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Artificial PACEMAKER

Heart pacemaker HOW PACEMAKER WORKS ? Types of permanent pacemakers Types of temporary
sinus node is sometimes called the heart's • pacemaker consists of a battery, a computerized 1.Single-chamber pacemaker. There are 4 types of temporary pacemaker.
"natural pacemaker." Each time the sinus node generator and wires with sensors at their In this type, only one pacing lead is placed into a 1- Trans venous invasive pacemaker (endocardial)
chamber of the heart, either the atrium or the ventricle • With a transvenous pacemaker, the pacer wire is
generates a new electrical impulse; that impulse tips(called as electrodes). The battery powers the 2- Dual-chamber pacemaker. inserted through a large vein into the right ventricle,
spreads out through the heart's upper chambers, generator and both are surrounded by a thin Wires are placed in two chambers of the heart . One lead with the leads attached to external pulse generator box.
called the right atrium and the left atrium. The metal box. The wires connect the generator to paces the atrium and one paces the ventricle . Closely • It consists of lead or leads or wire is inserted through a
sinus node reaches threshold at a rate of 60 to the heart. resembles the natural pacing of heart. large vein into that are threaded transvenously to the
100 times per minute. Sensitive tissue in the right • battery which usually lasts six to 10 years 3- Rate-responsive pacemaker. right atrium and or right ventricle and attached to
atrium wall that begins the heartbeat is SA node . depending on how advanced the device It has sensors that detect changes in the patient's physical external power source.
Because this is the fastest pacemaker in the heart, • The pacemaker is a small metal box weighing activity and automatically adjust the pacing rate to fulfill • Transvenous pacemakers are inserted into the venous
the body's metabolic needs. system through a catheter site such as a specially
the SA node is the dominant pacemaker of the 20-50g. It helps monitor and control the designed pulmonary artery catheter, and deliver the
heart. The AV node has an inherent rate of 40 to heartbeat. The electrodes detect heart’s electrical Indication of temporary pacemakers
stimulus via electrodes that are in direct contact with
60 beats per minute and the His-Purkinje system activity and send data through the wires to the • Maintenance of adequate heart rate and rhythm during
the heart tissue itself.
special circumstances such as surgery and
can fire at a rate of 20 to 40 beats per minute. computer in the generator. If heart rhythm is • Generally the subclavian, femoral or internal jugular
postoperative recovery, cardiac catheterization or
Sinus tachycardia results when the SA node fires abnormal, the computer will direct the generator coronary angioplasty .
veins are used to access the right atrium or the right
faster than 100 beats per minute. The normal to send electrical pulses to heart. The pulses ventricle.
• Before implantation of a permanent pacemaker.
2- Transthoracic invasive pacing (Epicardial pacing )
rate for the SA node when the patient is at travel through the wires to reach the heart. • As prophylaxis after open heart surgery.
• Commonly used with cardiac surgery patients
rest is: 60 to 100 beats per minute. One of the • Acute anterior MI with second degree or third degree
undergoing an open thoracotomy.
functions of the atrioventricular (AV) node is to : Types of pacemakers AV block or bundle branch block.
• Temporary lead wires are inserted through the chest
slow the impulse arriving from the SA node • Percussive Pacing • Acute inferior MI with symptomatic bradycardia and
(during heart surgery), and are directly connected to
• Transcutaneous Pacing AV block
the outermost layer of the heart. These wires exposed
Definition • Transvenous Pacing IMPLANTATION PROCEDURE through the skin, and connected to an external pulse
• Artificial Pacemakers are the electrode • Permanent pacing • The procedure is usually done under local anaesthesia generator , which delivers a current to the heart to
devices that can be used to initiate the 1. Single-Chamber Pacemakers • The pulse generator is implanted under the skin make it beat normally.
• The leads are inserted using x-ray control, via a vein • The leads are passed through the chest wall and
heartbeat when the hearts intrinsic 2. Dual-Chamber Pacemakers
found in this area, and positioned in the appropriate attached to the external power source.
electrical system cannot effectively • Temporary pacemaker right sided heart chamber 3. Trans cutaneous pacemaker(Non-invasive pacing)
generate a rate adequate to support • Fixed rate pacemakers • The leads are tested before the pulse generator is • Transcutaneous external pacing is primarily for
cardiac output. – set to work at a certain heart rate attached unstable rhythms in emergency situations, requiring
• Pacemakers is an electronic device used – If the heart’s own intrinsic rate dropped • Although the incidence of pacemaker complications is two electrodes on the chest, either in the
to pace the heart when the normal below a pre-set number the pacemaker relatively low (about 4%), when complications occur, anterior/lateral position or the anterior/posterior
conduction pathway is damaged or would begin to pace at a preset rate. they typically happen in the pocket where the position
pacemaker is implanted or with the leads. • By continuously monitoring cardiac rate and rhythm
diseased. Percussive Pacing • In about 1% of patients, the pocket may become and delivering pacing impulses through the skin and
• Artificial pacemaker is implanted to ensure infected. In about 3% of patients, the leads may move
• Strike from a distance of 20-30 cm with chest wall muscles as needed, trancutaneous pacing
the rhythm of heart is restored and is out of place causing complications.
closed fist on the left lower edge of causes electrical depolarization and subsequent
regular. This is necessitated in conditions • While rare, complications can have a serious impact on cardiac contraction to maintain cardiac output until
where the pacemakers of the heart is a patient’s quality of life and also can be expensive to the patient receives a transvenous pacemaker
• The pressure in the ventricle should rise 10- address. Even if complications do not occur, all
dysfunctional causing irregularity of heart • The pacing stimulus travels through chest wall,
15 mm hg patients have a scar and lump where pacemaker is
rhythm. pectoralis and intercostals muscle and fat before finally
implanted. reaching the heart. Therefore a much higher energy
FUNCTIONS of artificial PACEMAKERS • In addition, previous research has shown that as many level is needed to deliver the correct energy to the
as six out of 10 patients experience reduced mobility in heart. One side effect of this is chest muscle
1. Stimulate cardiac depolarization
the shoulder region where the pacemaker is implanted contraction from the electrical stimulus. Therefore
2. Sense intrinsic cardiac function • With the development of leadless pacemakers, the giving the patient some sedation for comfort is high
3. Respond to increased metabolic demand by surgical pocket and leads are eliminated, which means priority
providing rate responsive pacing . reducing the risks associated with these complications. • Pacing or defibrillation pads must be in good contact
4. Provide diagnostic information stored by the • Other possible advantages of the leadless pacemaker with chest wall
pacemaker . include no visible pacemaker device under a patient's Transesophageal pacing
5. Provides an electrical impulse in the absence chest skin, no incision scar on the chest and no Transesophageal pacing involves placing an electrode in
restrictions on a patient's activities. the esophagus through the nose or by a pill-electrode that
of a heart's normal conduction system
• The device's benefits may also allow for less patient is swallowed. The electrode connects to an external pulse
discomfort, infections, and device complications and generator by a wire. This type of pacing is commonly
dysfunction. used only for atrial pacing in sinus bradycardia or for
• In addition, the free-standing, battery-operated diagnostic studies.
pacemaker device is designed to be fully retrievable
from the heart.
Leadless Pacemaker Implantation

1. A catheter that 2. Using X-ray images as a 3. The catheter with the

contains the leadless
guide, the doctor guides the pacemaker is then guided
pacemaker is passed
catheter to the right atrium of into the right ventricle.
through a small
the heart and through the
puncture in the groin
tricuspid valve.
and then into the
femoral vein.

4. The doctor carefully 5. The pacemaker is then 6. The catheter is

places the pacemaker tested to ensure it is removed and the
and secures it to the wall secured to the wall and pacemaker stays
at the bottom of the right programmed correctly. within the right
ventricle. ventricle.
Leadless Pacemaker Design Nursing management Other routine care
• Similar to standard cardiac pacemakers, leadless Preoperative care 1.Immobilize the affected part and keep in supine Complication
pacemaker device treats a heart rate that is too Financial position but allow the movement of finger and ankle
joint. Operative failures
slow called bradycardia. It works by closely 1. Explain the procedure ,type and technique of 2.Monitor heart rate and rhythm.
monitoring the heart's electrical rhythms and if pacemaker to the patient • Pneumothorax may require chest drain.
3.Monitor vitals signs and level of consciousness of
the heart beat is too slow (or in an irregular 2. Explain Cost of the procedure and Hospital patient. • Haemothorax
pattern) it provides electrical stimulation stay. 4. Prevent infection.
therapy to regulate it. It also communicates to a 5.Take ECG and X-ray chest.. • Pericarditis
programming system, like a standard pacemaker 6. Watch for complications
1. Explain the Process of the pacemaker insertion . • Air embolism
• Unlike standard pacemakers, leadless Discharge instructions to teach the patient:
2. Reassure the patient • Erosion of the pacer through the skin (rare -
pacemaker is designed as a small cylindrical • Placement of the pacemaker generator & leads, how
pacemaker. Physical it works,
requires pacer replacement and systemic
• The device is comprised of a pulse generator 1. Obtain written consent from the patient and & the rate at which it is set.
• Monitor site for bleeding & infection for the first antibiotics.
that includes computer chips, small long lived from nearest relative
battery in a sealed case that resembles battery 2. Remove dentures , jewellery and contact lens. bruising may be present. Complications of temporary pacing Immediate
and electrode that sends pulses to the heart when 3. Clean and shave the area . • Avoid immersing the site in water for 3 days.
it recognizes a problem with the heart’s rhythm. 4. Check vital signs: temperature, BP, pulse and • Minimize arm & shoulder activity of affected arm
complications include
• The device, resembling a small, metal silver respiration and wear • ventricular tachycardia
tube, is only a few centimeters in length, making 5. Teach range-of-motion (ROM) exercises for the loose covering over incision for 1-2 weeks, to
it less than ten percent the size of a standard affected side ROM exercises of the affected arm prevent • fibrillation
dislodgement of new leads. the patient is instructed
pacemaker. and shoulder prevent stiffness and impaired • Arterial puncture
to avoid lifting the arm on the pacemaker side above
• But, unlike standard pacemakers, it resides function following pacemaker insertion. the shoulder to avoid displacing the pacemaker
entirely in the right ventricle of your heart. Pneumothorax :Late complications include
Intraoperative care leads.
• This pacemaker requires no leads, no chest • Avoid contact sports and heavy lifting for 2 months • Ventricular arrhythmias
1. Check serology: HIV, HbsAg, HCV and others
incision, no scar and no permanent lump under after
2. Start an IV line with 5% Dextrose solution or surgery. • Wrong position requiring repositioning
the skin where the pacemaker sits. The
normal saline solution. • Contact physician with fatigue, palpitations, or
pacemaker battery life is equivalent to that of • Septicemia (especially staphylococcal
3. Check the battery in pulse generator recurrence
similar standard single chamber pacemakers.
4. Prepare the emergency cart, the defibrillator of symptoms (may indicate pacemaker malfunction infection).
and jelly , and the ECG monitor or battery
Investigation to assess pacemaker
• Blood tests: electrolytes, coagulation screen, 5. Set up all equipment for the insertion of the depletion). Failure to output
• Avoid direct blows to generators or to large magnets
digoxin levels if appropriate, myocardial injury pacemaker
such as MRI scanner . These device can reprogram
markers - eg, troponins 6. The nurse should know about the pacemaker a pacemaker. Instruct patients regarding Signs of
This may be due to battery failure, lead
• 12-lead ECG - any sign of myocardial generator including the power switch, indicator pacemaker malfunction.
ischaemia, arrhythmias or abnormal sensing light for pacing and sensing, stimulus output • Take radial pulse daily before arising & notify fracture, a break in lead insulation, over
• CXR: evaluate lead position and look for lead dial, sensitivity dial, and their proper settings. physician for
7. Assist the doctor and the scrub nurse during the rates outside those programmed (may indicate sensing (inhibiting pacer output), poor
procedure step by step pacemaker
• Echocardiogram: to assess for lead position, malfunction or battery depletion). lead connection at the take off from the
pericardial effusion or tamponade, or lead 8. Observe vital signs and observe ECG monitor
• Carry pacemaker information at all times & wear a
fracture carefully for arrhythmias and other MedicAlert pacer
• Pacemaker assessment . complications. bracelet (pacemaker will trigger some airport
• A successful routine for pacemaker insertion has Post operative care security alarms). •Hiccups (A lead positioned near the
been established which includes fluoroscopy, • Discuss any possible procedures with cardiologist
1. Receive the patient
lateral roentgenograms, intracardiac and surface 2.Keep the patient in comfort position
(some diaphragm can stimulate
procedures - MRI, electrocautery - may affect the
electrocardiograms, 3.Record the pacing parameters. pacemaker).
• Roentgenogram, also 4.Receiving time • Household appliances such as microwave ovens,
it, may occur in extremely thin clients
called roentgenograph or X-ray image, 5.patient’s heart rate radios, & gardening tools will not affect the
photograph of internal structures that is made by pacemaker. Cell phones currently don’t appear to or may indicate a medical emergency
6.Assess Signs of pacemaker malfunction to
passing X-rays through the body to produce a affect pacemakers.
report, including dizziness, fainting, fatigue, with perforation of the right ventricle by
shadow image on specially sensitized film by • Maintain follow up care with a physician to check
weakness, chest pain, or palpitations. the pacemaker site and begin regular pacemaker
the use of contrast material, such as barium, to the pacing electrode tip.
function checks .
make structures visible on the film • The nurse is caring for a patient who is on a cardiac
monitor. The nurse realizes that the sinus node is the
pacemaker of the heart because it is: the fastest
pacemaker cell in the heart.

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