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Checklist of Competency Requirements for Professional Engineers

Competence Element/Performance Indicators
1. Problem Analysis – PRO
Define, investigate, and analyse engineering problems
 Identifies and defines the scope of the problem
 Investigates and analyses relevant information, products, projects, processes or systems using
appropriate tools and techniques
 Tests analysis for correctness of results
 Conducts any necessary research and reaches substantiated conclusions

2. Design or Development of Solutions - DDS

Design or develop creative and innovative solutions to engineering problems
 Identifies needs, requirements, constraints and performance criteria
 Develops concepts and recommendations that were tested against engineering principles
 Consults with stakeholders to determine their expectations
 Evaluates options and selects solution that best matched needs, requirements and criteria
 Plans and implements effective, efficient and practical systems or solutions

3. (Evaluation - EVA)
Evaluate the outcomes and impacts of engineering activities
 Monitor and evaluate products, projects, processes or systems against set criteria
 Determine criteria for verification, evaluation and review of engineering solutions, activities and
 Evaluates outcomes to ensure decisions are based on sound evidence

4. (Responsibility for Decisions - RFD)

Display a personal sense of responsibility for making decisions on part or all of engineering activities

 Takes accountability for his decisions and for those for whom he is responsible
 Accepts responsibility for his work and provides platform to assist others improve their work
 Authorise engineering outputs based on due consideration and understanding of impact Seeks
advise on matters falling outside his scope of education and experience

5. Manage Engineering Activities – MEA

Initiate, plan, lead or manage engineering activities

 Contribute to successful proposals, bids, technical qualifications and tender documents for
engineering activities.
 Provide initiative and leadership in coordinating technical, commercial, social and environmental
aspects of engineering activities implementation
 Plans, schedules and organises projects effectively to deliver specified outcomes
 Applies appropriate quality assurance, project management, production management,
information management, maintenance management, planning systems techniques
 Reports progress relative to agreed schedules, cost, deliverables and outstanding issues
 Manages resources, including personnel, finance and physical resources
 Manages conflicting demands and expectations
 Keep and manage records to comply with set requirements

6. Judgment - JUD
Exercise sound judgment in the course of his/ her engineering work
 Demonstrates the ability to identify alternative options
 Demonstrates the ability to choose between options and justify decisions

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 Supervise, monitor and evaluate the progress of technical work performed by others, diagnose
deficiencies and negotiate appropriate remedial measures
 Gains peers recognition for his ability to exercise sound engineering judgment
 Seeks advice and decide on progression of work when faced with unexpected obstacles,
performance deficiencies, impending or actual failure

7. Communication - COM
Communicate efficiently, honestly and effectively with others in the course of his engineering work
 Respect confidentiality obligations
 Uses oral and written communication to meet the needs and expectations of his audience
 Communicates using a range of media suitable to the audience and context to convey technical
and non-technical concepts and ideas.
 Operates effectively as a team member within multi-disciplinary teams (including other
professions) and as a team leader
 Build and maintain collaborative relationships with others gaining their respect, trust, confidence
and willingness.
 Lead and sustain discussions with others to coordinate and integrate their view to improve
 Develops empathy and uses active listening skills when communicating with others
 Operates effectively as a team member within multi-disciplinary teams (including other
professions) and as a team leader
 Provide feedback, suggestions and technical advice on relevant practical issues

8. Identify, assess and manage risks - RISK

Develop and operate within a hazard and risk framework to evaluate outcomes and impacts of
engineering activities
 Identify and assess risks
 Establish and maintain a documented audit trail of technical and operational issues
 Develops and implements risk management policies, procedures and protocols to manage safety
and hazards
 Devise ways to influence management of risks through appropriate risk management techniques
(elimination, minimisation and avoidance)

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