Hydrosphere - Infographic

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Water Cycle
What we understood about the
water cycle is that is the process
where water turns into vapor
then it turn into water again and

Surface Water and

there Types
Surface water is all the water
that is visible to us like the
beaches we see or the rivers we
can see .Theres 2 types of water
we see those include salt and
fresh water.

Ground Water
the ground water is %55 of all
the drinking water in Earth. Most
of them comes from Aquifer
witch is 90% of all ground waters
fresh water.

Ocean Itself
In the Ocean there salinity,
temperature and depth. Salinity is
the total amount of dissolved salts in
a sample of water. and temperature
and depth work together the depeer
you go the coolder it gets and it work
the other way around

We understood most if not all of
the presentation. Now we know
how the ocean and water itself
works. We know that's there's
water underground and much
more, this was a nice lesson

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