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Period Five, Homework 4

NAME: ______________________________ (Required)

Read Chapter 15, pages 478 to 505, define the following key terms and answer the essential questions in a
short paragraph each (at least two sentences).

Key Terms
Lincoln's 10 percent plan

Wade-Davis Bill

Black Codes

Johnson's plan for Reconstruction

Freedmen's Bureau

Civil Rights Act of 1866

Fourteenth Amendment

Radical Republicans

Reconstruction Act of 1867 (Military Reconstruction Act)

election of 1868

Fifteenth amendment

Union League

scalawags and carpetbaggers

Liberal Republicans

election of 1872

Crédit Mobilier scandal


Ku Klux Klan

Enforcement Laws

Slaughter-House Cases

U.S. v. Cruikshank

Civil Rights Cases (1883)

Compromise (Political Crisis) of 1877

Essential Questions
In what ways did Andrew Johnson undercut, or attempt to undercut, the Reconstruction plans of Congress?

Why did Congress move to impeach President Johnson?

Analyze the political cartoon at the top of page 486. What is the message of this cartoon?

How did the women's movement split over the 15th amendment and what new strategies did the National
Women's Suffrage Association (NWSA) devise to challenge the 14th and 15th amendments? What view did
the Supreme Court take on this challenge?

Why were Congressmen reluctant to take land away from plantation owners and distribute it to former slaves?
Without their own land to farm, where did former slaves turn for work?

How did the sharecropping system of cotton agriculture work? What was the relationship with the "crop-lien"
system and what was the impact on the lives of freedmen and their families?

What were some of the goals and successes of the Freedmen's Bureau (as described on page 493)?

What changes and reforms did black and white Republican politicians seek to make in southern states?

What were some of the abuses of "convict leasing" in the South?

What did the Civil Rights Act of 1875 do, and what parts of Charles Sumner's bill were left out?

Why did Reconstruction falter? To what extent was its failure the result of events in the South, the North and
Washington, D.C.?

How is the "classical liberalism" of the Reconstruction era different than what "liberalism" means today?

How did Supreme Court decisions in the 1870s and 1880s undermine Republican Reconstruction?

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