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Paxton Green Graup Practice Paxton Green Health Centre

1 Alleyn Park, London SE21 BAU

13 tMay 2022

To Whom lt tt/ay Concern

Re Ms Rachel Hann
198 Gipsy Road, London, SE27 gRB
Telephone: 07875177950
DOB: 22-Nov-1994
NHS 462 474 2761

Dear Sir/ttladam,

The above patient is registered with Paxton Green Health Centre

As per her request I write a summary of recent medical events. She had a telephone
consultation with Dr S.Najeeb on the 6-Apr-22to discuss the Covid infection she got back
in February. As per the notes it reports mild symptoms during the infection however the
aftermath has troubled her. lssue around fatigue and brain fog has worsened. Also
reported shortness of breath was occurring to.

Iwould be grateful if you could take into consideration the medical symptoms here, for any
disturbance they may cause towards her studies.

Yours faithfully,

GOULT, Jac-Marcus (Mr)

BSc , MSc - Physician Associate within GP

Patients / Appointments (020) 8670-6878

Business (020) 8655-9232
Clinicians (O2O) 8655 9222
www. paxtono reen. n hs. uk
Ad mi n istration ema il : lamccg. paxtongreen @nhs. net Providing NHS Services

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