Historical Minis

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Sources of 28mm Medieval Human Miniatures

Historical miniatures Manufacturers (European only)

Source Cost per infantry Cost per cav Scale with GW Use as
Fireforge £1.17 £2.33 Bit small Bretonnians, Greyhawk
Perry 0.61p £1.83 Too small Bretonnians, Empire, Greyhawk
Oathmark 0.75p £1.50 Touch smaller Bretonnian? Empire? Parts?
Greyhawk, Norse
Frostgrave £1.11 - Bit smaller Use parts? Greyhawk. Norse
Essex £2.35 £4.55 rider Too small
plus separate (more like
horse 25mm)
First Corps £1.35 £4 ? bit smaller? Bretonnian
footsoremini £2.25 £3.75 Small, like Greyhawk
atures perry
GPB 0.55p £1.50 Bit too small Greyhawk, Norse
(Gripping (Use for Arabs?)
Foundry £1.75 £5 Touch smaller? Empire, Bretonnian, Greyhawk,
Oldhammer Norse
Old Glory £1.17 £3.50 Bit smaller? Bretonnian, Greyhawk,
Crusader £1.43 £2.88 As foundry? Bretonnian, Greyhawk, Norse
Front rank £1.60 £3.10 As foundry? Bretonnian
Warlord £.68p £4.33/£3.33 Too small like Empire and Kislev winged hussars
Games Perry.
Steel Fist £2.45 £4.88 ? but look Empire knights and foot knights,
Miniatures good handguns, zweihanders, cannon, and
peasants. Halberdiers (in later
medieval range)

Mixed miniatures manufacturers (Any human)

Forlorn Hope £2.42 £5 sold separately Bit too small Bretonnian,

Greyhawk, Norse
Mirliton E2.70 E8.75 Bit too small Bretonnian,
Empire, Norse,
Highland E2.99 E6.99 As modern GW Bretonnian,
Miniatures Empire
Lost Kingdom E2.99 E7.32 As modern GW? Bretonnian
Wargames £1 - As modern GW? Empire (Estalian
Atlantic theme)
Antidiluvian £1.80 - As modern GW? Bretonnian or
historical Greyhawk (Scots
theme) Albion?
Maxminishop £1.33 As modern GW? Fantasy Arabs
Copplestonecastin £1.50 buy £5 buy weapons As modern GW? Mongols,
g weapons separate separate Tibetans, Chinese,
Arabs, Africans.
Conquest games 0.71p £1.25 Too small like Bretonnians,
medieval knights Perry Greyhawk
and archers
Norba Kislev, Empire,
Black Tree Design Touch big? Brets, Arabs
(EOE Orbis)

Other options:
New GW minis, 2nd hand market, etsy battlemasters/heroquest etc.
GW very expensive. As of 14/11/23 can still by collegiate battle wizards 4 for £27.50, battlemage or
general on griffon £40, steam tank £42.50, and flagellants £20 for 20 figs. Soon to be released and
re-released Bretonnians. Consider buying Knights of the Realm, Pegasus Knights and Handmaiden.
2nd hand market must consider damage and cleaning time as well as expense (divide price including
postage by figures to get price per fig).
Can mix and match parts which might mitigate scale issues somewhat.

Also to buy at some point; demons and angels for 3rd ed summoning.

Some of the following ranges also make some character/hero models and ranges of Arab and
Samurai. Emphasis is on European types plus units for GW.
Specific models for:

Maker Set/model Price Price per mini To use as

Fireforge Crusader e23 E1.90 Bret archers in 6th, Bret Rapscallions in 3rd,
archers Greyhawk archers.
“ Turcopoles e28 E2.33 Empire Kislev horse archers in 6th,
“ Teutonic e28 e2.33 Empire Temple Ritterbruden in 3rd
“ Teutonic e28 E1.90 Bret Brigands with spear or crossbow in
infantry 3rd, Greyhawk.
(sergeants or
“ Barded and e5 E1.66 Horses as needed.
horses (3)
“ Western e28 E2.33 Bret knights,
“ Foot sergeants e44 E0.90 Bret spearmen in 6th, Bret Brigands with
spear, handweapon or crossbow in 3rd
“ Mounted e28 E2.33 Bret mounted yeoman in 6th, Bret
sergeants Chasseurs de la mort in 3rd, greyhawk
“ Sergeants at e28 E2.33 As above but can have crossbows
“ Medieval e28 E1.90 Bret peasant archers in 6th, Bret
archers Rapscallions in 3rd, Greyhawk
“ Russian e25 E4.16 Druzhina mercenaries in 3rd
“ Scandinavian e28 E1.12 Norse warriors in 3rd with various weapons
“ Northmen e20 E1.66 Empire Ersatzsoldier spear or sword in 3rd,
warriors Greyhawk
“ Northmen e20 E1.66 Empire Forstjaeger in 3rd, greyhawk
“ Folk rabble e20 E1.66 Empire landsturm in 3rd, Bret Villeins in 3rd,
greyhawk peasants
“ Albions e28 E2.33 Bret knights
“ Pegasus e32 e8 Brets in 6th, Greyhawk
Foundry Original £14 £1.75 Norse warriors and berserkers in 3rd
“ Dark age £12 £2 Norse for 3rd all units covered
“ Ex £15 £3 Norse for 3rd, Empire Ersatzsoldier for 3rd,
Citadel/GW Greyhawk,
“ Ex cit Feudal £14 £1.75 All bret covered, Greyhawk
“ Ex cit Men at £14 £1.75 All Empire covered including cannons,
Arms Bret billmen, Greyhawk
“ Ex Cit Wars £14 £1.75 Estalian mercs. For 3rd
of religion
“ Seadogs and £14 £1.75 Estalian mercs. For 3rd
s and El
“ 16th-17th c £12 £1.50 Kislev for 6th ed
“ Early 16th c £16 £2 Empire Cannon, pikes, knights for 3rd/6th
“ Medieval £14 £1.75 All Bret both editions
Empire halberdiers, Handguns, archers
3rd/6th. Greyhawk
“ Robin hood £6 £6 Robin hood characters for Bret 6th ed
Crusader Norse + £7 £1.75 Norse with Mixed weapons
“ 100 years war £11.5 £1.43 Bret Billmen, handguns, spearmen,
0 crossbows, archers, cannon, mounted
sergeants for 3rd ed
“ Late crusades £11.5 £1.43 Bret mounted sergeants, archers, rascals,
0 rapscallions, spearmen, crossbows,
“ Teutonic £11.5 £3.83 Empire knights,
knights 0
“ War of the £11.5 £1.43 Bret crossbows, handguns, archers,
Roses 0 Empire knights
Pikes for Greyhawk
Old Glory The middle £30 £3 cav £1.16 Potentially Bret but no pictures
ages cav infantry
“ Renaissance “ “ Potentially Empire however no pictures
1st Corps Thirty years £12 £1.50 Estalian pikes
“ Medieval £32.4 £1.35 Most if not all Bret. Greyhawk
0 Empire war wagon
Front rank medieval Bret and Empire
Highland - £29.5 £1.96 (per Empire handguns, demigriffs, artillery,
miniatures (the 0 infantry, more knights, repeater handguns, zweihanders,
plastic clinic on for cav etc) warwagon, reiksguard on foot, zealots,
etsy) helberdiers, crossbows, archers, pistoliers
swordsmen, whitewolf knights for 6th
Kislev all units for 6th
All bret units for 6th
Lost kingdom £19.8 £1.90 Some Bret units for 6th
3d minimarket 0
on etsy)
Wargames Conquistadors £25 £1 Estalian mercs
atlantic box
Antidiluvian Coquerors of £16 £4 Estalian mercs (characters)
minis Pictlan
Maxmini Oasis dwellers £20 £1.33 Arabians in 6th ed, Greyhawk
Artizan Renaissance £6.60 £1.65 Empire units
Estalian mercs.
minis3d on etsy Battlemasters £4.75 £4.75 Battlemasters minis to bulk up units. (or
buy cheaper from ebay)
Warlord games Italian wars £24 £0.80p Pikemen or cut pike down for spearmen
“ Italian wars £24 £0.80p Arquebusiers or crossbowmen
missile troops
“ Italian wars £26 £1.08 Zweihanders or halberdiers
“ Italian wars £8 £2.13 Command group and heros
“ Thirty years £42 £3.50 Empire Pistoliers
Peculiar Flagellants £13.9 £2.78 Empire flagellants
companions and lots of 9
(Sundered other
studios ebay historicals for
shop) WHF
Steel Fist Italian wars

Current collection of humans:

10 mercenaries; some finished. (Ersatzsoldier).

25 halberdiers (Helblitzen); WIP.
10 empire bowmen.
10 empire crossbows (Armbrustschutzen).
1 cannon and crew.
12 knights unbarded (Stadtsknechts). 3 barded (Hohensknechtes (Knights Panther?)).

10 Empire halberdiers.

20 Bret archers (rapscallions).

Knights and Rascals needed for min 3rd ed army.
24 Bret archers
12 Bret knights
36 Bret men-at-arms
3 Bret pegasus
Lord on Pegasus

Gripping beast
20 Saxon thegns (norse bondsmen)
Warlord Games
Landsknechts Missile troops

Fireforge Deus Vult

Foot sergeants (Bret crossbowmen and spearmen)

Forlorn Hope
6 Arqebusiers

Other minis

20 chaos thugs painted
20 orc boyz
20 orc arrer boyz
40 goblin spear
40 goblin archers
4 goblin wolf riders
20 skeletons
5 skeleton horse
20 hobgoblins
20 high elf spear
20 high elf archers
15 wood elf archers
4 Dark elf scouts
2 Snotling base

Heroquest (all painted)

Orcs 16
goblins 12
chaos warriors 3
fimir 6

Advanced heroquest
20 skaven

20 orcs
20 goblin archers
12 goblin wolf riders
10 beastmen
5 chaos warriors
3 chaos knights
10 chaos thugs
1 ogre

Bret sacred box
Chaos sacred box
Also some models for heros/wizards.

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