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We pay special thanks to 8 Annu , 8 Seema and 8 Sonika
for taking interest in our project and guiding us throughout the
development of this project work. Without their assistance it
would not have been possible to overcome the complexities
involved in the major project and for the project.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to all the staff of the
college, who has provided us with the necessary congenial
atmosphere for the timely completion of our encouragement
throughout its development.

We also thank many of our friends, who were very helpful in the
development of this project.





ompany Profile Page 6

bjective f Training Page 7

Data flow Diagrams Page 8

E-R Diagram Page 10

Database Design Page 11

ctual Work Done Page 12

utput Snapshot Page 17

Testing Page 20

uture Scope Page 25

References Page 30


L Clvll SoluLlons ro[ecL ls a wlndows appllcaLlon sofLware wrlLLen for 32blL Wlndows
operaLlng sysLems whlch focused ln Lhe area of addlng edlLlng and deleLlng Lhe passengers
sLaff and Lhe bus rouLes
r 1hls pro[ecL ls helpful for bus operaLors who wanLs Lo operaLe many bus Lrlps ln a day
r 1hls ls a user frlendly appllcaLlon where user's saLlsfacLlon ls lmproved and avolds Lhe
overhead for Lhe operaLors and can answer lf any seaLs for a parLlcular rouLe ln a parLlcular
day are avallable or noL
r 8educed communlcaLlon offlce equlpmenL cosL frusLraLlon of clvlllans Llme wasLage
and paper cosL


1he general Lheme behlnd a daLabase ls Lo handle lnformaLlon as an lnLegraLed whole A
daLabase ls a collecLlon of lnLerrelaLed daLa sLored wlLh mlnlmum redundancy Lo serve
many users qulckly and effecLlvely AfLer deslgnlng lnpuL and ouLpuL Lhe analysL musL
concenLraLe on daLabase deslgn or how daLa should be organlzed around user
requlremenLs 1he general ob[ecLlve ls Lo make lnformaLlon access easy qulck lnexpenslve
and flexlble for oLher users uurlng daLabase deslgn Lhe followlng ob[ecLlves are

ConLrolled 8edundancy
uaLa lndependence
AccuraLe and lnLegraLlng
,ore lnformaLlon aL low cosL
8ecovery from fallure
rlvacy and securlLy
Lase of learnlng and use






Add New User

8us Deta||s

New 8us Deta||s

Update 8us Deta||s

Lmp|oyees Deta||s

Add New Lmp|oyee

Update Lmp|oyee deta||s

koute keport

Add New koute

Update New koute

Add New assengers

Update passenger deta||s

Schedu||ng rocess

ayment rocess

8ook|ng rocess

8uses keport

Lmp|oyees keport

8ook|ng keport

s Lhe menu bar dlsplayed ln Lhe approprlaLe conLesLed some sysLem relaLed feaLures
lncluded elLher ln menus or Lools? uo pull uown menu operaLlon and 1oolbars work
properly? Are all menu funcLlon and pull down sub funcLlon properly llsLed ? s lL posslble Lo
lnvoke each menu funcLlon uslng a loglcal assumpLlons LhaL lf all parLs of Lhe sysLem are
correcL Lhe goal wlll be successfully achleved ? n adequaLe LesLlng or nonLesLlng wlll leads Lo
errors LhaL may appear few monLhs laLer
1hls creaLe Lwo problem
1 1lme delay beLween Lhe cause and appearance of Lhe problem
2 1he effecL of Lhe sysLem errors on flles and records wlLhln Lhe sysLem
1he purpose of Lhe sysLem LesLlng ls Lo conslder all Lhe llkely varlaLlons Lo whlch lL wlll be
suggesLed and push Lhe sysLems Lo llmlLs
1he LesLlng process focuses on Lhe loglcal lnLervals of Lhe sofLware ensurlng LhaL all
sLaLemenLs have been LesLed and on funcLlonal lnLerval ls conducLlng LesLs Lo uncover errors
and ensure LhaL deflned lnpuL wlll produce acLual resulLs LhaL agree wlLh Lhe requlred resulLs
rogram level LesLlng modules level LesLlng lnLegraLed and carrled ouL
1here are Lwo ma[or Lype of LesLlng Lhey are
1) WhlLe 8ox 1esLlng
2) 8lack 8ox 1esLlng

Wh|te 8ox 1est|ng
WhlLe box some Llmes called Class box LesLlng" ls a LesL case deslgn uses Lhe conLrol
sLrucLure of Lhe procedural deslgn Lo drlve LesL case
uslng whlLe box LesLlng meLhods Lhe followlng LesLs where made on Lhe sysLem
a) All lndependenL paLhs wlLhln a module have been exerclsed once n our sysLem ensurlng
LhaL case was selecLed and execuLed checked all case sLrucLures 1he bugs LhaL were prevalllng
ln some parL of Lhe code where flxed
b) All loglcal declslons were checked for Lhe LruLh and falslLy of Lhe values

8|ack box 1est|ng
8lack box LesLlng focuses on Lhe funcLlonal requlremenLs of Lhe sofLware 1hls ls black box
LesLlng enables Lhe sofLware englneerlng Lo derlve a seL of lnpuL condlLlons LhaL wlll fully
exerclse all funcLlonal requlremenLs for a program 8lack box LesLlng ls noL an alLernaLlve Lo
whlLe box LesLlng raLher lL ls complemenLary approach LhaL ls llkely Lo uncover a dlfferenL class
of errors LhaL whlLe box meLhods llke
1) nLerface errors
2) erformance ln daLa sLrucLure
3) erformance errors
4) nlLlallzlng and LermlnaLlon errors

ro[ecL can be enhanced from clLy Lo sLaLe Lo
meLropollLans and so on
ro[ecL can be enhanced from wlndows appllcaLlon Lo web
ComplalnL processlng could be lmproved

1) ead llrsL !ava 2nd LdlLlon
2) hLLp//[avasuncom/[avase/Lechnologles/deskLop/
3) hLLp//wwwroselndlaneL/[dbc/[dbcaccess/CreaLe1ableshLml
4) hLLp//www[dbcLuLorlalcom/
3) !ava and SofLware ueslgn ConcepLs by Aress

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