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Revit MEP 2019 Essentials

Ducts Adjustments

Exercise 16
1. Start Revit 2019

2. Open the file Exercise_16.rvt

3. Go to Mechanical / HVAC / Ceiling Plan / 00 Ground – HVAC

4. Zoom to the offices at the bottom of the plan. You will discover that they have
the same sizes of the offices at the top. We need to mirror our HVAC system

5. From Quick Access Toolbar, select Aligned dimension, and measure the
distance between the south wall of the upper offices and the north wall of the
lower offices (from outside to outside). You will find it 2075mm.

6. Create Reference Plane at the middle distance between the two walls using
Pick Line tool, and 1037.5

7. Using Window, select everything at the upper offices (using Filter, deselect

8. Using Mirror – Pick Axis, pick the Reference Plane you just created

9. Everything will be copied to the lower offices

10. For the lower offices, Cap Open End for all open ends

11. For the lower offices, select the run of the Return ducts

12. Using context tab, locate Edit panel, click Change Type button. From Type
selector, select Rectangular Duct Radius Elbows / Taps

13. For the lower offices, select the run of the Supply ducts

14. Using context tab, locate Analysis panel, click Duct / Pipe Sizing button. Use
Friction as Sizing method, and click OK

15. Revit will change the sizes, but it will give you warnings for the end of the ducts
(four of them)

16. Select the four ducts which Revit give warnings (using [Ctrl] key while
selecting) From Options bar, change the size to be 140x140mm keeping the
Offset value as is.

Chapter 7: HVAC Networks

17. For the lower offices, select the run of the Return ducts

18. Using Filter, turn off Air Terminal, and click OK

19. Using context tab, locate Duct Insulation panel, click Add Insulation button.
When the dialog box comes up, select Rigid Fiber Board, and set Thickness to
25mm, click OK to end the command

20. Save and close the file


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