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ISSN 2321 3361 © 2019 IJESC

Research Article Volume 9 Issue No.11

Analysis of Equipment Management in Construction Industry to

Improve Productivity
Lincy. G
PG Student
Department of Civil Engineering
Arunachala College of Engineering for Women, Manavilai, Nagercoil, Kanyakumari, India

Construction equipment management is the important factor to run the project in a successful a manner. The effectiveness of
construction machineries is a major factor that differentiates construction companies in terms of heavy construction and also light
construction. Time and cost is an important factor in a construction project. Selection and planning of equipment is required for its
proper utilization. To complete the project within a stipulated time utilization of equipment becomes a priority. Datas about the
equipments and work are required from construction companies. As the array of useful equipment expand the importance of
careful planning and execution of construction equipment increases. Inefficient management of equipment leads to loss in
production, delayed production and hence leads to reduce overall profitability of the company. Utilization of machine properly
and matching their capacities to execute specific project requirements are important. Main objective of this paper is to managing
the equipment and thereby improving the productivity of construction. The project is going to be done with a questionnaire

Keywords: Equipment management, proper planning, selection, optimum utilization methods.

I. INTRODUCTION equipment managers usually result in major losses in

construction firms. The equipment management practices
Good project management in construction must vigorously vary, to some extent, among different contractor sizes.
pursue the efficient utilization of equipment, labour and Equipment manager’s main task is to reduce downtime,
material. Improvement of productivity should be a major and achieve optimum equipment utilization and increase
continual concern of those who are responsible for cost control production at minimum cost.
of constructed facilities. Equipment handling requires a special
attention for cost reduction. The use of new equipment and II. IMPORTANCE OF EQUIPMENTS IN CONSTRUCTION
innovative methods has made possible changes in the
construction technologies in recent decades. Organizations With the advent of heavy construction equipment and the
which do not recognize the impact of various innovations and approach of large construction company of converting the
have not adapted to changing environments have justifiably construction sector to a more mechanized and in turn an
been forced out of the mainstream of construction activities. organized sector has made it mandatory for maintaining the
The basic operations that involved in the construction of any fleet of equipment to perform to its optimum. Since machinery
project are excavation, digging of small or large quantities of and equipment which have become an integral part of any
earth and moving them to fairly long distances, placement, construction activity and plants and machinery now constitute
compacting, leveling, dozing, grading, hauling, etc. All the a substantial portion of the construction cost in a project has to
machines that are usually used to carry out these construction be maintained to turn the project into a profit making center
operations are referred to as construction equipment for any organization.And also because the cost of maintenance
Construction firms are often faced with problems related to of any equipment is in tune of 200 to 250 percent of cost of
high rate of equipment unavailability, failure or breakdown equipment it has become imperative for going in for
and accidents that reducing productivity. Poor selection of maintaining the equipment during its expected life cycle.
equipment often claimed as a major cause of equipment Equipment maintenance is a science because it involves
related problems. The only way to avoid this huge amount of scientific and technical knowhow of different machineries
loss that usually leads to equipment breakdown or failure is to involved, and it is an art because for identical problem it may
adopt proper equipment maintenance management strategy. require different treatment or action or process. We need
This will keep construction equipment fit at all times and equipment’s for technical and speedy construction and at the
allow timely completion of construction project, thereby same time for economical and timely completion of project.
increasing construction project profitability Thus, to
understand effective construction equipment management, one III. SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES
must also understand effective construction equipment
maintenance. There is a need to let construction managers The objective of this paper is
realize that maintenance of construction equipment if properly  To study the various equipment management practices
carryout is a profit Centre,Effective management of equipment currently being employed by large construction sector.
is crucial for the success of construction firms. Inadequate  To identify the best practices for effective management.
manual processes of equipment management and decisions of This study will help to understand the factors responsible

IJESC, November 2019 23972 http://

for better efficiency and less operating cost of owning accounted towards equipment and machinery. The use of
and operating by reducing the downtime of equipment. equipment & methods has made possible changes in
construction technology in recent decades. Highway
IV. LITERATURE REVIEW construction projects are the yardstick to measure the
development of country. Now the highway construction
projects are changing their face. Proper planning, selection,
Various literatures were reviewed related on the equipment procurement, installation, operation, maintenance and
management which is useful for the project. The literature equipment replacement policy plays an important role in
reviews helps to give a better idea about the Equipment equipment management for successful completion of project.
management and improving productivity. “Identifying Ways “Productivity in Construction-A Critical Review of Research”
to Improve Productivity at the Construction Industry” written by D. A. R. Dolage and P. Chan. The study ascertained that
by Mohammed Salleh Hammad, Abdelnaser Omran, Abdul the main drawbacks of past productivity studies are the strong
Hamid Kadir Pakir says that by improving management empirical inclination of methodologies adopted and the
practices, a construction company can therefore reduce overwhelming positivist approach to examining productivity
waiting time significantly. Besides long periods of waiting, issues. The absence of follow-up studies to investigate the
there are many other drains on productivity at the construction validity of productivity measurement techniques and the
site. By comparing project, the company can determine why models and to test the claims made in productivity
one project was more productive that the other. The company improvement studies, is a striking feature. The rational
can carefully observe the percentage of productive and participants who perceive productivity as the ratio of output
nonproductive time at a site. By comparing project, the resources to input resources must strive to get higher outputs
company can determine why one project was more productive from lower inputs. In the construction industry higher
that the other. In the report “Planning and Selection of Heavy productivity levels invariably lead to superior profitability,
Construction Equipment in Civil Engineering” written by Mr. drawing the constant attention of the management. “A Review
Nilesh D. Chinchore, Prof. Pranay R. Khare. The capital on Factors Affecting Productivity of Multi-Storey Building
investment on purchase and or rental/lease, and operation of Construction” is the paper by Neelima Suresh, Sahimol
the plant and equipment being very high, it has to be managed Eldhose. This paper explains that productivity measurement at
so as to ensure maximum return on investment, productivity construction site level enables companies to monitor their own
and minimum operating, maintenance and repair cost. Thus performance against their site performance. Productivity
appropriate selection and planning is essential for successful measures are formulated as a ratio of output to one or more of
completion of project and to secure maximum profit out of it. the inputs. Multi-factor productivity is an indication of the
Another report “A Review on Need of Implementation of productivity with which selected factors of production are
Modern Construction Techniques and Equipment in Indian used in the creation of the output of a firm, industry, etc.
Construction Sector” written by Anirban Deshmukh explains Construction companies may gain advantage over their
that Construction equipment is a vital resource in the competitors by improving upon productivity to build projects
execution of every construction projects and success of a at lower costs yet most contractors do not systematically and
project within targeted times and budget constraint is greatly properly address this strategic issue or evaluate its impact on
influenced by the selection of right kind of equipment for the the project’s profit. This paper “Impact of Construction
tasks to be performed. Factors like efficiency, productivity, Equipments on Building Site Productivity” is written by D. B.
cost, safety and environmental is given due attention during Phadatare. The objective of this project was to study that how
selection of construction equipment. Procurement of the planned and proper maintenance is important for
construction machinery is an essential decision making construction equipment for better production. The main
process and planning is required to weigh necessity of purpose of this study is to evaluate the overall traffic flow of
equipment at several stages of construction. Analysis of construction equipment which influences the efficiency of
Factors Affecting Machinery in the Construction Industry of construction operations. The labour, materials, overhead,
Pakistan is a paper by Anwar Zeba, Dr. Abdul Qudoosb, and equipment and profit are important factors that impact
Hashim Hanif. This paper says that identification and construction costs. Shalomo Selinger (1983) established that
Contractors rely on the output, useful life, fuel cost, to determine the economic service life of earthmoving and
depreciation cost, repair and maintenance cost, salvage value, transportation equipment, the mathematical models are
interest rate and taxes of the machinery. Author developed a available. “Review Study on Improvement of Overall
regression model from quadratic function for the repair cost of Equipment Effectiveness in Construction Equipments” written
the machine age from field data. As machinery life changes by Mr. Nilesh Ayane, Mr. Mangesh Gudadhe. This paper will
with every repair work, so whenever it requires repair, review the goals and benefits of implementing Total
decision to be made to estimate the life earned due to repair. Productive Maintenance and it will also focusing on
Finance of the construction equipment is related to the owner calculating the overall equipment effectiveness in construction
and operating cost includes repair, purchase, life, maintenance equipments. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) of a
and its availability. Another approach would be to have machine plays an important role where performance and
standby equipment in case of failure. The report “Critical quality of the product are of key importance to the company.
Study on Latest Heavy Equipment and Latest Technologies The OEE intended at minimizing the breakdowns, increasing
Used In Road Works and Recommending The Types of performance and quality rate and thus improving the
Equipment and Its Effectiveness for Indian Roads Equipment effectiveness of the machine. The cost component usually
Recommendation for Indian Roads” was written by Mithilesh depends upon the nature of the project and the extent to which
V.V.S, Nagavinothini R. Paper says that a Proper use of equipment is employed. The report “Construction Equipment
appropriate equipment’s will contribute economy, quality, Management” written by Kartik Sharad Thete, Dhiraj
safety, speed and timely completion of project. Equipment’s Rajendra Baviskar. Paper deals with the performance of
used in road works are from small to heavy construction equipment selected are to be measured on basis of various
equipment’s. Almost 15- 30% of total project cost has been factors like fuel consumption, productivity of equipment per

IJESC, November 2019 23973 http://

hour, hiring cost if an equipment. Selection of equipment V. CONCLUSION
governs the quality of executing the work. Thus whole
decision is pending to the senior authority to assign the This research provides study and knowledge of construction
equipment on site for a particular task. Equipment is also productivity and focus on factors affecting equipment
available at a company but when the situation comes where we productivity in infrastructure construction projects. Prior
require the same machine for more than one place then we are knowledge of equipment productivity during construction can
in need of an outsourcing agency. In the report “A Survey on save cost and time. Investments for these projects are very
Downtime Cost of Equipment Used in a Construction high and because of the complexity in construction, various
Industry” written by Kalpana Gangane, Prof. D.P.Patil, Prof. factors can highly affect overall productivity, thus projects can
A.N.Bhirud says that in today’s competitive manufacturing end up adding even more time and cost the research is
market, production efficiency and effectiveness are among top intended to identify major common factors affecting
business priorities. Thus, production equipment becoming the equipment productivity in construction projects. This study
central focus of interest as it is the backbone of the investigates all possible factors through a structured
manufacturing process and key performance indicator of questionnaire
productivity. The requirements of outstanding performance
force companies to substantially consider reducing their VI. REFERENCES
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