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The Macalester Hegemonocle

Volume 4, Issue 2
Spring 2011

Jon Gershberg Alex Juffer

Plaid Cop Denim Cop

Ryan Kerwin Hannah Johnson

Free-Throw Coach Comic Sans Screener

Mina Bakhtiar Dan Rocklin

Dame Judy Dench Probably also a Staff Writer, Legend

Mikey Freedman
Katie Campbell
Just a Staff Writer, Legend Couch Enthusiast

Erin Hocking Hannah Fishman

Peer Instigator The Original

Matt Kusner Maxwell Loos

Dame Judy Dench Party Invitee

Joey Frankl Rebecca McCrory

Well let me be Frankl The Big Fundamental

Jake Waxman Patrick Leppink-Shands

Amatuer Pigeon Racer Gumby

Jeff Garcia Hannah Tsuchiya

The Diplomat Sole Tyler Perry Fan Club Member

Michelle Einstein Justine Decker

Ladies Woman Semisonic

Joey Mayer Joseph Evers

Robert Gulet Dungeon Master Trainee

Libie Motchan Sarah Haight

Sultan of Swat Matt Kusner

Coat Rack
Coat Rack

Solum potestis prohibere ignes silvarum

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume 4.issue2

My Great Aunt Shirley is a Whore*

[Ivanna Humpalot]

My Great Aunt Shirley is a whore. I’m not exactly sure was probably because of the 20 minutes she spent in
how old she is – however, I have verified that she’s at the handicapped stall of the bathroom with Javier, the
least as old as Betty White, but younger than the old lady aforementioned sexy waiter.
from Titanic. Probably like...87. But that hasn’t stopped Although moments like these can be uncomfort-
her from whoring herself around. She’s never been mar- able, I’ve learned a lot from her - even more than just
ried, because she wants to stay a playa 4 lyfe. And she timeless sex tips. (For instance: how to seduce men at
lives in Leisure World (aka Seizure World, a retirement biweekly bridge tournaments, the best flavor of mar-
community for vibrant and moribund 60+ year olds) malade to lick off of each other’s nipple (orange), great
where apparently she is famous for her spectacular B.J.s sex positions for electric wheelchairs, and how to em-
– both with and without dentures. The Viagra-popping broider a tapestry while doing it doggy style. She has
widowers fondly refer to her as “Shirley the Strumpet”. encouraged me to come to my own sexual revelations
Although she wears trademark old people clothes, and to feel empowered by my sexuality. Because of
my Aunt Shirley puts her own hussy touches on every my Great Aunt Shirley, I’ve been having a LOT of fun in
outfit. Like other old ladies, she likes to wear knitted college - and so have 37 other lucky guys (you know
sweaters, but hers are always gold and sequined and who you are). With her help, I have truly found myself
low-cut to reveal her sagging, yet admirable cleavage. as a woman. Throughout her life, my Great Aunt Shirley
Even when she’s inside she sports oversized, glitzy sun- has symbolized the modernity and independence that
glasses. She claims they protect her eyes after her last centuries of females have fought to achieve. She’s really
cataract surgery, but really it’s because she smokes so quite inspiring.
much pot. Just kidding…she doesn’t smoke pot (at Actually, she’s pretty much just a drunken nympho.
least I can’t verify it), but she did get really, really drunk
off peach schnapps at my cousin’s bar mitzvah.
There’s no denying that my Great Aunt Shirley has
accumulated some skills over her lifetime. She said she
was once a secretary for a law firm, but I think that’s just
code for home-wrecker. And even though her body is
slightly deteriorated now, she’s as horny as ever. I sus-
pect it has something to do with her new Posturepedic
mattress. (Those adjustable positions and massage
settings aren’t just for orthopedics!) It has not only im-
proved her slight hunchback, but has reignited her life
in the bedroom. She says that walkers make excellent
sex toys (obviously, they have big fuzzy balls at the base
of each leg). And her worsening blindness is only a ben-
efit – everyone is attractive in her eyes! It can also par-
tially explain her lesbian phase in the early 90’s.
Despite the fact that she is a harlot, it’s always ex-
citing to spend time with my Great Aunt Shirley. Last
time I went out with her, we got a complimentary din-
ner. I cannot be certain, but I think the way that she hit
on the waiter, and then proceeded to seductively eat
her banana split (without nuts – bad for her dentures)
might have had something to do with it. Actually, it *Unfortunately, a true story.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume 4.issue2

Kanye’s Top References To Oral Sex


Hello loyal Hegemonocle readers! After many Song: Monster

hours of pain-staking research, I have calculated
what are universally, objectively, and scientifically Lyric: have you ever had sex with a pharaoh//I
Kanye West’s top 5 references to oral sex. Do not put the pussy in a sarcophagus//now she claiming
cry for me, for it was truly a labor of love. Without I bruise her esophagus//head of the class and she
further ado… just want a swallowship
Pro: Wowza, there’s a lot of stuff going on
Song: Dark Fantasy here. Reference to ancient Egypt? Pro. The
word swallowship? Pro. Rhyming sarcopha-
Lyric: “And my chick in that new Phoebe Philo// gus and esophagus? Also pro.
So much head I woke up in sleepy hollow” Con. Bruising her esophagus is also kinda
Pro: This is a reference to The Legend of Sleepy gross though? Also probably pretty impos-
Hollow, which was published in a collection of sible. If we were talking about the epi-
short stories in 1819. References to 19th century glottis then maybe, but the esophagus is
American literature while rapping about head is pretty much where the lungs are. Major
automatically pretty pro. points taken away for anatomical cor-
Con: It doesn’t really make sense? The story con- rectness.
cerns a headless horseman, so there was a remark-
able lack of head in Sleepy Hollow, not a lot. Also, Song: Go Hard
who even knows what Phoebe Philo means. Am I
right? Am I right? Lyric: I’m at the top aint no-
where to go now//Instead of me,
Song: Good Life she gonna go down
Pro: Reveals that Kanye is a
Lyric “Have you ever popped champagne on a selfish lover
plane// While getting some brain?// She said she ain’t Con: Was there ever any
never see snakes on a plane” doubt about that?
Pro: Reference to the movie Snakes on a Plane,
which was a movie that came out sometime (2006?).
It was a pretty funny movie. I liked it. I liked the part
with the snakes. Also, it conjures images of Samuel L.
Jackson, which automatically gives me an erection, so
that’s good I guess.
Con: It would be pretty gross if Kanye actually got
head on a plane, unless he did it in the bathroom, and
then it seems like it would be pretty cramped.

Song: Gold Digger

Lyric: Go head girl, go head get down.

Pro: It’s kinda clever. At first I didn’t get it.
Con: Too clever for its own good?
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume 4.issue2

Kofi Annan Heading Big Places

[ban ki-moon]

One of Macalester’ s most notable alumni has re-

cently become famous after showcasing some of his
enormous assets. A midlife crisis caused former secre-
tary general, Kofi Annan, to enter the pornography in-
dustry. He is receiving much attention for what adult
film insiders having been calling his “superhuman sh-
One of Annan’ s professors was interviewed after
learning about her former student’ s career change.
She said “I always knew Kofi was going gigantic plac-
es, his massive creativity and huge personality add-
ed to classroom discussions. Kofi always sat with his
back erect and a huge grin on his face.” Annan’s room- working for several years, Annan realized he preferred
mate commented, “Kofi was a great friend; he always it [the view] from behind.
shared his juicy beefsticks with me and let me use his Annan began his work with the United Nations as
fifteen incher [laptop].” Another one of Kofi’ s friends Assistant Secretary-General. This career change was
explains “Kofi had many male friends during his years difficult and not without hard spots, but eventually
at Macalester. He had female friends too, but he could he gained recognition for his efforts at maintaining
never quite fit in.” peace. After being appointed Secretary-General, he
Annan played a large role in his school’ s com- continued working with the United Nations for twen-
munity. He played on the school’ s golf team and his ty years. He left his position after being offered a job
strong grasp on the putter made him the team’ s high in the adult hit “Blowjob Impossible,” by an erotic film
scorer of hole-in-ones. During his sophomore year at director who noticed Annan’s bulge as he was work-
Macalester, Annan joined the school’ s Pen15 club. ing out at the gym.
The club met on a weekly basis and analyzed rare In a recent interview, Annan explained that he
fossils. By his junior year, Annan was appointed the had no regrets about ending his career in politics. He
club’s honorary head. A former club member notes stated, “Are you kidding me? I get paid to fuck! This is
“Kofi loved holding bones.” way better than a Nobel Prize!” Annan’s first adult film,
After his graduation from Macalester College, An- “Hot Cup of Kofi” received rave reviews and
nan started working at Jimmy’s Meat Shop—a hot was soon followed by a sequel, “Secretary Genital.”
dog restaurant in Annan’s hometown. “Kofi enjoyed There is no news about when his next
serving people sausages,” says his former boss, who film will be released, but it is clear that Kofi Annan
went on to say: “He worked so quickly and efficiently, is doing big things.
people who saw him running around the restaurant
wondered if he had a third leg.” Kofi was promoted
to cashier, but was fired shortly after when his boss
accused him of sneaking a roll of quarters into his
Following this job, Kofi worked briefly as a pilot for
Delta Airlines. He had many great experiences in the
Kofi’s Favorite
cockpit, and became skilled at handling multiple rud-
ders at the same time, making him the airline’s first
choice for maneuvering giant vessels. However after

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume 4.issue2

Students vow to ‘go harder, bet-

ter” for New Year’s resolution
By Brad “T-Bone” Tyson

New year’s resolutions: a source of great Even those who don’t know what the fuck has managed to stay true to their promise of
consternation and frustration when one in- Pervo was referring too were impressed by the going real fucking hard in the new semester.
evitably fails to hold up the sacred pact with bold accord struck by the fine young men at Time will only tell, however, if they will be
themselves, got a new, hip shot in the arm approximately 12:01 am, January 1st, 2011. able to keep up this miraculous run at glory,
when a group of freshman promised to “go “These guys are legends, and the semes- as the semester drags on parties tend to get
hard. Real real hard in 2011.” ter has barely even begun,” squeaked campus lamer, school work piles up, and Kagin dances
“Usually people do something dumb, like caterpillar enthusiast/dork Clark Bean. “I saw are rented out for the old folks Polka Dance-
a diet or sit ups or being more tolerant of other them at a Kagin dance, and Jimmy was totally stravaganza. One thing that may give them
cultures,” mused Dupre six resident Jimmy St. motor boating this senior, right on the stage! hope, however, is the fact that spring and all
Francis. “Me and a couple of the bros said, ‘fuck The illest (illest, really Clark? This is why kids her blessed sunshine and flowers are right
that,’ let’s go harder than any other fuckers ever knock your tray out of your hands in CaféMac. around the corner.
to step foot on this campus.” Loser. ) part of the whole thing was that he “Totally, bro,” Jimmy concurs. “I can’t wait
Bold words from a bold man. Indeed, it passed out right there, in the crevice of her for spring so I can wear board shorts and flip
seems often that students at Macalester prom- breasts! Me and the gang (aka just Clark. Why flops,” he says, though currently wearing board
ise to start the semester with a new declaration does this kid suck so much?) were chanting shorts and flip flops in a windshield of nega-
of going out every weekend, increasing alcohol Jimmy! Jimmy! Jimmy! Man, those were the tive eight outside of Dupre.
consumption, and making friends who may or times.” “The most important thing is staying
may not want to engage in sexual intercourse Even the staff has noticed the effects, true to yourself, cause that’s what a New Year’s
with them. How then, the question might go, morally and academically, Jimmy and the resolutions are all about” he says, pounding his
does Jimmy and his elite group of comrades gang have had in class post-resolution. His- fist where he thinks his heart might be. “And
plan to bring their plan to fruition? tory of Incan Counter-Culture professor Kent getting tons of that pooty tang too.”
Dave Pervo thinks he may be on to some- Brocklin went even further in his praise for this Rock on Jimmy. Rock on.
thing. “I’m just gonna wear a condom at all spunky up and comer. “Dan. You know this kid
times so I’m literally down to fuck whenevs Dan? Well he’s friends with Jimmy so you know
and whatevs.” he’s a giant bad ass. Anyways, I caught him in
“And yes, my penis is hard at all times.” the back of my class the other day getting a
A stunning revelation. And Pervo wasn’t hand job from this chick.” Brocklin then took a
done there. “Also, imma try and get a girl to moment to remove his glasses, wipe a tear of
hook up with me at eleven, so I can does my laughter from his face, and compose himself.
thing, drink again, and be back out at a party “All I could do was shake my head and laugh,
by twelve or twelve thirty. And then hook up cause the kid just goes so fucking hard all the
with another girl at two. And then three. And time. It’s unbelievable. I don’t know how he
then I’m gonna take a nap and watch a few does it. Plus the chick was straight banging,
episodes of Entourage and then take a couple easily an 8.5.”
shots, go to brunch, and find a new girl. It appears that up to this point, the group

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume 4.issue2

Men’s Lacrosse Team Loses Game, Wins Hearts

[Mel Kiper Jr Jr. Sr.]

On Tuesday the Macalester men’s lacrosse team up.” On Tuesday, all that hard work seemed to pay
played Carleton at Northfield. Despite the terrible off.
playing conditions, the Scots looked great out on Goalie Elliot Browning, ’12, told us after the game
the field, giving high fives and ass slaps to both their that “Walking out on the field was really tough- I
teammates and their opponents. Referee Erik Jorg- knew we’d have to really keep our heads in the game
ersson said of the Mac players, “they were by far the to make sure we kept out spirits up. We got to Car-
worst lacrosse team I’ve ever seen, but, by god, they leton and saw how nice those guys were. And not
sure as hell were great sports!” only were they polite and well mannered, but they
looked like the pantheon of Norse gods, sent down
to Minnesota. They just played like demigods out on
the field and at the post-game handshakes, they were
like Nobel Laureates. After they sent Bobby [forward
Robert Sussman, ‘13] to the hospital, it took all of our
practice to come in and give the Knights [Carleton
men’s lacrosse team] a big group hug.”
Sussman left in the 10th minute after a particularly
vicious check from Knight defender Alex Knollerson-
velt, ’13. “The Knights were real bastards, but it paid
off. Our spirit was so much more genuine when blood
was streaming down our faces” said Nussbaum. The
Scots are currently in 31st place, trailing the Ramsey
Junior High Lemonsquares, who are themselves re-
“They were pathetic… like an abused puppy that nowned for their cordial and humble demeanor. But
keeps coming back for another kick,” said spectator according to, the team
Diana Patterson. “I thought they were going to play is number 2 in the national sportsmanship rankings,
Lacrosse but instead they just wanted to play house. right after the Brown University Brownnosers, who
My grandmother would have played better out there.” have been undefeated 70 years straight.
But, as Macalester students know, winning isn’t ev- “I’ve never seen anything like it!” said Carleton stu-
erything. And the men’s team proved that with their dent and spectator Alyssa Knefellfeller. “We [Carleton]
terrific sportsmanship and school spirit, somehow just kept on scoring, and scoring, and scoring! We
managing to bring all five pillars of Macalester onto sent one of their players to the hospital with a concus-
the field—including global citizenship and academic sion, we checked them until they could barely stand,
integrity. “Their dumb cheer ‘Drink tea, wear black; and they just came back after everything and give us
buy organic, GO MAC’ was ridiculous.” spat Patterson high-fives.” Carleton captain Thor Jundusgaaard, ’11,
disgustedly. said, “I have to give those plucky bastards credit! We
Captain Andrew Nussbaum, ’11, told the Hege- kept scoring and they just refused to get upset. After
monocle that he intends to hold practices six days a every goal they congratulated us and complimented
week and make sure to work on sportsmanship, “The us on our technique. They even made a tunnel for
MIAC is a really tough conference, Gustavus and Con- our players to run through after the end of the game.
cordia have really great spirit, and St. Olaf gets orange Wow! What a bunch of idiots!”
slices after every game…and even shares with their
opponents. We knew going into this season that we’d
really have to practice our hand-shaking and lining

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Safewalkers to make campus more dangerous

[andy milonakis]

As many have observed, this semester has wit- • Hereafter, all squirrels will be infected with
nessed a conspicuous expansion of the SafeWalk rabies. SalkWalkers will be the only people on
program. In efforts to increase participation in the campus with the vaccine.
program, the SafeWalk table has received a table- • Macalester will subsidize housing for Saint
cloth, the number of safe walkers per nightly shift has Thomas fraternities within a one-mile radius of
tripled, and the program has advertized its services campus.
on Band-Aid holders. Within SafeWalk, walkers have • The pool will become a habitat for sharks with
been awarded titles of “most responsible safe walker,” lasers on their heads.
“walker with most murders prevented,” and “walker • Safe Walkers will exacerbate tensions already
with the least attempts to his/her friends to call Safe- existing rival gangs—think the MacYarn vs. the
Walk so that you can go to a party on Saturday night.” hipsters, the baseball team vs. faceAIDS
Despite efforts to get anyone ever to use this service, • Replace all ice with dry ice.
SafeWalk efforts have proved futile in raising partici- • Students with H1N1 are forced to go to class (re-
pation levels. ally SafeWalk?! 2009 called, they want their virus
Perhaps there’s a problem with the school itself— back!).
it is hard to believe that handing out Band-Aid holders • Portions in Café Mac will be downsized to the
wouldn’t make the student body want people to walk point of total malnutrition.
them from the Leonard Center to Dupre at 11 pm. • A dress code will take effect every night at 9pm
Whatever the issue, expect to see a major shift in the (suspiciously the same time as Safe Walk starts)
program’s trajectory next semester. in which all students will be required to wear only
Manager Jamie Dresher was willing to comment black clothing. The only people with reflective
on the program’s new outlook: “Clearly in the past vests will be Safe Walkers.
there has been little need for this program. What do The Safe Walk program thus asks you to not get
you do when people don’t need something? You cre- a rabies shot in the near future, expand the amount of
ate the need. We are going to make Macalester more black apparel in your wardrobe, dispose of your col-
dangerous than going for a boat ride off the coast of lection of reflector vests, and think twice before using
Somalia.” the school pool.
What she is referring to is SafeWalk’s effort to
make Macalester a more dangerous campus. Here is
what you have to look forward to:

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume 4.issue2

Terry Gorman loses moustache, all power

Kathy, Asian Station

Head of Campus Security Terry Gorman had a doesn’t even have sideburns,” sighed Junior Steven But-
shocking revelation last Thursday when the loss of terfield, “How are we supposed to feel safe?”
his beloved moustache rendered him completely Another student. Sophomore Buzzy Erikson, who
powerless. Gorman, who shaved as part of an under- recently had a run in with Gorman, said, “that baby-
cover sting-operation in Dupre, found that without face tried to give me a write-up last weekend, it was
his moustache people either didn’t recognize him or adorable.” Gorman’s current lack of what he calls his
outright disrespected him. When asked about the “upper lip amigo” has actually led to a lapse in campus
event, Gorman seemed to be making peace with his security, and a potential crisis as small children have
newfound standing in the community, “I get it,” Gor- been running rampant on Macalester’s campus. “Terry
man said, “running a campus security team comes with Gorman used to keep all these kids off campus, now
certain responsibilities, awesome facial hair being the they won’t even listen to him. It’s really awful, I mean
most important one of them. I’m sorry for letting every- fuck, don’t these kids have parents?” said President
one down.” Brian Rosenberg in an official statement regarding the
Students and faculty alike were dumbfounded catastrophe
when shown pictures of the clean-shaven security Terry Gorman has taken on a strict diet of red meat
chief. “I saw that hairless muthafucka on campus last and potato purees in an attempt to rapidly re-grow his
week, I think he’s someone’s dad or something. He moustache and hopefully save campus from recent
looked like such a little school yard bitch with his bare string of incidents that include, but are not limited to:
upper lip. I just started verbally abusing him fromn Godzilla attack, impregnantion of every man on cam-
a safe distance,” said Dan Ramos, a Political Science pus, wheat pizza being served at every station in Cafe
professor. When told that the man in the picture was Mac, the releasing of the Kraken into Riley pool, the
in fact the head of Macalester security most seemed long expected return of Jesus, and someone fucking
to be either surprised or terrified, “Jesus Christ, that guy forgot to refill the hand sanitizer dispenser on Turck 1.

Tom Selleck’s moustache is a more Salvador Dali : painter and flowered Hulk Hogan’s moustache won Terry Gorman is just one in
well-known actor than the face it is moustache man. more fights than he did. I mean, a long line of power mous-
attached to. look at it. taches.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume 4.issue2

Unsustainability Club Causes Panic on Campus

with Violent, Non-Reusable Agenda
-BIll Nye, the Science Guy
Two weeks ago “ The Unsustainability Club” became an One of the clubs first controversial acts was the burning
officially chartered organization at Macalester. Since then, of Markim Hall. The club heaved Molotov cocktails made
the organization has wrought havoc on the Macalester cam- of imported Russian vodka at the Institute of Global Citizen-
pus. The chartering of the organization was controversial, ship, burning it to the ground within a matter of hours. “I
but president Brian “ Pabst Blue Ribbon” Rosenberg said, was a little disappointed with the burning of Markim Hall” ,
“ After Mac Cousins of the Confederacy, Macalester Anti- said Steven, “ None of the students really cared and the fire
Semites, Caucasian Culture Appreciation, and Mac GOP department didn’ t even show up. The next day, most of the
became clubs, it was hard for us to say no.” students didn’ t even realize it was gone.”
For the past two weeks the club has been fervent in Most affected by the burning of Markim Hall were Ma-
their activity on campus, but president of the club Red “ calester tour guides. A representative from their camp re-
The People’ s Champ” Steven claims the organization has leased a statement saying, “Although we really loved show-
actually been active for years. ing that shit off to prospies, its
“We couldn’t really charter the time we all moved on.”
club until this year. There were Tour guides aren’ t the only
some technical difficulties, but members of the community react-
you know that windmill? Yep, ing to the groups’ controversial
that was us secretly lobbying to acts. Self- proclaimed King of
the administration.” The install- the Hipsters Momba “ Numba”
ment of the windmill is one of Phive said, “ I really like what
the most ingenious acts by any Red and his club are doing. Be-
anti-green club in America. The ing unsustainable is pretty cutting
windmill continues to eat up the edge and original stuff. I think
college’ s resources; installation unsustainability will be really big
totalling $5 million, and an ad- in about five years.” And that’ s
ditional 1 million gypsy tears a why Momba isn’ t wasting any
year for upkeep. Steven then said, This baby seal will die a horrible death by bludgeoning time. Apparently His Majesty has
“It will take a whole epoch of the windmill functioning at already converted his home to be purely powered by coal.
full capacity to regain the energy it took to transport it here” But what lies in wait for the Unsustainability Club? “I’
. ve got plans,” said Steven, “Hopefully Mac can get rid of all
Despite having a first name for a last name, Red Steven renewable energy and be completely dependent on Martian
seems to be a president with a mission. He told reporters, “ oil by 2015, but I’ m just a dreamer...I also would like to see
We have been really inspired by the work of Egyptian Presi- all males on campus start masturbating into Styrofoam cups
dent Hosni Mubarak. He seems like a really cool guy, and I and using baby seal oil as lubricant. You know how many
think I speak for everyone in the club when I say we want to Styrofoam cups this campus would go through in a week
hang out with that dude.” Steven told reporters that in addi- and how many baby seals we could kill?” Steven said other
tion to Mubarak, there have been other major world figures Unsustainability sponsored events will include Triple Tray
that have been role models for himself and the club. “We are Thursdays and a petting zoo with a cow that only eats bur-
hoping to bring some off-campus polluters to come and talk ritos. “Bovice is kind of our club mascot. He eats a trough of
to students in the upcoming weeks. Hopefully, Looten Plun- burritos everyday and releases his wonderful gases into the
der will be speaking to students soon. His suave demeanor world.” Neeless to say, the club seems to be prospering and
has really pissed off Captain Planet for a while, and we re- will active in the Mac community for years to come.
ally like that.” Steven then added, “If we get really lucky, BP
CEO Robert Dudley will be speaking to students on how they
can make their presence known in costal communities.”

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2



COBB (Leonardo DiCaprio)

I think we just entered the twenty-seventh level of the dream. I hear at this level whole
years can go by in the time it takes Ellen Page to make a snappy remark
ARTHUR (Joseph Gordon-Levitt)
Ok,seriously, we are now this far down in a Leo DiCaprio subconscious and have yet to see
any dude on dude action. I don’t buy it
EAMES (Tom Hardy)
Yea, I lost track twelve levels back when we were inside the dog’s dream for the second
Why did we do that again, this is so confusing?
I figured as long as we were doing this I wold try and teach my dog to shake hands. (spooky
voice) oooooh Inception.
Is it normal I always have morning wood after we do this? Sometimes we have to run away from
the people chasing Cobb, and that just makes it harder.
Wait! I thought we were just dreaming all the times we had to do that. Then we woke up and
got eggs and they gave me ham instead of bacon.
At this point do you just think every time you wake up your coming out of a dream
Do you realize how little sense that makes.
Hey, leave me alone. My wife died remember. (pause) motion!
I was going to say something about that. What did she do again? She killed herself and
you for that, and she appears every few minutes regardless of whose dream we are in to try
kill us. I’m sorry dude, but I got say your wife is kind of a B.
Yea total B man. Have you considered boning Juno?
Fuck you guys, that’s the emotional center of the film. I keep her in an elevator for god
sake. I can’t let go.
God my life is so weird. Like that Jim Carey movie where he was serious.
The Number 23?
That wasn’t a comedy?
You mean Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I couldn’t understand why Jim Carey got his
erased. Wouldn’t it just be simpler and cheaper to just get over her.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

All the drama in that movie was just derived from the convoluted and overcomplicated plot.
Truth. Fuck that movie.
A WOMAN appears holding a gun.
Shit its Cobb’s wife. Run (The men run. They hide behind a DENNY’S)
(peers into the window) Five for Five! Now that is a dream come true.
Ok fuck this shit, are you that essential? Like do we really need to take you on every mis-
sion even though your evil wife avatar fucks shit up seemingly without fail ever single
Sorry, she is just a manifestation of my crippling guilt
You shouldn’t feel that guilty. At least you were never in G.I Joe the movie(pause)
BURN! Jospeh Gordon Levit burn! (COBB and EAMES high five)
Hey. A girls gota eat. Anyway where are we besides behind a Denny’s
Are we maybe inside Tom Hanks dream. I feel like we would go there to try to inception him
into giving us a Oscar. (look around) Yea, that’s where we are
(The THREE MEN look around. They are on 1950s movie set, the cameras are pointed at a civil
war camp, with men in confederate uniforms sitting around a camp fire. Suddenly there is a
CRASH and a boom mike falls into the 50s movie set, showing there is a larger modern move
set behind it.)
Oh man, this is a dream about someone filming a period piece about filming a period piece.
This has got to be Hanks
and HBOs wet dream
Look at the chair legs, and the shoelaces. So realistic!
Well let’s get on with it, I think I hear Edith Piaf. (EAMES walks over to HANKS)
Hey Mr. Hanks, give us an Oscar
Sure, no problem.
Inception! (The three men high five.)
Now let’s get out of here before something else happens. I hear the Denny’s in Tom Hank’s
dream is open for another hour. (A giant title wave of pee careens towards them)
God damn it, did someone put my hand in warm water again?
(Fade Out)

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Why Having Sex with Animals Should

be Socially Acceptable [Jane Goodall]
You can’t deny the occasional fantasies you’ve had about various rendezvous with our fellow four legged… or no
legged friends. A couple animals that would definitely fit the bill for a sexy roll in the hay would be:

Slugs are hermaphrodites and have both sex organs… so we’re basically on our way to a threesome. Hallelujah!
As an added plus, the trail of slime that the slug leaves behind is excellent lube for all your sexual needs with no
added cost!

Pigs are one of a few species (other than us humans) that are proven to have sex for pleasure…. Rolling around in
the mud with one of these pink beauties could get real dirty. In more ways than one.

Ever wanted to get a baaaaad ass blowjob? Now you can. Imagine your dick being sucked by a goat, with the little
hairs on her chin brushing up against you. Hot.

First of all, porcupines are horny as fuck. On several occasions, female porcupines have been seen using a stick as
a dildo to satisfy themselves. If that isn’t a cry for help, I don’t know what is! They could really use our assistance to
help get them off. I mean a stick? Now that’s just pathetic.

Dolphins are known to engage in intense sexual play before intercourse, if you’ve never experienced underwater
role-play, I’d say now is the time! In addition, as dolphins grow old they tend to turn bisexual, so if that’s your cup
of tea, then make sure she’s good and aged before you strike.

It is proven that some female penguins will sell themselves in exchange for pebbles. Now tell me that isn’t cheap
compared to the other hookers you’ve paid. Just go outside pick up a few rocks and toss them at your nearest
penguin. Make sure to ask her about her past, I hear emperor penguins have herpes going around and that shit
mixed up with penguin feathers isn’t a pretty sight.

Honestly, if I don’t have you convinced by now to get nasty with the
nearest newt or do the dirty with your dog then you can go back to your kind.
But I’m warning you, if you want an easy and enjoyable bang sesh, humans are
most definitely not the answer.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Dinosaurs Found Alive, Dinosaurs Class Now Irrelevant

[Charles Barkley]

Course GEOL-101, commonly known as Dinosaurs, course segment “Raptors,” velociraptors learned to open
has long been viewed as an essential part of the Macal- doors to find food. Actual observation of dinosaurs in
ester liberal arts curriculum. It’s course description de- their natural habitat has proven this to be false. Instead,
scribes it as “a class for people who will never get laid to velocirapots are characterized by their love of breaking
gather and learn about these magnificent, totally fuck- out a Little Mermarid blanket and catching some sun on
ing awesome beasts which lived a really long time ago Kagin lawn during a nice spring day.
and are never going to exist again.” The class is divided “This is terrible, just terrible,” said Geology major Sar-
into three parts: an analysis of dinosaur poop, discussion ah Softrock, ’11. “I wrote my entire Capstone about how
of heternomative dinosaur behavior and Tyrannosaurus raptors learned to open doors. I never even considered
hegemony, and repeated screenings of Jurassic Park I there lacks of thumbs.”
and II, but not III, because that one was unrealistic. Many students have been very disappointed by the
However, Harvard Palyontoglo—Paleontogol—Pa- new revelations that much of what they learned was
leontolog—fuck it—Harvard people who study dino- wrong. “If babesaurus smutticus isn’t an actual dino-
saurs, have announced a new discovery deep in the saur, then what have I been beating it to all these years
jungles of South America. In the northern highlands of (probably Gary Busey)?” asked a very confused David
Brazuguayistan, a previously unknown area somehow Clawpitt, ’12, who took the class in the fall of his fresh-
passed over by Google Earth, there are living, breathing man year.
dinosaurs. Perhaps the greatest blow to the Dinosaurs class
The Harvard pale©ntologists first reported their find- comes from the surprise that neither Jurassic Park I nor
ings in the journal GQ in late 2010, though widespread II were accurate at all regarding dinosaur behavior. In
attention only came later when Steven Spielberg an- a surprising turn of events, the once-lambasted docu-
nounced he was going to make a Jurassic Park IV. The mentary series “The Land Before Time” is now believed
reaction at Macalester, especially in the Geology depart- to have been largely accurate in its depiction of dino-
ment and Dinosaur classes, has been muted. saurs.
“Most students at Macalester already know that God The Macalester Geology department has since de-
created dinosaurs 6,000 years ago on the Fourth Day, so cided to stop offering Dinosaurs as a class, and instead
this just proves it,” said sociology major Frankie Everett, students can take GEOL-101B, Planets of Star Wars, be-
’14. “God for the win, no biggie,” he added. cause there is no way they can fuck that one up.
Whether or not the omnipotent deity worshipped
in some incarnation by billions of people across millen-
nia is in fact winning is a separate issue, however. What
the Harvard paleontoglogists did discover is that actual
dinosaur behavior is quite different from what Macal-
ester’s Dinosaurs class taught. For instance, rather than
being the autocratic ruler of a dinotatorship, Tyranno-
saurus Rex was actually a figurehead atop of a vibrant
multi-party dinosaurian democracy, and the Stegosaurs
was into only open relationships.
“Everything we thought we knew is wrong,” said Kar-
en Jackson, ’11, the Dinosaur preceptor, “I don’t know
what to think anymore. Who am I?”
Other once-sacred tenets of the Dinosaurs class have Despite half of her life’s studies becoming obsolete, Kristi
also proven false. For instance, as students learn in the loves a good dino hug.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Dr. Professor’s Homework Help

Dr. Professor

Welcome to the Homework Helper column, my dear around trying to remember chemistry when you can
Macalester family. Yes, I just referred to you all as my be out there living it! The world is full of Bonds and
family. Not that you are actually my dear loved ones. Sean Connery was just one, though he truly was the
Why would I ever insinuate such a thing? best.

No, not a rhetorical question, though you may well -Dr. Professor.
have misinterpreted those words with a dash of sar-
casm at first sight. So why would I call you my family? My Darling Doctor,
The likely answer is that, as a result of a fall on this
infernal ice that is plaguing the entire universe of late, The time has come for me to apply to grad schools.
I have been on a delightful cocktail of painkillers until I took a class with you freshmen year (when you still
my broken bones have knit themselves back together taught classes), and I was wondering if you’d consider
like a sweater of support writing a recommendation for me? I
and love for the structure remember the way that you would look
of my body. So in the spirit at me across the classroom – maybe if
of warmth and prescription you help me make my dreams come
medication, I’ll field some of true, I can help you with yours… [winks
your brainless inquiries now. enticingly]

Dear Dr. Professor, -Baby Blue Eyes

I’m kind of struggling in my Eyes,

Organic Chemistry class right
now. Everyone tells me this How fascinating that you think I would
is simple, but I’ve yet to hear an explanation that really be interested in something like that. If I look at my stu-
gelled with my way of understanding – what is the dif- dents with anything besides mild ennui, it is solely to
ference between a benzene ring and a cyclohexane? convey the image that I am invested in their education.
If you want to help me make my “dreams come true,”
-Chemisery you’ll get into a grad school based on your own merits
or you’ll give up and let a real scholar take your spot.
My good Sir,
I’m pleased to see that you, unlike so many out there,
actually waste my time with proper academic ques- Dear Doctor,
tions. Though somewhat trivial, your question displays
a burning pursuit of knowledge, and I appreciate this Why was this winter so goddamned cold?
trivial pursuit.
-Worried Minn-ice-snow-tan
When categorizing these chemicals, you have to
pay close attention to the details. Call in 007, because
it’s all about the ‘bonds’ – what bonds to what and in
what quantity. I personally favor the mantra Christianos
ad leones, which is Latin for ‘seize the day!’ Don’t sit
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2


I think a better question is who are you? What makes you think that I have an explanation for the random fluc-
tuations and inconsistencies in the Earth’s dear atmosphere that cause seasons to differ by the year? Do I look like
an expert on the warming of the globe? Do you mistake me for some kind of Al Gore figure who delivers elabo-
rate presentations in front of movie cameras and packages them as feature length films, tricking audiences into
thinking they are awaiting some blockbuster experience? Did I lure you into a movie theatre and make you sit
through 100 minutes of green hippie-evangelism that frankly made my popcorn stale?

Or do I resemble some kind of string theoretician perhaps? Do I walk around with unkempt hair wearing
tweed jackets and thick glasses, spouting ideas and theorems that few people, if any, besides myself can compre-
hend? Do I place myself on some insanely high pedestal that makes the rest of humanity appear to be nothing
but bugs crawling around my ankles!?

Yes I do, and the simple answer to your question is spiders.

-The good Doctor

Good Sir,

I write this directed at your reading audience – are you all blind? I for one am tired of this man using his column
as an opportunity simply to sing his own praises. If he toots his own horn any louder, he’ll pass out! I want to see
some real answers to our questions. Is it too much to ask for a little respect?

-Somewhat Peeved

Peeve McQueen,

You have the gumption – the downright nerve – to come into my house and spread such unflattering rumors
about me? I’ve got a mind to alert the proper authorities! Your mother and I have been doing my damndest to
raise a productive member of society and this is how you thank her?

That takes some guts, kid. If you still want the job, it’s yours. Otherwise have the receptionist give you a sand-
wich on the way out. He makes one hell of a Reuben.

Well, that’s about all the questions I can bear to stay awake to answer. Get better all of you and don’t go outside
ever. Wheaties-The Breakfast of Champions.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

A report from SAC

[gary coleman, president]

True Blood. Buffy The Vampire Slayer. The Vampire Dia- er way of describ-
ries. Twilight. These days, society is bombarded with im- ing its coat than
ages of the sexy supernatural. More and more, the me- to say it’s patchy
dia is cashing in on images of scantily clad bloodsuckers and crawling with
and shape shifters. We are told that to have one’s bones goat lice (except
chilled by the touch of a vampire is erotic, that to be for its pubic hair,
in the presence of a dangerous lycanthrope is a sexu- which it carefully
ally thrilling experience. While this new trend is cer- trims into the
tainly good news for proponents of more “traditional” shape of a heart.
and “popular” monsters like werewolves and vampires, And also crawling
it obscures the sublime sexiness of a lesser-known mon- with lice). Ow Ow!
strosity, namely the Mexican Goat-Sucker, or simply, the Does anybody
Chupacabra. What is so sexy about a Chupacabra? I’m else here have an
glad I asked! I’d like to start by describing the facial fea- erection… Or should I say erections? No, I shouldn’t, be-
ture of the Chupacabra. First, the Chupacabra has strik- cause I only have one penis. Male chupacabras, on the
ing eyes. Bright yellow, with exaggerated bloody red other hand, have anywhere between three and seven
veins. Additionally, it has an extra skin on its eyes to pro- penises, each of which is retractable. While I’m aware
tect it from goat furs. ¡Que Caliente! Also, it doesn’t have that not everyone is as (sexually) into the idea of mul-
a nose. If that’s not a turn-on (or boner-on, if you will), tiple penises as I am, I think that we can all agree that
I don’t know what is! Of course, it would be impossible when you add the feature of retractability, it really is an
to discuss the sublime seductiveness of the Chupacabra alluring image. Well, that’s all I got. If you aren’t incredibly
without a description of its tongue… Or should I say turned on right now, then I don’t know what to tell ya.
tongues! I should, because a Chupacabra actually has 3 So get out there, find yourself a Chupacabra, and make
tongues. Can you imagine a Chupacabra licking carcass some half-Chupacabra, half-human babies. They’ll be
blood off your body… I know I can! adorable, I tell ya!
Next, on to the fur of the Chupacabra. I know no oth-
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Godzilla Ruins Another Blind Date


11pm Friday night- - -

Sitting alone in his

studio apartment, Godzilla,
the giant radioactive lizard
that has wreaked havoc upon
both Tokyo and New York,
watches Maid in Manhattan and
wonders if he will ever find
true love like J-Lo. He has
just returned from another
botched blind date, the sixth
one this year alone. As he
pours himself another cup
of chai and opens another
package of bon-bons, he tries
to understand how he could Godzilla eats his feelings with the help of friends Ben and Jerry.
of possibly crushed the
waiter with his giant lizard foot. watching his favorite shows, like
This is not the first time that this Grey’s Anatomy. Thats just not the
radioactive monstrosity has utterly Godzilla I know.”
trashed his romantic prospects as if Moth-Ra, a good friend and
they were city buildings. Of course Godzilla’s wingman (get it?) has
there is the notorious incident expressed frustration. “Every
where Godzilla accidently burned to weekend I convince one of my friends
death Carla’s mother, a well known to go on the date with the poor
first date faux-pas. Then that one guy. And while I am a lady’s moth,
time where he let that off-hand I don’t think I can keep coming
anti-semitic remark slip. How was up with girls. He is starting to
he supposed to know that Sarah was develop a reputation”.
Jewish? At press time Godzilla was
Godzilla’s friends and family trying to numb his feelings by
are starting to get worried. His eating many tubs of Cherry Garcia
brother, Chris Bosh said, “You and Chunky Monkey flavored Ben and
know after the infamous date with Jerry’s Ice Cream. “At least I am
Jessica, Godzilla just hasn’t not stress eating people”, said the
been the same. He hasn’t massacred horrific monstrosity, “Humans go
thousands of city dwellers or right my to my thighs.”
stomped on a city block for almost
a whole year. He is not keeping up
with his rent and has even stopped

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Mac Embraces Bottle History Month

[Poseidon Jones]

It is generally agreed upon that August, besides • Anyone caught complaining about the taste
having 31 days, unlike those pussy months with of tap water will be called a bitch and mocked by
only 30 days, pretty much has nothing going for Sustainability Office workers, then added to the
it besides the History of Bottles. Mac’s observance greenlist
of Bottle History Month has made public the long • Tap water must never exceed lukewarm tem-
fight of America’s reusable water bottle population perature, in order to save energy on heating and
for dominance in public hydration. cooling. Violators will be added to the greenlist.
America’s population of reusable water bottles • All water consumed by students shall have a
has long suffered due to a vast influx of cheap, dis- thick consistency and aftertaste.
posable plastics; billions of immigrants have been • Students shall consider themselves lucky that
brought in bulk from of Fiji, Kirkland, and Poland, they do not live near the East River.
and have taken jobs away from green-blooded, • Metals in water are no big deal.
native-built water carriers. The reusable commu- • The Sustainability Officers reserves the right to
nity has long suffered indignities at the hands of call students on the greenlist into a meeting of the
the spring water moguls and their foreign laborers. Macalester Un-Green Activities Committee.
Even to this day, fountains that serve tap water go
un-cleaned near bathrooms, while bottled water re- Students have responded to the changes by
ceives a place of honor, and NYC’s East River is rife not giving a shit. One student said: “I already have a
with gonorrhea. Bottle History Month was created to 50-pack at home. I don’t give a fuuuuuuuuck. I use
commemorate those who fought for bottle justice, about 14 a day just washing my hands and gargling
people such as: Ernst J. Camelbak, militant founder in the morning. The rest I use to wash my nads
of the United Plastics; Richard Nalgene III, proud and, occasionally, I pour water out my window to
piss bottle of Neil Armstrong and the first bottle to help that big tree that provides me with important
the moon; and E.M.S. Longrod, the BPA-leaching shade during the four days a year that its warm out.”
freedom fighter who delivered a legendary speech Most see the new power of the Sustainability Of-
in little Tommy’s Kitchen. He had a dream for a fu- fice as something Orwellian, however much such
ture with only tap water, free of high-browed water an abused term means. Meanwhile, cultural orgs
bottles.While many students supported the new- in support of immigrant rights have stepped up
comers, even employing up to 48 at a time through on their support of the Kirk, Fijian and Polish bottle
Costco, the school has taken steps to secure its bor- populations in America, chalking up sidewalks and
der, and aid the tap water movement in delivering painting on the rock a complete list of every tribu-
students water with more mercury and lead. tary coming off of the Mississippi.
• Effective immediately, all Macalester students
will be required to submit to a pat-down when re-
turning to campus from any supermarket, to pre-
vent bottle trafficking.
• Anyone found with bottled water will be
charged with possession of illegal water, and de-
ported to Kirkland or Poland along with the offend-
ing bottles (Fiji’s too nice).

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

IGC Newsletter
[brian williams]

After more than fifty possible candidates and nine and get us to want him, but after reading some of his
months of speculation, the Institute for Global Citizen- thoughts on transnational labor movements in Latin
ship has a new Dean. In a move that surprised some, America and the impurity of Western blood, it became
the IGC search committee announced that Osama bin pretty clear to everyone involved that this was our
Laden will be taking over for Ahmed I. Samatar in the fall guy”.
as Dean of the Institute for Global Citizenship. Bin Lad- The Macalester student body has responded
en, an alumni of the King Abdulaziz University in Saudi with cautious optimism and the thought of such a new
Arabia, was seen as an underdog from the beginning perspective playing a major role on campus.
due to a lack of recent publications in major academic “I strongly disagree with his stance on the annexa-
journals and his masterminding of the 9/11 terrorist at- tion of the Shaba Farms region by Israel,” said Jon Alder-
tacks. men ’13, “but other than that I’m
However, to those familiar willing to listen to what he has to
with the committees decision say and am excited to have him
process, this move may ap- on campus”.
pear less surprising. Others were slightly less en-
“We knew from the outset thusiastic. “It’s not as bad as the
at least one member of the time the school took my $6 to
senior Al Qaeda leadership give to MPIRG,” said David Mill-
would be considered. The IGC burn ’11, “but he did kill thou-
has established a consider- sands of innocent Americans. But
able working partnership with then again this is pretty much
them since we began, I mean what I have come to expect from
some of the best work being the Macalester administration”.
done in caves is being done Following the announce-
by these guys” said Paul Rob- ment, future Dean bin Laden ad-
inson, the Chairman of the dressed an audience of nineteen
search committee. students via teleconference from
Other sources confirmed his cave/office on the Afghani-
the committee was impressed by bin Laden’s wide array stan-Pakistan boarder.
of connections in every part of the world, as well as his “I am still slightly unclear about what the purpose
work in third world grass roots organizing. Additionally, of Institute for Global Citizenship is,” said a beaming bin
many on the committee expressed a desire to look out- Laden, “but I have no doubt that over the next few years
side the traditionally closed halls of academia. we will advance towards that goal, whatever it is, with
“We wanted someone with real world experience great determination. Also women shouldn’t be taught
as well as scholarly credentials, someone who has really to read”.
made an impact on the world at large as well as in the When asked whether he worried about capture if he
classroom” said Robinson. were to leave hiding to come to St. Paul bin Laden as-
Mr. bin Laden’s application came via video tape, sured us that no police, military, C.I.A agents, or mutant
Legally Blond style, last spring in a group of packages people hunting monkeys were allowed on Macalester’s
postmarked from the Tora Borah region of Afghanistan, campus without the expressed consent of the college.
most of which contained anthrax meant for student “I guess I better do a good job or else Brian can just call
body president Owen Truesdell. delta force” joked bin Laden, “but seriously, please don’t
“I had to admit,” said President Brian Rosenberg, “I call delta force”.
was not expecting the world’s most wanted man to try
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Inside the Actors Studio

James Lipton: Hello, ladies....and the gentlemen as well. Tonight.....our guest is a renowned physical artist
and showperson. Imagine....if you will....a pool of vomit. It has pieces of Ramen noodles, broccoli, and
Sour Patch Kids in it. Now.....further imagine..if that vomit became living tissue.....blood....organs.... and
bones. And that it began to murder members of the National Football League....... It would succeed in
killing all....but one of its prey......... When it would approach our guest would be bedazzled,
entranced, and his glorious manners. It would proceed to and shrivel....and...die. Our
guest.....the ghost of Christmas now.....Chad Ochocinco.
* Enter Ochocinco. Crowd cheers *
James Lipton: Shut your mouths. He is here tonight
to tell the chosen..watching their television screen....
the wonders of his collection of newly released mu-
siclays......simultaneously musicals.....and plays.......
at the same....precise....time. don’t
mind if I call you that do you?...Don’t answer that.

Ochocinco: Well James, it came to me after I raced

that horse. I was like, “Damn Chad, you know? You
good enough to be on Broadway.” And I did some
research and I found that they have musicals and
plays, so I decided, so they don’t have to wait for the
musical version and then the play version, I’d invent
the musiclay.
James Lipton: Yes, yes yes yes yes, yes, yes, yes! I
can see it...right in front of me now. Now.....we are graced...with chosen selections...of three of Dr. Cinco’s
musiclays....right before our very bodies. What are they Sir Chadsalot?

Ochocinco: So first we’ve got “Death of a Salesperson”. My character’s Willy Loman, a businessman who
wants his son Biff to be a traveling salesman, but get this: Biff’s is dumb as hell. Here’s how it plays out:
--------------------------------------------------Death of a Salesperson------------------------------------------------
Ochocinco: Man, it sure is tough. All this traveling and stuff.

Biff (to the tune of “Teach Me How To Dougie”): Hey dad, am I gonna be as good a salesman as you?

Ochocinco: Child please! I make change like Barack!!

Biff: But dad, I ain’t got the smarts yous got.

Ochocinco: You damn right son! I could convince a bear to breakdance on ya face! I am really smart!

Biff: Aw, I’m feeling feelings of inadequacy and suppressed self-awareness at this point in the musiclay.

Ochocinco: End scene.

James Lipton: Fuck my eyes that was superb. I am defiling it with my voice. Please Chadililly....speak.

Ochocinco: Yeah so, if you didn’t catch it I was trying to work in some complex themes that I think’ll re-
ally get to the audience. You know, make some bitches cry.
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

James Lipton: Bitches try to front....I just smoke a blunt.

Ochocinco: That’s what I’ve been trying to convey James! I thought it was only me and my dick, Russell
the Love Muscle, that got it but you’re all over this shit Lipton! Yeah, alright! Here’s the next musiclay
called “Romeo or Juliet”. I’m Romeo and in the story Romeo is really into Juliet but,

James Lipton: But what?! Chad con Carne! What is it!

Ochocinco: But, their families don’t like each other a lot.

James Lipton: Another surprise....from Professor...Ocho von Cinco.

Ochocinco (laughing): Oh yeah, you know James, I gotta keep you on your toes man! It’s never as simple
as it looks baby! Aight, so here’s a scene from it:
----------------------------------------------------Jomeo and Ruliet----------------------------------------------------

Juliet (to the tune of “Work It”): O think’st thou we shall ever meet again?

Ochocinco: Bitch please!

James Lipton: Wife....if you are watching....I will require new pants...upon my return. I have lost control of
the nectars of my body.

Ochocinco: Man I have no idea what

James Lipton: Continue!

Ochocinco: Uh okay.... here’s a scene from my final musiclay called “East Side Story”. It’s about two
gangs, the Jets and the Sharks, that just don’t like each other. I’m the leader of the Jets, Tony, and this is a
scene between me and the leader of the Sharks, Bernardo:
------------------------------------------------------East Side Story---------------------------------------------------
Ochocinco: Hey man, fuck you

Bernardo: Hey, I killed your friend, Riff.

Ochocinco (to the tune of “Haterz Everywhere”): Fuckin’ hate your ass right now.

Bernardo: Let’s fight, with knives.

* Scuffle ensues *

Bernardo: Alas! I have been stabbed in the penis!

Ochocinco: Gotcha bitch!

James Lipton: Sir Chadless the VIII.....good actors....touch.....but a few lives...during his or her time on
the sir.............shape the clay of existence......whenever the curtain reveals your presence......
Thank you....and may your days be numbered as the blades of grass.......This concludes our program.....
there will be no questions....Count Chatula is a busy man....we would do best to look in awe....and pray to
the gods of acting that he continues in his solemn duty of changing the musiclay at a time.
spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Squirrel Student Union demands equal rights for Squirrels

[The Famous Jet Jackson]

With the 2011 chasing their tails on the fourth floor library, trying to
Spring Semester well start gang fights with the international kids, and some
underway, the Squir- try to pay their tuition in acorns.”
rel Student Union has With nearly 2500 squirrels living and studying at
announced that it Macalester alone, they actually outnumber the human
hopes to achieve rec- student body already. If squirrels were granted full-time
ognition from Presi- student status, housing in on-campus dorms, work-
dent Brian Rosen- study programs, bestiality, and studying abroad are all
berg and the college issues that would have to be addressed.
administration as Macalester’s policies about sex and sexuality on
full-time and equal campus would also need to be revamped. Proposed
students at Macales- outreach to squirrels includes a Squirrels Reclaim Mas-
ter. Under current rules, Squirrels are allowed to take up culinity student organization and a “Consent is Squirrel”
10 credits per semester and use the commuter student awareness campaign.
meal plan. They are not eligible for financial aid. “I think it’s important that squirrels understand and
Since the start of the 2010 fall semester, the Squirrel practice safe sex, with each other and human students”
Student Union has been circulating a petition among said Heigh Woudd-Jablome, ’11, who is openly and
squirrels and human students alike to gain support. proudly squirrosexual. “They need to feel comfortable
“A lot of the no-tailed giant hamsters look down on with their sexuality, but also use protection.”
us with contempt,” said Squirrel Student Union presi- Other colleges in the area have already begun do-
dent Harry Chestnuts. “We are a proud species with a ing more to make their squirrel student populations feel
long history at Macalester, and such treatment is com- more welcome on campus. In addition to providing
pletely undeserved.” heated oak tree dorms for residential squirrels, the Uni-
To gain signatures, squirrels involved with the pe- versity of Minnesota even has a squirrel fraternity, Kappa
tition would run up to a human and stare at them. If Phi Acorn. The University of St. Thomas is beginning to
the human gave them food or any sort of attention, open its division III sports teams to squirrels, and their
that was counted as a signature. As of February 1st, the football team’s fullback is a large brown squirrel, Reyn-
squirrels had collected more than 13,000 signatures on old P. Oaknocker IV.
the Macalester campus alone. For now, the campaign to make squirrels full-time
Many professors have expressed support for the students at Macalester is backed mostly by the Squir-
squirrel student body, and there are rumors that they rel Student Union, though both People for the Ethical
may push the school to begin offering degrees in squir- Treatment of Animals and Rednecks for the Eating of
rel scent identifcaiotn and post-modern nest building. Tasty Animals have voiced their support.
“I think its about time that squirrels were accepted President Rosenberg has said that he will consider
here as full students. I mean, we already accept vam- implementing the new measures next fall, but warned,
pires,” said human junior Jaime Furstrip, referring to Eco- “if I find that squirrels were the ones who toilet-papered
nomics major Edward Cullenberg, ‘12. my car and office last Halloween, they can forget about
Still, not everyone would welcome full-time student it.”
squirrels to campus.
“There are reasons why we don’t accept squirrels,”
said president Brian Rosenberg. “They are always bath-
ing in the dorm toilets, leaving their nuts everywhere,

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Burrito Night at Café Mac Leads to Gas Leak

This farticle brought to you by the Hot Pocket Foundation

Lock your windows! Close your doors! No open done to campus buildings, and responded by mail-
flames! In a stroke of unsurpassed brilliance, Café Mac ing President Rosenberg a suitcase of assorted $50
employees decided to empty a massive cauldron of and $100 bills. When President Rosenberg stated that
black, red and pinto beans into the ingredients for Mon- throwing money at the problem would hardly help
day night burritos on the South Side of the cafeteria. solve the gas leak, Ruth Stricker Dayton allegedly re-
Looks like that annoying kid in the visor gave everybody sponded by noting that, “at least they have something to
too many beans and not enough wipe their asses with!”
rice again, and the consequences Despite the uproar, a handful of
have been reverberating through- students have attempted to take ad-
out campus for days. At 11:15 AM, vantage of the flatulent circumstances.
CST, the St. Paul Fire Department MacCares began distributing skate-
smelled gas smells coming from boards on Tuesday at noon, encourag-
the Campus Center, the dorms, ing students to utilize natural gas as ae
the library, all academic buildings, means by which to propel themselves
the chapel, the health and wellness to and from class. A candlelight vigil
center, all walkways, benches, local was held in honor of the stranded
businesses, language houses, sports construction workers, as students held
fields, the veggie co-op, and sur- matches to their rear ends and saved
rounding neighborhoods. on the cost of candles. The heating bills
Vibrations from gas incidents for March are expected to decrease
have measured up to 4.6 on the significantly. African Music Ensemble has
Richter scale, and the currently even incorporated the new rhythms
under-construction Music build- into their latest concert set.
ing collapsed on 15 workers. “If Terry Gorman sent a series of fran-
you can’t get us out of here, at tic emails in response to the gas leak
least bring us some food!” one cried from the inside incident. “OH MY GOD, SHIT!” the first one said, which
of a piano. Unfortunately, the decision to distribute the was followed by “LOCK YOUR WINDOWS, FUCK!”
remainder of the beans to the trapped workers gravely Until ordered to do otherwise, students should
exacerbated the situation, as blocks of concrete were report to the bomb shelter located in the gender
seeing flying over the Macalester Groveland community resource center in the basement of Kagin. Fortunately,
not more than half an hour later. the gas leak took place in conjunction with sex positive
The expulsion of gas by the student body has varied week,. As such, butt plugs will be provided.
from machine gun releases to silent but deadly clouds
of lethal fumes. The windows in café mac have been
shattered, and the ya-der-hey tectonic plate underly-
ing Minnesota was shifted several degrees. Many, many,
many, many smokers have combusted as a result of the
gas leak. Within 45 minutes of the initial leakage, Macal-
ester’s student body was void of all smoking hipsters,
leaving a handful of sports teams and the Mac G.O.P.
The board of trustees was notified of the damage

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

The Lonely Planet Guide to Campus Sex: Macalester College


It’s Saturday night. You just met a freshman at the Kagin Dance. She (or he) is wearing a slutty garbage man costume, you’re
hopped up Enrique’s latest single, and you’re looking to move the party to your lofted bunk bed in Dupre. You arrive home,
only to find that your roommate is studying/asleep/passed out in a puddle of her own vomit with her sweatpants on back-
wards. We’ve all been there before. Your bed may be your go-to spot for getting your freak on, but it is not the only or even
the best place for sexytimes on Macalester’s campus. We here at the Hege have conducted exhaustive (and exhausting)
research into the best spots on campus for getting it on. All so that you, dear reader, no longer have to worry about your
roommate and her cock-blocking vom-sweats.

1: The Editing Suites in the HRC

These small rooms on the west side of the Humanities Resource Center are usually used for recording/editing/unleashing
your artsy-hipster-film-nerd. The rooms don’t provide a lot of space or comfort, but they are private, possibly sound proof,
and provide a great way to record and edit your own amateur porno (which you can later submit to the HMCS Department’s
annual video show!). Go later in the day, when the HRC isn’t full of people doing their Chinese homework or printing color
copies of the poster for their band’s latest gig.

2: Art Department
Another artsy choice: the art building. You can start off with a private drawing session with your nude model of choice, then
head upstairs to the Art History lounge, located above the painting studio. There’s a cozy couch, and the lighting is striking
– you’ll get inspired, and get off. Some senior art majors (who haven’t left the building since the middle of their sophomore
year) are natural voyeurs, but probably won’t interrupt – just look out for a life-size screen print of your tryst at the Student
Art Show in the Spring.

3: The Stacks
Don’t roll your eyes just yet. It’s not cliché, it’s
classic. If you’re a Lit major, you can choose the
section with your favorite author; CS majors
might find the Technical Manuals section to
be extra titillating. If you have no bibliographic
preference, we recommend the third floor
– there are fewer people and some noise is al-
lowed, so you won’t have any harried 4th floor
studiers shushing you. Or, grab a friend and a
Chewbacca costume, and act out your favor-
ite Star Wars garbage-disposal fantasy with the
moving shelves in the basement.

4: Carnegie Fire Escape

Okay, hear us out on this one. It’s a beautiful
location – you’re able to look out over the St.
Paul skyline, and if you do it doggie-style (and/
or reach-arounds), both of you can enjoy the
amazing view. However, the site is well moni-
tored by security guards; in our experience, day
visits get squashed by Terry Gorman. Buyou
venture out under the cloak of night, you are
less likely to get stopped/ and or caught.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

But if you venture out under the cloak of night, you are less likely to get stopped/ and or caught.

5: Student Lounge
Endless benefits: Couches and a pool table, post-coital popcorn, and you can check your SPO afterwards.

6: CRSL Kitchen
No one is ever down there, except Joey Mayer during his office hours (but he won’t mind). Also, lots of free food-play options,
and you can do it while your cookies bake.

7: 4th Floor of Old Main

The view is romantic, it’s spacious and comfortable, and it boasts a kitchen with counter space. There’s also a coat closet
where you can hide if Mac Dems decide to hold an impromptu meeting.

8: Library Presentation Practice Room

It’s probably more private than your dorm room: you can lock it from the inside, and not many people know it exists. It has a
sturdy table, and a projector for the IMAX porn experience.

9: The Psych Experiment Labs in Olin-Rice

Private, kinky, but it’s unlikely that either you or your partner will be
able to find them in the maze that is Olin-Rice

10: CC Meeting Rooms

They’re easily accessible, and the blurry glass provides privacy, but
it’s likely that a lost Mac Gaming Society member will walk in on you.
(Which can easily be swung into a hell of an orgy.)

11: The Dupre Smellevator

It takes foreeeeeeever to get to the 5th floor.

12: Locker Room Saunas in the Leonard Center

Probably limited to same-sex couples, and staying in there for extend-
ed periods of time poses a health risk – so don’t exert yourself too

13: The Swings


Wildcard: Dorm Showers

The question of boning in dorm showers sharply divided us. While we
both agree that shower sex in general is A-OK, dorm showers in par-
ticular are a point of contention.

One of our staff writers, who is all about gettin’ down in the damp, cramped confines of communal bathrooms, compiled an
extensive list of pros and cons for each dorm shower, while our other writer had the following perspective to contribute in
regards to dorm shower sex: “It’s icky.”

We’ll leave that decision up to you.

spring.2011 Hegemonocle volume4.issue2

Cause the lists in the hood are always hard...

Articles that Didn’t Make it through the Reason’s Why You are Buying a
Hegemonocle’s rigorous selection process Pistol
Horse Congress Getting Nowhere: Because they
MacBike rode across your lawn one
all say ‘nay’
time too many
MCS Major Murders Friend in a Bowl of Chocolate
Just for funnzies
Syrup For Senior Capstone
If I can’t win this hoola hoop con-
‘H’, ‘M’ and ‘C’ taken out of HMCS major
test, no one can renamed to likelloydvogelalot.
The Redcoats are coming
Your pet Chupacabra escaped again
President Rosenberg cockslaps a penguin at a
recent Kagin Dance
Student bites into famed Macalester Orange,
What other way can you gonna bond
destroys Greenland
with my three year old daughter?
Geography Department confirms that Minnesota
Its an upgrade from your blunderbus
is only Land of Three Lakes.

Corrections: Reader Responses

Last semester’s Hegemono- “Dear Hegemonocle Assholes,
cle featured an article that
complimented Laurie Hamrie. You think you have won, but it is only the be-
The Hegemonocle regrets ginning. I am slowly amassing my army biding
this error. my time, getting ready to bring yo human asses
down. Already I have the support of the salad
Last semester’s Hegemonocle bar, the cereal bowls and even Brandi. Thats
said that the article would right mo’fuckas, Brandi.
self destruct in 10 seconds
when it actually did so in 5. Your fucking worst nightmare,
We regret the loss of many Wheat ‘Ghostface Killah’ Pizza
of our loyal reader’s hands.
Dear Hegemonocle,
We forgot to call our moth-
er. Is it that much of a chore We have feelings too.
just to show her that we
love her? MacGOP
neeed one


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