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Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 485–492

Original article

Inhibition of cell-wall autolysis and pectin degradation by cations

J. Bernhard Wehr *, Neal W. Menzies, F. Pax C. Blamey
School of Land and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld. 4072, Australia
Received 27 January 2004; accepted 6 May 2004

Available online 11 June 2004


Modification of cell wall components such as cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin plays an important role in cell expansion. Cell expansion
is known to be diminished by cations but it is unknown if this results from cations reacting with pectin or other cell wall components. Autolysis
of cell wall material purified from bean root (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) occurred optimally at pH 5.0 and released mainly neutral sugars but very
little uronic acid. Autolytic release of neutral sugars and uronic acid was decreased when cell wall material was loaded with Ca, Cu, Sr, Zn, Al
or La cations. Results were also extended to a metal–pectate model system, which behaved similarly to cell walls and these cations also
inhibited the enzymatic degradation by added polygalacturonase (EC The extent of sugar release from cation-loaded cell wall
material and pectate gels was related to the degree of cation saturation of the substrate, but not to the type of cation. The binding strength of the
cations was assessed by their influence on the buffer capacity of the cell wall and pectate. The strongly bound cations (Cu, Al or La) resulted
in higher cation saturation of the substrate and decreased enzymatic degradability than the weakly held cations (Ca, Sr and Zn). The results
indicate that the junction zones between pectin molecules can peel open with weakly held cations, allowing polygalacturonase to cleave the
hairy region of pectin, while strongly bound cations or high concentrations of cations force the junction zone closed, minimising enzymatic
attack on the pectin backbone.
© 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Al; Autolysis; Ca; Cell wall; Cu; La; Pectin; Polygalacturonase; Sr; Zn

1. Introduction swelling behaviour (pore size) and buffer capacity of the cell
wall. This can have direct effects on the mobility of cell
The primary plant cell wall consists of cellulose, hemicel- wall-degrading enzymes and cell elongation [2,8].
lulose, pectin and proteins [6]. Cellulose and hemicellulose
The enzymatic catabolism of cell wall polysaccharides is
are the main load-bearing polysaccharides in the cell wall,
difficult to study in situ due to the complexity of the cell wall,
maintaining the cell shape and turgor pressure. Cell elonga-
incorporation of cell wall components into other polysaccha-
tion relies on the selective enzymatic modification of the
load-bearing hemicellulose molecules [8,9]. Pectin is not rides, uptake of carbohydrate monomers and the large num-
load bearing, but may control the mobility and access of ber of enzymes involved (e.g. hydrolases, lyases, trans-
enzymes to load-bearing hemicellulose molecules ferases, esterases, kinases, expansin) [8,14]. The use of a
[1,2,13,15,22,26], thereby modulating cell elongation. Pectin cell-free system permits focus on the reactions occurring in
contains negatively charged galacturonic acid residues, the cell wall without the confounding effects of cellular
which contribute to the cell wall cation exchange capacity. processes. Such autolytic studies have shown that both the
Cation binding to pectin therefore affects the charge, pH, uncharged arabinogalactan fraction and the rhamnogalactur-
onan “hairy region” of pectin undergo degradation during
autolysis in legumes [10,34] and it was observed that the age
and composition of the cell wall also influences the type of
Abbreviations: DE, degree of esterification; DM, dry mass; GalA, galac- carbohydrate released [33]. Pectin degradation during au-
turonic acid; ICPAES, inductively coupled plasma atomic emissions spec-
troscopy; PGase, polygalacturonase.
tolysis has been observed in tomato (Lycopersicon esculen-
* Corresponding author. tum Miller) [7] while in members of the Poaceae, autolysis of
E-mail address: (J.B. Wehr). hemicelluloses predominates [16]. A non-enzymatic release
© 2004 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
486 J.B. Wehr et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 485–492

Table 1
Release of total sugars and uronic acid from control and cation-loaded cell wall material. Samples were incubated with and without added polygalacturonase
(5.7 nkat) at 35 °C for 17 h. Values are means of triplicate determinations; means followed by the same letter are not significantly different within a column
(Tukey, P = 0.05)
Treatment Autolytic sugar release With added polygalacturonase
Cation saturation µmole g–1 dry mass Cation saturation µmole g–1 dry mass
(%) Total sugars Uronic acid (%) Total sugars Uronic acid
Control 62 ± 2 82 a 15 a 31 ± 1 424 a,b 5 a,b
Cu 100 ± 3 28 c 7a 87 ± 1 206 c 1b
Zn 69 ± 2 90 a 11 a 61 ± 2 487 a 6 a,b
Ca 67 ± 3 82 a 5a 69 ± 3 436 a,b 8a
Sr 64 ± 2 84 a 1a 69 ± 4 480 a 9a
Al 107 ± 6 41 b,c 0a 101 ± 8 440 a,b 8a
La 100 ± 5 57 b 4a 100 ± 2 307 b,c 7a

of polygalacturonan was observed for potato cell wall wall material in 17 h at 35 °C. Uronic acid release was at or
(Solanum tuberosum L.) [35] and bean callus [33]. below the detection limit (approximately 25 µM) over the pH
Divalent cations, Ca in particular, contribute about 60% of range 3.46–5.72. Addition of PGase to cell wall material
cations bound to the cell wall, and Ca deficiency can lead to increased release of uronic acids more than of total sugar,
necrosis of leaves, internal disorders in fruit crops and in- thus changing the ratio of autolytically released total sugar to
creased susceptibility to pathogen attack [17,18,22,37]. On uronic acid from 55 (range 32–85) in the control (no PGase
the other hand, a high Ca concentration in the cell wall added) to 11 (range 6–16) with added PGase (data not
inhibits autolysis, cell expansion and fruit ripening shown).
[5,12,26,38–40] while having no effect on the chemical (non- Root cell wall material loaded with Cu, Al or La ions
enzymatic) hydrolysis of pectin [24]. The mechanism by released the least sugars (Table 1), whereas the autolytic
which Ca inhibits autolysis is not well understood but it has release of total sugars from Ca-, Sr- or Zn-loaded cell wall
been suggested that Ca inhibits the activity of pectin- material was similar to that of the control material, viz.
degrading enzymes such as endo-acting polygalacturonase 82 µmole g–1. The cation saturation of the cell wall material
(PGase, EC [23,26,29,37] directly, or by modifying was complete for Cu, Al and La but lower for Ca, Zn and Sr
the pectin substrate [19]. Another possible explanation is that (approx 64%). The control material had a cation saturation of
endo-PGase becomes trapped in gelled pectin, thereby inhib- 62%, consisting of Ca (48%), Cu (42%) and Zn (10%).
iting movement [19,31,39]. In order to better understand the During PGase digestion of Ca-, Sr-, Zn- and Al-loaded cell
effect of cations on cell wall metabolism and, ultimately, cell wall material, the release of total sugars was similar to that of
expansion, it is necessary to focus on the interaction of the control (purified cell wall material), viz. 424 µmole g–1
cations with structural cell wall components and cell wall (Table 1). However, addition of Cu and La to cell wall
modifying enzymes. material markedly decreased the PGase-mediated release of
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of several total sugars.
divalent and trivalent cations on cell wall autolysis of bean The autolytic release of uronic acids was very low from
roots (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and to determine if the effects cation-loaded cell wall materials (0–11 µmole g–1), irrespec-
are due to inhibition of autolytic enzymes by cations or due to tive of the bound cation, and addition of PGase did not
substrate effects. Furthermore, it was hypothesised that the significantly increase the amount of uronic acid liberated
effect of cations on autolysis is due to the binding strength of (Table 1).
cations to the cell wall material as estimated by the buffer
capacity of cell wall material and cation-neutralised pectate. 2.2. Degradation of pectin and cation–pectate gels by
To determine if the effect of cations on cell wall material is PGase
related to pectin, results obtained with plant root cell wall
material were then extended to study the effect of cations on Extending the work with cell wall material to pectate gels
the enzymatic degradation of metal–pectate gels. showed that Ca–, Sr– and Zn–pectate gels (DE = 0%) were
degraded readily by PGase, releasing between 1.8 and
2.3 µM min–1 reducing sugars (Table 2). Incubation of Cu–
2. Results and La–pectate gels with PGase resulted in the release of
0.3 and 0.5 µM min–1 reducing sugars, respectively, and
2.1. Autolysis and PGase digestion of cell wall material Al–pectate gel was least degraded by PGase (0.1 µM min–1).
This activity was not significantly different from zero. There
Autolysis of bean root cell wall material occurred opti- was, however, no statistical difference in the amount of
mally at pH 5.0, releasing 185 µmole total sugars g–1 dry cell reducing groups released between Cu–, Al– or La–pectate
J.B. Wehr et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 485–492 487

Table 2
Reducing sugars released by polygalacturonase from cation–pectate gels
and cation–pectate gels plus added pectin. Values are means of triplicate
determinations and means in a column followed by the same letter are not
significantly different (Tukey, P = 0.05). Cation–pectate gels (degree of
esterification 0%), with and without added pectin (degree of esterification
49%) were incubated with 11.4 nkat polygalacturonase at 21.5 °C and the
amount of reducing sugars released measured. Pectin alone released 2.0 µM
reducing sugars min–1
Reducing sugars (µM min–1)
Cation Cation Pectate gel Pectate gel Difference
saturation only + pectin
Cu 54 ± 2 0.3 c 0.6 c 0.3
Fig. 1. Viscosity of apple pectin either measured alone (") or mixed with Ca
Zn 28 ± 1 2.3 a 3.5 a,b 1.2
(.) to give a final concentration of 0.45 mM Ca. Pectin (degree of esterifi-
Ca 16 ± 1 1.8 b 3.6 a,b 1.8
cation 49%) was also incubated for 15 min with either PGase alone
Sr 33 ± 1 2.1 a,b 3.9 a 1.8 (56.7 nkat) (m) or with PGase (56.7 nkat) and Ca (●). Values are the average
Al 100 ± 1 0.1 c 2.4 a,b 2.3 of two determinations and standard error bars are shown if not obscured by
La 86 ± 2 0.5 c 2.4 b 1.9 the symbols. Identical lines to those shown were obtained for Sr, Zn, Al or

2.3. Influence of cation saturation of pectate gels

gels when results were corrected for differences in pectin on PGase activity
concentration. Likewise, there were no statistical differences
in the amount of reducing sugars released between Sr– and The degradation of Ca– and Al–pectate gels by PGase,
Zn–pectate gels, while Ca–pectate released slightly less sug- assessed by the amount of reducing sugars liberated, de-
ars (Table 2). The cation saturation of the metal–pectate gels creased with increasing cation saturation (Fig. 2). There was
ranged between 16% for Ca–pectate gel to 100% for Al–pec- an essentially linear decrease in the quantity of reducing
tate (Table 2), the result of cation losses during dialysis of the sugars released as the degree of saturation increased from
gels. 35% to 75% (Fig. 2). Above 75%, less reducing sugars were
Addition of pectin solution (DE = 49%) to Ca–, Sr–, Zn–, released by PGase per unit increase in saturation. It is note-
Al– or La–pectate gels, followed by incubation with PGase worthy that no difference was observed in the amount of
led to the release of 2.4–3.9 µM min–1 reducing sugars sugars released from Ca–pectate and Al–pectate gels for a
(Table 2). When the amount of reducing sugars released from given cation saturation.
the pectate gels (Table 2, column 3) was subtracted from the The magnitude of reducing sugar release during PGase
amount released from the pectin–metal–pectate mixture digestion of cation–pectate gels, as shown in Table 2, was
(Table 2, column 4), values were obtained for Ca, Sr and La highly negatively correlated (r = –0.86) with the degree of
(Table 2, column 5) which were nearly identical to the cation saturation of these gels: sugar release declined at a rate
amount of reducing sugars released from pectin alone, viz. of 0.025 µmole min–1 for every percentage point increase in
2.0 µM min–1. Incubation of pectin–Cu–pectate and pectin– cation saturation. Reducing sugar release was not signifi-
Zn–pectate mixtures with PGase released only 0.3 and cantly correlated (r = –0.29) with the cation binding strength
1.2 µM min–1 reducing sugars, respectively, which is less as estimated by the Langmuir adsorption constant (data not
than the calculated amount. The pectin–Al–pectate mixture
released 2.3 µM min–1 reducing sugars, which was slightly
more than the amount released from pectin alone.
Pectin (DE = 49%) had an intrinsic viscosity of 0.23 l g–1,
which did not change significantly upon addition of Ca
(Fig. 1), Sr, Zn, Al or La (not shown). Only Cu yielded a hazy
solution with greatly increased viscosity (not shown), al-
though the intrinsic viscosity remained unchanged. Incuba-
tion of pectin with PGase for 15 min, in the absence of added
cations, resulted in a drastic loss of viscosity (Fig. 1), the
viscosity ranging between 0–0.08 l g–1 with 5.7 nkat PGase
and 0–0.03 l g–1 with 56.7 nkat PGase. Addition of Ca, Cu,
Sr, Zn, Al or La (0.45 mM) to pectin, followed by incubation Fig. 2. The release of reducing sugars as a function of the Ca (C) and Al (●)
for 15 min with 5.7 nkat PGase resulted in the intrinsic saturation of pectic acid. Pectic acid (degree of esterification 0%) was mixed
with varying volumes of CaCl2 or AlCl3 to give 40–100% charge neutrali-
viscosity ranging between 0.08–0.09 l g–1, while incubation sation of pectic acid. Assays contained 5.7 nkat PGase. Each data point is the
with 56.7 nkat PGase yielded an intrinsic viscosity ranging average of two or three determinations and standard errors are shown if not
between and 0.01–0.03 l g–1 (Fig. 1). obscured by the symbols.
488 J.B. Wehr et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 485–492

Hence, Ca, Sr and Zn are displaced more readily than are Cu,
Al, and La.

3. Discussion

3.1. Degradation of bean cell wall material releases

mainly neutral sugars

Cell wall material isolated from bean root tips released no

detectable uronic acid, indicating that autolysis of polygalac-
turonan in the root cell wall is negligible (Table 1). Since
little uronic acid was released, the total sugar fraction can be
equated to neutral sugars. Based on the predominant release
of neutral sugars, it appears that autolysis of bean root tips
follows the same characteristics as in the pea epicotyl (Pisum
sativum L.) [10] and the chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) hypo-
cotyl [34,36], i.e. degradation of the “hairy region” of pectin.
Recio et al. [33] observed that bean epicotyl cell wall under-
went enzymatic hydrolysis (i.e. autolysis), releasing mainly
neutral sugars, in agreement with our results, whereas bean
callus cell wall material showed a non-enzymatic release of
Fig. 3. Buffer capacity of cell wall material from bean roots (A) and pectic
acid (B) without added cation (●) or with Ca (D), Cu (h), Sr (m), Zn ("),
uronic acids. These differences can probably be attributed to
Al (.) or La (∇) added. No correction has been made for the buffer capacity changes in cell wall composition between callus and normal
of water, which is shown separately (C). The curves are means of 2–3 deter- cells.
minations and standard error bars are shown if not obscured by the symbols. To determine whether the minimal release of uronic acids
was due to unavailability of uronic acid containing cell wall
shown). Similar results were obtained with cation-loaded cell
polymers or due to lack of endo-PGase activity, cell wall
wall material: the autolytic release of total sugars was highly
negatively correlated (r = –0.91) to the cation saturation of material was also incubated with PGase. Since PGase incu-
the material. bation increased uronic acid release more than total sugar
release (Table 1), it appears that the observed lack of degra-
2.4. Buffer capacity of cell wall material and pectic acid dation of uronic acid containing polymers is due to low
endogenous endo-PGase activity of the cell wall material.
The buffer capacity of bean root cell wall material peaked While it can be argued that PGase (pectinase) is a crude
at pH 5, which is due to the pKa of galacturonic acid (GalA) polygalacturonase preparation, containing several enzyme
(Fig. 3A). Pectic acid showed a pronounced peak in buffer activities apart from endo-PGase (we found pectin esterase
capacity at pH 4.1 (Fig. 3B) [32]. The difference in buffer but no lyase activity), the predominant activity is endo-
capacity between cell wall material and pectic acid is a result PGase. Furthermore, the native plant cell wall also contains
of local concentration effects (polyelectrolyte effect) in the several enzymes acting in concert to degrade cell wall poly-
cell wall [28,32] and the presence of other charged groups in mers (e.g. PGase, pectin esterase and other glycanases).
cell wall material. The buffer capacity of cell wall material Therefore, we believe that PGase (pectinase) is a suitable
and pectic acid increased below pH 3.5, probably due to model enzyme preparation to digest plant cell walls in au-
protonation of hydroxyl groups of GalA. tolysis studies focussing on pectin.
Addition of cations to cell wall material decreased the While the autolysis model has its shortcomings in under-
buffer capacity between pH 4.5 and 6 due to binding of standing the control of cell expansion in vivo, the turnover of
cations to negatively charged groups such as GalA. Addition cell wall carbohydrates during cell elongation is very difficult
of Zn, Ca, and Sr to cell wall material increased the buffer to study in vivo. Most carbohydrates are not released in vivo
capacity at pH < 4.3, while the buffer capacity increased at but remain in the cell wall and are either incorporated into
pH < 4.0 for Cu and La (Al was not included in this experi- other polymers or play a role as signal molecules. In our
ment) (Fig. 3A). Addition of cations to pectic acid led to study, we used the apical part of roots (0–5 mm section)
marked reduction in buffer capacity at pH 4.1 but increased which is the most extensible and hence, the native enzymes
the buffer capacity at pH < 3.7 for Zn, Ca and Sr and at present in the cell wall should be involved in cell wall
pH < 3.3 for Cu, La and Al (Fig. 3B). These differences are metabolism and cell expansion. Thus, the released sugars in a
related to the ease with which the bound cations can be cell-free system may be indicative of the sugars released in
displaced or exchanged by protons in the solution phase. vivo during cell expansion.
J.B. Wehr et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 485–492 489

3.2. Cations inhibit degradation of bean root cell wall (Fig. 1) indicated that PGase was not inhibited by the added
material cations and the effects of cations must be related to cation–
pectin steric effects. Only Cu– and Zn–pectate gels appeared
It is known that Ca inhibits autolysis [19,38,39] but it is to partially inhibit pectin hydrolysis by PGase, while Al–pec-
less well understood if other cations have a similar effect on tate appeared to slightly enhance PGase activity (Table 2).
autolysis. Therefore, cell wall material was loaded with Ca, The studies with cell wall material and metal–pectate gels
Cu, Sr, Zn, Al and La and the autolytic release of sugars indicated that the latter is a good model for the study of cation
determined. effects on bean cell walls. Our results suggest that cation
Autolytic release of total sugars from cell wall material saturation is more important to controlling enzymatic pectin
loaded with Cu, Al or La ions was inhibited, whereas Ca, Sr or cell wall degradation than the type of cation. Hence, we
or Zn ions had little effect (Table 1). This may be due to the investigated the degree of cation saturation in more detail and
relatively low cation saturation of the Ca-, Sr- or Zn-loaded focussed on Ca and Al cations, which differ vastly in binding
cell wall material, the autolytic release of total sugars being strength [3].
highly negatively correlated (r = –0.91) with the cation satu-
ration of the cell wall material. Also, the differential effect of 3.4. Cation saturation of pectin controls enzymatic
cations on autolysis makes it unlikely that the observed sugar degradation
release can be attributed to non-enzymatic degradation of the
cell wall, e.g. via b-elimination of pectin, since non- The Ca- or Al-saturation of the pectate gels varied be-
enzymatic degradation of pectin is unaffected by cations tween 35% and 100% and the degradability by PGase was
[24]. only related to the cation saturation and not the type of cation
Release of uronic acid from cation loaded cell wall mate- (Fig. 2). It seems likely that galacturonic acid residues not
rial was low during autolysis and addition of PGase did not contributing to the junction zones or neutralised with cations
significantly increase uronic acids (Table 1). This suggests can be liberated by PGase. This is similar to our earlier work
that the uronic acid containing polysaccharides in metal- showing that the number of non-methoxylated carboxyl
loaded cell wall material were unavailable for enzymatic groups determines the rates of pectin degradation [41]. Thus,
degradation. Otherwise, the added PGase should have greatly only carboxyl groups that are undissociated can bind PGase
increased the amount of uronic acid liberated. The non- and are sites that can be cleaved by the enzyme.
availability could have been due to cation binding, making It is worthy of note that the cation saturation at the inflec-
the cell wall (probably pectin) resistant to enzymatic degra- tion point in Fig. 2 corresponds to the normally observed
dation. It is less likely that the uronic acid-containing cation saturation of cell wall material (60–80%) and may be
polysaccharides had a high DE, preventing PGase action, relevant for the normal functioning of the cell wall in terms of
since this would have resulted in a low cation binding capac- buffer capacity [17,18]. The buffer capacity of cell wall
ity, which was not observed. Several researchers have ob- material and pectin shifted to lower pH due to cation binding
served a decrease in autolytic sugar release, especially uronic and indicates that Al, La and Cu bind stronger to cell wall
acid, in response to higher Ca concentrations, whereas addi- material and pectic acid than does Ca, Zn and Sr. This may
tion of chelators increases autolysis [7,19,24,37] and the partly explain the toxic effect of Cu, Al and La, especially on
consensus view is that Ca binding to pectin decreases its root growth, inhibiting the degradation of pectin which in
degradability by enzymes. turns shields hemicellulose [1] and ultimately leads to a
reduction in cell expansion. Obviously, a strongly bound
3.3. Cation binding to pectin may inhibit degradation cation may lead to a higher cation saturation of the cell wall
of pectin and cell walls since it cannot be displaced easily, thereby having a more
detrimental effect on pectin degradation.
Our results show that cell wall autolysis is decreased by In conclusion, the results of these cell wall and pectate-gel
cations but it is not clear if this effect is due to cation binding studies may be explained by considering that an endogenous
to pectin in the cell wall. Therefore, we employed a metal– enzyme (probably PGase) splits the pectin backbone, releas-
pectate model system to test the effect of cations on the ing the “hairy regions” which contain large branches com-
enzymatic degradation of the gels. Results indicate that metal prising neutral sugars but little uronic acid [30] (Fig. 4). The
pectate gels, formed by the addition of Cu, Al or La to pectic terminal GalA groups in a junction zone do not bind Ca, Sr or
acid (DE = 0%), were poorly degraded by PGase whereas Zn strongly [21,27]. Therefore, at low concentrations of
Ca–, Sr– and Zn–pectate gels were degraded more rapidly these cations, the junction zone can “peel open” from the
(Table 2). The low activity of PGase on cation–pectate gels end, allowing endo-PGase to cleave the polygalacturonan
was not due to enzyme inhibition since addition of pectin backbone and liberate the “hairy region”. On the other hand,
solution (DE = 49%) to the gels increased the release of strongly binding cations (Cu, Al and La [20]), or high con-
reducing sugars to rates nearly identical to those measured centrations of cations, bind to terminal GalA groups of the
for pectin alone. Similarly, the viscometry analysis of PGase junction zone, forcing it closed and leading to a change in
action on pectin in the presence and absence of cations pectin structure (Fig. 4). The sterical constraint prevents
490 J.B. Wehr et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 485–492

acetone, 350 ml ice-cold deionised water and 100 ml sodium

acetate buffer. The cell wall material was stored at 0–4 °C as
a slurry in sodium acetate buffer and used within 10 d. At this
temperature, no autolysis of stored cell wall material was
observed within 3 d.

4.2. Enzyme assays

The activity of crude endo-PGase (PGase; EC

(pectinase, Cat. No. P9179, Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis,
USA) was assayed in “PGase buffer” (25 mM sodium acetate
in 125 mM NaCl, pH 4.5) [41]. The enzyme preparation
contained a low activity of pectin esterase (reducing the DE
from 49% to 45% within 30 min under the assay conditions),
while no pectin lyase or pectate lyase activity was detected
under the assay conditions. Viscometric and colorimetric
tests indicate that the preparation contained negligible exo-
PGase activity.

4.3. Quantitation

Total sugars were measured with the phenol-sulphuric

Fig. 4. Schematic representation of rhamnogalacturonan I in the cell wall.
acid method [11] using galactose as a standard. Reducing
Unbranched polygalacturonan regions (“smooth region”) are terminated by
rhamnose sugars, which contain branches (“hairy region”) of galactan, sugars were quantified with the alkaline ferricyanide method
arabinogalactan or arabinan pectin. Polygalacturonan regions can form using GalA as standard [41]. Uronic acids were determined
junction zones (egg-boxes) with divalent cations. A, Proposed structure with with a modification of the method of Blumenkrantz and
weakly bound cations (e.g. Ca) leading to a “peeling open” of the junction Asboe-Hansen [4], using 2-phenylphenol (98% pure, Fluka)
zone and subsequent cleavage by PGase (endo-PGase); B, strongly bound
cations (e.g. Cu) limit “peeling open” and prevent PGase (endo-PGase)
instead of 3-phenylphenol. Statistical analyses were per-
action. formed with the REG and GLM procedures of SAS Release
6.03 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). Significance was
endo-PGase action, thereby reducing the liberation of sugars. tested at the 5% probability level and treatment means were
Such a model would describe the observed effects of cations compared with Tukey’s t-test.
on the autolytic release of sugars from cell walls. It should be
kept in mind, however, that other enzymes with a different 4.4. Autolysis and PGase digestion of cell wall material
mode of action are also involved in autolysis of pectin and
cell walls. Further detailed studies with these enzymes are Cell wall material (0.4 ml of slurry) was incubated in
warranted. 1.6 ml autolysis buffer (50 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH
5.0) containing 150 mM NaCl and 2 mM sodium azide) with
or without added PGase (5.7 nkat). Cell wall material (1.5 ml
4. Methods of the slurry) was also loaded with cations by mixing with
1.5 ml of 5 mM Cu, Ca, Sr, Zn, Al or La chloride solutions for
4.1. Pectic acid and cell wall preparation 2 h at 0–4 °C. After centrifugation, the pellet was suspended
in 3 ml of 5 mM metal chloride solution for 1 h at 0–4 °C.
Apple pectin with a degree of esterification (DE) of 49% This step was repeated a third time with standing for 30 min
and a GalA content of 73% (w/w) was obtained from Sigma at 0–4 °C. Thereafter, the material was washed three times in
Chemical Co. (St. Louis, USA). Pectic acid (DE = 0%) was deionised water and centrifuged. The pellet was mixed with
prepared from apple pectin by alkaline de-esterification with autolysis buffer and incubated for 17 h at 35 °C or 0–4 °C
0.5 M NaOH under N2 gas for 15 min before desalting with (control) with or without added PGase (5.7 nkat). After
Amberlite IR-120 (H+) cation exchange resin. Purified cell incubation, samples were centrifuged and the concentrations
wall material was obtained from the apical 0–5 mm of bean of total sugar and uronic acid in the supernatant determined
(P. vulgaris L. cv. Sinatra) roots grown in tap water at and expressed on a dry mass (DM) basis of cell wall material.
ambient temperature and light. Approximately 6000 root tips The experiment was replicated three times. The cation satu-
were homogenised in 10 mM sodium acetate buffer (pH ration of cation-loaded cell wall material was expressed
4.65) with a pestle and mortar on ice. The homogenate was relative to the amount of La bound, after wet-ashing and
washed on stainless steel screens (38–125 µm) sequentially determination of the cation concentration by inductively
with 2 l ice cold (0–4 °C) sodium acetate buffer, 250 ml 70% coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICPAES).
J.B. Wehr et al. / Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 42 (2004) 485–492 491

4.5. Degradation of cation–pectate gels and pectin by and continuous first derivative chosen. The buffer capacity
PGase was calculated from the first derivative of the selected equa-
tion, thereby minimising noise in the buffer curve.
Cation–pectate gels were prepared by adding an excess of
5 mM metal chloride (Ca, Cu, Sr, Zn, Al or La) to pectic acid. 4.8. Viscometric assessment of cation effects on pectin
The pH was increased to 4.5 (4.0 for Al) with 0.1 M NaOH and PGase
and the gels allowed to stand overnight. Gels were washed
five times with deionised water by centrifugation and finally A Cannon–Fenske type viscometer was employed for
by dialysis. After dialysis, gels (3 ml) were mixed with 50 ml capillary viscosity measurements. Solutions were serially
PGase buffer. Aliquots (5 ml) were mixed with either 1 ml diluted with 125 mM NaCl and the reduced viscosity (here-
0.1% pectin (DE = 49%, to assess possible enzyme inhibition after referred to as viscosity) calculated from the drainage
of PGase) or deionised water (control) and incubated with times. The intrinsic viscosity was determined by extrapola-
11.4 nkat PGase at 21.5–22 °C. Aliquots were withdrawn tion to zero pectin concentration [25]. Four treatments were
after various time intervals and assayed for reducing sugars compared: (a) “Control” 2.5 ml 1% pectin solution, 2 ml
[41]. Blanks employed heat-inactivated PGase (boiled for PGase buffer and 0.5 ml deionised water. (b) “PGase” 2.5 ml
10 min). The experiment was replicated three times. 1% pectin, 2 ml PGase buffer, 0.45 ml deionised water and
50 µl PGase (5.7 nkat). (c) “Cation” 2.5 ml 1% pectin solu-
4.6. Influence of the degree of cation saturation on PGase tion, 2 ml PGase buffer, 0.45 ml of 5 mM Ca, Cu, Sr, Zn, Al
activity or La solution (as chlorides) and 50 µl deionised water. (d)
“Cation + PGase” 2.5 ml 1% pectin solution, 2 ml PGase
Pectate gels with varying degrees of Ca- or Al-saturation buffer, 0.45 ml of 5 mM Ca, Cu, Zn, Sr, Al or La solution and
were prepared by adding calculated volumes of Ca or Al 50 µl PGase (5.7 nkat). Solutions containing PGase were
chloride to pectic acid. The gels were stood overnight before incubated for 15 min at 25 °C before boiling for 4 min to
raising the pH to 4.25 (Ca gels) or pH 4.0 (Al gels) with inactive the enzyme. Preliminary studies showed that boiling
20 mM NaOH. Gels were washed three times with deionised for 4 min did not influence the viscosity of the solution.
water by centrifugation followed by dialysis. Gels (2.6 ml) Aluminium effects on viscosity were also studied at pH 4.0 to
were mixed with 30 ml PGase buffer (pH 4.5 for Ca; pH limit possible formation of hydroxo–Al complexes; the re-
4.0 for Al), and 5 ml aliquots mixed with 5.7 nkat PGase and sults were the same as those obtained at pH 4.5.
incubated at 26–26.5 °C. After various time intervals, 1 ml
aliquots were withdrawn and assayed for reducing sugars
[41]. Aliquots of the gels were also dried and the results Acknowledgements
expressed on DM basis and represent the average of two
replicates. The degree of cation saturation was determined by One author (JBW) gratefully acknowledges receipt of a
removing bound Ca and Al ions with Amberlite IR 120 (H+) Commonwealth of Australia Overseas Postgraduate Re-
resin and measuring the number of carboxyl groups of pectic search Scholarship and a University of Queensland Ernest-
acid by titration with NaOH to pH 7–8. The cation concen- Singer scholarship to conduct this study.
tration of the dried gel was determined by ICPAES after
wet-ashing the sample with nitric/perchloric acid (5:1, v/v)
and hydrogen peroxide. References

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