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- This case was about strategy implementation and how if you’re not the CEO how you

can implement change

- If you want to drive change you have to take a proactive role
- Much of strategy implementation has to do with managing the values, beliefs,
attitudes and behaviours of individuals inside the organisation

Accenture development partnerships (ADP):

- Idea was to bring affordable kind of business and logistics advice to organisations that
can’t afford accenture

Barriers GIB is facing for ADP

- Cost issue
- These entities don’t have enough money to spend on this
- It's not just charity it's a hybrid, where it is partially for business and partially for charity
- It's not making enough money to be attractive for the business and then it's also
not free
- When something doesn’t fit into a category there is generally resistance to it

Getting support (who was Gib first supported)

- Vernon ellis
- International chairman
- If you are someone with little positional power this is the type of person you
would want
- This is good for ellis as he is done with his career so is not worried how this
project would impact him
- The fact GIB he said pay me less highlights he actually wants to do this as most people
in consulting make movements for money

People lack the vision of what things will look like in the future. Need to make sure you have a
vision of what things will look like in the future

Importance of Vernon
- Vernon is Gibs “sponsor”: A person whose attention is on removing organisational
barriers and giving advice
Incomplete list of things vernon does for Gib:
- Gives him some resources and credibility (people less likely to question)
- Helps him from charging into the limelight to quickly
- Helps him spread the message (Gib does not have access to the same meetings and
- Gives him advice to “go talk to the fearsome chap”; removes a roadblock (he used herd
mentality do this)
- Improves the “sale” don't just focus on the social, focus on the people proposition
- Helps him REFINE his business

What does the ADP model look like

- The diagram shows how the ADP makes money

1. NGO is charged a fee

2. The consultants then have to take a pay cut
3. Organisation has to absorb the margin of the consultant

If Gib wants this to work out clearly there are different parties that have to agree to this for it to
- Employees (can't force people to take a salary cut)
- Management
- Clients

Key things
- Creating incentives and structures for employees to be able to follow and buy into this
model is very important. If you can’t assure people that it is safe to follow you, that your
strategy actually doesn’t lead them into any sort of negative personal consequences is
going to be very difficult.
- The 50% pay cut would deter some people. But this is also a good screening
mechanism as you only get the people who are really interested in the first place
- But you are excluding people who can’t afford it at the time

What were some of Gibs actions that were most effective for getting buy in
- News article to get vernon on board
- Meetings with UK heads saying “everyone else is on board”
- Selling via experience
- Asking for little upfront, incrementally- ask for things they can say yes to (just give me a
small team to do a feasibility study)
- Personal commitment (taking a salary cut)

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