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Kylie Moran

Professor Schlesinger

ENG 102

January 29th, 2024

Research Inventory Prewrite

● My earliest memory of conducting research is when I was a little girl and was

curious about things so I went on safari and researched my questions on my

ipad, not in school

● History research projects in elementary school

● Learning how to use a dictionary and search for certain words and their

definitions, in school

● Looking up recipes online to learn how to cook something

● Researching life hacks on social media platforms

● My favorite search engine to find information is usually through social media


● In my psych 101 class we were required to get 4 hours of research as a class

requirement, I participated in two in person studies by answering surveys and I

completed two online questionnaires as this provided information for the

departments research

● I have researched in the library by trying to find books that give me the

information I need in order to complete various assignments

● I have used yelp many times to look up and do my research on good restaurants

to help me decide where to eat

● I have taken various different surveys through out my life especially in school

● I collected research in my stats class by going around the class getting my

classmates votes so that I could use their numbers for my stats equations

● I used youtube to research a tutorial on how to do my math step by step

● I have forgotten to save information while searching. I had to re-do my research

all over again because I did not remember the exact numbers and information

that I needed.

● When I cannot find the information that I need, I typically try various sources and

then I will reach out to my peers and classmates for help and/or my TA or

professor if needed.

● The most time consuming part of conducting research for me is finding a

trustworthy source and then gathering all of the facts that I need.

● My best experience as a researcher is when I am passionate about my research

and I get to learn a bunch of new things

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