Modern - Slavery - Supplier - Questionnaire - CORPORACION SEMARK SAC

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Modern slavery

Supplier questionnaire

Under the Modern Slavery Act 2019 (Cth), MMG must prepare a Modern Slavery Statement about
areas of risk in relation to modern slavery practices risk in its operations and supply chain. This
statement will be public.
Modern slavery is used to describe serious exploitation and includes circumstances where a:
 worker cannot refuse or cease work because of coercion, threats or deception; and/or
 worker is deprived of personal freedom.
Engaging in certain conduct such as forced labour and human trafficking is a criminal offence.
MMG is requesting that its suppliers complete this questionnaire so that it can get a better
understanding of its supply chain.
We expect all suppliers to answer this questionnaire honestly and openly.

Question Answer



1 Please confirm your: 20604563594
 Trading name:
 Address:
 Representative(s) that deals
with MMG Ltd or relevant
group entity

2 How long have you been a
supplier to MMG Ltd or relevant
group entity?

3 What type of products / services
does your business provide to
MMG Ltd or relevant group entity?

4 Do you prepare a Modern Slavery Yes No

Statement? [Note, not all entities +
are required under the Act to
prepare a Statement.]

If yes, please attach a copy of

your most recent Statement or
provide it to MMG Ltd or relevant

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Question Answer

group entity once it has been


Supply Chain

5 Do you have your own supply Yes No

If yes, can you please include

details of your supply chain.
For example, what jurisdictions
are your suppliers located in, what
sectors do they operate in and
what type of goods or services do
they provide?

If yes, how well do you know your

supply chain and your suppliers
environmental, social and ethical
For example, are there areas of
your supply chain where there is a
lack of transparency?

If yes, what mechanisms (if any)

do you have in place to oversee
your suppliers and supply chain.
For example, do you receive
periodic compliance certificates
from your suppliers? What type of
auditing has been conducted on
your supply chain?

Policies and practices

6 Does your organisation have a Yes No +

policy or programme aimed at
preventing modern slavery in its
business and supply chain?

If yes, please attach a copy of all

relevant policies or programme to
this questionnaire

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Question Answer

7 Does your organisation have a Yes No +
code of conduct (or similar

If yes, please attach a copy to this


8 Does your organisation participate

in any industry initiatives on ethical
sourcing? Are you a member of
any organisations with
commitments to ethical sourcing?
If yes, please detail.

Modern Slavery Risk

9 Have you taken steps to identify Yes No
the overall risks of modern slavery
in your business and supply

If yes, please provide details.

10 Have you taken steps to identify Yes No
any additional risks of modern
slavery in your business and
supply chain associated with the
COVID-19 pandemic?

If yes, please provide details.

11 What risk management systems (if

any) do you have in place relating
to modern slavery issues?

12 Do you conduct audits of your Yes No +
operations and suppliers in
relation to modern slavery issues?

If yes, please provide details.

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Question Answer

13 Does your organisation have any
policies or procedures to prevent
the following issues?
Have there been any instances or
reports relating to these matters in
the last 3 years?
If so, please give a brief
description below.

Ethical issues in supply chain Yes No + Partial

Forced labour and human Yes No + Partial

Child labour Yes No + Partial

Health and safety Yes No +X Partial

Inhumane treatment Yes No + Partial

Corruption and bribery Yes No + Partial

Migrant workers Yes No + Partial

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Question Answer

Subcontracting Yes No + Partial


Environmental issues in product Yes No + Partial

cycle X

MMG Supplier Code of Conduct

14 Has your organisation Yes No
acknowledged MMG’s Supplier +
Code of Conduct by returning a
signed copy back to us?

15 What steps have you taken or

intend to take to ensure
compliance with MMG’s Supplier
Code of Conduct?

Other comments

16 Is there anything else you want to

For example, about your current
practices, changes that are
underway, any concerns you
might have etc.

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