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Client’s name : SACRED MAROC

Entreprise : indusolution (m not good with names so give me some)


Small talks …

-Situation: (asking our client some questions to know his situation)

 Who are ur clients? (Renault Peugeot )
 How many order u receive per week and how big are doses orders? (we receive 1 to 2
orders per week but they are big orders, between 50000 and 120000 pieces with a value
of 20000$ to 45000$ per order )
 How do u organize ur production process? (each product needs a specific type of raw
materiel to be produced and each machine produce one type of article, we have 8
machines. We keep all raw materiel in the wearhouse)
 What are the key performance indicators u use to evaluate ur work? (we use defective
items percentage, we weight raw material before using it and we weight it again in the
forme of product in order to know how much we loose in the process )

 High cost of prod due to high consumption of raw materiel.
 late order delivery.

 showing the client how important it is to solve these probs using our service.

 (give some suggestions)

VD2 (F.A.B)

Small talks… (hi, after we met last week here’s the solutions we have prepared for you and if u
find it interesting in term of saving u time and money, we can go further… )

F A B (we need to get a wow from our client, if not we do a trial clause to identify where did we
miss. Than we go with with another trial clause )

F A B (we need to get a wow from our client, if not we do a trial clause )

F A B (we need to get a wow from our client, if not we do a trial clause )

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