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Sustainable Manufacturing – Review Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

The sustainable manufacturing concept, 12(5) 1–17

! The Author(s) 2020
DOI: 10.1177/1687814020925232
evolution and opportunities within

Industry 4.0: A literature review

Antonio Sartal1 , Roberto Bellas1, Ana M Mejıas1 and

Alberto Garcıa-Collado2

Today’s society is becoming aware that a new economic model of production and consumption must take into account
its environmental and social impact. Industries are under increasing pressure from stakeholders to be transparent in
reporting the environmental and social impacts of their operations. In this context, sustainable manufacturing must
minimize negative environmental impacts and consumption of energy and natural resources, while also being socially
responsible and economically viable. That is why the sustainable manufacturing concept is gaining increasing attention
both in the research community and in organizations, especially in the industrial sector. However, even today, there is a
great diversity of interpretations and ideas associated with this term. Accordingly, this article first presents an overview
of the main concepts related to sustainable manufacturing, and metrics to evaluate organizations’ sustainability perfor-
mance, and then an outlook of current trends. Our work highlights the consistencies and inconsistencies in the research
community related to the interpretations of sustainable manufacturing and Industry 4.0, as well as the lack of consensus
about the true social impact of Industry 4.0. However, the positive ecological and economic impacts of sustainable
manufacturing seem fairly widespread. In this way, sustainable manufacturing practices seem to be reinforced by
initiatives within the fourth stage of industrialization – the so-called Industry 4.0 – which offers great opportunities
for sustainable manufacturing, thanks to digital transformation.

Sustainability, manufacturing sustainability, literature review, Industry 4.0, enabling technologies

Date received: 17 November 2019; accepted: 16 April 2020

Handling Editor: James Baldwin

Introduction Theoretical context

Within the broad field of sustainability, the concept of Governments, non-governmental organizations
sustainable manufacturing (SM) is gaining increasing (NGOs), companies and academics have recognized
attention in the research community and has moved
beyond it to gain wide acceptance in business and espe-
cially in industry. 1
University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain
However, even today, there is a great diversity of 2
University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain
interpretations and ideas associated with this term.
The following subsections of this literature review Corresponding author:
Antonio Sartal, School of Economics and Business, University of Vigo,
paper explain the theoretical context of SM, the R
ua Leonardo Da Vinci, s/n, Campus das Lagoas/Marcosende, 36310
research gap identified, the aims and the approach Vigo, Spain.
adopted for this work. Email:
Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (https:// which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission
provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

since the 1970s that the unsustainability of our devel- systems, creating jobs and contributing positively to
opment model is one of the main problems faced in our the needs of the community for nutrition, healthcare,
society. The impacts of the relentless increase in natural general well-being, renewable energy and green infra-
resource consumption, the growth of industrialization structures, as Moldavska and Welo7 state in their
activity and pollution, as well as the growth of human content-analysis-based literature review on SM. Due
population are analysed by Robinson et al.1 in the to the enormous diffusion of Lean Manufacturing
middle of that decade, applying several scenarios and (LM) philosophy in recent decades, we cannot forget
focusing attention on global resources shortages. the practices and metrics associated with this approach
The United Nations Brundtland Commission and their direct impact on SM. According to Womack
marked a significant milestone in discussions of unsus- et al.,8 LM aims to ‘use less of everything’ compared to
tainability with the ‘Our Common Future’ report in mass production – that is, fewer materials, less labour,
1987.2 Indeed, the report postulated the first generally less investment in machines and tools, and less space,
accepted definition of sustainable development and laid for example, to use fewer working hours to design and
the groundwork for the drafting of principles and manufacture any specific product.
guidelines, such as ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ Some of the main drivers that lead companies to
and ‘Agenda 21’, for its application. consider the three dimensions of sustainability (envi-
In 2015, world leaders at the United Nations agreed ronment, economy and society) in their design, produc-
to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) cov- tion, logistics and marketing are pressure from
ering the three key dimensions of sustainable develop- stakeholders, who are increasingly aware of sustain-
ment: economic, environmental and social.3 SM is ability and demand transparency; increasingly demand-
related to quite a few of the 17 goals, especially SDG ing legislation and standards in terms of sustainability;
9 and SDG 12. The ninth goal states that among their economic benefits derived from greater acceptance of
target indicators, industry, innovation and infrastruc- products and cost savings due to lower resource con-
ture need to ‘develop sustainable infrastructure and sumption.9–11 Company managers attempt to improve
promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization’. sustainability performance by identifying, managing
On the other hand, the 12th goal, responsible consump- and measuring the factors and support structures that
tion and production, has mostly sustainable targets. make it possible.12,13
Among these, we can highlight a 10-year framework Although the field of sustainability in business and
of programmes on sustainable consumption and pro- industry, and more specifically SM, has drawn the
duction. This aims to achieve sustainable management attention of the scientific community in recent decades,
and efficient use of natural resources by 2030, in addi- there is a great diversity of interpretations and ideas
tion to the reduction of waste generation through pre- associated with the concept of SM, even to the extent
vention, reduction, recycling and reuse. The SDGs that many authors argue that there is not a sufficiently
apply not only to nations but also to organizations uniform and accepted understanding of SM and its
and companies. The benefits of aligning organizations associated sub-concepts.7,14,15 In 2010, the US
with SDGs are obvious: reducing energy consumption Federal Trade Commission listed five concepts that
means cost savings, decent jobs help retain staff, caring would not be addressed in its ‘Green Guides’. The
for safety and health at work reduces illness and first one was the term ‘sustainable’, because there was
absence, and providing continuous training increases no clear perception of the term among academics and
quality and productivity.4 professionals; the term cannot be easily measured, and
In the manufacturing context, sustainability involves there were no accepted standards with supportive
the transformation of resources into economically valu- assessment procedures to measure it.16 Despite the
able goods by operating socially and environmentally growing interest and intensive use of concepts associ-
responsible processes. Accordingly to Despeisse et al.,5 ated with sustainability, no uniformity has been
increasing scarcity and cost of material resources and achieved in their definition, but the number of interpre-
energy, linked to waste management problems, has tations has increased.17 These shortcomings prevent
encouraged manufacturers to be more proactive in organizations from giving rise to a clear image of
improving the environmental performance of their pro- SM, which is necessary to deploy the related practices
cesses. In addition, consumers’ concern about the social and initiatives. An empirical study carried out by
and environmental impacts of industrial facilities has Ihlend and Roper18 found as one of its more remark-
emerged as a further factor of pressure on manufac- able results that companies do not make any attempt to
turers to change the current industrial growth model.6 explicitly describe the idea of sustainability, so they
While manufacturing activities have been tradition- pursue it with unclear strategies and policies.
ally seen as incompatible with environmental concerns, Some authors, including Robinson,19 argue that
they play a critical role in today’s socio-economic ‘sustainability should not be conceived as a single
Sartal et al. 3

concept, nor even as a coherent set of concepts’. this framework, this review provides a temporary per-
Instead, it should be seen as a ‘process of collective spective of evolution of the concepts and theories shap-
thinking’ that should seek to integrate eco-friendly, ing this field of knowledge.
economic and social concerns into a long-term view- To compile the sample of papers, a review was car-
point for a firm. The concepts associated with sustain- ried out by keyword search in major academic data-
ability are now more open to unique interpretations in bases. The first stage of the literature review identified
the political, business and philosophical fields than in relevant papers for inclusion in the analysis by using
academia. Thus, sustainability, according to Robinson, the combination of keywords (in title and abstracts)
is the ‘debate about the kind of world in which we want ‘sustainable manufacturing’ OR ‘Industry 4.0’ AND
to live collectively now and in the future’. ‘review’ OR ‘framework’ in order to identify the main
In the last decade, Industry 4.0 has emerged as a new theoretical and literature review papers in both fields.
paradigm associated with SM, which focuses on the Then, we considered ‘sustainable manufacturing’ AND
creation of industrial value. This new step follows the ‘industry 4.0’ in order to identify the papers that
third industrial revolution that began in the early 1970s address the interrelation between both approaches.
as an evolution of mass production supported by auto- Finally, in a second stage of the literature review, we
mation and control engineering, and to a lesser extent narrowed the sample of papers using the combination
by the still-emerging information technology (IT) ‘sustainable manufacturing’ AND ‘technic*’ OR ‘met-
sector to achieve a high level of automation in rics’ OR ‘indicators’ in order to complement this
manufacturing.20 In 2001, Kagermann et al.21 summa- mainly conceptual literature review with a practical
rized the main principles of Industry 4.0 and character- approach.
ized this new paradigm by the introduction of the Qualitative content analysis was concluded by
Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Services into grouping the papers into bundles of approaches related
manufacturing. The Internet of Services enables smart to the evolution of SM as a broad concept over time,
factories with vertically and horizontally integrated beginning in the 1980s to the present. As a conse-
production systems. Manufacturing processes have quence, the structure of this article is organized as fol-
gained in flexibility, enabling individualized mass pro- lows: ‘SM approaches over the time’ section describes
duction supported by massive data exchange between the evolution of SM over time, and ‘The concept of
intelligent manufacturing stations and cells with SM: Definitions, frameworks and metrics’ section
embedded mechatronics and sensors.22,23 introduces the concepts, frameworks and metrics asso-
ciated with SM. ‘Opportunities for manufacturing sus-
Gap identification, aims and research approach tainability within Industry 4.0’ section outlines the
opportunities and trends for SM, many of which fall
Although, in recent years, SM and Industry 4.0 have within the broad concept of Industry 4.0. Finally, some
attracted the attention of the scientific community and conclusions are drawn in ‘Conclusion’ section.
industry, efforts are still lacking in the literature to
analyse the state of the art of these two new paradigms,
both in their theoretical development framework and SM approaches over the time
in their implementation, as well as relationship The first studies in SM were carried out under the envi-
between them. ronmental approach, thus beginning the research field
Recent literature reviews in SM7,14,24–26 and reviews of Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing
on Industry 4.022,27–31 have been taken into consider- (ECM).38 Some of the main topics of this approach
ation for this study, in addition to some advances in are source reduction, design for manufacturing and
research on opportunities of SM in Industry 4.0.20,32–37 assembly or cradle-to-reincarnation concept. On its
However, new analysis approaches are in demand part, Sarkis identified product, process and technology
given the lack of consensus about what SM is and its as the main three dimensions to ECM strategies by
scope, as well as the still little-explored field of research proposing the well-known ‘Rs’ approach: reduction,
that addresses the evolution of the framework known remanufacturing, recycling and reuse.39,40
as Industry 4.0 and its interrelation with the sustain- In this context, the aforementioned in previous sec-
ability needed to promote advances in the field of tion, Environmental Management System (EMS) is
manufacturing and production systems. becoming popular among manufacturers as a tool for
To provide new insights and a broader understand- improving their manufacturing performance. The main
ing of SM and Industry 4.0 phenomena, a qualitative benefits of these frameworks are allowing an organiza-
and inductive content-analysis-based literature review tion to assess and control its significant impacts on the
has been conducted. Taking into account the influence environment, reducing the risk of pollution incidents,
that technological advances have in the evolution of ensuring compliance with relevant environmental
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

legislation, and continually improving its processes and decade. Current trends in SM and the importance of
operations.41–43 considering the entire supply chain are discussed by
Later, Gungor and Gupta44 proposed an expanded Jayal et al.56 in addition to highlighting the need to
model under the label of Environmentally Conscious develop and apply predictive models capable of captur-
Manufacturing and Product Recovery (ECMPRO). ing the environmental impacts of products and process-
From this new approach, the environmental premise es.69 Metta and Badurdeen70 pointed out the
not only applies to the process of developing new prod- importance of embedding product and processes
ucts taking into account design, manufacture and design in supply chain design and defined hierarchical,
distribution to the end consumer, but also covers the multistage decision support models to evaluate alterna-
end-of-life management of the product after its useful tive sustainable products design, taking into account
life. Along the same lines, O’Brien45 emphasizes the the economic, environmental and social performance
idea of cost-saving opportunities for companies that of associated supply chains. In a business as critical
are proactive in improving the environmental perfor- as fast fashion, leading companies71 are mainly imple-
mance of processes. menting traceability management systems, training and
Other concepts related to SM are developed during capacity building teams, and joint long-term planning
the 1990s, such as ‘industrial ecology’,46,47 ‘ecological programmes to improve SCM performance. Hutchins
footprint’48 and cradle-to-cradle design.49 And, in the and Sutherland72 proposed an approach for integrating
early years of this century, the idea of extending the sustainability issues into supply chain decision-making
environmental approach to all stages of the products through a methodology that includes sustainability-
life cycle to address SM strategy leads to a new line of related impacts of multiple suppliers. The basis for
research at life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology.50 this approach can be found in early works about sup-
As aforementioned in previous section, LCA provides a plier selection strategies and the evaluation of impacts
methodology for measuring environmental impacts on of improving the sustainability processes in suppliers,
the resource consumption (e.g. materials, water, such as material selection, packaging or waste manage-
energy) and the waste generated (solid waste, air emis- ment, in supply chain environmental performance
sions).51 Moreover, LCA facilitates its assessment improvements.73
throughout the entire Product Life Cycle (PLC), from In accordance with this new trend of promoting
raw materials acquisition through production ‘cradle to recycling and remanufacturing at the end of the
gate’, use, end-of-life recovery,52,53 and disposal ‘cradle useful life of products, it is essential to tackle the
to grave’.54,55 design of logistics strategies and new technological
Furthermore, Jayal et al.56 pointed out the need to developments to recover products and reuse increasing-
consider a holistic approach in SM, addressing prod- ly complex materials and components. It is clear that
uct, process and systems issues in an integrated frame- all of this is going to have a great impact on how the
work. At the product level, Jawahir and Bradley57 manufacturing systems and the supply chains them-
claimed that the initial ‘Rs’ approach supported by selves are going to evolve, both in their direct and
three principles, reduce, reuse and recycle,58 must be inverse flow. This last idea was emphasized by Ilgin
extended to a broad vision of SM, considering three and Gupta,24 pointing out that as remanufacturing
new activities that complemented the 6R strategy: and recycling levels increase, real changes will be pro-
reduce, reuse, recovery, redesign, remanufacture and moted in product design, the development of inverse
recycle.59 At the process level, Jawahir et al.60 claimed logistics and a re-envisioning of the entire PLC.
the need to progress in process planning to reduce Obviously, according to Hutchins,74 all these proposals
materials and energy consumption, emissions, waste, require significant rethinking of business models and,
overstocks, and so on and to improve manufacturing as a consequence, the consideration of the social
technology.61 Finally, at the system level, new dimension of sustainability, until now overlooked, in
approaches were pointed out, such as Product-Service this new scenario.
Systems62 and whole supply chain simultaneously with As a result, the latest trends in the literature advo-
the design of products63 and production systems.64,65 cate addressing SM from the perspective of Triple
Into this last level, several authors address the supply Bottom Line (TBL). Rockstr€ om75 proposes an inte-
chain management (SCM) and customer-oriented per- grated concept for sustainable development, outlining
spective in order to reduce the environmental impacts a framework for planetary boundaries.76 According to
more efficiently.66–68 this author, in this framework, planetary boundaries
Thus, in the early years of this decade, SCM has (e.g. climate change, biosphere integrity) are identified
established itself as a central approach to analysing and quantified, preventing human activities from caus-
SM issues. Many authors presented different visions ing unacceptable environmental change. However,
of this approach towards the first period of this the author himself acknowledges that sustainable
Sartal et al. 5

Figure 1. Main sustainable manufacturing approaches over the time.

development can only be achieved if the balance of Industry 4.0’ section of this article is focused on the
benefits and impacts of human activities takes into role that Industry 4.0 – through the different enabling
account the three dimensions of sustainability. Thus, technologies – could play in the implementation of
the concept of SM according with Zhang and truly SM. Figure 1 summarizes the main SM
Haapala77 is broadly consistent with the generally approaches over the time.
accepted one: ‘Sustainable manufacturing can be
defined as the production of products in a way that
The concept of SM: definitions,
minimizes environmental impacts and assumes the
social responsibility of employees, the community and frameworks and metrics
consumers throughout the life cycle of a product, while As described previously, the diversity of interpretations
at the same time they achieve economic benefits’. As associated with the term of sustainability is the main
this concept does not quantify the objectives to be met cause of the difficulty in finding a standardized defini-
in the three dimensions, the following concept provided tion of SM that is accepted by the majority of the sci-
by Giret et al.25 provides a more pragmatic approach entific community and organizations.
related to operational production planning: ‘The ideal
sustainable manufacturing scheduling system does Main definitions observed in the literature
everything (maximum efficiency) without using any-
thing (minimum use of means, i.e. maximum One of the most widespread definitions of sustainability
efficiency)’. is that found in the 1987 UN Brundtland Commission
And to complete the most current vision of SM con- report: ‘Development which meets the needs of current
cept, Bonvoisin et al.78 consider that such a model is generations without compromising the ability of future
only possible as a closed system with negative and pos- generations to meet their own needs’. This definition
itive environmental and social impacts in equilibrium: was subsequently used in various UN initiatives, such
‘sustainable manufacturing is the creation of discrete as the 2015 SDGs. However, despite its acceptance, this
manufactured products that, by fulfilling their func- definition is not operational for the manufacturing
tionality throughout their life cycle, cause a manage- area. A proposal with greater application to the field
able amount of impacts on the environment (nature of manufacturing is made by Mihelcic et al.:79 ‘design
and society) while offering economic and social value’. of human and industrial systems that ensure the use of
Finally, a new stage of industrial development, natural resources and cycles by humanity without
labelled as Industry 4.0, opens a great opportunity diminishing the quality of life due to losses in future
for the creation of sustainable industrial value from economic opportunities or negative impacts on the
the most comprehensive perspective of sustainability.20 human health, society or the environment’.
The creation of this sustainable industrial value is Despite the aforementioned lack of uniformity for a
imperative given the growing global demand for definition of SM, the content-analysis-based literature
consumer goods and the rate at which our planet is review conducted by Moldavska and Welo7 points out
being subjected to degradation. For this reason, that the definition of SM most widely adopted in the
‘Opportunities for manufacturing sustainability within 189 articles analysed is the one provided by the US
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Department of Commerce in 2008: ‘the creation of use phase, since in many cases it is more critical to
products through processes that minimize both nega- manage the product once it is no longer used, that is,
tive environmental impacts and consumption of energy ‘end of life’ management. In this way, the consideration
and natural resources, being also safe for employees, of sustainability from a lifetime perspective leads us to
communities, consumers and economically viable’. In the widespread concept of PLC. The main steps of
addition to the concept of creating products or services, the PLC are process design, production planning,
the content analysis identifies other definitions which manufacturing, assembly, consumer utilization, ulti-
consider various concepts such as, for example, mate reuse, recycling and remanufacturing. As Zarte
approach, paradigm, ability, solution or technology, et al.81 state, SM is only possible when organizations
among others. consider the whole PLC. Moreover, the subsequent
post-uses of the product, thanks to the last steps of
Environmental management system. The environmental the PLC, lead to the concept of multiple life cycles.
dimension is increasingly taken into account by organ- The 6R concept (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover,
izations. Accordingly, the most widely used method to Redesign and Re-manufacture) is a key element in
enhance a firm’s environmental results in the short and ensuring that the multiple life cycles lead us to the
medium term is the EMS. It can be defined as an closed-loop flow.57 In recent years, SM has often
agenda that enables any company to systematically been associated with the closed-loop and the circular
monitor its main environmental impacts and to economy (CE) concepts. Closed-loop production
reduce the potential pollution risks according to the systems seek efficiency in the flows of materials,
legislation and a goal of continuous improvement. components, energy and water throughout the succes-
Here, ISO14001 is the most generalized international sive life cycles of the product during multiple phases of
standard defining the requirements for developing, use by encouraging reuse or, if not possible,
implementing and maintaining an EMS. The standard remanufacturing.20
is organizationally oriented and does not establish a set
of quantitative targets for emission levels or specific Triple bottom line. Another widespread term in this field
methods of measuring those emissions.14 is the TBL established by Elkington.82 The TBL broad-
ens the dimensions (also known as pillars) with which
Life cycle assessment. LCA is a method for environmen- sustainability must be considered: social, environmen-
tal impact assessment, standardized due to the wide- tal, and economic. The TBL approach involves
spread use of ISO environmental standards (especially expanding the organization’s responsibilities, which in
ISO 14040). An accepted definition of LCA is as fol- many cases are limited to the monetary questions of
lows: ‘[Life cycle assessment is] an environmental manufacturing, and obtaining benefits by respecting
accounting and management approach that considers legality and complying with standards. However, the
all aspects of resource use and environmental releases TBL approach adds those environmental and social
associated with an industrial system from cradle to responsibilities through additional performance indica-
grave’.54 LCA can be used to systematically compare tors which complement the economic perspective.83
the environmental impacts of different SM alternatives The economic dimension is the simplest to under-
and to help identify benefits and trade-offs among stand since it is the one traditionally considered. To
options.80 the purely economic perspective that contemplates the
In this sense, to widen the scope of PLC indicators, transformation of raw materials, labour and other
the LCA concept has evolved into Life Cycle resources into products and services at an adequate
Sustainability Assessment (LCSA), incorporating cost and time, the business management adds an orga-
social and economic aspects in addition to environmen- nizational perspective that analyses the sequence of
tal aspects when analysing the sustainability of PLCs activities that increase the product value or service. In
(Kloepffer 2008). The definition of Zhang and this way, in the SM field, it is more common to only
Haapala,77 for instance, incorporates the concept of adopt the economic perspective.81
LCSA in addition to the dimensions of TBL: ‘sustain- The social dimension seems to be more difficult to
able manufacturing can be defined as the manufacture assimilate and understand, as measuring impacts and
of products in a way that minimizes environmental social responsibilities is a more challenging task for
impacts and considers the social responsibility for organizations, especially for SMEs. The concept of
employees, the community and consumers throughout Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) involves activi-
the PLC of a product, while achieving economic profit’. ties related to the social dimension, but can take on
different meanings depending on context and interpre-
The PLC. The sustainability of manufactured products tation. The most accepted definition is that of Carroll26
must be considered not only in the production or the which poses four kinds of social responsibilities of
Sartal et al. 7

companies, seen as a pyramid: ‘Corporate social three dimensions of sustainability.60 These metrics for
responsibility encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, SM make it easier to make decisions when optimizing
and philanthropic expectations that society has of products, processes and systems designs.
organizations at a given point in time’. There is general agreement on the need to use several
Figure 2 shows to a large extent the relationship indicators for each of the aspects of the SM.85 The
between most of the defined concepts. indicators will form part of the company’s reporting
for internal purposes, among others: management con-
Frameworks and metrics trol and decision-making, as well as to inform stake-
holders. The choice of sustainability indicators and
In order to properly manage companies, it is essential
their practical application in decision-making are a
to assess the performance and verify the compliance challenge for the managers of the organizations.81
with objectives in order to make appropriate strategic Moreover, while the quantification of economic indica-
and operational decisions. Manufacturing is a mature tors is obvious, the quantification of environmental
business function, so companies measure economic and social indicators, as aforementioned, is a challenge
performance systematically by accounting the costs of for managers.86 On the contrary, the relative impor-
the resources consumed and the value added along the tance of indicators can vary greatly depending on the
manufacturing process. In addition, this accounting type of manufacturing or the phase of the PLC under
can be extended to the entire supply chain. However, consideration, and so this weighting must be carefully
the measure of environmental and social performance established and a sensitivity analysis must be used to
is a complex task that involves assessing the impact of determine how the results of sustainability reports vary
productive activity on sustainability, taking into according to weightings.77
account the materials, components, energy and other The sustainable performance evaluation can be car-
supplies consumed in the manufacturing processes. ried out at product, process, factory or company level.
Furthermore, waste and emissions can also be inputs Fiksel et al.87 reviewed current practices of leading
for other industrial or natural recycling systems that companies, and then proposed a product sustainability
involve environmental, social and economic impact performance measurement framework that embodies
that must be evaluated.14 three principles: separation of resource and value meas-
To properly manage production systems or even the ures, explicit representation of the TBL and consider-
entire supply chain from a sustainability perspective, ation of the LCA. Lu and Jawahir88 proposed metrics
the performance must be evaluated with both qualita- and a calculation method to evaluate the process
tive and quantitative metrics84 that facilitate the iden- sustainability. Huang and Badurdeen89 developed a
tification of connections and interactions between the framework to evaluate the sustainable performance at

Figure 2. Sequence of SM process within 6R and TBL dimensions.

8 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

the company level integrating previous works on prod- The work of Despeisse et al.5 analyses current SM
uct and process sustainable performance indexes. A practices through a review of the state-of-the-art aca-
framework of operational sustainability indicators for demic literature and quality websites about SM.
industry covering the three dimensions of TBL was Among other findings of the work, the following can
proposed by Labuschagne et al.90 which has been be highlighted: most metrics can be classified as lagging
applied for sustainability assessment in a variety of ‘a posteriori’ and only a few metrics can indicate future
industries.91 performance improvements. On the contrary, most of
The work of Joung et al.92 identified 11 international the metrics published by companies are OPIs, confirm-
frameworks of indicators for sustainable development, ing what Starkey and Andersson97 argue: mostly, sus-
some of which include indicators that can be used to tainable development has been measured through
measure SM performance and are summarized below. processes, facilities and equipment performance.
The one created by the United Nations Division for One of the best-known indicator categorization
Sustainable Development (UN-CSD) categorizes the frameworks is provided by the American National
metrics by the three dimensions of TBL and 14 Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). This
themes with a total of 96 indicators, of which a large system classifies sustainable indicators at multiple
part are not oriented to manufacturing. levels. The upper level is made up of five main catego-
The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)93 is a volun- ries: economic growth, environmental management,
tary reporting initiative for organizations and industri- social welfare, technological advancement and perfor-
al companies. The GRI G4 reporting guidelines consist mance management. These main categories are divided
of 91 measure indicators which cover the three main into several subcategories and sub-subcategories. On
dimensions of sustainability. The GRI reporting system the basis of the NIST framework, Joung et al.92 pro-
makes it possible to analyse and monitor the organiza- posed a simplified classification of indicators discarding
tion’s sustainability performance. Some authors like the last two categories as they are not directly related to
Tiwari and Khan94 propose SM or Industry 4.0 frame- the traditional dimensions of sustainability. The set of
work mapped with the appropriate TBL topic under 17 indicators are grouped according to the three dimen-
the GRI. sions of the TBL. Table 1 shows a modified version
The Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) evalu- with supplementary indicators to the set proposed by
ates the financial and sustainability performance of the above-mentioned author.
large companies of the Dow Jones Market Index. The Kamble et al.32 conducted a systematic literature
results of the DJSI are used as criteria for investors and review on concepts related with Industry 4.0 and
investment firms. The index assesses a company’s per- human–machine interactions, machine–equipment
formance against 12 criteria, covering primarily the interactions, operations and technologies. Based on
economic dimension, but also including some aspects this review, the cited authors propose a sustainable
of the environmental and social dimensions.95 Industry 4.0 framework comprising three main compo-
As explained in the previous section, organizations nents: technologies, process integration and sustainable
that implement an EMS following the ISO14001 stan- outcomes (summarized in Table 2). The technologies
dard do not find guidance in it for designing a set of
environmental indicators and metrics. The guidelines
Table 1. Modified categorization framework of sustainable
for assessing environmental performance are provided indicators, adapted from Joung et al.92
by the ‘ISO 14031 Environmental Performance
Evaluation (EPE)’.96 According to this standard, ‘An TBL dimensions Indicators
EPE enables organizations to measure, evaluate and
Economic growth Profits, costs, investments
communicate their environmental performance using Social well-being Employees: Health & safety,
key performance indicators (KPIs), based on reliable satisfaction, development
and verifiable information’. ISO 14031 establishes three Customers: Health & safety, satisfaction
types of EPE indicators: (1) Management Performance Community development
Indicator (MPI) which provides information on man- Environmental Water use, waste & effluent
agement efforts to influence an organization’s environ- stewardship Consumables reuse ratio,
mental performance; (2) Operational Performance scrap recycled ratio
Indicator (OPI) which provides information on the Greenhouse gases, other pollutants
environmental performance of an organization’s oper- Energy use and efficiency,
ratio of renewable
ations; and, finally, (3) Environmental Condition
Materials use and efficiency
Indicator (ECI) which provides information on the
Land use, natural habitat conservation
condition of the local, regional, national or global
environment. TBL: triple bottom line.
Sartal et al. 9

Table 2. Sustainable Industry 4.0 framework, adapted from Kamble et al.32

Industry 4.0 technologies Process integration Sustainable outcomes

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Shop-floor equipment integration Economic

System integration
Cloud computing Process automation & safety
Simulation systems
Additive manufacturing (3D printing) Human–machine collaboration
Virtualization Environmental protection

Table 3. Most-measured sustainability indicators, German and Italian SMEs, adapted from Trianni et al.9

TBL dimensions Category Indicators

Economic Globalization and international issues Business models

Contemporary and contingency issues Economic growth, resources consumption
Design and research of innovative products Product development costs and time, regionalized products,
personalized products
Reconfigurable manufacturing enterprises Enterprise size
Manufacturing strategies Processes integrating 6R
Performance evaluation Product costs, lead time, product quality
Social Work management Employment, work conditions, employees development
Societal commitment Healthcare, societal investment
Environment Environment management Environmental budget and certification, workers’ compliance
Use of resources Recyclable waste, recycling of water
Pollution Air, water and land pollution
Dangerousness Dangerous inputs and outputs, dangerous wastes
TBL: triple bottom line; SMEs: small and medium manufacturing enterprises.

facilitate the integration of processes, and these in turn aforementioned importance given by companies to
provide sustainable outcomes. the economic dimension and a reasonable correspon-
The evaluation of sustainable performance at a dence in social and environmental indicators with
product, process, factory or company level is not only Table 1 can be appreciated:
a simple matter of selecting performance indicators; the
implementation phase and subsequent monitoring are
Opportunities for manufacturing
equally important. This difficulty in implementation
has been identified by several authors.84,98,99
sustainability within Industry 4.0
In addition to studying the theoretical frameworks, Over the last few decades, we have witnessed a growing
it would be of interest to determine through empirical competitive pressure in world markets that has gener-
studies the adoption of sustainability metrics by ated an obsessive concern within the manufacturing
manufacturing companies, data which are otherwise industries about ensuring higher quality, lower costs
scarce. Of special interest is the empirical work of and shorter delivery times.100 However, the increase
small and medium manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) in living standards, especially in developed countries,
across Germany and Italy conducted by Trianni et al.9 requires companies to go beyond the deployment of
Their results show that the indicators most used by management philosophies based exclusively on efficien-
companies can be summarized in about 20 and are cy. Environmental challenges and concern for sustain-
mostly focused on the economic dimension, while the ability are key issues that managers should consider
social and environmental dimensions are often when developing their strategy. Undoubtedly, the cus-
addressed in order to comply with legislation. The indi- tomer of today, concerned about his or her impact on
cators are grouped into 12 categories according to the the environment, has obliged companies to move
three dimensions of TBL. As Table 3 shows, the towards new eco-efficient manufacturing models,
10 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

maximizing the economic efficiency and sustainability the first step in transforming any current manufactur-
of operations in the process, and creating an environ- ing environment into an ‘intelligent factory’ requires
ment in which new technologies can assume an impor- vertical and horizontal integration within the company,
tant role as catalysts for change.101,102 that is, integrating not only all the related production
The industrial sector has traditionally seen an areas from different facilities, but also, in turn, the links
important trade-off between eco-friendly improve- with distributors and customers through information
ments and economic development.101 As a matter of and communication technology (ICT) platforms and
fact, it was not until 1987 – from the Brundtland applications that integrate production and information
Report – that the need for a more sustainable type of systems, making global supply chains more transparent
growth – ‘that meets the needs of the present without and helping to reduce the use of packaging, waste and
compromising future needs’ – began to be raised. This energy.101
report and the following treaties to combat climate In parallel, if all these data are transformed into
change aroused the environmental awareness of useful information, it will be the key to decision-
nations, consumers began requesting ‘environmentally making, particularly from the environmental and sus-
friendly’ products, and companies started to perceive tainability perspective. Therefore, the arrival of
new business possibilities.103 In this context, many Industry 4.0 can be understood as a key facilitator in
researchers and practitioners have also posed the idea the efficiency of industrial processes, as well as in the
that ‘Industry 4.0’ can offer solutions to solve this eco- optimization of CE models. Thus, it seems logical to
efficiency challenge.20,104,105 think that Industry 4.0 can help to meet targets in the
Industry 4.0 is a multi-field concept that was first manufacturing, economic and ecological fields, and
introduced during the Hannover Fair event in 2011, face social challenges according to the TBL within
symbolizing the start of the fourth industrial revolu- sustainability.33
tion.104,106 Industry 4.0 emphasizes consistent digitiza- First, with respect to the ecological part, there are
tion and linking of all productive units in an several authors who assure us that Industry 4.0 helps to
interoperable environment. Accordingly, several tech- reduce the generation of waste through its recycling
nological areas underpin Industry 4.0: horizontal and and energy use.33 For example, the incorporation of
vertical system integration, the Industrial Internet of different types of sensors throughout the life cycle
Things (IoT), cybersecurity, big data analytics and of products not only allows for greater transparency
additive manufacturing (AM), among others.31 of operations but also provides intelligence to the pro-
Undoubtedly, however, the key aspect from the envi- cesses so that, in turn, they can develop specific perfor-
ronmental approach, is the possibility – offered by the mance criteria to mitigate the negative effects on the
‘smart factory’ – of controlling and analysing in a environment without damaging competitiveness
transparent and integral way the life cycle of any prod- through the possibility of simulation offered by new
uct – both outside and within the manufacturing technologies.110,111 In parallel, this type of system
area.20,105 also allows the losses generated throughout the entire
In fact, it is in this context that the concept of ‘cir- process to be reduced (e.g. in the food industry), thanks
cular economy’, whose primary focus is to reduce both to this greater transparency throughout the supply
the entry of virgin resources (e.g. water) and the pro- chain.112 Similarly, the design of new products directly
duction of wastes and pollution, is having a big impact, benefits from the interconnection of data, favouring
closing the ‘loops’ or economic and ecological flows of intelligent programming of tasks and processes, as
resources.107,108 Since the Industrial Revolution, the well as efficient management of energy consumption
economic system that has been developing is linear, for example.112,113
in which resources and raw materials are taken as From the economic viewpoint, the interconnection
unlimited. It is an economic model that moves on of processes permitted by technologies associated with
three basic principles: ‘obtain, use and discard’. Industry 4.0 will directly or indirectly provoke an
However, due to the current concern for the environ- increase of performance indicators such as, for exam-
ment, new eco-efficient manufacturing models that ple, efficiency and responsiveness. As stated by Kiel
integrate sustainability at the centre of their activity et al.,34 ‘In general, the digitization and interconnection
are being promoted.102,109 of industrial processes intended by Industry 4.0 is facil-
It is in this context furthermore where the CE is itated by data analytics, machine learning, and artificial
presented as the logical alternative to the traditional intelligence, leading to potentials in all three dimen-
linear model. It is also in this context that sustainability sions of Sustainability’. On the contrary, from a tech-
and ‘circularity of operations’ are clearly enhanced, nological perspective, research should be focused on
thanks to the digitalization and interconnection of all the development of new equipment that reduces
production areas offered by Industry 4.0.20 After all, global impact through an efficient use of energy and
Sartal et al. 11

Table 4. Impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on SM.

Technology 4.0 Description Main benefits associated with SM References

Industrial The IIoT refers to all connected IIoT allows all types of data collection and analysis Menon et al.116
Internet of sensors and devices that from industrial processes easily, helping to Lin et al.117
Things (IIoT) communicate with each other prevent unnecessary manufacturing steps, Sisinni et al.118
and with industrial applications waste and superfluous inventory. Thoben et al.22
via Internet. Continuous monitoring through smart devices
increases the visibility and awareness of energy
consumption by using real-time problem solv-
IIoT helps to improve equipment and operator
safety through better maintenance solutions
and by providing real-time hazard warnings.
Autonomous An autonomous and collabora- Autonomous and collaborative robots help to Machado et al.119
and collabo- tive robot is a mechanical integrate human skills with technology, Romero et al.120
rative robots device that can operate with a improving standard operating conditions as Stock and Seliger20
high degree of autonomy, well as reducing workload and possible mus- Wan et al.121
working safely alongside culoskeletal disorders.
humans. The use of autonomous robots can contribute to
the development of small profitable workshops
near the final client with consequent environ-
mental benefits and labour conciliation
Simulation Simulation systems allow virtual Simulation applications can help reduce energy Othman et al.31
systems replication of a process or consumption and improve processes by virtual Ferrera et al.122
service, as well as the evalua- simulation of new procedures or maintenance Müller et al.123
tion of the impact produced activities without affecting the manufacturing Menon et al.116
by changes in manufacturing process.
variables. Modelling can be used, for example, to optimize
the personnel used, the necessary energy or
the demands for new materials.
In addition, the prevention and early correction
of defects (i.e., predictive maintenance) can
therefore save cost and reduce rejection levels.
System Industry 4.0 involves both hori- The integration of horizontal and vertical systems Kamble et al.32
integration zontal integration throughout increases visibility and can reduce manufactur- Zhang et al.124
the value chain, and vertical ing waste and energy consumption by inte- Machado et al.119
integration of manufacturing, grating information from all areas of the Stock and Seliger20
management and business organization. Thoben et al.22
systems. Integration of the system promotes communica-
tion between different levels of the company
(and between manufacturing plants), helping to
develop and strengthen company values and
corporate culture.
Systems integration enables closed-loop produc-
tion processes as well as a better adjustment to
customer demand in terms of quantity and
product features.
Virtualization The virtualization of processes Virtualization allows remote maintenance/repair Othman et al.31
consists of mixing digital con- and training, without the need for technicians Keller et al.125
tent with physical industrial to visit, with the consequent cost and envi- Menon et al.116
content to build a mixed ronmental benefits.
reality. The use of virtual reality not only helps train
workers at a low cost, but also improves the
safety of workers in the industry because it is
done in completely safe environments.
12 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 4. Continued
Technology 4.0 Description Main benefits associated with SM References

Augmented reality provides the workforce real-

time information to improve their
manufacturing decisions as well as their own
Cloud Cloud computing allows virtual Cloud computing can be highly profitable and Garg and Buyya126
computing access to computing and stor- offer great energy savings, thanks to the Oesterreich and
age services by connecting replacement of physical resources by the use of Teuteberg127
from anywhere through large virtualized data centres. Wan et al.121
Internet. The virtualization of tasks related to cloud com-
puting not only allows a significant improve-
ment in processing time, but also in energy
terms, thanks to the economies of scale gen-
erated due to several organizations that share
the same infrastructure.
Additive AM allows the design and man- Application of AM favours circular economy ini- Sartal et al.128
manufacturing ufacture of individual proto- tiatives by reducing the amount of materials Müller et al.33
(AM) (3D types or components through used, the waste generated and the product Menon et al.116
printing) the successive deposition of stock necessary. Oesterreich and
layers of different materials. AM allows the manufacture of customized prod- Teuteberg127
ucts batches that respond to customer Stock and Seliger20
demands in a flexible way. Thoben et al.22
AM allows the creation of prototypes more
cheaply and quickly (e.g. concurrent engineer-
ing or rapid prototyping), reducing the time to
SM: sustainable manufacturing.

resources. The possible strategies are many: process will not survive as we know them today. New profiles
hybridization, right-sizing of facilities, utilization of of workers with specific skills for these positions are
new and cleaner technologies, etc. In fact, the use of immediately required, where manual work is reduced
specific technologies such as, for example, 3D printing, in favour of cognitive and analytical skills, and funda-
can help diminish the waste generation associated with mentally linked to information technologies and data
both manufacturing and maintenance activities, or analysis.34,111
even contribute directly to improving productivi- Delving into these three levels, Table 4 specifically
ty.104,114 It is also worth mentioning the generation of describes the opportunities offered by the some of the
new business models which focus on the use of intelli- main Industry 4.0 technologies (AM, simulation, virtu-
gent data that allows both new products and sustain- alization and cloud computing, among others) for SM
able services – such as joint ventures for the exchange on the environmental, social and economic dimensions.
of by-products between different sectors – to be offered Thus, while the main trigger for a necessary evolu-
for example.35,115 tion to a more CE seems to be the behaviour of con-
Finally, regarding the social dimension, there is cur- sumers, technological advances are what will allow the
rently no consensus in the academic and informative model to change. In this way, Industry 4.0 enables the
literature about the true impact of Industry 4.0 on the adoption of circular strategies in a more efficient way,
number of workers in the industrial field in general, thanks to the connectivity and intelligence it provides
and the area of manufacturing in particular.33,34 and the emergence of digital facilitators. However, this
While it is true that, in general, the majority position whole process of digital transformation and the appli-
defends a negative impact for those simpler tasks, other cation of technologies related with Industry 4.0 in gen-
typical activities in any manufacturing environment eral present significant challenges related to two
(e.g. analysis, cooperation, creativity) will continue to fundamental issues: the high investments required,
be carried out by human workers.33 Even so, what and on the contrary, the uncertain profitability that
seems clear is that, even if these tasks remain, they still surrounds these types of projects.33,129
Sartal et al. 13

In view of the above, Industry 4.0 can provide The need for additional research on the effects of the
important environmental, economic and social pros- emerging technological field of Industry 4.0 on the SM
perity under the sustainability concept of the ‘Triple is evident. Future works could also extend the analysis
Bottom Line’. For this to be carried out correctly, how- through empirical studies or case studies, and into
ever, companies must take into account that the pro- other frameworks beyond the industrial field.
cess of digital transformation entails certain risks, Similarly, it may be interesting to introduce the devel-
particularly for SMEs, which must be explicitly consid- opment of standards or metrics of performance for
ered for each project and from the beginning to maxi- Industry 4.0, since currently the only specific metrics
mize the chances of success and generate sustainable are aimed at evaluating the degree of implementation
competitive advantages for organizations. and performance of main technologies 4.0, but there is
no consensus among researchers about comprehensive
Conclusion performance indicators in this area. All of these oppor-
SM is a broad concept that is gaining increasing atten- tunities can offer supplementary comprehension
tion in the research community and has moved beyond into this developing field of connections among sus-
academia to gain a wide acceptance in organizations, tainability and Industry 4.0. Clearly, this field of
especially in the industrial sector. Nevertheless, there is research has plentiful space to grow in terms of study
still a great diversity of interpretations and ideas asso- opportunities.
ciated with the concept of SM to the extent that many
authors argue that there is not a sufficiently uniform Declaration of conflicting interests
and accepted understanding of SM or its associated The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
sub-concepts. Our work attempts to provide some respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this
light in this regard and introduces, furthermore, the article.
analysis of a potential and important catalyst for SM
processes in the medium term: Industry 4.0. Funding
In the last decade, Industry 4.0 has emerged as a new
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
paradigm associated with the SM that focuses on
authorship and/or publication of this article.
industrial value creation. This new development
offers significant opportunities for the realization of
SM through the use of ICT infrastructure, IIoT, big- ORCID iD
data, new manufacturing technologies, human– Antonio Sartal
machine and machine-to-machine interaction.
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