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Mekelle University


HOSTING COMPANY: Senselet construction PLC

(Mekelle- 18 kebelle)
Prepared by: Frehiwet Mekonen
ID №- EITM/ur134277/10
Advisor- Ins. Freweini K.

Submission date: 10/11/2013 e.c

Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

I declare that this report is my original work and all sources and materials used for the purpose
have been properly acknowledged. And I would like to assure with my signature.


Section: 03
Id no. EIT-M/UR134277/10
Signature: _________________
Date: _________________

Mentor name:INS.___________

Signature: ________________

Date: ____________________

Prepared by: Frehiwet mekonen ii

Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

First and for most, It affords me great pleasure to Almighty God for keeping me in good health
and for giving me a passion to accomplish my internship program. Next I would like to express
special thanks to my dearest family who encourage me to achieve my better goal. And I need to
express my great gratitude to Mekelle University especially for my department of civil
Engineering for giving us the wonderful practical knowledge of internship program that help us
to see a new portion of our field beyond theoretical part. Once again I would like to thank to the
host of company Sense let construction plc as whole from project manager to the Daily labor for
accept my internship request on their company and for help me in all position such as relating
my theoretical knowledge with practical knowledge, my communication skill with people founds
around the site etc. then I would like to thank for Engineer Getachew for his nice way
guidance’s. Generally am satisfied with their collaboration. Last but not least I would like to give
my heart full grate to all students who insist me on the site To get a practical knowledge during
the internship period as a crew. Finally, with the deepest gratitude I wish to thank every person
who is not mentioning her that involves their hand on my internship program.

Prepared by: Frehiwet mekonen iii

Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

Executive Summary
This document describes the final outcome of my internship time in Sense let Construction in
correlating the theoretical and practical aspects of our field, detailed information on the activities
carried out on the building site and in the office.
In the first chapter of my report, I briefly described the introduction part includes the back
ground of my internship hosting company, the history, mission, vision, objective and value of the
company, its main products and services and their customers or end users, the overall
organization and work flow of the company. The second chapter of my report explains about
overall internship technical experience and knowledge I have gained during my stay in the site
including how I get the company, General workflow of the site, the work piece or tasks I have
been executed are stated step by step starting from partially sub structure to super structure
works, how good I have been in performing my tasks, challenges I have faced and their
measurement. I also explained clearly the work tasks I have executed in office including
preparation of takeoff, cost break down, and others. The third chapter of my report briefly
explains about the overall benefits I gained from my internship in terms of improving my
theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge, team playing skills, leadership skills, work ethics
and related issues. Finally, in the last chapter I put my conclusions and recommendations for my
company and university

Prepared by: Frehiwet mekonen iv

Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

Table of Contents
Declaration .................................................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgements...................................................................................................................................... iii
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................................... iv
List of Figures ..............................................................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER- ONE .............................................................................................................................................. 1
1. Background description of Host Company ............................................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2. The main product or service .......................................................................................................... 1

i. Completed projects ............................................................................................................................ 1

ii. Ongoing projects ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Main customers and user .............................................................................................................. 2

1.4. The overall organization and work flow process ........................................................................... 2

1.5. Construction supervision procedure.............................................................................................. 3

1.6. Vision and mission of the company ............................................................................................... 3

A. Vision ................................................................................................................................................ 3
B. Mission .............................................................................................................................................. 3
1.7. Core values of the company .......................................................................................................... 4

Chapter- 2 ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Over All Internship Experience ..................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. How I Get the Company ................................................................................................................. 5

2.2. Work Flow & Operation of the Company ...................................................................................... 5

2.3. Activities That I Observed .............................................................................................................. 8

A. Setting Out ........................................................................................................................................ 8

B. Site Clearing & Excavation ................................................................................................................ 8
C. Reinforcement .................................................................................................................................. 9
D. Formwork ......................................................................................................................................... 9
E. Concrete Work ................................................................................................................................ 11

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F. Water .............................................................................................................................................. 12
G. Spacer ............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.4. Work Task That I Have Executed.................................................................................................. 16

1) Site Works ....................................................................................................................................... 16

I. Sub-Structure Works ........................................................................................................................ 16

A. Foundation ...................................................................................................................................... 17
B. Masonry Work ................................................................................................................................ 19
C. Hardcore and meshing .................................................................................................................... 20
II. Super-Structure Works.................................................................................................................... 20

A. Column ............................................................................................................................................ 21
B. Shear Wall ....................................................................................................................................... 22
C. Beam............................................................................................................................................... 23
D. Slab ................................................................................................................................................. 23
E. Staircase.......................................................................................................................................... 25
F. Elevator Lifting ................................................................................................................................ 25
2) Office Work ..................................................................................................................................... 26

a) Detailed Analysis of Contract documents and Drawings ................................................................ 26

b) Preparation of takeoff sheet: - ....................................................................................................... 26
c) Preparation of bar schedule:........................................................................................................... 27
d) Preparation of bill of quantity (BOQ):............................................................................................. 27
e) Cost break: ...................................................................................................................................... 27
2.5. Procedures and Methods of the Tasks ........................................................................................ 27

2.6. Site Challenges ............................................................................................................................. 28

2.7. Solving Challenges........................................................................................................................ 28

Chapter - 3 .................................................................................................................................................. 29
Over All Benefit of the Internship ............................................................................................................... 29
3.1. Theoretical Knowledge ................................................................................................................ 29

3.2. Improvement of my practical skill........................................................................................................30

3.3. Industrial Problem Solving Capability .......................................................................................... 30

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3.4. Team Playing Skill ......................................................................................................................... 30

3.5. Leadership Skill............................................................................................................................. 31

3.6. Work Ethics Issues........................................................................................................................ 31

3.7. Entrepreneurship Skill .................................................................................................................. 32

CHAPTER-FOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 33
CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................................................... 33
4.1. Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 33

4.2. Recommendation ......................................................................................................................... 34

4.2.1. To my hosting company ............................................................................................................ 34

4.2.2. To mekelle university ................................................................................................................ 35
References .................................................................................................................................................. 36
GLOSSARY.................................................................................................................................................... 37

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List of Figures
Figure 1 Flow Chart ........................................................................................................................ 6
Figure2. 1 concrete ingredients ..................................................................................................... 13
Figure2. 2 spacers ......................................................................................................................... 16
Figure2. 3 pit excavation............................................................................................................... 18
Figure2. 4 lean concrete ................................................................................................................ 18
Figure2. 5 form work and bottom bars of footing pad .................................................................. 19
Figure2. 6 concrete cast of footing pad ......................................................................................... 19
Figure2. 7 masonry wall ............................................................................................................... 20
Figure 2.8: Hardcore ..................................................................................................................... 20
Figure2. 9 lap length of columns .................................................................................................. 21
Figure2. 10 shear wall ................................................................................................................... 22
Figure2. 11 slab reinforcement ..................................................................................................... 24
Figure2. 12 preparation of stair case ............................................................................................. 25
Figure2. 13 constriction of elevator lifting ................................................................................... 26

List of Tables
Table1. 1: completed project .......................................................................................................... 1
Table1. 2: ongoing project .............................................................................................................. 2

Table 2. 1:Period of form work removal ...................................................................................... 11

Table 2. 2:Mix design standards ................................................................................................... 14
Table 2. 3: Solid slab .................................................................................................................... 24
Table 2. 4: Takeoff sheet format................................................................................................... 27

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List of Acronyms

PLC…………………….private limited company

BOQ……………………..Bill of quantity


DF…………………………Depth of footing

B…………………………..Base width of footing pad


Prepared by: Frehiwet mekonen ix

Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C


1. Background description of Host Company

1.1. Introduction
senselet Construction Plc is a construction firm providing service in the construction field of civil
works projects. It is certified as building contractor by the year of 2002 E.C. this company is
registered and licensed as building contractor level 1 under Ethiopian law to carry out the
construction of civil works but when the company was established it was level 5. it is also a
share company by 2 person. Taking quality is the best principal to grow up in construction world,
senselet started to grow up day to day by constructing a lot of structures. From those structures,
the organization started to gain reach experience in the area of construction and enhanced its
human and material resources which enable it to increase its level from time to time and
currently senselet is among the famous construction companies in tigray region.

1.2. The main product or service

i. Completed projects
Construction has successfully completed major segments of project in the following area: Place Type of construction (product) Level of construction

1. Adigrat Administration office G+4

2. Korem(wereda Administration office G+4

3. Wuqro Market center G+4

4. Mekelle(serawat) Serawat school

5. Mekelle (debri) Bridge

Table1. 1: completed project

Prepared by: Frehiwet mekonen 1

Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

ii. Ongoing projects place Type of construction (product) Level of construction

1. Naider adet TVET building

2. dansha Hospital

3. Quiha Hospital

4. axum Gate school


Table1. 2: ongoing project

1.3. Main customers and user

senselet construction P.L.C has a well-established and organized head office in the regional
capital city of tigray that is Mekelle near planet hotel.

The main customers of senselet construction P.L.C are:

 Private section: investors and bodies seeking to invest on different parts of the country
especial on region.

 Big government organizations, to mention some administrations, hospitals and schools


To increase customer attraction to their company they have prepared customer oriented quality
management system policy the senselt construction plc. Quality management system provides
specific directions towards ensuring that customers requirement are determine and that these
requirements are met through subsequent product realization process.

1.4. The overall organization and work flow process

The flow work of the company is out lined in correspondence with work schedules. The work
flow is also related with hierarchy of work. There is an interacted relationship among the
different section of the company. These sections are structured under project manager and it
includes construction engineers, office engineers, material engineers, survey team and human

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administration and finance. These subsections have their own structures which may reach up to
daily laborers.

1.5. Construction supervision procedure

 Site engineer prepares a work order to major items & give it to foreman

 Foreman make all resources ready according to the work order (discussion is open between
construction foreman & site engineer)

 Foreman asks the site engineer to processed with some selected activities

 Site Eng. Prepares a checklist for major activities & checks works being executed
accordingly and then permits the foreman to proceed

 Foreman proceeds work after getting permission

 Clear all equipment’s & the working area

 Fill a daily report format & report every next day to the site engineer (report includes safety

1.6. Vision and mission of the company

A. Vision
The vision of the Company is to be a leading company in the construction industry with in
provision of high quality, safe & sound construction products (services) that fulfill the
requirements & satisfaction of customers and build an international standard construction
company and engage in heavy construction projects and thereby contribute its share in the
development of the infrastructure of the country.

B. Mission
The basic mission of senselet construction is to develop construction service to public with a
high degree of competence and reliability, and thereby continue towards enhancing the

Prepared by: Frehiwet mekonen 3

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achievement of social- economic growth and development of the society. Beyond this it has
missions that I try to list below:-

 Maximizing the potential of employees.

 To construct quality infrastructures.

 Make the company international standards.

 Develop their Excellency & truthfulness to the customers.

1.7. Core values of the company

1 Client Satisfaction: - we strive to continually improve the quality of our service and timely
delivery of projects.

2 Participatory and inclusiveness: - we believe in engaging and encouraging people in

decision making, openness, teamwork, trust and commitment at all levels with shared

3 Professionalism: - we promote professionalism and excellence in all functional areas.

Uncompromising integrity, honesty, transparency, accountability, and fairness are at the
heart of our company.

4 Excellence: - we consistently focus on high quality service, apply advanced technology. We

commit to excellence in all we do. We encourage new and innovative ideas with forward

5 Social responsibility: - we contribute our share to the best of capacity for the development
of the community.

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Chapter- 2

Over All Internship Experience

2.1. How I Get the Company
I have done my internship program in Sense let construction on 5th year 1st semester. When the
Internship program staff gives us a paper to find a host company for internship experience
directly I went to Sense let construction with my friends holding four Papers by copy my original
paper and I have got a warm treatment beginning from the gate, who Are working as guarding
for the company and they show me the office of the project manager; After giving a polite
greeting I gave him the papers first and they accept my request on good Manner after I end up
my 2nd semester fourth year learning program I came to my site and I see a project that started
from foundation that contracted by sense let And I went to ask to the site engineer and he told me
to put my Internship request paper to head office After this I told him I had got an acceptance
from your company on Mekelle project. And he Orders me to bring an acceptance latter from
Sense let Mekelle project. As he order me I did it, then He confirms me and ordered me to attend
regularly and to have a good discipline in this company. Then I show that I agree with the rules
and regulation of the company; and I got out of the office With great thank and great hope to do
my best in the company. Finally I became one member of Sense let construction Mekelle project
mentally and physically.

2.2. Work Flow & Operation of the Company

As a new intern, the first few weeks were dedicated for introducing me to the personnel around
the construction and getting to know the environment I was supposed to work in. After
Familiarizing with everyone around, I officially began my practice as intern student. I have been
working in different sections of the company during the three month internship program. The
Work flow and the work sections were not too difficult for me, because I was spent and practice
each activity during summer for one month.
In the project there are three persons who are the backbones of the construction, these are:
1. Client: - is the one who own the infrastructure.

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2. Consultant: - is the one who advice technically to the client and act as a bridge b/n
client And contractor.
3. Contractor: - is the one who take the contract to facilitate the construction

Figure 1 Flow Chart

The work flow in the section as shown in the above chart has the following activities:
Project manager: - is the one who
 Manages the whole project through the project site organization.
 Studies the plans before moving to the site.
 Divides the site into manageable units or sections by assigning engineers or Forman etc...

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 Gives special attention to avoid wastage of materials while allocating resources

Supervisor: - The supervisor involves in different activities like;

Site engineer: - is the second power holder in the contractor side.
 Schedules weekly or monthly work implementation.
 Organizes the monthly reports to be sent to Head office.
 Set out the site per the design,
 Make all necessary reports to the Project Engineer.
 Strictly follows the given times schedule in order to avoid any delaying.
Office Engineer: - The office engineer involves in different activities like:
 Responsible for the office work of the total project i.e. study designs working drawing,
Preparation of payments and quantity surveying.
 Supervise and confirm site activities.
Administrator: - administer the workers (employees), takes care of the employment of new
Workers & checks the working performance and punctuality of the workers with time keeper.
Finance: - takes care of monthly salary (fee) of the employees and finance the purchasing of
Requesting materials.
General Forman; - The General Forman involves in different activities like:
 Acts as the agent’s right hand man for the execution of the work at the field.
 Keep the work moving ahead as the agent has planned it.
Sub-contractors:- In building work there has been a long trend to pass the majority of work
To sub-contractors, who specialize in various trades? The advantage of letting the
subcontractors is reducing the staff needed on the site and reduces capital outlay on plant and
Time keeper: - has a responsibility to:
 Controls the time the workers start, break and end.
 Registers ordinary time amount and overtime works.
 Reports a summary of working times to Payment administrator for salary.
Store keeper:-Controls all materials stored in storage and receives incoming materials.
Data Collector Office: - has got two members, the quantity surveyor and data collector.

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 The quantity surveyor works on site diaries, materials, and equipment and reinforcement
quantities used per day based on the actual work. Additionally he submits day to day
site diaries to the supervisor and he writes material and equipment working hour,
cement, Sand and aggregate quantities on to site book daily.
 The data collector who collects the actual executed works like formwork, concrete and
Backfill works etc... He try to quantify all the data’s in takeoff sheets daily and compile
The data’s into monthly data. Then he submits these all data’s to office data collector.
Cabo (gang chief): the person who controls over the crafts men.
There are also other stakeholders for the proper functioning of the project these are; Clinic to
give first aid for those who injured during work, Café, Carpenter, Mason and Daily laborers

2.3. Activities That I Observed

Briefly I try to list things that I observed while they execute in the site during my internship

A. Setting Out
The first task of starting constructing a building is setting out, which is the task of field
surveyors. Setting out: - is the process of putting the exact/actual form of the building from a
plan or map provided to the ground. On operation of setting out we provide the exact location by
placing pegs on the site of works.
 Pegs:-are short pointed wooden rods driving in to the ground to mark an excavation,
Construction and line or a level. A nail driven in top of the peg usually shows the
position of the point.

B. Site Clearing & Excavation

Site clearing: - is the process of removing topsoil at least 200-300 mm depth which contains all
vegetations such as bushes and scrub. Because Carbonate elements are not good in concrete,steel
and timber works. In soils under structures even 5% of these elements will damage thestructure.
So during clearing we provide a working space of 1m is required on each side. It is sometimes
necessary to prepare separate specification for obstructions (demolition works) because reusable
items like doors and windows are there.
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Bulk Excavation: - is an Excavation happens to get reduced levels of every structural element
below the ground level. They are subdivided as follows depending on the subsurface condition.
 Ordinary soil - with boulders and without boulders and can easily be removed by shovel.
 Weathered rock - it can be divided easily without blasting
 Rock- bedded rocks that cannot be dug without blasting (requires using explosives)
 Note: Working space for bulk excavation is 25 cm (not used for shallow masonry).
Depth of excavation less than 30 cm – measured per m 2
Depth > 30 cm per m 3ELLE UNIVERSTY
Pit Excavation:-is an excavation for foundation footing in addition to the actual dimension 25
cm as working space is excavated. The footing is depending on the sub soil.
Trench excavation:-is take place after backfill is carried out. It excavate at depth of 1m below
the natural ground surface also it serves as foundation for the masonry wall.
 Note: - Cart away: the transporting of excavated soil from the site using trucks. It is the
removing of unwanted excavated soil embankments far away from the site.

C. Reinforcement
Reinforcements are circular metallic bars/rods used to strengthen concrete section and carry the
incoming loads, shear and moments. It is buried in concrete to keep them from cracking and
breaking. The bar used in my hosting company has a diameter 8, 10, 12, 14, 16,20mm.
Storing of reinforcement
Reinforcement should be transported carefully not to be deformed by huge loads. They should
also be stored in a dry place to prevent steel from rest and no contact with wet soil or moisture.
Preparation of Reinforcement Bar
This reinforcement steel must be set in different forms before the concrete is placed as per the
design drawing of the specific task, the size of bars and spacing of the bars are to be placed in the
concrete are known. UNIVERSTY INTERNSHIP

D. Formwork
Formwork means temporary support used for cast-in-place concrete designed.
Requirements of Form work:-It should be
 Strong enough to support the load of wet concrete & water tight.

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 It should be Easy to handle & reusable

 Accurately set out the correct shape & Economical in total cost.
 Its contact surface should be uniform & easy to stripe.

Design of form works

Formwork shall be designed to include own weight, live load, weight of moving equipment
operated on formwork, weight of the concrete in its fluid condition and other factors pertinent to
safety of structure during construction.

Form work Construction

The first step in building forms is to prepare the materials; the light of the pieces of dimension
log (Eucalyptus) that will be needed must be measured and cut. Common tools for measuring are
carpenters squares and flexible metal measuring tapes. Then Form work shall be considered to
the exact shapes & dimensions and as required to obtain accurately alignment, location grade,
and level and plumb work in finished structures.

Form work removal

The process of removing formworks from around the concrete is called striping. The workmen
must not strip the forms until the concrete has properly set. In some cases, the concrete is
allowed to cure before the forms are removed. Removing of the forms must be done carefully so
that they do not damage or break the parts. Formworks can be reused, and this reduces or lowers
the cost of construction. After the formworks are removed, the workers clean and Store them for
Future use.
 Note: False work is a temporary works used to support a structure during construction
including any plant required and form work and panels of concrete. It is also used to support
the slabs and beams and also it enables to keep the shape and size of the fresh concrete still it
become fully harden and setting time have been finish.

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Table2. 1: Period of form work removal

E. Concrete Work
Concrete are the most important building materials, playing a part in all building structures. It is
very durable and fire resistance. Concrete has relatively high compressive strength, but much
lower tensile strength. It is usually reinforced with materials that are strong in tension
Ingredient material of concrete
I. Cement; - is used as a binding agent and fill for small voids inside the mix. The contractor
used ordinary Portland cement (OPC), because it is the widely used and available cement type
.also it attains its strength normally in 28days. Cement should be stored in good condition area
and packed in bags in enclosed spaces that would protect it from (dampness, due to weather or
ground condition) and partial setting deterioration and stored separately from other items.
II. Aggregate; use in a particular concrete attention should be given, among other things, to three
important requirements:

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 Workability when fresh for which the size and gradation of the aggregate.
 Strength and durability when hardened.
 Economy of the mixture - meaning to say that the aggregate should be:
 Available from local and easily accessible deposit or quarry.
 Well graded in order to minimize paste, hence cement requirement

Aggregates used by the contractor are generally divided into two:

1. Coarse aggregate; - generally the gravel or crushed rock. They do used crushed rock,
so called by size 01, 02&03.They should be clean, sharp, angular and hard. They give
Mass to the concrete and prevent shrinkage of cement.
2. Fine aggregates;-generally the sand that is used in concrete is called fine aggregate.
Sand can be selected using standard tests. It can also be selected by visual inspection
by hand as follow:
 First hold the sand by your hand
 Try to compress it
 Release your fingers
 If the sand disturbed from your hand without leaving some dusty, it does
not have high silt content and it is good sand, other with it should be
rejected or washed.

F. Water; - is natural gift liquid material that used to

 Bond the other ingredient of the concretes and make it set and harden.
 Lubricate all other materials and make concrete workable.
Water should have to be cleaned and free from impurities which are likely to affect the quality or
strength of the resultant concrete. Drinking water with a noticeable taste or odor should not be
used until it is tasted for organic impurities. Some of the impurities in mixing water that cause
these undesirable effects in the final concrete are Dissolved Chemicals, Seawater, and Sugar
&Algae etc…
Impurities in mixing water may cause anyone or all of the following:
 Abnormal setting time
 Efflorescence
 Decreased strength

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 Corrosion of reinforcement
 Volume changes

Mixing Concrete
The process of mixing cement, water, fine aggregate & coarse aggregate in suitable proportion is
known as mixing of concrete. This
process should ensure uniform
color,consistency, and homogeneity of
the concrete. The mixing methods may
be Hand mixing or machine mixing But
in our site the mixing method by
machine mixing

Figure2. 1 concrete ingredients

Procedures to mix concrete
 Water is poured to the mix drum to wash away all unnecessary materials in it.
 Cement, fine aggregate and coarse aggregate concrete.
 Sufficient water added that will result in a workable mix, which can be poured efficiently
in to position around reinforcement and will produce a dense concrete of specific
 The mixing process is stopped when the cememt is thoroughly distributed throughout the
mass, approximately 2 minutes after the whole of water has been added.
 The concrete will not be discharged from the mixer unless it is properly mixed, having a
Uniform color and consistency
 After finishing the work the mixers and all handling materials have to be washed
In the site where I have been they used different grade of concrete;
 C-5 (lean concrete) - to protect the structural concrete from damage and to give level
This kind of concrete used under Footing, Grade beam, Floor slab, Masonry foundation, etc.
Advantages of lean concrete
 It protects sub-structure element from moisture.

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 Soil particle movement under sub structure.

 It acts like hard stratum.
 C-25 this grade of concrete is used for all structural component of the building except
For lean concrete.
Concrete Compressive Mixing Size of
e grade Strength ratio box Note
(MPA) ( cm3 )

Lean concrete: used to protect

C-5 5 1:4:6 40*50*20 structural concrete
from damage w/c was usually caused
by dust. Thus
dust blinding is required

C-10 10 1:3:8 40*50*18

C-15 15 1:2:4 40*50*20 Used for totally supported structural


C-20 20 1:2:4 40*50*18 Used for slabs

C-25 25 1:2:3 40*50*18 Commonly used grade of concrete

Used for chemical and nuclear plant.

C-30 30 1:2:3 40*50*16 Used for foundation footing.

Table 2. 2:Mix design standards

 Note: Segregation is the separation of coarse aggregate from the paste, which results
from uncontrolled pumping or falling.

Bleeding is the appearance of water on concrete surface due to use of poor graded
Aggregates, small amount of cement & large amount of water.
Transportation of Concrete

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Concrete after mixing must be transported and placed in the space required and compacted
before its initial setting starts. When placing concrete be care full not to damage the form work
and reinforcements. And avoid Delay, Segregation, and Wastage &Bleeding. Concrete can be
transported either by man power or mechanical method. Concretes for filling the structures can
be transported by man power using "barula". And the concrete for slab can transport by concrete
pumper and crane.
Placement of Concrete
The concrete should be placed and vibrated before its setting starts. Following precautions
should be taken while placing the concrete:
 Lay continuously to avoid irregular and unsightly lines.
 To avoid sticking of concrete, formwork should be oiled before concreting.
 The position of formwork and reinforcement should not be disturbed.
 To avoid segregation, concrete should not be dropped height more than 1m &
placed in rains.

G. Spacer
Concrete cover refers to the distance between the outside of a concrete structure and the center of
the reinforcement. The concrete cover must have a minimum thickness for three main reasons:

 To protect the steel reinforcement bars (rebars) from environmental effects to prevent
their from corrosion
 To provide thermal insulation, which protects the reinforcement bars from fire
 To give reinforcing bars sufficient embedding to enable them to be stressed without

On site during construction concrete cover is provided by using spacers. A spacer has a
dimension of 3cm*3cm, but the thickness varies as per the concrete cover required and type of
structural component. On the site that I have been they used;
 50mm thickness of spacers for foundation
 25mm thickness of spacers for column, beam
 15mm thickness of spacers for slab, shear wall and stair.

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Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

Figure2. 2 spacers
Note: All these things ware already done but to full fill the documentation flow I wrote it by
asking and questioning to the site engineer and other workers (secondary data)

2.4. Work Task That I Have Executed

I have executed different tasks on the site area during my internship period. I was given a small
portion taking some axis of the building of the site, in order to manage and take the responsibility
of the work. Generally the tasks are divided in to Office work & Site works.

1) Site Works
The site work performed in our site is divided in to two main parts. These are: -
I. Sub-structure work: - is below the ground surface it is called foundation used to transfer The
super-structure load to the soil or rock.
II. Super- structure work: - remains above the ground floor surface and used for specific

I. Sub-Structure Works
Sub structure is a part of the building located below the ground level. So, it needs different kinds
of soil investigation and varies types of soil tests before putting the footing? In this company I
have seen substructure part of the building those are:

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A. Foundation

Foundation is that part of the structure which is in direct contact with the ground to which the
loads are transmitted. The function of a foundation is to distribute the load of super structure
over a larger area, in such a way that settlements are within permissible limit and the soil does
not fail.
Foundations serve the following purposes
 Reduction of load intensity & Provide uniform distribution of load.
 It provides safety against scouring due to burrowing animal and flood water.
 Protection against soil movements: Minimizes the distress on the superstructure due to
expansion of contraction of sub-soil because of moisture movement in some problematic
Foundations requirements: shall be
 Sustain all loads and transmit them to the sub soil without causing settlement.
 Rigid so that differential settlements are minimized

Foundations are broadly classified as:

 Shallow foundations: founded near the ground surface or (DF ≤ B).
 Deep foundations: founded deep below the finished ground surface or (Df > B).

Types of shallow foundation are:-

 Wall or Continuous foundation
 Isolated foundation
 Combined footing
 Mat (raft) Foundation

Among the shallow foundation I have seen isolated foundation which is square footing (those
individual pier blocks which sit in to the ground)

Procedure of constructing a foundation

 Prepared Pit excavation: pit excavation are executed for placing footing foundation the
locations are fixed on setting out works the depth of footing is decided by the engineer
and structural design this can done in our site by the labor when excavating the footing

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the soil type is essential because the hard strata get in some of footing pad is in small
depth and in the other footing pad in deep depth in this condition the footing pads are
leveled by the short column.

Figure2. 3 pit excavation

 placing of lean concrete on top of the soil

The standard mix ratio of the lean concrete is 1:4:6 but in our site the mix ratio is 1:5:8 and the
thickness of the lean concrete is 5mm.

Figure2. 4 lean concrete

 Preparing footing pad form work.

 Laying the bottom bars.
 Laying spacers between top and bottom bars called KEBELTO.
 Laying the top bars on the top of the spacer.
 Each bar will be tied with stil wires at joints.
 Laying vertical footing column bars

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 Concrete cast footing pad.

 Preparation footing column form work.
 Checking vertical alignment and leveling of footing column.
 Concrete cast of footing column
 Note: - Stirrups were proivded to protect from diagonal shear failure.

Figure2. 5 form work and bottom bars of footing pad

Figure2. 6 concrete cast of footing pad

B. Masonry Work
Stone masonry is the art of building the structures in stores, made up of stone and attached by
mortar. The main purpose of masonry wall is supporting the backfill from falling and preventing
entry of water in to the foundation which may cause a serious damage on the sub structure of the

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Figure2. 7 masonry wall

C. Hardcore and meshing

Hardcore is provided under ground floor slab to give uniform support for the slab and to protect
up lift of water to the floor. The main reason for mesh is to distribute shrinkage cracks, so that
there are many small cracks rather than widely spaced larger cracks. Also meshing is uses for
Resistance of thermal effect.

Figure 2.8: Hardcore

II. Super-Structure Works

Superstructure is a part of a building above the ground level. So I try to list the part of super
Structures that I observe as following below

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A. Column
Columns are the structural members that take axial compressive load and bending moments. The
bending effect may be due to the lateral loads, end moments, and/or due to eccentricity of the
axial loads, and used to accept Load from beam and transfer to sub structure. The construction
materials used to construct a column are Reinforcement, Formwork & Concrete In column the
overlap of the reinforcement for the next column is 40Ф (i.e. 40x Diameter of the
Reinforcement). The number and diameter of the reinforcement bar in Column is decreased from
ground floor to upper floor because the axial load is decreased.
Procedure of constructing a column
 Preparation of a form work.
 Placing of reinforcement.
 Checking vertical alignment and leveling.
 Concrete cast


Figure2. 8 lap length of columns

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B. Shear Wall
Shear walls are vertical elements of the horizontal force resisting system that essentially used to
 Sustain Earth Quick forces alone or in combination with open frames.
 They must fulfill various architectural functions and may as well be used to carry gravity
loads. Because they stiffened the building much better than open frames, on structural
damages are reduced during Earth Quick incidence.
 Are constructed to counter the effect of lateral load and uplift force acting on the
Construction Procedure of shear wall is:
 The reinforcement was placed.
 Form work preparation and fixing.
 The level, cleanness & smoothness of the form work were also checked.
 Stability and strength of formwork was checked
 Checked reinforcement placement
 Checked concrete cover (spacer)
 Concrete cast

Figure2. 9 shear wall

The shear wall is constructed in three side of the building in our site.

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C. Beam

Beam is the horizontal super structure which is used to take load from slabs, floor and roof and
finally transfer the loads to column on which they rest on. Beams which carry loads from floors
or other beams to the columns are generally called main beams. Secondary beams will be
provided to transfer load to the main beams, or in some cases just to give lateral stability to
columns, while themselves carrying only their self-weight. In beam the bottom reinforcement are
positive and the top reinforcement are negative, and also they have additional negative bars in
the top. These negative bars (reinforcement) are used to balance the load of the beam. The
direction of stirrup in beam is opposite direction.

There are different types of beams. From theses I haves seen on field work:-

 Floor beam

Procedure of constructing a beam is:

 Preparation of a form work.

 Placing of reinforcement.
 Checking leveling.
 Checking reinforcement placement.
 Concrete cast
D. Slab
Slab is one of the structural components of a building so care should be taken in the designing
and in the construction of slab. It used for
 Separating floors and dividing a building in different stories.
 To carry and transfer a load
During my internship, I was tried to see the type of slab that I listed below:
 Solid floor slab; - The slab is of uniform thickness throughout without down stand beams
and with the reinforcement more closely spaced. The reinforcement in this type of slab is formed
grid like structure by laying each reinforcements longitudinal and traversal direction and tying
with a black wire at each intersection of the reinforcements.

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Item Advantage Disadvantage

Solid - Good for dampness(water tight) - It needs a lot of reinforcement bars
slab - easy for construction & installation works - It is Expensive
- It takes less time for construction.

Table 2. 3: Solid slab

Construction Procedure of slab
 Form work preparation.
 The level, cleanses & smoothness of the form work were also checked.
 The reinforcement was placed.
 Checked reinforcement placement
 Concrete cast

Negative bars were lapped at mid-span section, whereas positive bars were lapped at support
section the reason behind this is that at mid span section of the slab there is less stress, while at
the support section there is more stress.

Figure2. 10 slab reinforcement

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E. Staircase
Stair is a structure which is used as a link between one floor and another floor. Stairs consists of
a number of steps arranged in a single flight or more number of flights.
Requirement of staircase location
 Proper Ventilation
 Sun light access
 Near Main Entrance for Public Buildings and Centrally for easy access

Construction Procedure of stair case is:

 Form work preparation.
 The level, cleanness & smoothness of the form work were also checked.
 The reinforcement was placed.
 Checked reinforcement placement
 Concrete cast

Figure2. 11 preparation of stair case

F. Elevator Lifting Elevator lifting is a device that moves people and goods vertically with
in a dedicated shaft that connects the floors of a building. In almost all modern multi-floor
buildings, elevators are required to provide universal access. Lifting is designed and
constructed by considering the risk of vibrating loads while it moves up and down. Since
lifting is shear wall structure, it helps to stiffen and resists earthquake load for The whole
building structure

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Figure2. 12 constriction of elevator lifting

2) Office Work
During the times I spent on the office, I have been enrolled with some tasks to do in the office
those tasks are the following ones:

a) Detailed Analysis of Contract documents and Drawings

A contract document is an agreement paper that binds three elements of a project, i.e. Client,
Consultant and Contractor together to follow up listed rules and regulations.

b) Preparation of takeoff sheet: -

is a systematic presentation of all tasks to be performed from the beginning of the project until
it’s done also it helps to prepare payment for subcontractors. While preparing take off sheet

 repeated words must be avoided,

 Non popular abbreviations must be avoided,
 Must use clear English with less technical words.

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1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Table 2. 4: Takeoff sheet format

Advantages of the Take off sheet preparation are to
 Approximately estimated total construction cost & completion time.
 The types of equipment, tools and machineries are known ahead.
 The number and qualification of workers required are known ahead.
 The work schedule, labor schedule and material schedule are prepared.
 Bill of Qty is prepared for competent bidders to submit their offer.

c) Preparation of bar schedule:

is the detail description of reinforcement bars of all diameters to be used during construction of
the building.

d) Preparation of bill of quantity (BOQ):

is the format which is used in a bill of quantity to list (include) a short description of the
specification along with its measuring unit, quantity and unit prices to determine the total cost for
each trade of item.

e) Cost break:
is an essential part of office work which consists of two basic tasks, i.e. Cost Breakdown and
Price Escalation.

 Cost Breakdown is a system of calculation of unit prices of each constituent material

such as concrete (per m3): finishing works like plastering (per m2), tiling etc…to be
prepared by the contactor while bidding to win the contract.
 Price Escalation is methodological system by which the contractor is able to change the
unit price of materials submitted while bidding for contract. This change of price is
resulted from fluctuation of some basic materials as cement, fuel and reinforcement bars.

2.5. Procedures and Methods of the Tasks

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Since it was my first time in such a project and also the project is vast project I thought as it
could be difficult, but I was quickly introducing with the supervisors and site engineers. The
procedures I was followed firstly I was required to observe each practical aspect from the site
work and do the office activities.
First I have been making myself available on the site.
 I have tried to communicate with all labors, supervisors and site engineers on the site.
 I have tried to observe all activities on the site before I request any doubt.
 I try to classifying the responsible of the work for each member of the projects.
 I observed selected activities of office works.
 I have been asking some technical and site related questions and so on.

2.6. Site Challenges

Generally I spent my internship in a good manner. But we know that as we prepared our self for
work, problems and challenges are available but carrying them all as much as possible I have
reached at the end of my internship career.
The challenges I faced were:-
 The weather was difficult, it was hot and dusty.
 I was a little bit confused at the beginning about some terms and terminologies used
by the workers.
 It was difficult to read the drawing at the beginning.
 Due to the current situation of the country it was somewhat difficult to focus on the
 No office at the site and it was difficult to get information related to the project.

2.7. Solving Challenges

During my internship period there is measure that I take to solve my problem that faced me in a
site. Some of them are listed below:-
 I overcome the problem by wearing boots.
 I learned the terms used on the site very quickly by asking the labors at the site.
 I learned how to read the drawing and the practical work by asking the site Engineer.
 I bought a hat to withstand the unfavorable working environment, i.e. the sun and the
dust, and to some extent I was forced to compromise and tolerate.

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Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

Chapter - 3

Over All Benefit of the Internship

Work experience gives us the opportunity to gain greater understanding about our chosen field.
As a full time student, one of the best ways to gain this experience is by working as an intern in
our field of study to gain practical experience. An internship offers us the chance to learn by
doing in a setting where we are supervised by a work-place professional, and have the
opportunity to achieve our own learning goals, without the responsibilities of being a permanent
Internship is one part of making opportunity for the student’s potentially valuable and best
experienced and an opportunity to line up a job before graduation in addition to securing good
work experience. It also potentially valuable to compare companies continue to regard intern as
little more than a free source of labor to catch up on filing and other tedious office works. While
I participate in this internship I expect that only practical and theoretical knowledge was gained
in the internship but there are so many benefits up to know some of them are:-

3.1.Theoretical Knowledge
Before I joined to the internship practice, I had developed more theoretical knowledge from the
University. When I was entered to the construction site, I have only theoretical knowledge like
 Type of soil and Type of foundation,
 Concept of overturning
 Concept of negative bar
 The difference b/n one way and two way slab
 Mix design concept
 Provide Qty surveying of the elements
 How to read site plan etc…but this internship program gives significant knowledge
4. Before me going to work in the real world. My theoretical knowledge got strengthens
more by those practical technique invested on site. It assists me in moving towards my
job goals by comparing what I had learned from school, practical and supervised work

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3.2. Improvement of my practical skill

During my intern period I have gained several practical skills some of them are;
 Drawing management; ability to read and interpret drawings is fundamental in civil
engineering. During the intern period my ability to read and change to ground (practical)
both structural and architectural drawings are improved. I have familiarized with new
structural drawings such as;
 Distribution stirrups in columns
 Double perimeter stirrup in beams; is use full if the spacing
between stirrups is very small and difficult for work then by
increasing the length of single stirrup we make it twice perimeter
of the beam

3.3. Industrial Problem Solving Capability

Being a person who accomplishes things and services to the community, his development,
Improvement and the opportunity for creativity is unlimited. The internship helps me how to
develop creativity in the construction process and how to develop a good problem solving skills.
To assess knowledge of materials, methods and equipment operations to plan, control and
analyze the result of construction process. And I tried to watch how to analyze, develop and
apply strategies, tools and arrangements that are part of the construction.

3.4. Team Playing Skill

Here in my internship program the most I like is the team spirit of MU students who were in
Sense let construction plc. Because we shared a lot of experiences and we had a lot of funs. Not
Only with the students had I also had a good team playing skill with people around me. No
Project can be completed by a single individual but it requires group of person (team) with
Specific duties to be performed by each. Because everyone also has their own individual talents,
It will allow us to do something far better than we could before.
 Skills necessary to improve our teamwork include:
 Across discipline & Being humble
 Functions as an active participant & Shows commitment to the team
 Willing to make decision

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 Respect for individual contributions

3.5. Leadership Skill

Since engineering projects are typically done by teams, an engineer needs a good communication
Skills and leadership qualities. Good leadership is vital for the construction industries
Development as well as to the economical construction. Leader ship is the ability to influence
Others with ability. Ability to lead is a function of influence:-
 Ability to communicate
 Ability to solve problems
 Ability of understanding others
 Ability taking of a comment from others
 good management skill & Confidence

3.6. Work Ethics Issues

In my internship stay time, I try to follow through the company’s work ethics. When I talk about
Work ethics: With roots in the same religious belief system, the “ethics of the workplace” are
Usually thinks of today as a set of moral standards for each trade, profession, or job
In the construction site I have observed two types of work ethics
1. Personal ethics:-they involved with a person adopts them on his or her own.
These includes
 Punctuality & Sincerity
 Reliability & Honesty
 Tolerance & Transparency
2. Specific to work situation, like
 Keeping certain information confidential.
 Being prepared to take up a new tasks
 Office disciplines & Cooperation
 Accountability
Problems of work ethics issues
 Rude and impolite behavior

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 In adequate knowledge and skill

 Disrespect for the job & Wastage of resources

3.7. Entrepreneurship Skill

As a successful entrepreneur I will have to work closely with people. This is where it is Critical
to be able to great to build great relationships with my team, customers, supplies, shareholders
and more.
For this field of practice, I have gained the following types of interpersonal skill. These are:-
 Initiative: - be passion and motivate to take the initiative and create on your own.
 Responsibility: - have to be responsible for your actions.
 Creativity: - stay creative, innovate and always be one step ahead in ideas.
 Communication: - have to be able to be sociable and express your ideas freely.
 Leadership: - need to be leader and charge of a project of a company.
 Problem solving: - develop the ability to solve simple or more complicated
 Determination: - be never giving up and keep going even when things are tough.
Finally the internship helps me to have understanding of the cost of the construction project and
developing of my awareness, in creating and exploitation of construction business opportunities
in the future. Like
 Site Engineer
 Office Engineer
 Project Engineer
 Supervisor
 businessman

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4.1. Conclusion
During my stay for the last three months as intern trainer in Sense let constraction I become
familiar with the construction industry; I become familiar with technologically advanced
machineries and modern construction practices.
The internship has benefits and goals of, Learn more about how previous theoretical knowledge
is applied in real work situations, Become more knowledgeable about general work functions in
different particular works, Investigate organizational cultures and learn career related skills,
Identify transferable skills and strengthen written and oral skills, Find out what it is like to work
in a business environment, Make contacts to gain future employment, Stimulate new interest in
academic coarse work and frequently develop an interdisciplinary perspective, Gain an increased
awareness of skills, attributes, personal qualities and values.
In working places it is important to know the technical (local) word s, because it enables to
briefly communicate with the employees in the project and to understand when they are talking
to each other.
Even the progress in the project site is not fast, I used to see on other sites, thus I become aware
of how to construct and purpose of different kinds of structural elements like foundation, Shear
wall, Columns, and masonry wall, Slabs, Beams and Staircase. On the other hand I was able to
know office works like preparing takeoff sheets, preparing bill of quantity, Preparing cost break
down, Preparing payment certificate, Preparing project schedule, Preparing time extension claim,
thus it helps me to be self-confident of the practical works.
In terms of managerial skill I become aware of leadership skill, work ethics, interpersonal
communication skills, team playing skills, entrepreneurship issues and many others, the working
environment I will face in the future. Punctuality, accountability and honesty are also some of
the benefits I have gained during the internship time, behaviorally.

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Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

The other that must be mentioned is that I become able to deeply investigate or study problems
that we are grappling with on site and give the necessary and best suited solution, which is a
quality that every engineer must have.
Lastly, this internship program should be continued because it has paramount importance for the
students or the internees to enhance their knowledge, experience etc. in their field, so our
university should be broad the internship program to meet the goal or objective of the internship
by monitoring the student and by series communication with the hosting company throughout the
internship schedule

4.2. Recommendation

4.2.1. To my hosting company

 During the three months of internship experience, i have seen positive and negative sides
about the project site I was working with. i will try to suggest some ideas.
 The hosting company I have been working as an intern student was very good in creating
an opportunity of work (sharing experience) for the students who are intern trainees. So I
would like to recommend the company to continue its assistance for the internship
students to create learned and experienced future generations.

 All the employees at site and office were willing to answer my questions of un cleared
things and to tell from their experiences. So I would like to thank and recommend all the
workers to continue their positive responses for all the students they would get as an
intern student in their future working life.
 On the mix concrete the ratio of cement, sand, aggregate and addition of water are high
sometimes doesn’t properly done based on the needs design provided. Accordingly I
recommend, the Forman shall follow the labors to use the appropriate measurement and
the consultant and site engineer should test the strength of the mix before cast.

 In every construction company’s safety of the workers must be emphasized, every safety
materials must be provided, in the company that I have been working in safety materials
are provided only for site engineers and Forman’s only not for laborer. I recommend
company to organize safety department and care for the safety of workers.

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Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

 The company shall work progress is not fast thus there is delay in completion time, I
recommend that to work a little bit faster with consideration of quality of the works.

4.2.2. To mekelle university

 University industry linkage shall keep working concerning about company’s relationship
and linkage with companies to allocate the intern in well-organized construction

 I would like to recommend that the civil engineering department to add software like
AutoCAD, sap, ETAB, and EGIL point as normal courses to undergraduate curriculum.

Prepared by: Frehiwet mekonen 35

Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

1. Orally from employers on site and office

2. RC1 and RC2 text books

3. Daily reports during my internship

4. Final internship documents from previous years.

5. Book1-Stractural works (Engineer Henok Asefaw)

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Mekelle university internship final report 2013 E.C

1. Arimata: is a concrete
2. Barela-is measuring concrete box.
3. Biuca: means the mixture of water and cement.
4. Ferro (Tendino): is reinforcement used in construction.
5. Ferroye:a person who bends bar reinforcement for any structural part of the construction.
6. Fonda: is soffit of floor beam.
7. Fondo: is a bottom soffit: used as a form work for beam and slab at the bottom..
8. Gancho: it is an instrument of a carpenter that is used to hold the hammer.
9. Kabaleto: means steel between the upper and lower reinforcements in the construction of
slab. It is important to reduce the bending of reinforcements before the time concrete is
10. Segato: is Used for cutting the bars
11. Soleta: is a slab.
12. Sponda: is a side panel of a formwork.
13. Staffa: is a stirrup.
14. Staffeni: is a metal used to bend the stirrup or Staffa.
15. Tumbi: - is used to check the perpendicularity of columns and masonry wall.
16. Wiha lik: It is simply a peozmeter of site work.
In addition to the above mentioned, since I spent majority of my time at site, I was
supposed to learn different words where personnel at site use to communicate

Prepared by: Frehiwet mekonen 37

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