

All: … and now I am saved.

Vernon: Thank You for Your grace Lord…

All: Thank You for Your grace Lord…

Vernon: Thank You for Your mercy.

All: Thank You for Your mercy.

Vernon: These blessings I ask in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.

All: These blessings I ask in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.

Vernon: Amen and Amen!

All: " Amen and Amen!" (Mother Hewitt sings, "When I Think About Jesus"…Everyone
joins in.)

Mother Hewitt: "When I think about Jesus and what He's done for me…When I think
about Jesus and how He set me free. I can dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance,
dance ALL NIGHT!"



“Stand” - ALTAR CALL)


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