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STEP 3 ‐ Demonstration

Item Checklist √ ± X Notes for Improvements Score out of

2 1 0
Demonstration Prep Sales person clearly prepared for and practice delivering a demonstration /2
Sales person had all materials and resource ready to go without issue /2
Sales person had organized and practiced demonstration ‐ flow and phrasing /2
Sales person made it a conversation while still being very informative /2
Sales person focused efforts on showing with proof vs telling with arrogance /2

Customized Features Sales person quickly summarized discovery to set the stage /2
Sales person focused on the priority areas that can help the buyer /2
Sales person demonstrated energy, confidence and controlled excitement /2

Focused Descriptions Sales person used easy to remember labels for key features /2
Sales person described how it helps in a brief, clear and compelling manner /2
Sales person effectively demonstrated (if required) how it works /2
Sales person engaged buyer in trying it (if possible) /2

Buyer Focused Sales person explained in a story‐like manner that is easy for buyer to recall /2
Sales person connected buyer words from discovery directly to the feature /2
Sales person leveraged credible , verifiable data to provide evidence /2
Sales person managed the process efficiently and effectively /2
Sales person fully engaged buyer in sharing thoughts and concerns openly /2

Transition Flowed without communication gaps /2

Sales person stated the intent of the next step of gaining commitment /2
Sales person reinforced that they are buyer‐focused /2

Other items noticed

SCORE (Out of 40)
GRADE (out of 10)

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