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Detailed Lesson Plan in English 7

Prepared by: Marry Joyce A. Anin

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson the students are able to:
1. Determine whether the following listening techniques should be identified as
top-down or bottom-up strategies.
2. Examine and identify whether a top-down or bottom-up listening strategy is
applied in each scenario.
3. Display an understanding by defining the different listening strategies.
II. Subject Matter
Topic References Materials
 Listening Strategies  English Quarter 2 – Module 1:  PowerPoint
(Top-down, Bottom- Using Listening Strategies Presentation
up, Metacognitive) Based on Purpose, Familiarity
with the Topic and Levels of
Difficulty of Short Text Listened
 Strategies for Developing
Listening Skills – The Essentials
of Language Teaching

III. Teaching Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

A. Learning Activities
 Greetings

Good morning, Class!

“Good morning, Ma’am!”
How are you today?
“We are good, Ma’am.”
 Prayer

Let us pray first...

May I ask Rain to lead the prayer?

Let us close our eyes and vow our


Lord, thank you so much for this day. For

all the blessings, love, and care that you
always give to us. We humbly ask for
your forgiveness for the sins we have
committed against your will. We continue
to ask for your guidance and care. Thank
 Classroom Management
you, Lord. These are our prayers we
We should always follow these
humbly thru the name of Jesus Christ,
virtual classroom rules:
Our Lord Savior. Amen.
➔ First, find a quiet place to work or
➔ Second, dress and present
yourself properly.
➔ Third, mute your mic and open
your camera.
➔ Fourth, don’t talk when others are
➔ Fifth, be respectful and kind.
Are we clear, Class?

 Checking of Attendance
“Yes, Ma’am.”
Before we begin our lesson for today,
let us first check the attendance. I divided
you into five groups; each group has a
leader to check the present and absent in
the class. On your screen are your
respective groups. Also, the assigned
leader to check if all members are
All leaders confirmed all are present.
present. Kindly check your members,
dear leaders, and then tell me who is
absent from your group.
B. Review
Class, can you still remember our last
Okay, kindly give us a glimpse, Nick?

C. Presentation
 Motivation
For today’s game, we have Riddles in
the Bowl. Class, remember I divided you
into five groups in attendance. That will
be your group for this game, okay? So, I
have a bowl here filled with riddles that
you have to guess each time I read it to
you. Don’t you worry, there will be clues
for you to guess it right. Okay? You have
to give your best because the group who
answered a lot will have plus points in the
activity after our discussion.

1. The more you take, the more you

leave behind. What am I?

1. Footsteps
2. David's father has three sons:
Snap, Crackle, and _____?
2. David

3. What room do ghosts avoid?

3. Living room

4. What belongs to you, but other

people use it more than you?
4. Your name

5. I am not alive, but I grow; I don't

have lungs, but I need air; I don't
have a mouth, but water kills me.
What am I?
5. Fire

 Discussion

Class, what appeared to your mind

when you were listening to me as I read
the riddles? How did you think of the
answer for those riddles?

Good idea! Okay we will get back to

your answer as we will discover more “I am understanding every word of the
about the use of listening strategies sentence and listening for familiar words
based on purpose, and be familiar with or clues to come up with an answer.”
the topic and levels of difficulty of the
short texts listened.

Everyone needs to be heard; therefore,

everybody needs to listen. One of the
important factors in communication is
listening. To understand each other,
nobody can deny the fact that listening
can be the basis to accept one’s point of
view. Good listener follows certain rules
and instructions that will lead him into a
better future.

Let’s begin with defining listening.

Can you please read the definition,
“Listening is the ability to accurately
Thank you, Justin. So, listening is one of receive and interpret messages in the
the 5 macro skills that we should master. communication process
Listening is the key to all effective (”

Please read what are listening

Listening strategies are tools or activities
that help people understand and
remember what they hear. The way a
listener processes information can be
used to classify listening styles.

These are tools that develop and help us

have a profound understanding of what
we are listening to.

There are different listening strategies to 1. Top-down listening strategies-

make you an active listener and not focuses on the content. Students can
passive. predict the content of listening
activity beforehand and use various
Kindly read it, Gio. materials such as pictures and key
words to understand the meaning.

Thank you, Gio.

In top-down listening strategies, the

listener uses prior knowledge to have an
advanced understanding of the content of
the listening activity.

It includes: Listening for the main idea,

predicting, drawing inferences and “I think when we are asked to listen for
summarizing. information about a certain topic. And
make some predictions about it or a
When do you think top-down listening summary.”
strategies take place in your everyday

Very good!
Top-down Listening Activities includes:
a. Putting a series of pictures or
sequence of events in order.
b. Listening to a conversation and identify
where they take place.
c. Reading information about a topic then
listening to find whether or not the same
points are mentioned.
d. Inferring the relationship between the 2. BOTTOM-UP LISTENING
people involved. STRATEGIES - they are text based.
The listener relies on the language in
Next is bottom-up listening strategies, the message (sounds, words, and
please read it, Jaymar. grammar that creates meaning).

Thank you, Jaymar.

It is a strategy to know about details and

segments. It concentrates on forms and
structure. Thus, the activity is more
related with academic study. Dictation
and listening tests are included in this. In
class, ‘fill in the blank/s activity can
increase students’ awareness of forms.

Bottom-up listening strategies are text-

based, while top-down is listener-based

How about bottom-up listening

strategies? In what instances do you Whenever my mother instructed and
think it takes place? listed the things I had to buy at the

Very good!

Bottom-up Strategies include:

a. Listening for specific details
b. Recognizing cognates
c. Recognizing word-order patter

Kindly read what’s in the next listening Metacognitive Listening Strategies is
strategies. an action that the learner deliberately
takes to enhance comprehension and
oversee and regulate the listening
Thank you. process. They include actions such as:
planning, monitoring, evaluation and
In general, metacognition is thinking problem solving.
about thinking. It is how you process the
action, the application that takes place to
develop your listening comprehension.

Let’s have an exercise regarding our

lesson for today.

D. Application
Direction: Listen and choose the correct
answer in the following questions.

E. Generalization
Let’s wrap up this lesson.

What is top-down listening strategy? “Top-down listening strategy focuses on

content and uses background
How about the bottom-up listening
strategy? “Bottom-up listening strategy relies on the
language in the message to increase the
students’ awareness of the forms and
What is metacognitive listening strategy? structure.”

“It is the general thinking processes of

how to administer deliberate and regulate
Who can differentiate top-down and the listening process.”
bottom-up listening strategies?
“Top-down is more of a listener-based
strategy, while bottom-up is a text-based
Great job, everyone! I hope the next time strategy.”
you listen; you will be able to apply these
listening strategies.

F. Evaluation

DIRECTION: Listen carefully as the
teacher reads the following scenario and
identify whether a top-down or bottom-up
listening strategy is applied in each

1. Teacher Ann instructed her

students to listen carefully about 1. Bottom-up Listening Strategy
the different speech sounds in the
provided audio recording material
and asked her students to find out
the specific differences of the
word’s pronunciation, spelling, and
2. Jay explained the main idea of the 2. Top-down Listening Strategy
short story about Mariang
Makiling. His classmates take
notes while they listen to him.
3. 3. The tour guide discusses how 3. Bottom-up Listening Strategy
you might take your first vacation
to Batanes. You double-check that
you haven't forgotten any vital trip
details or directions.
4. In one of your classes, your 4. Top-down Listening Strategy
teacher asked you to listen to a
pre-recorded conversation and
identify where the conversation
took place. 5. Bottom-up Listening Strategy
5. Your mother instructed you on how
to cook spaghetti; you made sure
to follow the specific procedures
she mentioned.

Direction: Use the downward arrow if
the listening technique is a top-down 1.
strategy and upward arrow if it is bottom- 2.
up strategy. Write your answer in your 3.
English notebook. 4.
____1. Taking down notes 6.
____2. Listening for specific details 7.
____3. Identifying the speaker 8.
____4. Summarizing 9.
____5. Drawing inferences 10.
____6. Recognizing cognates
____7. Recognizing divisions between
____8. Listening for the main idea
____9. Recognizing patterns word-order
____10. Making predictions

G. Assignment
Write FACT if the statement is true and
BLUFF if it isn’t. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
________________1. One of the
purposes of listening is to give advice.
________________2. We listen to grasp
general and specific information.
________________3. Listening requires
us to give opinions.
________________4. In listening, we
learned new words.
________________5. Note taking helps
us remember ideas.

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