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Q: Under the Local Government Code, name four Q: Congress enacted Republic Act No.

1234 requiring all

persons who are disqualified from running for any candidates for public offices to post an election bond
elective position. (1999 Bar) equivalent to the one (1) year salary for the position for
which they are candidates. The bond shall be forfeited if
A: Under Section 40 of the Local Government Code, the the candidates fail to obtain at least 10% of the votes
following are disqualified from running for any local cast. Is Republic Act No. 1234 valid?
elective position:
A: It is invalid as the requirement effectively imposes a
1. Those sentenced by final judgment for an offense property qualification to run for public office.
involving moral turpitude or for an offense
punishable by one (1) year or more of
imprisonment, within two (2) years after serving Q: (1) Gandang Bai filed her certificate of candidacy
sentence; (COC) for municipal mayor stating that she is eligible to
2. Those removed from office as a result of an run for the said position.
administrative case; Pasyo Maagap, who also filed his COC for the same
3. Those convicted by final judgment for violating position, filed a petition to deny due course or cancel
the oath of allegiance to the Republic of the Bai's COC under Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code
Philippines; for material misrepresentation as before Bai filed her
4. Those with dual citizenship; COC, she had already been convicted of a crime involving
5. Fugitives from justice in criminal or nonpolitical moral turpitude. Hence, she is disqualified perpetually
cases here or abroad; from holding any public office or from being elected to
6. Permanent residents in a foreign country or any public office.
those who have acquired the right to reside
abroad and continue to avail of the same right Before the election, the COMELEC cancelled Bai' s COC
after the effectivity of the Local Government but her motion for reconsideration (MR) remained
Code; and pending even after the election. Bai garnered the highest
7. The insane or feeble-minded. number of votes followed by Pasyo Maagap, who took
his oath as Acting Mayor. Thereafter, the COMELEC
Q: In the May 8, 1995 elections for local officials whose denied Bai's MR and declared her disqualified for
terms were to commence on June 30, 1995, Ricky filed running for Mayor.
on March 20, 1995 his certificate of candidacy for the
Office of Governor of Laguna. He won, but his P. Maagap asked the Department of Interior and Local
qualifications as an elected official was questioned. It is Government Secretary to be allowed to take his oath as
admitted that he is a repatriated Filipino citizen and a permanent municipal mayor. This request was opposed
resident of the Province of Laguna. To be qualified for by Vice Mayor Umaasa, invoking the rule on succession
the office to which a local official has been elected, when to the permanent vacancy in the Mayor's office. Who
at the latest should he be: between Pasyo Maagap and Vice Mayor Umaasa has the
right to occupy the position of Mayor? Explain your
1. A Filipino Citizen? Explain. answer. (2015 BAR)
2. A resident of the locality? Explain. (2005
BAR) A: Pasyo Maagap would be entitled to occupy the position
of Mayor upon disqualification of Gandang Bai on the
A. To be qualified for the office to which a local basis of the petition to deny due course or cancel her
official has been elected, it is sufficient that he is certificate of candidacy under the provisions of Section 78
a Filipino citizen at the time of his proclamation of the Omnibus Election Code.
and at the start of his term.
The rule is that “an ineligible candidate who receives the
Philippine citizenship is required for holding an highest number of votes is a wrongful winner. By express
elective public office to ensure that no person legal mandate, he could not even have been a candidate
owing allegiance to another country shall govern in the first place, but by virtue of the lack of material time
our people and a unit of the Philippine territory. or any other intervening circumstances, his ineligibility
An official begins to discharge his functions only might not have been passed upon prior to election date.
upon his proclaimation and on the day his term Consequently, he may have had the opportunity to hold
of office begins. himself out to the electorate as a legitimate and duly
B. To be qualified for the office to which a local qualified candidate. However, notwithstanding the
official has been elected, he must be a resident of outcome of the elections, his ineligibility as a candidate
the locality for at least one year immediately remains unchanged.
before the election. (Section 39(a), Local Ineligibility does not only pertain to his qualifications as a
Government Code) candidate but necessarily affects his right to hold public
office. The number of ballots cast in his favor cannot cure As the new law allows dual citizenship, she was able to
the defect of failure to qualify with the substantive legal reacquire her Philippine citizenship by taking the required
requirements of eligibility to run for public office.” oath of allegiance

Accordingly, Gandang Bai “being a non- candidate, the Q: President Alfredo died during his third year in office.
votes cast in his favor should not have been counted.” This In accordance with the Constitution, Vice President
leaves Pasyo Maagap as “the qualified candidate who Anastasia succeeded him. President Anastasia then
obtained the highest number of votes. nominated the late President Alfredo's Executive
Secretary, Anna Maria, as her replacement as Vice
Therefore, the rule on succession under the Local
President. The nomination was confirmed by a majority
Government Code will not apply.”
of all the Members of the House of Representatives and
Q: In 1990, Agripina migrated to Canada and acquired the Senate, voting separately. Can Anastasia run as
Canadian citizenship. In 2008, Agripina retired and President in the next election? (2018 BAR)
returned to the Philippines to permanently reside in her
A: YES, Anastacia can still run as President in the next
hometown of Angeles, Pampanga. A month after
election since she has served for less than four years.
returning to the Philippines, Agripina took her oath of
allegiance and executed a sworn renunciation of her Section 4, Article VII provides that “no person who has
Canadian citizenship in accordance with R.A. No. 9225. succeeded as President and has served as such for more
than four years shall be qualified for election to the same
In 2009, Agripina filed her certificate of candidacy for
office at any time.”
Congress for the 2010 elections. Agripina's political rivals
lost no time in causing the filing of various actions to Q: W, the incumbent Congressman of the Province of
question her candidacy. They questioned her eligibility to Albay, decided to run for Governor. He filed his
run as member of Congress. Since Agripina had to take certificate of candidacy (CoC) for Governor without
an oath under R.A. No. 9225, it meant that she needed resigning from his post and continued exercising his
to perform an act to perfect her Philippine citizenship. duties as Congressman, such as attending plenary
Hence, they claimed that Agripina could not be sessions and committee hearings in the House of
considered a natural-born citizen. Agripina raised the Representatives. One of W’s fiercest critics, X, claimed
defense that, having complied with the requirements of that W should not be dispensing the functions of a
R.A. No. 9225, she had reacquired, and was deemed Congressman since he is deemed ipso facto resigned as
never to have lost, her Philippine citizenship. Is Agripina such upon his filing of a CoC for Governor of Albay.
disqualified to run for Congress for failing to meet the
(a) Is X’s argument correct? Explain.
citizenship requirement? (2018 BAR)
(b) Assuming that W is instead, an incumbent
A: Agripina is eligible to run as member of Congress.
Undersecretary of the Department of National Defense,
Repatriation results in the recovery of a person’s original what is the effect of the filing of his CoC for the position
nationality. This means that a naturalized Filipino who lost of Governor of Albay to said post? Explain. (2019 BAR)
his citizenship will be restored to his prior status as a
A: (a) The argument of X is not correct.
Filipino citizen. If she were originally a natural-born citizen
before she lost her Philippine citizenship, she would be Section 14 of RA 9006 (Fair Elections Act) reads: “Sec. 14.
restored to her former status as a natural-born Filipino. Repealing Clause. - Sections 67 and 85 of the Omnibus
Election Code (Batas Pambansa Blg. 881) and Sections 10
RA 9225 makes a distinction between those naturalborn
and 11 of Republic Act No. 6646 are hereby repealed.”
Filipinos who became foreign citizens before and after the
effectivity of RA No. 9225. For those who were naturalized Section 47 of BP 881, which deemed elective officials ipso
in a foreign country, they shall be deemed to have facto resigned when they file their Certificate of
reacquired their Philippine citizenship which was lost Candidacy, is inoperative, and therefor W may still
pursuant to CA 63.In the case of those who became continue office.
foreign citizens after RA 9225 took effect, they shall retain
Philippine citizenship despite having acquired foreign (b) W would be considered ipso facto resigned.
citizenship, provided they take the oath of allegiance
Under Sec. 66 of the Omnibus Election Code (BP 881),
under the new law.
“any person holding a public appointive office or position,
Considering that petitioner was naturalized as a Canadian including active members of the Armed Forces of the
citizen prior to the effectivity of RA 9225, she belongs to Philippines, and officers and employees in government-
the first category of natural-born Filipinos who lost their owned or controlled corporations, shall be considered
Philippine citizenship by naturalization in a foreign ipso facto resigned from his office upon the filing of his
country, under the first paragraph of Section 3. certificate of candidacy.”
W, as Undersecretary of the Department of National Election Act likewise rendered ineffective the first proviso
Defense, is an appointive official, and therefor falls under in the third paragraph of Section 11 of Republic Act No.
this provision 8436.

Q: A, a City Legal Officer, and B, a City ViceMayor, filed Consequently, Pedro Reyes can run for Mayor without
certificates of candidacy for the position of City Mayor in giving up his position as Vice-Mayor. He will have to give
the May 14, 2001 elections. up his position as Vice-Mayor upon expiration of his term
as Vice-Mayor on June 30, 2004.
a. Was A ipso facto considered resigned and, if so,
effective on what date? 2. The answer is the same if Pedro Reyes is a Congressman
of Quezon City, because the repeal of Section 67 of the
b. Was B ipso facto considered resigned and, if so,
Omnibus Election Code covers both elective national and
effective on what date? In both cases, state the reason or
local officials.
reasons for your answer. (2002 BAR)
Q: What is a "stray ballot"? (1994 BAR)
A: a. A was considered ipso facto resigned upon the filing
of his certificate of candidacy, because being a City Legal A: Uner Rule No. 19 of the rules for the appreciation of
Officer, he is an appointive official. Section 66 of the ballots in Section 211 of the Omnibus Election Code, stray
Omnibus Election Code provides that any person holding a ballot is one cast in favor of a person who has not filed a
public appointive office shall be considered ipso facto certificate of candidacy or in favor of a candidate for an
resigned upon the filing of his certificate of candidacy. office for which he did not present himself. Although the
Code does not provide for stray ballot, it is presumed that
b. B is not considered ipso facto resigned. Section 67 of
stray ballot refers to stray vote.
the Omnibus Election Code considers any elective official
ipso facto resigned from office upon his filing of a Q: In the municipal mayoralty elections in 1980, the
certificate of candidacy for any office other than the one candidate who obtained the highest number of votes
he is holding except for President and Vice-President, was was subsequently declared to be disqualified as a
repealed by the Fair Election Act. candidate and so ineligible for the office to which he was
elected. Would this fact entitle a competing candidate
Q: Pedro Reyes is an incumbent Vice-Mayor of Quezon
who obtained the second highest number of votes to ask
City. He intends to run in the regular elections for the
and to be proclaimed the winner of the elective office?
position of City Mayor of Quezon City whose incumbent
Reasons. (2003 BAR)
mayor would have fully served three consecutive terms
by 2004. A: YES. The rule is that “an ineligible candidate who
receives the highest number of votes is a wrongful
1. Would Pedro Reyes have to give up his position as
winner”. By express legal mandate, he could not even
have been a candidate in the first place, but by virtue of
a. Once he files his certificate of candidacy; or the lack of material time or any other intervening
b. When the campaign period starts; or circumstances, his ineligibility might not have been passed
c. Once and if he is proclaimed winner in the upon prior to election date.
election; or
d. Upon his assumption to the elective office; Notwithstanding the outcome of the elections, his
or ineligibility as a candidate remains unchanged. Ineligibility
e. None of the above. Choose the correct does not only pertain to his qualifications as a candidate
answer but necessarily affects his right to hold public office. The
number of ballots cast in his favor cannot cure the defect
2. If Pedro Reyes were, instead, an incumbent of failure to qualify with the substantive legal
Congressman of Quezon City, who intends to seek the requirements of eligibility to run for public office.
mayoralty post in Quezon City, would your choice of
answer in no. (1) above be the same? If not, which would Accordingly, the disqualified candidate, being a non-
be your choice? (2003 BAR) candidate, the votes cast in his favor should not have been
counted. This leaves the candidate who obtained the
A: 1. The correct answer is (e). second highest vote as the qualified candidate who
actually obtained the highest number of votes.
Section 14 of the Fair Election Act repealed Section 67 of
the Omnibus Election Code, which provided that any Q: The 2016 mayoralty race in the City of Ardania
elected official, whether national or local, who runs for included Arnaldo and Anacleto as contenders. Arnaldo
any office other than the one he is holding in a permanent filed a petition with the Comelec to cancel Anacleto's
capacity, except for President and Vice President, shall be Certificate of Candidacy (CoC) for misrepresenting
considered ipso facto resigned from his office upon the himself as a Filipino citizen. Arnaldo presented as
filing of his certificate of candidacy. Section 14 of the Fair evidence a copy of Anacleto's Spanish passport and a
certification from the Bureau of Immigration (Bl) Pink will run for re-election in the coming elections. The
showing that Anacleto used the same passport several deadline for filing of Certificate of Candidacy (CoC) is on
times to travel to and from Manila and Madrid or March 23 and the campaign period commences the
Barcelona. In his Comment, Anacleto claimed that, a year following day. One month before the deadline, Pink has
prior to filing his CoC, he had complied with all the yet to file her CoC, but she has been going around town
requirements of R.A. No. 9225 (Citizenship Retention and giving away sacks of rice with the words "Mahal Tayo ni
Re-acquisition Act of 2003) to reacquire his Philippine Mayor Pink" printed on them, holding public gatherings
citizenship by taking an oath of allegiance and executing and speaking about how good the town is doing, giving
a sworn renunciation of his Spanish citizenship. He away pink t-shirts with "Kay Mayor Pink Ako" printed on
defended the use of his Spanish passport subsequent to them. Mr. Green is the political opponent of Mayor Pink.
taking his oath of allegiance to the Philippines as a In April, noticing that Mayor Pink had gained advantage
practical necessity since he had yet to obtain his over him because of her activities before the campaign
Philippine passport despite reacquiring his Philippine period, he filed a petition to disqualify Mayor Pink for
citizenship. Even after he secured his Philippine passport, engaging in an election campaign outside the designated
he said he had to wait for the issuance of a Schengen period.
visa to allow him to travel to Spain to visit his wife and
a. Which is the correct body to rule on the matter?
minor children.
Comelec en banc, or Comelec division? Answer
(a) Based on the allegations of the parties, is there with reasons
sufficient ground to cancel Anacleto's CoC?
b. Rule on the petition. (2012 BAR)
(b) In case Anacleto's CoC is properly cancelled, who
a. It is the Commission on Elections En Banc which
should serve as mayor of Ardania City: Arnaldo, who
should decide the petition. Since it involves the
obtained the second highest number votes, or Andrea,
exercise of the administrative powers of the
the duly-elected Vice Mayor of the City? (2018 BAR)
Commission on Election, Section 3, Article Ix-C of
A: (a) The sole act of using a foreign passport does not the Constitution is not applicable
divest Anacleto of his Filipino citizenship which he
b. The petition should be denied. Under Section 80
acquired by repatriation.
Of the Omnibus Election Code, to be liable for
By representing himself as a Spanish citizen; however, premature campaigning, he must be a candidate
Anacleto voluntarily and effectively reverted to his earlier and unless he filed his CoC, he is not a candidate.
status as a dual citizen. Such reversion was not
Q: Discuss the disputable presumptions:
retroactive; it took place the instant Anacleto represented
himself as a Spanish citizen by using his Spanish passport. a. of conspiracy to bribe voters;
He is, thus, disqualified for being a dual citizen, and his
CoC should be cancelled. b. of the involvement of a candidate and of his
principal campaign managers in such conspiracy.
NOTE: The use of the foreign passport amounts to a (1991 BAR)
recantation of the Oath of Renunciation required to
qualify one to run for an elective position. A: a. Under Sec. 28 of the Electoral Reforms Law, proof
that at least one voter in different precincts representing
(b) The rule on succession would not apply if the at least twenty per cent (20%) of the total precincts in any
permanent vacancy was caused by one whose certificate municipality, city or province was offered, promised or
of candidacy was void ab initio. Specifically with respect to given money, valuable consideration or other expenditure
dual citizens, their certificates of candidacy are void ab by the relatives, leader or sympathizer of a candidate for
initio, because they possess "a substantive [disqualifying the purpose of promoting the candidacy of such
circumstance] [existing] prior to the filing of their candidate, gives rise to a disputable presumption of
certificate of candidacy. conspiracy to bribe voters.
"Legally, they should not even be considered candidates. b. Under Sec. 28, if the proof affects at least 20% of the
The votes cast for them should be considered stray and precincts of the municipality, city or province to which the
should not be counted. In cases of vacancies caused by public office aspired for by the favored candidate relates,
those with void ab initio certificates of candidacy, the this shall constitute a disputable presumption of the
person legally entitled to the vacant position would be the involvement of the candidate and of his principal
candidate who garnered the next highest number of votes campaign managers in each of the municipalities
among those eligible; in this case, it was Arnaldo. concerned, in the conspiracy.
Q: Mayor Pink is eyeing re-election in the next mayoralty Q: What is your understanding of the principle of idem
race. It was common knowledge in the town that Mayor sonans as applied in the Election Law? (1994 BAR)
A: Idem sonans literally means the same or similar sound. a. Before election day, what action or
actions will you institute against Gabriel,
This principle is made manifest in one of the rules for the
appreciation of ballots embodied in the Omnibus Election and before which court, commission or
Code, stating that "A name or surname incorrectly written tribunal will you file such action/s?
which when read, has a sound similar to the name or Reasons.
surname of a candidate when correctly written shall be
counted in his favor.
A: a. I will file a petition to cancel the certificate of
candidacy of Gabriel in the Commission on Elections
Thus, if the name as spelled in the ballot, though different because of the false material representation that he
from the correct spelling thereof, conveys to the ears is qualified to run for congressman (Section 78 of the
when pronounced according to the commonly accepted
Omnibus Election Code;574 SCRA 787 [2008]).
methods, a sound practically identical with the sound of
the correct name as commonly pronounced, the name The question of the disqualification of Gabriel cannot
thus given is a sufficient designation of the person be raised before the House of Representatives
referred to. Electoral Tribunal, because he is not yet a member of
The question whether one name is idem sonans with the House of Representatives
another is not a question of spelling but of pronunciation
b. If, during the pendency of such action / s
Its application is aimed at realizing the objective of every
election which is to obtain the expression of the voters
but before election day, Gabriel withdraws
will. his certificate of candidacy, can he be
substituted as candidate? If so, by whom
Q: Sec. 17, Art. VI of the Constitution establishes an and why? If not, why not?
Electoral Tribunal for each of the Houses of Congress,
and makes each Electoral Tribunal "the sole judge of all b. If Gabriel withdraws, he may be substituted by a
contests relating to the election, returns, and candidate nominated by his political party.
qualifications of their respective Members." On the
other hand, Sec. 2(1), C (Commission on Elections), Art. Section 77 of the Omnibus Election Code states: “If
IX of the Constitution grants to the COMELEC the power after the last day for the filing of certificates of
to enforce and administer all laws and regulations candidacy, an official candidate of a registered or
"relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite, accredited political party dies, withdraws or is
initiative, referendum, and recall." Considering that disqualified for any cause, only a person belonging
there is no concurrence of jurisdiction between the to, and certified by, the same political party may file
Electoral Tribunals and the COMELEC, state when the
a certificate of candidacy to replace the candidate
jurisdiction of the Electoral Tribunals begins, and the
who died, withdrew or was disqualified.”
COMELEC's jurisdiction ends. Explain your answer. (2017
BAR) c. If the action/s instituted should be
A: To be considered a Member of the House of dismissed with finality before the election,
Representatives, there must be a concurrence of the and Gabriel assumes office after being
following requisites: (1) A valid proclamation, (2) a proper proclaimed the winner in the election, can
oath, and (3) assumption of office . the issue of his candidacy and/or citizenship
and residence still be questioned? If so,
Once a winning candidate has been proclaimed and taken
his oath, and assumed office as a Member of the House of what action or actions may be filed and
Representatives, the jurisdiction of the Commission on where? If not, why not? (2010 BAR)
Elections over the election contest ends, and the
c. The question of the citizenship and residence of
jurisdiction of the House of Representatives Electoral
Tribunal begins.
Gabriel can be questioned in the House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal by filing a quo
Q: Despite lingering questions about his Filipino warranto case.
citizenship and his one-year residence in the
district, Gabriel filed his certificate of candidacy for Since it is within its jurisdiction to decide the
congressman before the deadline set by law. His question of the qualification of Gabriel, the decision
opponent, Vito, hires you as lawyer to contest of the Commission on Elections does not constitute
Gabriel’s candidacy. res judicata.

Once a candidate for member of the House of

Representatives has been proclaimed, the House of
Representatives Electoral Tribunal acquires heard and resolved by one of the Comelec's Divisions.
jurisdiction over election contests relating to his Are Anselmo and Ambrosio correct? (2018 BAR)
qualifications. A: Anselmo is incorrect. The rule is every quasijudicial
matter must first be tackled by a division subject to appeal
Q: Ang Araw, a multi-sectoral party-list organization
by way of a Motion for Reconsideration to the COMELEC
duly registered as such with the Commission on
en banc. In Jalosjos v. COMELEC (G.R. No. 205033, June
Elections (Comelec), was proclaimed as one of the 18, 2013), it was determined that a cancellation on the
winning party-list groups in the last national basis of perpetual disqualification is a matter that can be
elections. Its first nominee, Alejandro, assumed taken judicial notice of. When it cancels A CoC on that
office as the party-list representative. About one ground, it is acting in performance of an administrative
year after Alejandro assumed office, the Interim function and, therefore, the rule in Article IX, Section 3
Central Committee of Ang Araw expelled Alejandro does not apply.
from the party for disloyalty and replaced him with Ambrosio, on the other hand, is correct that the petition
Andoy, its second nominee. Alejandro questioned for the cancellation of his CoC should have been first
before the Comelec his expulsion and replacement heard and resolved by the Comelec Division.
by Andoy. The Comelec considered Alejandro's
Cancellation proceedings involve the COMELEC's quasi-
petition as an intra-party dispute which it could
judicial functions. The Constitution mandates the
resolve as an incident of its power to register
COMELEC, in the exercise of its adjudicatory or quasi-
political parties; it proceeded to uphold the judicial powers, to hear and decide cases first by division
expulsion. Is the Comelec's ruling correct? (2018 and, upon motion for reconsideration, by the COMELEC en
BAR) banc.

A: Alejandro’s petition should be dismissed for lack Q: During his third term, "A", a Member of the House of
of jurisdiction. It is the HRET which has jurisdiction Representatives, was suspended from office for a period
over the case, because Alejandro is already a of 60 days by his colleagues upon a vote of two- thirds of
Member of the House of Representatives. all the Members of the House. In the next succeeding
election, he filed his certificate of candidacy for the same
Q: Two petitions for the cancellation of Certificate of position. "B", the opposing candidate, filed an action for
Candidacy (CoC)/Denial of Due Course were filed with disqualification of "A" on the ground that the latter's,
the Comelec against two candidates running as candidacy violated Section 7, Article VI of the
municipal mayors of different towns. Constitution which provides that no Member of the
House of Representatives shall serve for more than three
The first petition was against Anselmo. Years ago,
consecutive terms. "A" answered that he was not barred
Anselmo was charged and convicted of the crime of rape
from running again for that position because his service
by final judgment, and was sentenced to suffer the
was interrupted by his 60- day suspension which was
principal penalty of reclusion perpetua which carried the
involuntary. Can ‘A’, legally continue with his candidacy
accessory penalty of perpetual absolute disqualification.
or is he already barred? Why? (2001 BAR)
While Anselmo was in prison, the President commuted
his sentence and he was discharged from prison. A: A cannot legally continue with his candidacy. He was
elected as Member of the House of Representatives for a
The second petition was against Ambrosio. Ambrosio's
third term. This term should be included in the
residency was questioned because he was allegedly a
computation of the term limits, even if "A" did not serve
"green card holder," i.e., a permanent resident of the US,
for a full term. He remained a Member of the House of
as evidenced by a certification to this effect from the US
Representatives even if he was suspended.
Q: In the May 1992 elections, Manuel Manalo and
Acting on the recommendations of its Law Department,
Segundo Parate were elected as Mayor and Vice Mayor,
the Comelec en banc motu proprio issued two
respectively. Upon the death of Manalo as incumbent
resolutions granting the petitions against Anselmo and
municipal mayor, Vice Mayor Segundo Parate succeeded
Ambrosio. Both Anselmo and Ambrosio filed separate
as mayor and served for the remaining portion of the
petitions with the Supreme Court assailing the
term of office. In the May 1995 election, Segundo Parate
resolutions cancelling their respective CoCs.
ran for and won as mayor and then served for the full
Both claimed that the Comelec en bane acted with grave term. In the May 1998 elections, Parate ran for reelection
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of as Mayor and won again. In the May 2001 election,
jurisdiction because the petitions should have first been Segundo Parate filed his certificate of candidacy for the
same position of mayor, but his rival mayoralty
candidate sought his disqualification alleging violation of conversion to a component city, the latter has a totally
the three term limit for local elective officials provided separate and different corporate personality from that of
for in the Constitution and in the Local Government the municipality.
Code. Decide whether the disqualification case will
Moreover, as a rule, in a representative democracy, the
prosper or not. (2001 BAR)
people should be allowed freely to choose those who will
A: The disqualification case should be dismissed. As held govern them. Having won the elections, the choice of the
in Borja v. COMELEC, 295 SCRA 157, in computing the people should be respected.
three-term limitation imposed upon elective local officials,
b. Manuel is not eligible to run as mayor of the city of
only the term for which he was elected to should be
Tuba. The 1987 Constitution specifically included an
considered. The term which he served as a result of
exception to the people's freedom to choose those who
succession should not be included. It is not enough that
will govern them in order to avoid the evil of a single
the official has served three consecutive terms. He must
person accumulating excessive power over a particular
have been elected to the same position three consecutive
territorial jurisdiction as a result of a prolonged stay in the
same office.
Q: Manuel was elected Mayor of the Municipality of
To allow Manuel to vie for the position of city mayor after
Tuba in the elections of 1992, 1995 and 1998. He fully
having served for three consecutive terms as a municipal
served his first two terms, and during his third term, the
mayor would obviously defeat the very intent of the
municipality was converted into the component City of
framers when they wrote this exception. Should he be
Tuba. The said charter provided for a holdover and so
allowed another three consecutive terms as mayor of the
without interregnum Manuel went on to serve as the
City of Tuba, Manuel would then be possibly holding office
Mayor of the City of Tuba.
as chief executive over the same territorial jurisdiction
In the 2001 elections, Manuel filed his certificate of and inhabitants for a total of eighteen consecutive years.
candidacy for City Mayor. He disclosed, though, that he This is the very scenario sought to be avoided by the
had already served for three consecutive terms as Constitution, if not abhorred by it.
elected Mayor when Tuba was still a municipality. He
c. Reyes cannot be proclaimed winner for receiving the
also stated in his certificate of candidacy that he is
second highest number of votes. The Supreme Court has
running for the position of Mayor for the first time now
consistently ruled that the fact that a plurality or a
that Tuba is a city. Reyes, an adversary, ran against
majority of the votes are cast for an ineligible candidate at
Manuel and petitioned that he be disqualified because
a popular election, or that a candidate is later declared to
he had already served for three consecutive terms as
be disqualified to hold office, does not entitle the
candidate who garnered the second highest number of
The petition was not timely acted upon, and Manuel was votes to be declared elected. The same merely results in
proclaimed the winner with 20,000 votes over the 10,000 making the winning candidate's election a nullity.
votes received by Reyes as the only other candidate. It
In the present case, 10,000 votes were cast for private
was only after Manuel took his oath and assumed office
respondent Reyes as against the 20,000 votes cast for
that the COMELEC ruled that he was disqualified for
petitioner Manuel. The second placer is obviously not the
having ran and served for three consecutive terms.
choice of the people in this particular election. The
a. As lawyer of Manuel, present the possible permanent vacancy in the contested office should be filled
arguments to prevent his disqualification and by succession (Labo v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 105111,
removal. [1992]).

b. How would you rule on whether or not ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Reyes could not be proclaimed as
Manuel is eligible to run as Mayor of the newly- winner because he did not win the election. To allow the
created City of Tuba immediately after having defeated candidate to take over the mayoralty despite his
already served for three (3) consecutive terms rejection by the electorate is to disenfranchise the
as Mayor of the Municipality of Tuba? electorate without any fault on their part and to
undermine the importance and meaning of democracy
c. Assuming that Manuel is not an eligible
and the people's right to elect officials of their choice
candidate, rebut Reyes' claim that he should be
(Benito v. COMELEC, G.R. No. 106053, [1994]).
proclaimed as winner having received the next
higher number of votes. (2005 BAR) Q: How do you differentiate the petition filed under
Section 68 from the petition filed under Section 78, both
A: a. As lawyer of Manuel, I would argue that he should
of the Omnibus Election Code? (2015 BAR)
not be disqualified and removed because he was a three-
term mayor of the municipality of Tuba, and, with its
A: A certificate of candidacy which is denied or cancelled candidate of Polomok. The certificate of canvass for
under Section 78 of the Omnibus Election Code would General Santos was likewise objected to by MP on the
make said certificate of candidacy void ab initio (which basis of the confirmed report of the local NAMFREL that
would preclude the application of the rules on succession 10 election returns from non-existent precincts were
for purposes of replacing him upon his disqualification included in the certificate. MP moved that the certificate
because, up to that point of his disqualification, he shall of canvass for General Santos be corrected to exclude the
be considered merely as a de facto officer), unlike in the results from the nonexistent precincts. The District Board
case of disqualification under Section 68 of Omnibus of Canvassers denied both objections and ruled to
Election Code, which would give rise to the de jure include the certificate of canvass. May MP appeal the
officership of the disqualified candidate up to the point of rulings to the COMELEC? Explain. (2008 BAR)
A: NO, MP cannot appeal the rulings to the Commission
The other basic distinctions between petitions for on Elections. Under Section 15 of Republic Act No. 7166,
disqualification of candidates and petitions to reject or as amended by Republic Act No. 9369, no pre-
cancel certificates of candidacy are follows: proclamation controversies regarding the appreciation of
election returns and certificates of canvass maybe
Under Section 68 of OEC, a candidate may be disqualified
entertained in elections for members of the House of
if he commits any of the election offenses or “prohibited
Representatives. The canvassing body may correct
acts” specified therein, of if he is permanent resident of or
manifest errors in the certificate of canvass. His recourse is
an immigrant to a foreign country. On the other hand,
to file a regular election protest before the HRET
under Section 78 of the same law, a certificate of
(Pimentel v. COMELEC, 548 SCRA 169 [2008]).
candidacy may be denied due course or cancelled if found
to be containing material representations which are false Q: Under the Omnibus Election Code (B.P. 881, as
and deliberately made. These would include amended), briefly differentiate an election protest from
misrepresentations as to age, residence, citizenship or a quo warranto case, as to who can file the case and the
non-possession of naturalborn status, registration as a respective grounds therefor.
votes, and eligibility, as when one, although precluded
A: An ELECTION PROTEST maybe filed by a losing
from running for a fourth term because of the three-term
candidate for the same office for which the winner filed
limit rule, claims to be nonetheless qualified, or when one
his certificate of candidacy.
claims to be eligible despite his disqualification on the
bases of an accessory penalty imposed upon him in A QUO WARRANTO CASE may be filed by any voter who is
connection with his conviction in a criminal case. a registered voter in the constituency where the winning
candidate sought to be disqualified ran for office.
A petition for disqualification under Section 68 may be
filed at any time after the last day for filing of the In an election contest, the issues are: (a) who received the
certificate of candidacy but not later that the candidate’s majority or plurality of the votes which were legally cast
proclamation should he win in the elections, while a and (b) whether there were irregularities in the conduct of
petition to deny due course to or cancel a certificate of the election which affected its results.
candidacy under Section 78 must be filed within 5 days
prior to the last day for filing of certificates of candidacy, In a quo warranto case, the issue is whether the candidate
but not later than 25 days from the time of the filing of who was proclaimed elected should be disqualified
the certificate of candidacy. because of ineligibility or disloyalty to the Philippines.

While a person who is disqualified under Section 68 is Q: In the municipal mayoralty elections in 1980, the
merely prohibited to continue as a candidate, the person candidate who obtained the highest number of votes
whose certificate is cancelled or denied due course under was subsequently declared to be disqualified as a
Section 78 is not treated as candidate at all. Thus, a candidate and so ineligible for the office to which he was
candidate disqualified under Section 68 may be validly elected. Would this fact entitle a competing candidate
substituted but only by an official candidate of his who obtained the second highest number of votes to ask
registered or accredited party. and be proclaimed the winner of the elective office?
Reasons. (2003 BAR)
Q: The 1st Legislative District of South Cotabato is
composed of General Santos and three municipalities A: According to Trinidad v. COMELEC, 315 SCRA 175
including Polomolok. During the canvassing proceedings (1999), if the candidate who obtained the highest number
before the District Board of Canvassers in connection of votes is disqualified, the candidate who obtained the
with the 2007 congressional elections, candidate MP second highest number of votes cannot be proclaimed the
objected to the certificate of canvass for Polomolok on winner.
the ground that it was obviously manufactured,
Since he was not the choice of the people, he cannot
submitting as evidence the affidavit of a mayoralty
claim any right to the office. However, the alleged
"second-placer," should be proclaimed if the certificate of convincingly. Eventually, the losing candidates timely
candidacy was void ab initio. In short, the winner was filed election protests. The losing gubernatorial
never a candidate at all and all votes were stray votes. candidate, Mr. A, filed his protest before the Regional
Thus, the second-placer is the only qualified candidate Trial Court of Pampanga (RTC), whereas the losing
who actually garnered the highest number of votes (Tea v. mayoralty candidate, Mr. B, filed his protest before the
COMELEC, G.R. No. 195229 [2012]) Municipal Trial Court of Guagua, Pampanga (MTC).

Q: Abdul ran and won in the May 2001, 2004 and 2007 (a) Does the RTC have jurisdiction over the case filed by
elections for Vice-Governor of Tawi-Tawi. After being Mr. A? Explain.
proclaimed Vice- Governor in the 2004 elections, his
(b) Does the MTC have jurisdiction over the case filed by
opponent, Khalil, filed an election protest before the
Mr. B? Explain. (2019 BAR)
Commission on Election. Ruling with finality on the
protest, the COMELEC declared Khalil as the duly elected A: (a) The RTC does not have jurisdiction over the case
Vice- Governor though the decision was promulgated filed by Mr. A.
only in 2007, when Abdul had fully served his 2004-2007
term and was in fact already on his 2007-2010 term as COMELEC has jurisdiction over an election contest
Vice Governor. between a losing gubernatorial candidate and a
proclaimed winner of the gubernatorial post. [Section
a. Abdul now consults you if he can still run for Vice- 2(2), Article IX-C, 1987 CONST.]
Governor of Tawi-Tawi in the forthcoming May 2010
election on the premise that he could not be considered (b) The MTC does not have jurisdiction over the case filed
as having served as Vice-Governor from 2004- 2007 by Mr. B.
because he was not duly elected to the post, as he
The RTC has jurisdiction over an election contest between
assumed office merely as a presumptive winner and that
a losing municipal mayoralty candidate and a proclaimed
presumption was later overturned when COMELEC
municipal mayor. [Section 2(2), Article IX-C, 1987 CONST.]
decided with finality that had lost in the May 2004
elections. What will be your advice? Q: Candidate X, a naturalized Filipino citizen, ran for
Congressman for the Lone District of Batanes. After a
b. Abdul also consults you whether his political party can
close electoral contest, he won by a slim margin of 500
validly nominate his wife as substitute candidate for
votes. His sole opponent, Y, filed an election protest
Vice- Mayor of TawiTawi in May 2010 elections in case
before the Commission on Election (COMELEC), claiming
the COMELEC disqualifies him and denies due course to
that X should be disqualified to run for said position
or cancels his certificate of candidacy in view of a false
because he is not a natural-born citizen. While the case
material representation therein. What will be your
was pending, X was proclaimed by the Provincial Election
advice? (2008 BAR)
Supervisor of Batanes as the duly elected Congressman
A: a. I shall advice Abdul that he cannot run for of the province.
ViceGovernor of Tawi-Tawi in the May 2010 elections. His
(a) Distinguish between natural-born and naturalized
second term should be counted as a full term served in
citizen under the 1987 Constitution.
contemplation of the threeterm limit prescribed by
Section 8, Article X of the Constitution. (b) Is X qualified to run for Congress? Explain.

Since the election protest against him was decided after (c) Did X’s proclamation divest the COMELEC of its
the term of the contested office had expire, it had no jurisdiction to decide the case and vest the House of
practical and legal use and value. (Ong v. Alegre, 479 SCRA Representatives Electoral Tribunal (HRET) jurisdiction to
473) hear the case? Explain. (2019 BAR)

b. I shall advise Abdul that his wife cannot be nominated A: (a) Natural-born citizens are those who are citizens of
as substitute candidate for ViceGovernor of Tawi-Tawi. the Philippines from birth without having to perform any
The denial of due course and cancellation of a certificate act to acquire or perfect their Philippine citizenship. Those
of candidacy is not one of the cases in which a candidate who elect Philippine citizenship in accordance with
may be validly substituted. A cancelled certificate does paragraph (3), Section 1 hereof shall be deemed natural-
not give rise to a valid candidacy. Under Section 77 of the born citizens. [Art. IV, Sec. 2, 1987 Const.]
Omnibus Election Code, a valid candidacy is an
indispensable requisite in case of a substitution of a On the other hand, naturalized citizens are those who
disqualified candidate. (Miranda v. Abaya 311 SCRA 617). acquire Philippine Citizenship through either: 1) Judicial
naturalization under CA 473 or 2) Administrative
Q: Atty. G ran for Governor of the Province of Pampanga, Naturalization Law (R.A. 9139). A third option is Derivative
while his close friend, Atty. M, ran for Mayor of the Naturalization, which is available to alien women married
Municipality of Guagua, Pampanga. They both won to Filipino husbands found under section 15 of CA 473
which provides that: “Any woman who is now or may filed in the House of Representatives Electoral
hereafter be married to a citizen of the Philippines and Tribunal.
who might herself be lawfully naturalized shall be deemed
a citizen of the Philippines.” Q: In an election protest involving the position of
Governor of the Province of Laguna between "A", the
(b) No, X is not qualified to run for Congress. The protestee, and "B" the protestant, the First Division of
Constitution prescribes that no person shall be a Member the Commission on Elections rendered a decision
of the House of Representatives unless he is a natural- upholding B's protest. Can "A" file a petition for
born citizen of the Philippines [Art. VI, Sec. 6, 1987 Const]. certiorari with the Supreme Court under Rule 65 of the
In this case, X is a naturalized citizen and is thus not Rules of Court, from the decision of the COMELEC First
qualified to run for Congress. Division? If yes, Why? If not what procedural step must
he undertake first? (2001 BAR)
(c) No, COMELEC maintains its jurisdiction over the matter.
To divest the COMELEC of jurisdiction over election cases A: "A" cannot file a petition for certiorari with the
of Members of the House of Representatives, the Supreme Court. As held in Mastura vs. Commission on
following requisites must concur: 1. Valid Proclamation; 2. Elections, 285 SCRA 493 (1998), the Supreme Court
Valid oath; and 3. Assumption of office on June 30. Thus, cannot review the decisions or resolutions of a division of
the Commission on Elections. "A" should first file a motion
the mere proclamation of X does not yet transfer
for reconsideration with the Commission on Elections en
jurisdiction from the COMELEC to the HRET.
Q: Distinguish briefly between Quo Warranto in elective
office and Quo Warranto in appointive office. (2012 BAR) Q: What is the effect if the certificate of candidacy of a
candidate is cancelled? Explain.
A: In quo warranto in elective officer, the issue is the
ineligibility of the elected candidate (Section 3(E), Rule 1, A: Any candidate who has been declared by final
Rules Of Procedure In Election Cases). If he is ineligible, judgment to be disqualified shall not be voted for, and the
the candidate who got the second highest number of votes cast for him shall not be counted. (Secs. 6 and 7, RA
votes cannot be proclaimed elected (Sinsuat v. COMELEC,
492 Scra 264). A voter may file for quo warranto against
Any vote in favor of a person who has not filed a
an elected candidate. The petition should be filed within
certificate of candidacy or in favor of a candidate for an
ten days after the proclamation of the elected candidate. office for which he did not present himself shall be
In quo warranto in appointive office, the issue is the considered as a stray vote but it shall not invalidate the
whole ballot. (Sec. 211, Omnibus Election Code).
legality of the appointment. The court will decide who
between the parties has the legal title to the office.
Q: When is a ballot considered as marked? Explain.
It is the Solicitor General, a public prosecutor, or a person
claiming to be entitled to the public office who can file a A: In order for a ballot to be considered marked, in the
sense necessary to invalidate it, it must appear that the
petition for quo warrato against an appointive official
voter designedly place some superfluous sign or mark on
(Section 2 And 5, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court). The
the ballot which might serve to identify it thereafter. No
petition should be filed within one year after the cause of
ballot should be discarded as a marked ballot unless its
action accrued (Section 11, Rules 66 of the Rules of Court) character as such is unmistakable.
Q: As counsel for the protestant, where will you file an
The distinguishing mark which the law forbids to be
election protest involving a contested elective position
placed on the ballot is that which the elector may have
in: (a) the barangay? (b) the municipality? (c) the
placed with the intention of facilitating the means of
province? (d) the city? (e) the House of Representatives? identifying said ballot, for the purpose of defeating the
A: In accordance with Section 2(2), Article IX-C of the secrecy of suffrage which the law establishes. Thus,
marked ballots are ballots containing distinguishing marks,
Constitution an election protest involving the elective
the purpose of which is to identify them. (Perman v.
position enumerated below should be filed in the
COMELEC, et al. G.R. No. 174010, February 8, 2007, Tinga,
following courts or tribunals: J).
a. Barangay - Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal
Circuit Trial Court, or Municipal Trial Court As it violates the sacredness of votes, it results in the
b. Municipality - Regional Trial Court invalidation of the entire ballot.
c. Province – COMELEC
d. City – COMELEC Q: May an interlocutory order of a COMELEC Division be
e. Under Section 17. Article VI of the Constitution, the subject of certiorari to the SC? Explain.
an election protest involving the position of
Member of the House of Representatives shall be
A: The general rule is that a decision or an order of a party dies, withdraws or is disqualified for any cause, only
COMELEC Division cannot be elevated directly to the a person belonging to, and certified by, the same political
Supreme Court through a special civil action for certiorari. party may file a certificate of candidacy to replace the
Furthermore, a motion to reconsider a decision, candidate who died, withdrew or was disqualified.
resolution, order, or ruling of a COMELEC Division shall be
elevated to the COMELEC En Banc. However, a motion to Q3: If the action/s instituted should be dismissed with
reconsider an interlocutory order of a COMELEC Division finality before the election, and Gabriel assumes office
shall be resolved by the division which issued the after being proclaimed the winner in the election, can
interlocutory order, except when all the members of the the issue of his candidacy and/or citizenship and
division decide to refer the matter to the COMELEC En residence still be questioned? If so, what action or
Banc. actions may be filed and where? If not, why not? (2010
Thus, in general, interlocutory orders of a COMELEC
Division are not appealable, nor can they be proper A: The question of the citizenship and residence of Gabriel
subject of a petition for certiorari. To rule otherwise would can be questioned in the HRET by filing a quo warranto
not only delay the disposition of cases but would also case. Since it is within its jurisdiction to decide the
unnecessarily clog the Court docket and unduly burden question of the qualification of Gabriel, the decision of the
the Court. This does not mean that the aggrieved party is Commission on Elections does not constitute res judicata
without recourse if a COMELEC Division denies the motion
for reconsideration. The aggrieved party can still assign as Once a candidate for member of the HOR has been
error the interlocutory order if in the course of the proclaimed, the HRET acquires jurisdiction over election
proceedings he decides to appeal the main case to the contests relating to his qualifications.
COMELEC En Banc. The exception enunciated in Kho and
Repol is when the interlocutory order of a COMELEC
Division is a patent nullity because of absence of Q: Kabataan Party-List assailed the constitutionality of
jurisdiction to issue the interlocutory order, as where a R.A. 10367, which directs COMELEC to implement a
COMELEC Division issued a temporary restraining order mandatory biometrics registration system for new voters
without a time limit, which is the Repol case, or where a and those registered voters whose biometrics have not
COMELEC Division admitted an answer with counter- been captured shall submit themselves for validation. In
protest which was filed beyond the reglementary period, compliance, COMELEC implemented rules and
which is the Kho case. regulations prescribing the procedure for validation,
deactivation, and reactivation of voters’ registration
FACTS: Despite lingering questions about his Filipino records (VRRs). Kabataan Party-List claimed that R.A.
citizenship and his one-year residence in the district, 10367 is unconstitutional because biometric validation is
Gabriel filed his certificate of candidacy for congressman not different from the unconstitutional requirement of
before the deadline set by law. His opponent, Vito, hires literacy and property because mere non-validation
you as lawyer to contest Gabriel’s candidacy. already absolutely curtails the exercise of the right of
suffrage through deactivation. Is R.A. 10367
Q1: Before election day, what action or actions will you unconstitutional?
institute against Gabriel, and before which court,
commission or tribunal will you file such action/s? A: NO. The Court ruled that the right to vote is not a
natural right but is a right created by law. Suffrage is a
A: I will file a petition to cancel the certificate of candidacy privilege granted by the State to such persons or classes as
of Gabriel in the COMELEC because of the false material are most likely to exercise it for the public good.
representation that he is qualified to run for congressman
A registration requirement rises to the level of a literacy,
The question of the disqualification of Gabriel cannot be property or other substantive requirement as
raised before the House of Representatives Electoral contemplated by the Framers of the Constitution - that is,
Tribunal, because he is not yet a member of the House of one which propagates a socioeconomic standard which is
Representatives. bereft of any rational basis to a person's ability to
intelligently cast his vote and to further the public good -
Q2: If, during the pendency of such action / s but before the same cannot be struck down as unconstitutional.
election day, Gabriel withdraws his certificate of Court definitively characterized registration as a form of
candidacy, can he be substituted as candidate? If so, by regulation and not as a qualification for the right of
whom and why? If not, why not? suffrage – “biometrics refers to a quantitative analysis that
provides a positive identification of an individual such as
A: If Gabriel withdraws, he may be substituted by a voice, photograph, fingerprint, signature, iris, and/or such
candidate nominated by his political party. other identifiable features."

Section 77 of the Omnibus Election Code states: “If after

the last day for the filing of certificates of candidacy, an
official candidate of a registered or accredited political
A case or matter is deemed submitted for decision or
resolution upon the filing of the last pleading, brief, or
memorandum required by the rules of the Commission or
by the Commission itself.

Unless otherwise provided by this Constitution or by law,

any decision, order, or ruling of each Commission may be
brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari by the
aggrieved party within thirty days from receipt of a copy


 When it reviews a decision of the Comelec, the

Court exercises extraordinary jurisdiction; thus,
the proceeding is limited to issues involving grave
abuse of discretion resulting in lack or excess of
jurisdiction, and does not ordinarily empower the
Court to review the factual findings of the

 Certiorari under Rule 65 is the appropriate

remedy to invalidate disputed Comelec
resolutions, i.e., final orders, rulings and
CONSTITUTIONAL COMMISSION decisions of the Comelec rendered in the
 Administrative agency doing Executive function. exercise of its adjudicatory or quasi-judicial

1. Shall not, during tenure, hold any other office or COMELEC

2. Shall not engage in the practice of any profession. Chairman
3. Shall not engage in the active management or 6 Commissioners
control of any business which in any way may be
affected by the functions of his office.  Natural born Filipino Citizens
4. Shall not be financially interested, directly or  At least 35 years old
indirectly, in any contract with, or in any franchise  Holders of college degree
or privilege granted by the Government, any of  Have not been candidates for any elective position
its subdivisions, agencies or instrumentalities, in the immediately preceding election
including government-owned or - controlled  Majority, including Chairman, must be members of
corporations or their subsidiaries. (SEC 2) the Phil Bar, engaged in the practice of law for at
least 10 years
SEC 4. The Constitutional Commissions shall appoint their
officials and employees in accordance with law.
Appointed by the President with the consent of the
SEC 5. The Commission shall enjoy fiscal autonomy. Their Commission on Appointments for a term of 7 years w/o
approved annual appropriations shall be automatically reappointment
and regularly released.
No member shall be appointed or designated in a
SEC 6. Each Commission en banc may promulgate its own temporary/acting capacity.
rules concerning pleadings and practice before it or before It may sit en banc or in two divisions, and shall promulgate
any of its offices. Such rules, however, shall not diminish, its rules of procedure in order to expedite disposition of
increase, or modify substantive rights. election cases, including pre-proclamation controversies.
SEC 7. Each Commission shall decide by a majority vote of All such election cases shall be heard and decided in
all its Members, any case or matter brought before it division, provided that motions for reconsideration of
within sixty days from the date of its submission for decisions shall be decided en banc (SEC 3).
decision or resolution. (Estella vs COMELEC: all of its Cases which must first be heard and decided in
members and not majority of the members who deliberated &
voted therefrom)
a) All election cases, including pre- Comelec. Thus, it was within the authority of
proclamation contests, originally the DILG Secretary to exempt a local
cognizable by the Commission in the government unit from holding SK elections.
exercise of its powers.
b) Jurisdiction over a petition to cancel a  The Comelec has the authority to annul the
certificate of candidacy. results of a plebiscite. The Comelec,
c) Cases appealed from the Regional Trial whenever it is called upon to correct or
Court or the Municipal Trial Court have check what the Board of Canvassers
to be heard and decided in Division erroneously or fraudulently did during the
before they may be heard en banc. canvassing, can verify or ascertain the true
results of the plebiscite either through a pre-
proclamation case or through revision of
a) A petition for the correction of manifest ballots.
errors alleges an erroneous copying of
figures from the election return to the  During the election period, the Comelec may
Statement of Votes by precinct. Such an regulate enjoyment or utilization of all
error in the tabulation of results, which franchises and permits for the operation of
merely requires a clerical correction transportation and other public utilities,
without opening the ballot boxes or media of communication or information,
examining the ballots, demands only the grants, special privileges, concessions — to
exercise of the administrative power of ensure equal opportunity, time, space, right
the Comelec. Hence, the Comelec en to reply, etc. — with the objective of holding
banc may properly assume jurisdiction. free, orderly, honest, peaceful and credible
b) The power of the Comelec to prosecute elections. [Sec. 4, Art. IX-C]
cases of violation of election laws
involves the exercise of administrative This power may be exercised only over
powers which may be exercised directly the media, not over practitioners of the
by the Comelec en banc. media. Thus, in this case, the Supreme
Court invalidated a Comelec resolution
Thus, the rule that all election cases, including pre- prohibiting radio and TV commentators
proclamation cases, should first be heard and decided by and newspaper columnists from
the Comelec in division applies only when the Comelec commenting on the issues involved in
exercises its adjudicatory or quasi-judicial functions, not the forthcoming plebiscite for the
when it exercises purely administrative functions. ratification of the organic law
establishing the CAR.
 Comelec cannot exercise the power of
 Only decisions of the Comelec en banc may be apportionment. The Comelec is without authority
brought to the Supreme Court on certiorari. to reapportion the congressional districts, as only
 Only decisions of the Comelec made in the Congress is vested with such power.
exercise of its adjudicatory or quasi-judicial
power may be brought to the Supreme Court on
certiorari. Comelec, sitting en banc, by a majority vote of its
members, may declare failure of elections and call for
Constitutional powers and functions:
special elections
1. Enforce and administer all laws and regulations
Three instances where a FAILURE OF ELECTIONS may be
relative to the conduct of an election, plebiscite,
initiative, referendum or recall.
a. The election in any polling place has not
 The power of direct control and supervision been held on the date fixed on account of
of the Department of Interior and Local force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud or
Government (DILG) over Sangguniang other analogous causes;
Kabataan (SK) elections does not contravene b. The election in any polling place had been
the constitutional grant of powers to the suspended before the hour fixed by law for
Comelec inasmuch as the election, and the closing of the voting on account of force
contests involving election, of SK officials do majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud or other
not fall within the jurisdiction of the analogous causes; or
c. After the voting and during the preparation election controversy is a member of the
and transmission of the election returns or in House or the Senate only after he has
the custody or canvass thereof such election been proclaimed, has taken his oath and
results in a failure to elect on account of has assumed the functions of the office.
force majeure, violence, terrorism, fraud or  Power to cite for contempt. The
other analogous causes. Comelec has the statutory power to cite
for contempt, but the power may be
For the Comelec to conduct a hearing on a verified
exercised only while the Comelec is
petition to declare a failure of election, it is necessary that
engaged in the performance of quasi-
the petition must show on its face two conditions:
judicial functions.
a. that no voting has taken place in the precinct on
the date fixed by law or, even if there was voting, 3. Decide, except those involving the right to vote,
the election nevertheless results in a failure to all questions affecting elections, including
elect; determination of the number and location of
b. the votes not cast would affect the results of the polling places, appointment of election officials
election. and inspectors, and registration of voters.

It was held that in fixing the date of the special elections,  While changes in the location of polling
the Comelec should see to it that places may be initiated by the written
petition of the majority of the voters, or
a. it should not be later than 30 days after the
by agreement of all the political parties,
cessation of the cause of the postponement or
ultimately, it is the Comelec that
suspension of the election or failure to elect;
determines whether a change is
b. it should be reasonably close to the date of the
necessary after due notice and hearing.
election not held, suspended or which resulted in
failure to elect.  Decisions/determinations made by
Comelec in the exercise of this power,
The prohibition on conducting special elections after 30 being merely administrative (not quasi-
days from the cessation of the cause for failure of election judicial) in character, may be questioned
is not absolute. It is directory, not mandatory, and the in an ordinary civil action before trial
Comelec has residual powers to conduct special elections courts.
even beyond the deadline prescribed by the law.
4. Deputize, with the concurrence of the President,
2. Exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests
law enforcement agencies and instrumentalities
relating to the election, returns and
of the Government, including the Armed Forces
qualifications of all elective regional, provincial
of the Philippines, for the exclusive purpose of
and city officials.
ensuring free, orderly, honest, peaceful, and
credible elections.
Exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all contests
involving elective municipal officials decided bv
5. Register, after sufficient publication, political
the trial courts of general jurisduction or
parties, organizations, or coalitions which, in
involving elective barangav officials decided by
addition to other requirements, must present
trial courts of limited jurisdiction. Decisions
their platform or program of government; and
therein shall be final, executory and
accredit citizens' arms of the Commission on

 Power of the SC to review decisions of

Groups which cannot be registered as political
the Comelec involves only final orders,
rulings and decisions of the Comelec en
a. religious denominations and sects;
banc rendered in the exercise of its
b. those who seek to achieve their goals
adjudicatory or quasi-judicial powers.
through violence or unlawful means;
This decision must be a final decision or
c. those who refuse to uphold and adhere
resolution of the Comelec en banc, not
to the Constitution;
of a division, and certainly not an
d. those supported by foreign
interlocutory order of a division
 Jurisdiction of the Electoral Tribunal is
exercised over the members of the Financial contributions from foreign governments
House or Senate, and a party to the and their agencies to political parties, organizations,
coalitions, or candidates related to elections, elective regional, provincial, and city officials, and
constitute interference in national affairs, and, when appellate jurisdiction over all contests involving elective
accepted, shall be an additional ground for the municipal officials decided by trial courts of general
cancellation of their registration with the jurisdiction, or involving elective barangay officials
Commission, in addition to other penalties that may decided by trial courts of limited jurisdiction.
be prescribed by law.
Decisions, final orders, or rulings of the Commission on
6. File, upon a verified complaint, or on its own election contests involving elective municipal and
initiative, petitions in court for inclusion or barangay offices shall be final, executory, and not
exclusion of voters; investigate and, where appealable.
appropriate, prosecute cases of violations of
ART 9C-3
election laws, including acts or omissions
constituting election frauds, offenses, and The Commission on Elections may sit en banc or in two
malpractices. divisions, and shall promulgate its rules of procedure in
order to expedite disposition of election cases, including
 It is well-settled that the finding of probable pre- proclamation controversies. All such election cases
cause in the prosecution of election offenses shall be heard and decided in division, provided that
rests in the Comelec’s sound discretion. motions for reconsideration of decisions shall be decided
by the Commission en banc.
The Comelec exercises the constitutional
authority to investigate and, where appropriate,
prosecute cases for violation of election laws,
including acts or omissions constituting election
fraud, offenses and malpractices

7. Recommend to the Congress effective measures

to minimize election spending, including
limitation of places where propaganda materials
shall be posted, and to prevent and penalize all
forms of election frauds, offenses, malpractices,
and nuisance candidacies.

8. Recommend to the President the removal of any

officer or employee it has deputized, or the
imposition of any other disciplinary action, for
violation or disregard of, or disobedience to, its
directive, order, or decision.

9. Submit to the President and the Congress, a

comprehensive report on the conduct of each
election, plebiscite, initiative, referendum, or

Election Period

- Unless otherwise fixed by the Commission in

special cases, the election period shall
commence ninety days before the day of the
election and shall end thirty days thereafter
(SEC 9).


ART 9C-2(2)

Exercise exclusive original jurisdiction over all contests

relating to the elections, returns, and qualifications of all
city, municipal or barangay law, resolution or

Indirect initiative is the exercise of initiative by

the people through a proposition sent to
Congress or local legislative body for action.

 RECALL - termination of official relationship of a

local elective official for loss of confidence prior
to the expiration of his term through the will of
the electorate.


- is the means by which the people choose their

officials for a definite and fixed period and to
whom they entrust for the time being the
exercise of the powers of government.

Suffrage or Right to Vote

 both a privilege and an obligation

 political right/ personal right
 part of sovereignty
 starts with registration
GENERAL PRINCIPLES Any person who transfers residence to another city,
municipality or country solely by reason of his occupation,
SUFFRAGE is the right to vote in the election of officers profession or employment in private or public service,
chosen by the people and in the determination of education, etc., shall not be deemed to have lost his
questions submitted to the people. original residence.

 REFERENDUM is the power of the electorate to ARTICLE 5: SUFFRAGE

approve or reject legislation through an election
called for the purpose.
approve or reject an act or law, or part
Section 1. Suffrage may be exercised by all citizens of the
thereof, passed by Congress.
Philippines, not otherwise disqualified by law, who are
b. REFERENDUM ON LOCAL LAW - petition to
approve or reject a law, resolution or (a) at least eighteen years of age, and
ordinance enacted by regional assemblies (b) who shall have resided in the Philippines for at
and local legislative bodies. least one year and
(c) in the place wherein they propose to vote, for at
 PLEBISCITE is the submission of constitutional least six months immediately preceding the
amendments or important legislative measures election.
to the people for ratification.
No literacy, property, or other substantive requirement
shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage.
 INITIATIVE is the power of the people to propose
amendments to the Constitution or to propose Section 2. The Congress shall provide a system for
and enact legislation through an election called securing the secrecy and sanctity of the ballot as well as a
for the purpose. system for absentee voting by qualified Filipinos abroad.

a. INITIATIVE ON THE CONSTITUTION - petition The Congress shall also design a procedure for the
proposing amendments to the Constitution. disabled and the illiterates to vote without the assistance
b. INITIATIVE ON STATUTES - petition proposing of other persons. Until then, they shall be allowed to vote
to enact a national legislation. under existing laws and such rules as the Commission on
c. INITIATIVE ON LOCAL LEGISLATION - petition Elections may promulgate to protect the secrecy of the
proposing to enact a regional, provincial, ballot.
Facts: The proclamation of mayoralty candidate was Issue: Does Section 5(d) of RA No. 9189 allowing the
voided after he was disqualified for vote-buying but he registration of voters who are immigrants or permanent
obtained the highest number of votes. The second placer residents in other countries by their mere act of executing
insists he should be proclaimed winner. an affidavit expressing their intention to return to the
Philippines, violate the residency requirement in Section 1
Held: The candidate who obtains the second
of Article V of the Constitution?
highest number of votes may not be proclaimed
winner in case the winning candidate is Held: No. Absentee voting is an exception to the
disqualified. The second placer is not the choice regular system of voting. It is intended to
of the people. The dispute involves not only the accommodate soldiers and sailors and other
mayoralty, it concerns suffrage which is the qualified voters who, on election day, are absent
bedrock of republicanism. from the place where they are residents or
registered. The execution of the affidavit is not
Facts: A couple was charged with an election offense for
the enabling or enfranchising act.
preventing a voter from entering the polling place. But the
information was quashed for insufficiency because it failed It is not only proof of intention to return, but
to negate the exception that there were more than 40 more importantly, it serves as an express
voters waiting inside the polling place. declaration that the domicile was not
abandoned. Section 5 (d) does not circumvent
Held: The exception does not form part of the
the Constitution. Instead, it complies with a
offense hence need not be alleged in the
constitutional mandate which requires that
information. It is a matter of defense. The validity
Congress legislate absentee voting that
of this view is affirmed when we realize that the
presupposes the qualified citizen abroad is not
case involves no less than suffrage, which is the
physically present in the country.
bedrock of all institutions.

Every unlawful obstacle, by whatever means or

method, interposed to the free entry of a voter
into the polling place to cast his vote, strikes at
the very heart of the right of suffrage.
Who are qualified?

SUFFRAGE FOR OVERSEAS ABSENTEE 1. EO 157 - Any person who, by reason of public functions
VOTERS and duties, is not in his place of registration on election
day, may vote in a city or municipality where he is
RA 9189 Overseas Absentee Voting Act
assigned on election day.
An immigrant or permanent resident who is recognized as
2. Members of the AFP and PNP and other government
such in the host country is disqualified from voting under
officers and employees who, on election day, may be
this Act.
temporarily assigned to perform election duties in a place
Immigrant or permanent resident outside Phils = where they are not registered voters.
abandonment of domicile.
- It does not mean that all AFP and PNP can avail
For purposes of election, domicile and residence are the of this, there is a requirement that they should
same. be prevented in voting in the area where they are
registered because of their election duties
Residence is a requirement for registration.
3. Members of the Board of Election Inspectors – they
Exceptions: Unless he executes an affidavit upon may vote in the polling place where they are assigned on
registration that: (AMENDED NAAAAAA) election day, provided they are registered voters in the
city, municipality or province and their voting is noted in
1. He shall resume actual permanent residence in
the minutes.
the country within 3 YEARS from approval of
registration 4. Members of media, media practitioners, including the
2. He has not applied for citizenship in another technical and support staff, who are duly registered voters
country and who, on election day, may not be able to vote due to
3. Failure to return results in the removal of the the performance of their functions in covering and
name from the National Registry of Absentee reporting on the elections.
voters (but vote remains valid)
4. Permanent disqualification to vote in absentia. Who can they vote:
- They can only vote for national positions, exactly WHO ARE DISQUALIFIED TO REGISTER AS VOTER:
because they are not in the locality where they
reside and are registered to vote. 1. Any person sentenced by final judgment to suffer
imprisonment for not less than one year (unless
SUFFRAGE FOR DISABLED AND ILLITERATE VOTERS granted a plenary pardon or an amnesty); but
right is reacquired upon the expiration of 5 years
after service of sentence.
Who may be assisted?

1. A person with disability 2. Any person adjudged by final judgment of having

2. A senior citizen who is illiterate or physically committed any crime involving disloyalty to the
unable to personally prepare the ballot government such as rebellion, sedition, violation
of the firearms laws or any crime against national
Who can assist? security (unless restored to full civil and political
1. Relative by consanguinity or affinity within the rights in accordance with law); but right is
fourth civil degree reacquired upon the expiration of 5 years after
2. If none, person of confidence who belong to the service of sentence.
same household.
3. By any member of the Board of Election 3. Insane or incompetent persons as declared by
Inspectors competent authority unless subsequently
declared by competent authority that such
Provided: That the assistor be of voting age, but not person is no longer insane or incompetent
necessarily registered


- The act of accomplishing and filing of a sworn - Immediately after the barangay elections in 1997,
application for registration by a qualified voter the existing certified list of voters shall cease to
before the election officer of the city or be effective and operative. For purposes of the
municipality wherein he resides and including the May 1998 elections and all elections, plebiscites,
same in the book of registered voters upon referenda, initiatives and recalls subsequent
approval by the Election Registration Board. thereto, the Comelec shall undertake a general
registration of voters.
- Personal presence is necessary because of the
need for biometrics PERIOD OF REGISTRATION:

Note: The personal filing of application of registration of voters

shall be conducted daily in the office of the Election
- Registration does not confer the right to vote; it Officer during regular office hours.
is but a condition precedent to the exercise of
the right. - No registration shall, however, be conducted
- Registration is a regulation, not a qualification to during the period starting 120 days before a
suffrage. regular election and 90 days before a special
1. Filipino citizen not disqualified by law ILLITERATE OR DISABLED VOTERS’ REGISTRATION
(Requisite of natural-born is only for those
seeking election) Who can assist?
2. At least 18 years old on or before election 1. Illiterate
3. Resident of the Philippines for at least 1 year
immediately preceding the elections.  Election officer
4. Resident of the place where he proposes to vote  Member of the accredited citizen’s arm
at least 6 months immediately preceding the
2. PWDs
election (6 months prior to election, not
registration)  Election officer
 Member of the accredited citizen’s arm
No literacy, property and other substantive requirement
 Relative within the 4th civil degree of
shall be imposed on the exercise of suffrage
consanguinity or affinity
Facts: The Comelec conducted voter’s registration until Held: No. The clear text of the law decrees that
December 27, 2000. Petitioners, who claim to represent voters be allowed to register daily during regular
the youth sector, asked it conduct registration February 17 office hours, except during the period starting
and 18, 2001. They said that around 4 million youth voters 120 days before a regular election and 90 days
aged 18 to 21 failed to register on or before the deadline, before a special election. The period outside the
hence, the need for extension. It was also anchored on 120 day prohibition is sufficient for Comelec to
the renewed political awareness and interest among the prepare for the elections. While Comelec has the
youth to participate in the political process generated by rule-making, it must be exercised in accordance
the recent political events in the country. The Comelec with prevailing law. The power to fix other
refused on the ground that it will affect its preparations periods can be used only if the activities cannot
for the elections. Contrary to popular belief, voter’s be reasonably held within the period provided by
registration is not limited to the act of going to the law.
election officer and writing down the names. Applications
for registration are subject to hearing, notice and action of Romualdez v. RTC
the Election Registration Board. It was argued that the - Residence and domicile are synonymous in
Comelec is endowed with standby or residual powers to election cases.
designate other dates for certain pre-election acts.

Held: Suffrage is not absolute, it is subject to - Domicile imports not only intention to reside in a
substantive and procedural requirements. It is fixed place but also personal presence in that
regulated by measures like voters registration place, coupled with conduct indicative of such
which is not a mere statutory requirement. intention.

The State, in the exercise of its inherent police To acquire a new domicile of choice, the following
power, may then enact laws to safeguard and requisites must concur:
regulate the act of voter’s registration for the 1. Residence or bodily presence in the new locality
ultimate purpose of conducting honest, orderly 2. Intention to remain there.
and peaceful election. The law aids the vigilant 3. Intention to abandon the old domicile
and not those who slumber on their rights. While
voter’s registration is a pre-election act, we
cannot ask the Comelec to do the impossible.
The designation of other dates should be
premised on the capability of reasonable 1. New Registration
performance. 2. Transfer of Registration
The act of registration is an indispensable a. Change of residence to another city or
precondition to the right of suffrage, for it is part municipality
and parcel of the right to vote and an b. Change of address within the same city
indispensable element in the election process. or municipality
3. Reactivation of Registration Record
Facts: The Comelec resolved to register voters from 4. Correction of Entries in the Voters’ Registration
December 2, 2008 to December 15, 2009 as the period of Record
continuing voter registration using the biometric process a. Due to Marriage
for the purpose of the May 10, 2010 national and local b. Correction of Other Incorrect Entries
elections. It is however resolved to adjust the deadline
from December 15, 2009 to October 31, 2009 to afford it ELECTION REGISTRATION BOARD
more time to prepare for the automated elections. It was - There shall be in each city and municipality as
argued that based on the NSO date, the projected voting many Election Registration Boards as there are
population from age group 18024 is 12.5 million which election officers therein.
could be disenfranchised for failure to register. It
encroaches on the legislative power by amending Section Composition of ERB:
8 of RA 8189 to expand the prohibitive period of
registration. But Comelec argued that it is empowered to 1. Chairman
fix other periods and dates for pre-election activities. 2. Members:
a. Public School Official most senior in
Whether Comelec can cut short the registration and
accordingly adjust the deadline.
b. Local Civil Registrar

Powers of ERB:
1. Acts on all applications for registration, automatically upon expiration of five years from
transfer, reactivation, correction of entry service of sentence.
2. Deactivates registration
3. Any person declared by competent authority to
3. Cancels registration
be insane or incompetent unless such
4. Decides challenges on the right to register
disqualification has been subsequently removed
quarterly (The grounds on challenges on the by a declaration of a proper authority that such
right to register are not specified) person is no longer insane or incompetent.
Disqualification: No member of the Board shall be related
to each other or to any incumbent city or municipal 4. Any person who did not vote in the two
elective official within the fourth civil degree of successive preceding regular elections as shown
consanguinity or affinity. by their voting records (for this purpose, regular
elections do not include the Sangguniang
- Every registered party and such organizations as Kabataan elections).
may be authorized by the Commission shall be
entitled to a watcher in every registration board. 5. Any person whose registration has been ordered
excluded by the court.

Who can challenge: 6. Any person who has lost his Filipino citizenship.

 Any voter
What is the remedy for deactivation?
 Candidate
- Reactivation
 Representative of a registered political party
Any voter, candidate or representative of a registered
political party may challenge IN WRITING any application CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION
for registration, stating the grounds therefor. The
challenge shall be UNDER OATH and be attached to the - Ground for cancellation is DEATH.
application, together with the proof of notice of hearing
to the challenger and the applicant. How to establish death?
Q: Is mandatory biometrics constitutional?
1. Certification by the LCR
- Biometrics is a mere regulation, not an added 2. Submission by the LCR a certified list of
qualification to the right of suffrage those who died during the previous month
to the election officer of the place where the
deceased is registered
1. Any person who has been sentence by final Otherwise, COMELEC cannot cancel registration
judgment to suffer imprisonment for not less
even if there is personal knowledge of the death
than one year, such disability not having been
of the registrant.
removed by plenary pardon or amnesty;
Provided, however, that any person disqualified
Is cancellation and deactivation the same?
to vote (because of this) shall automatically
reacquire the right to vote upon expiration of five
- No. If deactivation, you still have the remedy
years after service of sentence as certified by the
clerks of courts. of reactivation. But in cancellation, no more
2. Any person who has been adjudged by final
judgment by a competent court or tribunal of REACTIVATION OF REGISTRATION
having caused/committed any crime involving
disloyalty to the duly constituted government, - may file with the Election Officer a sworn
such as rebellion, sedition, violation of the anti- application for reactivation of his registration in
subversion and firearms laws, or any crime the form of an affidavit stating that the grounds
against national security, unless restored to his for the deactivation no longer exist any time but
full civil and political rights in accordance with not later than 120 days before a regular election
law, Provided that he shall regain his right to vote and 90 days before a special election.
COMMON RULES GOVERNING JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS IN - The RTC shall decide the appeal within 10 days
THE MATTER OF INCLUSION, EXCLUSION AND from the time it is received and the decision shall
No MR shall be entertained.
a) Petition for inclusion, exclusion or correction of names
of voters shall be filed during office hours. PETITION FOR INCLUSION

b) Notice of the place, date and time of the hearing of the - (a) Any person whose application for registration
petition shall be served upon the members of the Board has been disapproved by the Board or (b) whose
and the challenged voter upon filing of the petition. name has been stricken out from the list may file
with the court a petition to include his name in
c) A petition shall refer only to one precinct and shall the permanent list of voters in his precinct at any
implead the Board as respondents (1 petition 1 precinct) time except 105 days prior to a regular election
or 75 days prior to a special election. It shall be
d) No costs shall be assessed against any party in these supported by a certificate of disapproval or his
proceedings. However, if the court finds that the application and proof of service of notice of his
application has been filed solely to harass the adverse petition upon the Board.
party and cause him to incur expenses, it shall order the
culpable party to pay the costs and incidental expenses. - The petition shall be decided within 15 days after
its filing.
e) Any voter, candidate or political party affected by the
proceedings may intervene and present his evidence. PETITION FOR EXCLUSION
f) The decision shall be based on the evidence presented - (a) Any registered voter, (b) representative of a
and in no case rendered upon a stipulation of facts. political party or (c) the Election Officer, may file
with the a sworn petition for the exclusion of a
If the question is whether or not the voter is real or
voter from the permanent list of voters giving the
fictitious, his non-appearance on the day set for hearing
name, address and the precinct of the challenged
shall be prima facie evidence that the challenged voter is
voter at any time except 100 days prior to a
regular election or 65 days prior to a special
election. The petition shall be accompanied by
g) The petition shall be heard and decided within 10 days
proof of notice to the Board and to the
from the date of its filing.
challenged voter.
Cases appealed to the RTC shall be decided within 10 days
from receipt of the appeal. - Shall be decided within 10 days from its filing.

In all cases, the court shall decide these petitions not later
than 15 days before the election and the decision shall Facts: The Comelec excluded election returns on the
become FINAL AND EXECUTORY. ground that they are spurious and/or manufactured or no
returns at all as these were prepared through massive
violence, terrorism and fraud. Voting was done by persons
Challenge to Right to Register Inclusion and Exclusion other than the registered voters while armed men went
from one polling place to another, prepared the ballots
Administrative Judicial and dictated how the election returns should be returned.
It was argued that since the Comelec has no jurisdiction to
Involves the right to register Involves the right to vote
decide the right to vote, it cannot exclude election returns
because it disenfranchises votes which is purely judicial.
Held: It is true that inclusion or exclusion from
- The Municipal and Metropolitan Trial Courts
the list of voters is a purely judicial power to the
shall have original and exclusive jurisdiction over
exclusion of the Comelec. But to determine
all cases of inclusion and exclusion of voters in
whether an election was held is purely within the
their respective cities and municipalities.
administrative jurisdiction of the Comelec. The
disenfranchisement is only provisional, subject to
- Decisions of the Municipal or Metropolitan Trial
the final determination of the validity of votes in
Courts may be appealed by the aggrieved party
an election protest.
to the Regional Trial Court.
Any question involving suffrage is removed from 2. Prepared through fraud, bribery, forgery,
the jurisdiction of the Comelec. However, impersonation, intimidation, force or any
exclusion of election returns from canvassing similar irregularity
pertains to the administrative jurisdiction of the 3. Contains statistically improbable date
Who annuls?
Facts: The MTC excluded a voter in one place and The Commission upon verified petition by:
transferred his registration to another.
 Any voter
Held: Exclusion merely removes a name from the  Election officer
voter’ list, it does not include transfer. It is  Duly registered political party
summary in nature hence the rule of res judicata
Limitation on annulment of list of voters:
does not apply. The subject matter of exclusion is
removal from list whereas quo warranto involves - No ruling, order or decision annulling the
expulsion from office. It does not preclude the book of voters shall be executed within 90
Comelec from inquiring into the residence and days before an election.
citizenship qualification of a candidate.
- The subsequent annulment of a voter’s
- The proceedings for the exclusion or inclusion of list in a separate proceedings where the
voters in the list of voters are summary in protagonists are not parties, cannot
character. retroactively and without due process
annul the previous election (Bashier v.
- Except for the right to remain in the list of voters Comelec)
or for being excluded therefrom for the particular
election in relation to which the proceedings had - The voter’s list in the previous elections
been held, a decision in an exclusion or inclusion is valid and unquestioned prior to and on
proceeding, even if final and unappealable, does
the day of election. It was the only
not acquire the nature of res judicata.
legitimate roster used as basis for voting.
- It does not operate as a bar to any further action
In the absence of prior petition to set it
that a party may take concerning the subject aside, it is considered conclusive
passed upon in the proceeding. evidence of persons who could vote in
that particular election. Since the
- Thus, a decision in an exclusion proceeding winning candidate was already
would neither be conclusive on the voter’s proclaimed, the preproclamation case
political status, nor bar subsequent proceedings dies, the next remedy is an election
on his right to be registered as a voter in any protest before a proper forum, which is
other election.
the House of Representatives Electoral
Tribunal (Ututalum v. Comelec).

- It pertains to any person who, being a registered Facts: Way back in the 1950s and during the martial
voter, registers anew without filing an application law era, the dead, the birds and he bees voted in
for cancellation of his previous registration. Lanao. Several precincts and their books of votes
were sought to be annulled on the ground that they
- Double registrants are still qualified to vote
contained ghost voters. It was opposed by the
provided that COMELEC has to make a
determination on which registration is valid, and incumbent mayor and the 23 Punong barangays on
which is void. the ground that the move is merely intended to
diminish bailiwicks.
The Comelec investigated and found that:
What are the grounds for annulment of list of voters?
1. The supposed barangay Padian Tarogan does
1. Not prepared in accordance with the not exist
provisions of the Continuing Registration Act
2. The area has only two structures, one a because the sovereign will is not rendered
concrete house without a roof and the other nugatory by the inclusion of some good
a wooden structure without walls and roof. voters
3. The name Padian Tarogan means a cemetery
and not a residential place PRECINCTS AND THEIR ESTABLISHMENT
4. When the people around the area were
asked who among them is registered in - In preparation for the general registration in
Padian, none of them answered in the 1997, the Commission shall draw updated maps
affirmative of all the precincts nationwide. Upon completion
5. Based on this report, the Comelec ruled that of the new precinct maps, all the precincts
Padian is a ghost precinct and should be established in the preceding elections shall be
excluded in the special election deemed abolished.
- For the purpose of the general registration, the
Held: It is erroneous for Comelec to rule that Commission shall create original precincts only.
Padian is a ghost precinct because it is a Spin-off precinct may be created after the regular
barangay which should have at least one elections of 1998 to accommodate additional
precinct. But since it is a factual matter to be voters residing within the territorial jurisdiction
determined by Comelec in the exercise of its of the original precincts.
administrative power, the Court refuses to
- The Commission shall introduce a permanent
numbering of all precincts which shall be
It is not impossible for a barangay not to indicated by Arabic numerals and a letter of the
English alphabet. Original or mother precincts
have actual inhabitants because people
shall be indicated by the Arabic numeral and
migrate. A barangay may officially exist on
letter "A of the English alphabet. Spin-off or
record and the fact that nobody resides daughter precincts shall be indicated by the
there does not result in its automatic Arabic numeral and letter of the English alphabet
cessation as a unit of local government. starting with letter B and so on.
Under the LGC, abolition of a LGU may be
- No territory comprising an election precinct shall
done by Congress if it involves a province, be altered or a new precinct be established at the
city or municipality. If it involves a barangay, start of the election period.
it may be done by the Panglungsod
concerned subject to plebiscite, except in - Splitting of an original precinct or merger of two
Metro Manila and cultural communities. or more original precincts shall not be allowed
without redrawing the precinct map/s one
The findings of the Comelec being an hundred twenty (120) days before election day.
administrative agency, cannot be reversed
on appeal on certiorari especially when no
significant facts and circumstances are
shown to have been overlooked or
disregarded which when considered would
have substantially affected the outcome of
the case.

No voter is disenfranchised because no such

voter exists. Suffrage is not tampered with
when a list of fictitious voters is excluded
from election. Suffrage is conferred by the
Constitution only on citizens who are
qualified to vote and who are not otherwise
disqualified by law.

The exclusion of non-existent voters all the

more protects the validity and credibility of
the electoral process as well as suffrage

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