1 Reflection On New Testament Canon PDF

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Reflection on New Testament Canon

Gemechis Buli

Box Number: 102

Mulatua Yohannes

Understanding the New Testament (BS 503)

Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology

February 28, 2024

Addis Ababa

In Chapter 26 of "An Introduction to the New Testament" by D. A. Carson and Douglas J. Moo,

the authors delve into the historical and theological aspects of the formation of the New

Testament canon. They begin by discussing the evolution of the term "canon" and its

significance as an authoritative list of books. The article then challenges traditional

understandings by examining the relevance of the Old Testament canon in shaping the formation

of the New Testament canon. This exploration highlights the existence of a closed canon of

Scripture, particularly for the Torah and the Prophets, which served as a model for the

development of the New Testament canon.

Throughout the chapter, the authors discuss key turning points in the formation of the New

Testament canon, shedding light on the criteria used for canonicity and the consensus among

early Christian communities. They present a comprehensive overview of the historical

development, raising important theological questions about the authority of the canon. However,

the article lacks a clear structure and depth in its analysis. While it briefly mentions the adoption

of each New Testament book, it fails to incorporate these findings into a cohesive argument.

Furthermore, although the authors acknowledge the contemporary debate on the canon, they do

not engage with opposing viewpoints or provide an extensive exploration of the evidence.

Having read this chapter, I gained a deeper understanding of the complex process involved in the

formation of the New Testament canon, which challenged my prior assumptions. It prompted me

to critically evaluate the evidence and consider diverse perspectives. The chapter emphasized the

historical context, key figures, and criteria used to establish the authoritative books of the New

Testament. It also highlighted the ongoing debates and contemporary approaches to the canon,

encouraging further exploration of scholarship to broaden my knowledge and enhance my

critical thinking skills. Overall, this chapter expanded my understanding of the New Testament

canon and emphasized the importance of examining its formation from multiple angles.

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