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Guud morning clasmeit and ticher. May nein is Miguel yonier perez cordova ai fixtin years old.

Mai rutin stars wen ai

getdap at fain in da morning. Denai havf breikfast and gou tu escul at seven iem. Denai havf mai launch at tuelf in da
afternon. Ai finaly levi scuul at tri inda afternon. At six aidu mai honwork At nain piem ai it mai diner and bifor goin
du eslip at leven piem ai teik a bat Tu liven in armoni in da clasroom wi mas folou da ruls of coexisten and givf respec
tu everwuan

Good morning classmates and teacher. My name is Yonier Miguel Perez Cordova I'm 15 years old. My routine starts
when I get up at 5 in the morning. Then I have breakfast and go to school at 7 am. Then I have my lunch at 12 in the
afternoon. I finally leave school at 3 in the afternoon. at 6 I do my homework. At 9 p.m. I eat my dinner and before
going to sleep at 11 pm I take a bath. To live in harmony in the classroom we must follow the rules of coexistence
and give respect to everyone

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