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Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León

Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración

Evidencia 1

Licenciatura en Negocios Internacionales | Plan 430

Unidad de Aprendizaje:
Economía para la toma de decisiones

1.1 - Mapa mental sobre la teoría económica y sus divisiones.

Mario Laberinto Leal Martinez

2043395 - Castillo Andrade, Andrea Isabella

8 de marzo de 2024
It is the science of making decisions when resources are - Natural Resources or Land
scarce. - Labor
- Capital ( Not money but, softwares, machines, etc.)

Microeconomics Macroeconomics

Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the It is the study of how individuals or It is the study of economics in John Maynarl: Father of
Causes and Nature of " The Wealth companies make decisions. general. macroeconomics.
of Nations"

Demand Supply

- Labor specialization division Product

- There is an invisible hand that moves - reason --> price: needs - Enterprice: P-?Qs-?
the market. expectation
- Consumers and - motivation --> marketing, makin
companies/producers are constant, better
but not always due to market failure. - attractive--> no attractive no
demand, no income.
Demand Supply - Be able to be willing
- Qd ?P?

Consumers: Maximize happiness. Firms: Sales = Total Revenue

Utility = Satisfaction Objective: Maximize Profit

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