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The Macalester Hegemonocle

Volume 4, Issue 1
Spring 2011

Mikey Freedman Dan Rocklin

Bad Cop Good Cop

Mina Bakhtiar Jon Gershberg

Mistress of Cheetos The Big Ticket

Hannah Fishman Katie Campbell

Hater Bohemian

Hannah Johnson Alex Juffer

J. Jonah Jameson Lil’ Juffy

Erin Hocking
Peer Mediator Ryan Kerwin
Dingo Trainer

Matt Kusner
Eye Candy Maxwell Loos
Fund Rager

Joey Frankl Rebecca McCrory

Dr. Franklstein The Big Fundamental

Jake Waxman
Man of Wax
Patrick Leppink-Shands
Le Pink Panther

Jeff Garcia
Hannah Tsuchiya
Chief Medical Officer

Michelle Einstein
Nobel Laureate
Justine Decker
Smart House

Joey Mayer
The Wildcard Melissa Larson
The Pagemaster
Libie Motchan
The Bambino Joseph Evers
Party Every Day
Coat Rack
Coat Rack Sarah Haight
The Chosen One

Solum potestis prohibere ignes silvarum

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

Dogs & Chicks

A Photo Essay

Let’s face it, chicks love dogs. If I learned anything from

Homeward Bound, it was that chicks get a boner for dogs.
But how do they do it? Or better, how do I become a dog?
After 57 dog years of research, I managed to figure out
what makes dogs so fly.

Just look at this G, scoping the streets for chicks.

His face says I don’t need you, but his body says
Let’s DO IT. And with a build like that, what chick
is not going to want to have sex with this dog?

Check out my man in action! The girl’s all like “let’s freaking
get naked dog” and he’s like “what’chu talking about bitch?
Can’t you see I’m tired? That I’ve had a long day at work?
That I’ve already had sex with 6 chicks this afternoon? Girl
I need a break. I’m not a motherfucking machine.”

A chick asked this dog for some firewood and he

brought her back a tree. How did she repay him?
Let’s just say she had sex with him.

My D-double-O-G macking on this chick in a park: “Hey

girl what’s up, what you readin’? Is it Call of the Wild? Is
it White Fang? Is it Where the Red Fern Grows? Is it The
Curious Case of the Dog in the Nighttime? The biography
of 1998 pro bowl MVP Keyshawn Johnson entitled Give
Me The Damn Ball? Because I can sympathize with that
last one”

Girl: Oh! Um, you know, well nothing.”

Dog: Is ‘nothing’ as interesting as you smell, baby? Cause
you smell fine as hell!”
Girl: Let’s get it on.

That’s all there is to it! You gotta hand it to ‘em, dogs are
pros at workin’ the ladies. So next time you see a dog, make
sure to give him some big ups, ‘cause that dog is definitely
not a virgin. If my research has told me anything, that dog
has been working it since he was 14 years old, which is 2
human years, which, by my calculations, means us non-ca-
nine bros have gotta lot of catching up to do.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

Police: Macalester College a front for mid-level

Twin Cities drug operations [dick tracy]
The world of higher education was shocked Saturday drug organization.
when federal agents announced that an ongoing investi- More than $1400 in drug money. Other programs, like
gation had turned up irrefutable evidence that Macalester the basketball team, Safe Walk, and no tray Tuesday , were
College, a respected private liberal arts college in West St. created to hide the gang’s money as well. Although there
Paul, was, in fact, a front for a midsized Minneapolis co- is speculation that some legitimate business did indeed go
caine dealing operation. FBI agent David McPherson an- on at the small St. Paul college, it appears that most of the
nounced the investigation’s findings at a press conference school’s activities were for the benefit of the gang.
on Saturday, claiming “this was a hard one, but the good “The Annual Fund, MPIRG, the Humanities Media
guys eventually won out.” and Cultural Studies department: fake, all of it fake,” said
As early as March of 2008, the St. Paul Police Depart- one informant close to the situation. “Occasionally we
ment began looking into the money trail of known Min- would have to hire a real professor so the Department of
neapolis narcotics distributer Burt “Slick Money” Brown. Education didn’t get suspicious and realize that our ac-
“Something didn’t add up,” explains Lt. Carla Green, creditation documents were drawn on the back of nap-
an original member of investigation. “These guys were kins.”
making thousands, sometimes tens of thousands a month, What is perhaps most shocking to many is that Ma-
but where was the money going? We were able to trace calester, thought to be more than 150 years old, has in fact
some of it to a few well-known drug fonts: a hotdog stand only been around since 1995 when the gang decided to
on Lake Street, the Minnesota Timberwolves, the band shift their primary front from a Taco Bell on West 7th.
Creed and Silly Bands, but at the end of the day there was An investigation into those claiming to be alumni revealed
still money unaccounted for.” that the gang had bribed, or in some cases intimidated
Then, in early 2009, a confidential informant tipped most of supposed “alumni”.
off investigators that several of Slick Money’s associates “Macalester, never heard of the place” said former Vice
had taken briefcases full of cash to “some school by the President Walter Mondale, “but for 80 bucks and free co-
river.” Several high level undercover agents confirmed that caine I’ll say pretty much anything.”
these transactions took place several times a month, lead- Said one supposed alum who wished to remain anon-
ing the FBI to form a special task force to investigate the ymous, “I’m one of the most respected diplomats in world
flow of money into Macalester College. It was the fruits of history, why would I claim to have gone to some weird
that investigation that were revealed Saturday. school in Minnesota unless someone was threatening to
Confidential sources within Slick Money Brown’s or- break my legs?”
ganization say the college was used as a bank of
sorts, a legitimate front to hide the gang’s prof-
its from selling drugs on the 20-25 corners they
“We would take the cash in some briefcases
to a parking lot and give it to this short dude
named Brian,” claimed one informant who asked
to remain anonymous. “Short dude, but word is
he wasn’t someone to fuck with. The boss said he
makes the cash look legit.”
A series of raids conducted Friday uncov-
ered a hoard of falsified tax filings documenting
the multiple ways in which the drug organiza-
tion used the college to hide their profits. Chief
among these methods was the construction of
the Institute for Global Citizenship, the fund for
which served as a funnel between the college and
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

Adult partying increasingly affects student body

[charlie sheen]

Crystal bottles strewn throughout the halls. The smell was that when I went back to my room two people were
of piss emanating from the carpet. A Power Ranger action hooking up on my bed so I just watched public television in
figure in the microwave. This is what the residents of Wallace the lounge by myself and fell asleep in there.”
dormitory hall have to wake up to every Saturday and Sun- Other students agreed that the worst part is when the
day morning, and they claim it’s only getting worse. adults, and even children, came into the individual dorm
“You expect better from them, you really do,” said Katie rooms unannounced.
Simmons ’13, an economics major. “Some of these people “A little nine-year-old was jumping on my bed and
were alumni, for God’s sake, you would think they would when I tried to get him down he yelled, ‘yea right four-eyes’
treat the campus with respect.” and slapped my glasses right off my face.” RA James Seller
Indeed, it has been a ritual of sorts, starting with the choked up. “And then…and then…then….he took my Silly
Great Panty Raid of 1982, for residents of the neighborhood Bandz and called me a ‘real fucking disgrace to the institu-
to come to Macalester College on the weekends to party, tion of higher education that is Macalester College’.”
relive their college days, drink excessive amounts of alcohol, Not surprisingly, many of the adults refused to be inter-
and violently disrupt the students attempting to put those viewed for this article. So far, the destruction has totaled over
finishing touches on their one hundred thousand
Spanish composition at one dollars and has included
a.m. on a Friday night. three broken tables, two
Over the last five years, broken lounge chairs,
however, the students have seven holes punched in
noticed a sharp uptick in the the wall, numerous graf-
amount of destruction and fiti taggings, and how-
the sheer size of the adults ever much it costs to
and their children partying send 6 students to ther-
in their halls and, occasion- apy. However, one adult
ally, in their dorm rooms. agreed to give a state-
Student President Alan ment on the condition
Trammel elaborated, “I re- of anonymity.
ally think with this economic “First and foremost,
depression more and more adults are finding large quanti- adults go real hard every fucking weekend. That’s just the
ties of free time and to be honest there’s only so much Mad nature of the game, so haters gonna hate and I’ll just keep
Men these people can watch. What we really have to do is rolling 30 deep and smoking the fattest blunts y’all ever seen.
increase awareness around campus. I’ve heard numerous re- Secondly, haters gonna hate and if I’ll keep pouring cham-
ports of locals dressing up as janitors and then taking off pagne for my real friends and real pain for my sham friends.
their costume inside the dorms and removing two flasks full Thirdly, hi haters! I see you! And, my apologies to Dupre 4
of whiskey they had strapped to their inner thighs and just for taking a shit in your trash can. But that’s just what hap-
dougie-ing all the way up and down the stairs. I even heard pens when you’re four lokoed up. Oh yea, hi haters!”
of a guy hiding his baby under his hat to sneak him in.” President Rosenberg was interviewed to give a rebuttal
Last year, Macalester filed 12 reports of adults partying to such hateful and ignorant sentiments.
in the dorms, though the real number of parties is rumored “Yea, it’s a real problem here that we are taking seriously
to be up to 20. This year, with the adults reportedly getting a and are sure to get to the bottom of. It’s a shame that stu-
copy of a D-key made for them, the number has grown to 73 dents can’t just enjoy themselves on the weekends with some
reports through only the first half of the year. apples to apples or a quiet game of backgammon. I’m sure,
“I played a little basketball Friday night and when I when confronted, the adults will understand.” Before this re-
went to grab a shower around eleven. There was a boom box porter was ushered out of his office, Rosenberg screamed, “hi
playing Remix to Ignition in there and all the showers were haters!” and appeared to throw up a black power fist before
taken and when I went into one of the stalls a little girl called adding, “Go hard, baby! Go hard!”
me a pervert and chased me out of the bathroom,” said Sam
Beckerman ’12, shaking his head in disbelief. “The worst part

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

The Jewish Control Corporation: Quarterly Report

Compiled by Joel Kaplan-Goldmanstein

Shalom and welcome to our Quarterly Report. Let AIPAC dinner to go yacht racing, or some mishugina thing.
me just say, you are such a mensch for opening up this here And we on the board of the Jewish Control Corporation
magazine all the way to look at our little report. But its quite decided that he was getting a little too chutzpah for out
a report, you’ll see—eh? Miriam, not now, I’m talking to the tastes. So Avi said, “why don’t be blow up an oil well?” That
mister here. Miriam, your pills are on the counter, over there. will show him who’s boss. Next time Tony Hayward will
Oy vey. Sorry about that. It’s almost supper time here and think twice before snubbing AIPAC.
Miriam has to take her pills. Anyways, where was I? Ah yes, Then we had August. This August was the two year
our quarterly report. It’s a very special one, you’ll see. I made anniversary of the start of the financial crisis. That one you can’t
it nice this time, what with the graphs and diagrams, my blame on us. Those big shot banks, Bear Stearns, Goldman
grandson Isaac was up all night making those. You should Sachs, Lehman Brothers, those were our guys, for pete’s sake.
have seen him, pounding away on that fancy laptop of his. We didn’t want them to go under. All we had tried to do
All the typing and the space-ing and the clicking, ay yay yay, was buy up the rest of the world that we didn’t already own.

A top-secret
meeting of
Jews run-
ning the

Maybe a
I could never do that. He’s a genius, that one, going to go to nice place in Florida, for when Miriam and I retire. But
Harvard, just like his old man. then, those crazy goyim banks went and fercockt the whole
But I’m getting distracted. You didn’t open this for a chat thing. It got really hairy for a second there. Fortunately,
and nosh, you wanted to see our quarterly report. Miriam— Rahm Emmanuel, who controlled the White House at the
MIRIAM, where are my glasses? Yes, I checked on the table. time, had our guy Binyamin Bernanke put in charge, and
Yes—yes, they were on my forehead, just like last time. Ah, boy did he save our keister. To big to fail, phooey. We didn’t
that’s better. Would you care for a Dr. Brown’s? I insist. My want our banks to go down, and we sure as hell weren’t going
daughter-in-law, Ruth, she brings them with her when the to let them.
family comes to visit us in Brooklyn every month. September has some big events for us. Our annual
So are we ready to get started, already? I feel like I’ve meeting of the Jewish Heads of State convened in Tel Aviv.
aged five years since you started reading. Alright then. It’s a big deal. All the Jews who actually run countries meet
We’ve had a very busy year, you see. Running the world to go over policy and swap stories. Rahm Emmanuel of
isn’t as easy as it used to be. What with the Fox News, and the the United States was there of course, and so was Andrew
cable TV, and that schmuck John across the street sticking Goldstein of England, Manuel Isaiah of Peru, and Rivka
his goyim head into everything. But still, we manage. Slotberg of Romania, to name a few. Big name people in the
Let’s see here. Quarter one, quarter two, ah, here we are, JCC. This year, they decided to continue spreading the myth
quarter three. July, that was a hot one, that was. Our BP spill of global warming. When it first came up a few years ago,
was going right on schedule. Yup, that one’s on us. It was a lot of people inside the JCC, myself included, didn’t think
Avi’s idea. Remember Avi? He was—yes, Miriam, I know people would fall for it. But did those gentiles ever. I still
he hasn’t spoken to his mother in two years, an—yes Miriam, can’t believe they actually believe now that human actions are
I know. Anyways, around April, Tony skipped out on an harming the planet. What a cockamamie thing.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

A Letter from Captain Planet

Dear Planeteers,

Look, clearly we’ve got some shit we need to work out. In light of recent events, it has become
obvious that I need to spell out the type of situations that I am prepared to handle. As a starting
point for this let me describe what went down last week from my perspective:

I was chillin’ in my apartment, listening to some cool tunes, eating some cocoa puffs. Suddenly,
I was magically teleported cause you all decided it would be a good idea to put your rings in the
air and say the names of some elements. (And “heart”, wtf is up with that shit? Am I right? Am I
right?) Now, as much as it sucks to unwillingly teleport somewhere, I’ve become used to it. Usual-
ly, I just have to show up for a couple minutes and kick Pauly Polluter’s ass. No big deal. This time,
however, instead of seeing Hoggish Greedly or Looten Plunder, I saw that you summoned me so I
would help you fight THE FUCKING JOKER. The same Joker who murdered the second Robin
by beating him with a fucking crowbar. The same Joker who shot Commissioner Gordon’s daugh-
ter, kidnapped him and had him tortured by circus freaks. The same Joker who stitched a bomb
inside of a crazy person so he could break out of jail. So, yeah, not quite on the same level as the
Pinhead Brothers.

So, there I am, disoriented, in a warehouse surrounded by the joker and his goons. First, Joker
sends his goons at me. Notably, these aren’t the type of henchmen that I’m used to dealing with.
I’m better with thoe ones whose main purpose seems to be getting beat up and setting me up for
puns. No, these goons had knives, chains, and I’m pretty sure one even had a hypodermic needle.
Despite this challenge, I proceeded to do what I do best: kick ass and take names. Although I sus-
tained a number of serious lacerations (and a possible Hepatitis B infection, I’m still looking into
that), I emerged from the scrum victorious. Then, the Joker started laughing. There are some expe-
riences that necessitate superlatives, and this was one of them. That laugh was the creepiest, most
harrowing thing that I have ever heard. It was the sound of fingernails on chalkboard combined
with the ghastly bellowing of a water buffalo in heat. Paralyzed by fear, I could only watch as he
approached me. Soon, we were standing face to face, and he was looking straight into my eyes.
He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun. At this point, I literally shit myself, which
is something I’m disclosing for some reason. He then pointed the gun straight at my head, and
pulled the trigger. Out popped a flag that said, “Bang!”. That’s when I got the fuck out of there.

Look, I’m not proud of abandoning you all with the Joker, but what exactly were you expecting
me to do? Dealing with psychotic serial killers doesn’t really play to my skill set. In case there was
any further confusion about situations I’m prepared to deal with, I’m including a chart:

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

Opinion: Maybe We Should Start A Witch Hunt?

[regenal cleetens]

Hello fellow citizens of Belville. I am Regenal Cleet- 2. Even if we do accidentally kill a few innocent maidens
ens, the town hog rasseler. I wish I could be writing this in our quest to expunge our community of the spawn of
opinion article under better circumstances (as was the case Satan, is it not worth it? Sure, perhaps we will go through
when I wrote of the merits of hog rasselin’), but unfortu- ten, fifty innocents max before we kill our first witch. But
nately these are not times of good cheer. If you’re like me, how many warts would that witch have caused had we let
you’ve probably noticed some freaky shit going down. The it live? I, for one, do not want to find out. As the expres-
drinking-well’s been smellin’ funny. Cows be dyin’. Warts sion goes, you have to kill a few squirrels to make a squir-
been poppin’ up on folk. Gruffy, the town goat, been lookin rel omelet.
at people funny. Occam’s razor says the simplest answer is
the most accurate answer, and people of Belville, there aint People of Belville, there are times when history asks
nothin’ simpler than witches. men to do extraordinary things. This
Now, I know that the term is one of those times. The work will
“witch-hunt” has some negative be hard, but future generations will
connotations in our society. People look back and say, “Thank god they
associate it with non-witch perse- done killed all those witches”. With
cutions, like Mccarthy and whatnot that, I would like to conclude with
(who I nonetheless believe history a list of people who I believe are es-
will vindicate). What I want to do is pecially deserving of being witch-
return the term witch-hunt to its na- hunted:
tive, true meaning. By witch-hunt,
I mean an organized procedure by • Sally LaFague: Everyone knows
which (pun not intended!) a com- about Sally’s lazy eye. Lazy eye’s are
munity discerns who all be witches, weird, and so are witches. Enough
and proceeds to kill those witches in a ritualistic manner. said. Also, she’s a member of Mothers Against Drunk
Some of you may still have concerns, and I will like to Driving, which is down-right anti-American (My grampa
address them. The most common objection I hear is that didn’t kill 50 Britishmen so I would have to wait till I got
a witch-hunt may mistakenly kill some non-witches. To home to drink my whiskey, God-Dammit!) Witches al-
this argument, I have several responses: ways be those anti-American types.

1. Witch-hunting techniques are increasingly accurate. • Susan McConnely: Susan be knowin’ about arithmetic
There are several modern methods available by which we and other fancy stuff like reading and writin’. Sounds like
can discern who be causin’ warts and whatnot. For ex- a witch to me!
ample, I happen to have bought (for an exuberant amount,
I may add) a witch-smellin’ hog from my hog-retailer. His • Jenny Margerette: Jenny’s got that big ol’ wart. In that
name is Squeaky, and I have been assured of his abilities. police business, that’s what they call “probable cause”.
Additionally, there are tried and true methods of deter-
mining which (pun intended!) folk be witches, such as • Zerlinda the Green: Somethin’ just seems off about this
placing them in a box full of rocks and tossing it in the one, but I can’t quite put my finger on it…
lake. If the box sinks, they be innocent. If the box sinks,
they be innocent. It’s literally that simple! Well, let’s get to it. My witch-dar (like gaydar or radar,
but for witches) is goin’ crazy!

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

Macalester goes green as shit

[kermit the frog]

In a move that many are calling “what the fuck!?” to literally color all of the remaining campus buildings
and “get that goddamn tape recorder out of my face,” green with a new variety of moss displaying startling
Macalester College announced last Friday that it in- photoelectrical capabilities that has been developed
tends to go entirely green by the end of March 2011. collaboratively between the biology and physics depart-
The announcement came as a shock to many Ma- ments, with help from an outside consultant at NASA.
calester students. This wonder-plant is expected to provide 87% of the
“I think you have your facts wrong,” commented campus’ power in the summertime.
Alphonse Fibula, ’12. “There’s absolutely no fucking “I’ve never heard of such a thing,” declared Profes-
way that Macalester said that.” He went on to provide sor Ralph Cranium, head of the Physics Department. “I
his musings on the impact that a college like Macalester think you just made it up.”
has on global climate change, and the steps that the col- Enthusiasm for the project is not restricted to
lege will have to take to ensure that it members of the Macalester community.
has the tools and funding necessary to Noted environmentalist and U2 front man
become a fully self-sustained Earth- Bono gushed that, “How did you get this
ship in just less than two months. “Are number? I’ve…heard of Macalester college
you even a real journalist?” and…give a fuck about [the fact that]…
Other students claimed that they they are…saving…[the] environment.”
saw this coming as the logical next Former Vice President Al Gore’s office
step after the college received a LEED sent a speedy reply when asked for com-
‘Platinum’ rating on the new Markim ment: “This is an automated email reply to
Hall. inform you that Mr. Gore is out of the of-
Said senior Joyce Mandible, fice for the weekend [celebrating in honor
“Come on, where’s the camera? [I am of Macalester College].”
in full support of the greening of the Though Macalester College President
Macalester College campus by the end Rosencrantz has declined to make any of-
of March, 2011.] This must be a lame ficial statement, holding off until the press
attempt at one of those TV prank shows, right?” conference arranged for next Thursday, he offered a few
This sentiment was echoed by freshman Tim Clav- thoughts off the record. “What the damn are you do-
icle who added, “I don’t believe you. I mean, if it’s true ing in my living room? Get out of here or I’ll call the
then wow, more power to them. But I don’t believe cops!”
Macalester would undertake something so ill-advised, While popular opinion varies among the campus
especially with the renovation of the fine arts complex population about the new vow for Macalester to go
just underway. [Three cheers for sustainability!]” green by April 2011, the one thing that cannot be de-
Aspects of the plan to take Macalester off of the nied is that change is in the air. As my arresting officer
utilities grid include fixing the existing wind turbine (so said from his seat in the front of the squad car, “How
that it actually provides power) and installing 30 similar are you still conscious? This is the most I’ve ever tazed
ones on what is now the football field, as well as com- anyone in my life.”
pletely razing the Campus Center to make room for
a giant water reservoir. While these are without doubt
the most controversial steps in the plan, what has been
the most talked about on campus has been the decision

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

A modest interview in Brian Rosenberg’s modest house

[terrence howard]

The following inter- TMW: Damn straight. So Bri-Ro, tell me what it feels
view was found transcribed like to rule over this great land of Macalester.
in lipstick on a dish towel BR: Well kiddo, first off I’d like to start by kicking you
stuffed behind a radiator in the face…[He kicked me in the face.] Then I’d like
in The Mac Weekly office you never to call me Bri-Ro ever again. And please leave
last night. It seems some my house.
intrepid young reporter in TMW: Quite so. Now tell me Brosenberg, when did
the 1950s, or perhaps more you know that you wanted to be a benevolent dictator?
recently than one week ago, Was it when you were an infant, or sometime before
discarded the article in a that?
state of intense frustration BR: I’m not a dictator, I’m the President of your col-
after not being able to spell lege. If you insist on questioning me, I’d appreciate a bit
the word ‘dyslexia.’ We at more professionalism, if you don’t mind.
the Hegemonocle would TMW: Not at all, not at all, Brian. So ‘President’ Rosen-
like to assure our readers berg, if that is in fact your real name, why Macalester
that the article’s facts have been checked, verified, copied College?
faithfully to the original document, and then shamelessly BR: Now there’s a question I can actually answer. You
embellished upon to the point that what appears below is see, Macalester, to me, represents a world of potential.
now almost entirely a work of fiction. We hope that you en- Potential for more environmental friendliness, poten-
joy it immensely and we all learn a little something about tial for our students to succeed in whatever they put
human nature. their minds to, electrical potential…
[At this point President Rosenberg launched into a
Well, well, my darling readers of this our campus long, poetic soliloquy that frankly put me to sleep. I de-
newspaper: The Mac Weekly – the time has come once cided to get right down to the nitty-gritty…]
more for me to talk to someone and tell you how they TMW: OK, that sucked. New question: why is there so
responded. This week I have had the honor, privilege and much Kofi Annan paraphernalia all over campus? Why
good fortune to interview our school’s President and not some other alum, like Peter Berg?
Shepherd in this great time of many disturbances in the BR: Who’s that?
Force, Brian Rosenberg. I entered our interviewee’s liv- TMW: You know, the guy who directed Hancock.
ing room at precisely 10pm on a Thursday to find him BR: Dude, Kofi was the Secretary-General of the Unit-
practicing his waltzing skills with a very beautiful mop. ed Nations. That’s so much cooler than directing some
As I broke the window, he screamed and brandished movie with Will Smith in it.
his dance partner like a weapon, before recognizing me TMW: See what I mean? It’s like the school is just a
and instantly relaxing to the point that he only fumbled front for the Cult of Kofi, or something.
anxiously in his pocket trying to find his cellular phone. BR: What? That’s silly. What a silly idea. What?
This is where our interview began… TMW: Aha! You’re getting nervous. Spill it, Bro.
BR: Well, my first experience with Kofi Annan was as
Brian Rosenberg: What the Dickens!? a young boy of 32. It was just like in the movies – I was
The Mac Weekly: Oh, Brian. Ha ha. Ha. Answer my out for a drive on the icy roads, when I rolled my car
questions. into a ditch. My arm was pinned, so I couldn’t get out.
BR: I’ll call the police! Worse, I was starting to smell smoke. I thought, ‘this’ll
TMW: I am the police. be the day that I die…’ [Here, he broke out into a cho-
BR: Well thank goodness you’re here! Someone just rus of Don McLean’s “American Pie”. It was a beautiful
broke into my house and tried to interview me. rendition that left all of the eyes in the house moist.]
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

TMW: Bravo! Encore!

BR: Don’t interrupt. So I was sitting there ponder-
ing my fate, when I saw headlights coming seem-
ingly from all around me. I heard a car door slam
and looked up into the eyes of my savior.
TMW: Kofi Annan?
BR: Shut up. I didn’t recognize him at first, but I
later learned that it had been none other than the
great Kofi Annan.
TMW: Like I said, right…?
BR: Shut up! Well, I decided then and there that
I would become a benevolent dictator at whatever
college Kofi Annan had attended, even if it was
Macalester College. And so it is.
TMW: That was beautiful. Now answer my next
question. How many roads must a man walk down
before you can…
BR: No more questions. I invoke the power of
TMW: The what? [The entire house started shak-
ing. I had to steady myself with a mop, as I cast my
eyes around trying to determine what kind of foul
play was afoot. Suddenly, one wall exploded into
brick dust, and a figure with glowing blue and or-
ange eyes stood outlined in the gap.]
Kofi Annan: Hey Bri-Ro. For what reason do you
summon my power?
TMW: Holy mother of all that is holy! Can I get an
interview with you Kofi? When did you realize that
you could become a Super Saiyan?
BR: Thank Kofi you’re here, Kofi! Want to do some-
thing about this guy?
KA: Sure thing. Then maybe we can go out for
drinks and discuss world domination and/or the
next Macalester monument to my greatness.
BR: Sounds good, Kofi. Sounds real good.
TMW: .....

I woke up three hours later naked in the bushes

under the UN flag pole in the center of campus. To
this day, I’m unsure of what happened in those few
hours, but I do know that one should not question
Macalester College’s devotion to our most kind and
generous protector, Kofi Annan. Seriously – just
don’t do it. Failure to cooperate may lead to vomit-
ing, nausea and dislecsiya… disslaxiuh… dyslexai-
ua… Fuck it.
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

A History of Playground Violence[GYIC, Television 12]

John B.: Hi, I’m John Blarmensag and it’s good to be out Tony: “Oh fuck. Okay. We’ll go in slow. Don’t you fucking
of a cage. Tonight, I have a very special report on two new looking at him, you hear me?”
employees at Washington Elementary. Tony Esposito and Jake: “Yeah boss. I hear ya.”
Jake Mancini are playground attendants at Washington El-
ementary School. They spend their afternoons keeping the Approaching Timmy
kids safe and making sure everyone plays nice. The two are
performing community service for a string of robberies and Tony: “Hey there... Timmy! How ya doin? How’s ya moth-
cop-killings in 2007. I followed the two around for day to er? She doin okay?”
see how they are adjusting to life at the Elementary.
Timmy is eating wood chips
Tony: “Get a load a this one! Wise guy
thinks he can climb up the slide.” Tony: “You’re looking good! Keeping in
Jake: “Boss, he don’t know the rules.” shape definitely!”
Tony: “He doesn’t know the rules?! And
what bird sang you that?” Tony kicks Arnie off of the wood chip pile
Jake: “Joey was saying that the kid’s a
new guy” Tony: “Well Timmy, a pleasure as always!
Tony: “Joey?!...That Joey with the funky We’ll be talking. Say hi to your mother
eyes?! Kid isn’t even 7 years old and he for me.”
thinks he’s big enough to be in third
grade. Moving across the playground
Jake: “Joey’s a reasonable guy”
Tony: “Whatever you fuckin say...... Jake: “Hey boss, they tradin sillys over
Hey you!!! Yeah you. No, not you with by the basketball hoops. They don’t even
the Cosby Christmas sweater. You! Not have the right papers”
with the fuckin parachute pants. You. Get the fuck outta Tony: “Mother fucker!”
here fuckin Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Yeah, you, with
the dumb hat. Yeah, do you know, that slides go down, not Moving towards the basketball hoops
Kid: “Yeah” Jake: “Alright boys the jig is up!”
Tony: “So next time you get the genius idea to go up the
slide, use this little pneumonic, “down good, up dumbass.” The kids scatter, dropping their silly bandz

Kid runs away crying Tony: “Fuck!!”

Jake: “Check this out boss, they got some M. Night Shya-
Jake: “Don’t ya think you’re being a little harsh on ‘em?” malan ones. Some hard shit.”
Tony: “The little fuck’s gotta understand how it works Tony: “Don’t touch it. You’ll get hooked with a single trip.
around here. Hey kid! With the fuckin mom jeans. No,
This is fuckin disgusting. Hey Arnie! Arnie! Get this the
not Donald Trump. The one..... Yeah, right, like I’m talkin
fuck outta my sight!”
to you C-3PO. You! Yeah! You trying swing to the fuckin
Back to the News Report
Kid: “Um, uh, no”
Tony: “Well then slow down or I’ll chop your legs off.”
Jessica Lurmskagger: Wow John, that’s really something.
Turning towards the play structure
John B.: Um... yes... I suppose it is. That’s all we have for
Jake: “Not to be the bearer of bad news boss, but Arnie’s tonight folks. Stay tuned next week for a report on fluid
getting near Timmy’s wood chips.” dynamics and spotted wrens. Until then, please save me,
they put me in cages, and have a wonderful night.
Spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

My parents divorce IS my fault

[timmy chamberlain]

So by now you’re probably wondering; but Hot Tim-

my (everyone calls me that), what was the final straw?
What tipped your p-rents over the edge? First, I would
say that ‘s very a good question. Second, I would tell you
that is when I interrupted passionate, even some-what
violent make-up sex, saying that there was a monster
in my room. And that monster came back every damn
night too.
So let this be a lesson to you kids. Don’t wait for your
parents to split, be proactive, make it happen. Your toy
and ice cream intake more than triples and you know
you got the upper hand when they sit you down and
tell you “it’s not your fault”. Cause it is and be damn
My bad self
proud of it.
Oh hey, didn’t see you there, come on in. I see you’re
admiring my sweet toys. You see this truck? See how Keep yo kid hand strong.
shiny it is? Daddy gave it to me for my second Christ-
mas. Thats right, I said second Christmas. And you see Timmy Out.
these Power Ranger shoes that light up when I walk?
Mommy gave that for first Christmas. I’m just rolling in
toys. I mean, I practically shit toys. How did I get here?
Let me spell it out for you illiterate fools: divorce.
It all started last year. We just had a family meeting,
and Daddy said he is moving out of the house. And all
I have to say, I’m pretty goddam proud of myself. Five
and half years of hard work finally paid off. I mean, it’s
not like my parent’s strong loving and loyal bond would
have been broken by any child.
Not to say it wasn’t hard. You know how much of
that disgusting ass baby food I had to eat to fill those
diapers? And thats not even counting the coins and
plastic I swallowed when they were trying to have a nice
night’s sleep after a long day of work. Not in my house.
We’re going to the emergency room at 2 a.m. instead.
All according to plan.
I’m still hoarse from all that wailing I did. Those
chumps had me screaming in their ears like a banshee
round the clock. 24/7. They couldn’t even think about
how they enjoyed each other’s company or that one
wonderful night in Vermont, because I was making One of my bomb-ass toys
their eardrums bleed.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

A Letter to Nerds

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume 4.issue1

More than a quarter of Macalester students think

President Rosenberg is a Muslim.
[jane goodall]

A recent survey conducted by an anonymous stu- so why do we have the flags of Muslim countries on the
dent group (Probably MESA) produced the shocking wall of our field house? Doesn’t he have any respect for
revelation that more than a quarter of Macalester stu- the flags in the old athletic center that was demolished
dents are pretty sure that President Brian Rosenberg for it to be built? I am fine with acknowledging the
is a practicing Muslim. With all of the anti Muslim existence of Muslim countries not there. (Editors note:
sentiment in our society today this has been quite a we are pretty sure he actually is not ok with Muslims
shock to the campus. existing anywhere.) Also how is the school spending
Some students were confused about his name. hundreds of thousands of dollars designing the mosaic
“I always just called him PBR… I thought that it flags when organizations like the Hegemonicle re-
stood for Pabdul ceive less than
Bahir Ruwafy, I 100 dollars to
am actually pretty buy Cheetos
shocked that I with??? Where
have had it wrong is the money
all there years” Ex- coming from?
plained Macales- Al Qaeda
ter student Porky that’s probably
Magdalene. where.”
“Isn’t the While we
syllable –berg cannot com-
common in Mus- ment on the this
lim names?” issue we would
Asked Macales- like to clear
ter student Feivel up one thing:
Goldblattstein- President Brian
witz. Rosenberg is
However not not a polyga-
all of the confu- mist. Although
sion had to do with his name. it is common to see him bringing young women back
Geology Major Liz Lymon recalled, “My fresh- to his house at all hours of the night these women are
man year he allowed some student to recite that thing not his wives.
we always say at the end school gatherings in Farsi, In other news the number of students who think
that’s pretty much the same language as Arabic.” President Brian Rosenberg is “heteronormative”
Some students are also confused about why he al- dropped to its lowest level in six years.
lowed the flags of some predominantly Muslim coun-
tries to don the walls of the new field house. Macal-
ester student Glenn Rushity explained his confusion
this way “Macalester is a Presbyterian affiliated school

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

Listless lists
[inee dorder]

Reasons Why You’re Getting Things You Do When You

Kicked Out of the Dorms Should Have Been Studying
• That girl from down the hall
• Skinned a dear in the bathroom • Making a life size statue of John
• Cuddle session with RA went terribly Stamos out of Flaming Hot Cheetos
wrong • Facebook stalking your parents
• Refused to turn down Alanis • Acquiring +2 experience points
Morrisette’s “Ironic” after quiet • Renewing your vows to Jesus
hours • Begging on the street to fund
• Mother still lives with you tuition
• Forget that clothing is not optional • Eating your life size statue of
• People not with you using the floor John Statue made out of Flaming Hot
lounge to host the cock fight matches Cheetos
• You smell like 10k after a sweaty • Dying from eating 20 pounds of
freshman rave perfectly sculpted, beautiful Flaming
• Don’t turn off the volume when Hot Stamos Cheetos
watching porn • Reading the Hegemonocle
• Your alarm is Ke$ha’s Tik Tok • Masturbating to the Hegemonocle
• Dupre 3 fight club exactly like movie
fight club Things to Include in the New Art
• Pooped in the elevator Building
• LARPing in the hallways • Rancor Pit
• A massive marble statute of Brian
Rosenberg riding nude on a platinum
Country Flags Not Hanging in the pegasus
Campus Center • Alchemy Lab
• Giant TV screen that gives useless
• The Former Revolutionary Soviet
information to complement one in CC
Democratic Republic State Formerly
• Archery Range
Known as hatever country Fez from “That
• Padded psychiatric ward per
70s Show” is from
request of MacGOP
• Candyland
• A expansive storage area to
• Pangea
accommodate Laurie Hamrie’s ego
• Translyvania
• Planet of the Apes Reasons Why I Love Grandma
• Prussia
• Her stories about wars that
• Wonderland
didn’t happen
• Slavislavia
• Great tits
• Flatland
• Farting when she walks by
• Latveria (Education is not one of
• Extra skin=extra fun
Doom’s policies)
• Telling me to get a job every two
• Kokomo
• A flag that adequately represents the
• Her racism
awesomeness of America
• She lets me wear her hot pink
• Tatooine/ Texas
velour sweatsuits
• She puts the “rock” in that
rocking chair
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue1

Virgin at Macalester Part II: The Dates

Doty 5, Virgin Isles- So it’s me, the Virgin. Yep, I’m room? The guy, naked, standing in the middle of my room,
back. Still a virgin, still frustrated and still bell-less. And let holding a ferret over his… well, I think you know where.
me tell you, the bell seems to be getting farther and farther When he saw me come in, he solemnly held the ferret out to
away, and it’s not because my lack of sex has lead to osteo- me and said “I give you my consent in the form of the Holy
porosis. Consent Ferret. Consent is ferret is Mac.” I kicked him out.
Without his clothes.
I’ve been getting to know the guys at this school a little
better, and my options are getting more and more dismal. What’s the point of this article? THERE IS NO
Those available guys out there? Yeah. Good luck. I really HOPE. Girls, please just go to Saint Thomas if you want
don’t understand the admissions office, it’s like they wanted to get some.
a sexless campus or something. Why would you want a sex-
less campus? Pretty much everyone on campus is legal and Actually wait… there was this one date that was super
you know we get enough sex education before we come here. fun. We went out to a movie, a chick flick even, and then to
I know how to defend myself against a Sexually Aggressive dinner. We had a great conversation about Gossip Girl and
Male. You don’t have to worry about it. I want to be having how Chuck and Blair are about the cutest couple ever and
sex out here! I’m telling you, it’s a conspiracy. Im on to you, how Serena is a skank. Then he advised me on what clothes
admissions people. to wear to make me look skinnier. The date ended there, but
we’re going shopping together next weekend!
You know what’s interesting? For some inexplicable
reason, I have been asked out on multiple dates since the
Hegemonocle came out. It’s funny—I can’t get a date at all
and then this article comes out and it’s like I’m Meghan Fox
or Justin Beiber or something—everybody wants a piece!.

Let me just tell you about some of the dates I’ve been
on. Oh, yeah, they were great. Not. I went out with one guy
who had fake Spock ears. Then there was that guy who took
me to Café Mac for dinner and offered to “pay for me.” Oh,
and let’s not forget the guy who is building a light saber as a
side project and told me that if it works he’s going to move
to Tatooine, so we couldn’t have a serious relationship. And
those were just the normal ones.

I did have one good date. There was a candlelit dinner,

romantic music, everything you see in the movies. He was
even a good kisser! I decided to invite him back to my room.
I left the room for two seconds to tell my roommate not
to come in, and guess what I found when I got back to my

The bell I so desperately long to ring.

This really should be Macalester’s new

seal. At least for me.


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