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Thank you for your work on this draft of Essay #3 in ENGL1301!

This assignment requires you to select a peer-reviewed article or essay that contains and incorporates
research that relates to a topic of your choosing. Essay #3 in ENGL1301 requires that you provide a well-
written essay detailing the overall effectiveness of the author’s rhetorical choices instead of arguing
the issue that the author presents. In other words, your purpose in Essay #3 is not to argue in favor or
in opposition to the article’s position on its topic; instead, your purpose is to analyze the way in which the
article employs rhetorical choices to present its position on the topic.

One way to approach this need is to formulate a thesis statement that identifies three or four rhetorical
strategies used in the article, and then your essay can dedicate a paragraph to each of the three/four
rhetorical choices explaining and analyzing in depth and in detail how the article uses the rhetorical
strategy to present its information. Does this make sense? Does your essay focus on the article’s
presentation of information in this required way?

And don’t forget, the audience for Essay #3 is comprised of your ENGL1301 classmates, and Essay #3
must be written in 3rd person point of view, must use proper MLA documentation style to cite the selected
article, and it must contain between 1200 and 1500 words in its final draft.

You have selected a peer-reviewed article from a journal for this essay project, and you sent three
questions about the draft. Here are your questions and my responses to them:

Q: Does this essay make sense or does it have unorganized ideas?

A: Yes, the essay is making sense and it is addressing the promises made in its thesis statement. The ideas
are still a bit disorganized, though, and additional revision will help with this need. One way to ensure
organization is effective is to complete all revisions and then build an outline of the essay. This outline
will show you what needs to go where and if there are any “holes” that need to be filled or sections that
are too “heavy” compared to other sections. Experiment with this and see what happens.

Q: Where can I improve on this essay?

A: Additional revision is needed to ensure that the flow of information and organization of information
are effectively used in the essay’s presentation. For example, make sure all information regarding logos
appears in the logos section of the essay’s body paragraphs, all information regarding ethos appears in the
ethos section, etc.

Q: Did I meet the grading criteria, and do what has been asked upon?

A: For this question’s answer, you’ll need to revisit the published assignment description after all of the
essay’s revisions are completed to ensure that each required element and component of the project have
been attained and addressed. Use the published assignment description as a checklist.

Because these questions were the ones you identified as needing answers at this point in the essay’s
development, I hope my answers prove beneficial as you work on the project.

As you continue to revise this essay for its deadline at the end of Week 12 in the class, make sure you
carefully reread the published assignment description for the project and have all needed elements in
place (i.e., thesis statement, topic sentences, paragraph structure, MLA in-text and Works Cited page
citations, word count, 3rd person point of view, etc.) when you upload the final draft of the document. If
you have a specific question about a project requirement or need help with a particular issue as its
revision progresses, please reach out and let me know well in advance of the essay’s submission deadline,
and I’ll do my best to help!

Thank you for your work on this. I am looking forward to seeing the final draft of Essay #3 and your
reflections on its development!


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