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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Coping with COVID-19’s unforeseen challenges has had a huge impact on

students all across the world. Universities have stopped offering in-person

classes, and students have launched a new era of online learning. While this

protects children and aids in the prevention of the virus’ spread, it has a

significant influence on student education. Many people have challenges

when learning online, such as distractions when studying or attending

classes at home. Distractions from digital technology are common. But aside

from that there are also other factors that distract students when learning

online. House task, babysitting and other responsibilities in daily life are

other examples of distractions students encountered while learning online.

Another factor in that distract students in learning online especially students

full are in legal age is that they get a job while participating in modular or

online class. They won’t have enough time to finish all the tasks in time or in


According to our own experience social media plays a big factor that

distracts most of us in online learning. There are many social media apps

that we get distracted into like Facebook, Twitter , Instagram especially the
new rising social media app TikTok. This actively means that social media is

the main factor that distracts us from learning online. But aside from that

there are also other factors that distract students when learning online.

House task, babysitting and other responsibilities in daily life are other

examples of distractions students encountered while learning online.

Another factor in that distract students in learning online especially students

full are in legal age is that they get a job while participating in modular or

online class. They won’t have enough time to finish all the tasks in time or in

deadline. To sum up everything that has been stated so far, many factors

really distracts us but the best answer with the distraction is self disciplinary

and time management.

Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

-Participants -Searching information -Good results

-Related Literature -Reading related -Dependable

materials information
-Datas and information to
gain knowledge about the -Analyzing all the -Satisfying answer
topic gathered ideas

-Collect data

Figure I: Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 presents the conceptual framework of the study, which consists

two variables. Distractions as the independent variable, space and Senior

High School student as the dependent variable.


Figure 1 depicts the course of the study entitled, Common Distractions

Amidst Distance Learning as Encountered by Senior High Students in Cuenca

Senior High. The researchers will conduct study on the specified topic and
then assess every element of the research data. The researchers will next

create a questionnaire and distribute it to the study's chosen participants.

The research is supposed to produce solid findings, trustworthy information

to help researchers comprehend why they are conducting this research, and

gratifying answers from the researchers as a sign of comprehension of the


Research Hypothesis

In this study, the research hypothesis’ type is identified as non-directional

since the relationship between the independent and dependent variable isn’t

stipulated. The statement below is the research hypothesis for this study.

Distractions are associated with the level of performance of Senior High

School Students.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the common distractions experienced by

Senior High School students of Cuenca Senior High School. The following

questions below may help the researchers to extract information they need.

1. 1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
1.2 Gender

1.3 Grades on 1st and 2nd Quarter

2. What are the common distractions encountered by the students under

distance learning modality?

3. How do these distractions affect the academic performance of students?

4. How may the students achieve distracted-free studying under distance

learning modality?

Definition of Terms

Senior High School- a secondary school that students attend for the last

three or four years of high school before enrolling in college.

K-12 education- refers to kindergarten to twelfth grade education.

Distraction- is a condition that stops someone from focusing entirely on

anything else.

Amidst- in or into the middle of: surrounded by: among amid the crowd.

during amid the fighting.

Pandemic- is a condition that affects an entire country or the entire world.

Significance of the Study

This study may be beneficial to the people below:

To Teachers:

This study is significant to teachers because this helps them to be

informed about the distractions that their students encounter while studying

in this academic year and for them to be knowledgeable in order to guide

them properly.

To Students:

This study helps them to cope up by means of informing them what

are the distractions and help them avoid those and improve their level of


To Parents:

This study aids the parents to proper parenting and help them in

analyzing the problems their child encounters and to help them improve

their level of performance in academics.

To Future Researchers:

This study gives them ideas about the common distractions a student

encounters during the time of pandemic.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the Cuenca Senior High School. A survey or

questionnaire will be sent to pupils across the school. Its major goal is to

learn about the Common Distractions encountered by the students in Cuenca

Senior High school during the pandemic. We hope to find solutions to our

difficulties through this study. In this regard, we are contemplating

compiling our findings based on the scope and constraints of our


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