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Should 16-year-olds be able to vote?

Since 2012, in Argentina, people in their 16 are allowed to vote and while part of the
society agrees on that reform, another sector points to the negative aspects of the

To start with, whether the legal age to work or get married without parents permission
in Argentina is 18 and people are definitely unable to get a bank loan or start a
bussiness before reaching the full age, is rather contradictory that a population sector
that has no experience in those matters could make such an important decission. In
addition, is a well known fact that some features of the human mind such as critical
thinking or judgement are not fully developed at that age, therefore young people
could be easily influenced, making them an excellent target to dishonest politicians.

On the other hand, the main point is that as citizens, the young ones may have the
right to decide on things that affect their lives and that posibility make them feel more
interest in politics. Moreover, by having to count on their vote, politicians would take
more care of young people's interests.

To conclude, I think it would be fairer for society to have fully-aged voters who have
already had some understanding of adult´s duties.

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