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STEP 2 ‐ Discovery

Item Checklist √ ± X Notes for Improvements Score out of

2 1 0
Research and Preparation Sales person clearly conducted research on the customer's context /2
Sales person had a hypothesis about how they could help based on research /2
Sales person had organized and practiced questioning ‐ flow and phrasing /2
Sales person made it a conversation vs. a grill session /2
Sales person focused efforts on asking, not telling /2

Current Situation Sales person inquired about business goals and priorities /2
Sales person focused on areas that her company is well positioned to help /2
Sales person identified decision making unit and influencers /2
Sales person identified stage in buyer process and type of purchase /2
Sales person identified degree of incumbency and competitive position /2

Challenges Sales person uncovered issues, concerns, barriers to goal achievement /2

Sales person offered insights that forced buyer to reflect and challenge /2
Sales person tested and refined their hypothesis /2
Sales person did more listening than talking /2
Sales person enabled momentum by mixing question structure and phrasing /2

Urgency Sales person asked questions to assess relative priority of this to buyer /2
Sales person discovered how and why it is a priority that is top of the list /2
Sales person used summary and confirmation questions to check understanding /2
Sales person has shared understanding of why this is a priority for buyer /2
Sales person captured notes and managed the process efficiently and effectively /2

Transition Flowed without communication gaps /2

Sales person stated the intent of the next step of demonstration /2
Sales person requested buyer commitment to this next step /2
Sales person reinforced that they are buyer‐focused /2

Other items noticed Bonus for taking the challenge 2

SCORE (Out of 50)
GRADE (out of 10)

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