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Herb Rules

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1: When an herbalism plant is eaten, chewed, or applied to a wound, it follows attack of

opportunity rules as though it were a potion. When applied to an item, it acts as either an oil or a
poison, depending on context. If a poison, it follows the rules for poisons, including accidental

2: If an herbalism plant is administered to an individual under the effects of one or more conditions
that render the individual unable to act, it is assumed that the administering character can get the
plant to work. The classic imagery of this is an herbalist manually moving the recipient’s jaw to
simulate chewing.

3: An herbalism plant only functions if used by the herbalist who picked it. An herbalist is counted
as having used it if she takes an action to do something with that plant. In this manner, an
herbalist can quite readily administer her herbalism plants to other creatures. This rule can be
broken by a small selection of specific plants.

4: Some herbalism plants can be cooked. If the herbalist cooks, those who wish to receive benefit
from the cooked herbalism plant must eat immediately (the leftovers have no powers.)

Some cooked herbalism plants demand generic produce to mix in with the herb and provide
volume for the dish. It is a DC 15 Survival check, modified as normal for foraging, to find generic

5: Brewed plant products made by an herbalist spoil as normal for an herbalism plant, but cannot
be stored in a preservation vessel. This said, they can be held and used by other characters
without losing their powers. Some brews are options available to specific herbalism plants, while
others are full-blown recipes.

6: The Difficulty Class (DC) for a saving throw against an herbalism plant is 10 + 1/2 the picker’s
effective herbalist level + the picker’s Wisdom modifier.

List of Herbs
Contents [show]

Acidbite Lichen (Herb)

Biome(s): Mountains, Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: none
Appearance: This lichen is a prime example of a primary successor in that it not only breaks
down rock, but does so at an excessively rapid pace. If a small amount of fresh soil is found
surrounding a lichen, it is likely acidbite. Various other plants have evolved to take advantage of
acidbite’s properties and make up for its shortcomings. Namely, this results in acid-resistant plants
that feed the lichen.

Effect: When one unit of acidbite lichen is thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of
20 feet, a standard action, it affixes itself to a random creature in the square in which it lands. At
the beginning of its turn, a creature covered in acidbite lichen takes 1d6 + 1/2 the herbalist’s class
level acid damage (rounded down) with no saving throw allowed. Ripping acidbite lichen off of a
creature requires a DC 10 + 1/2 the herbalist’s class level + the herbalist’s Wisdom modifier
Strength check, and may be attempted as a standard action, or in place of an attack in a full-
attack action.

Acidbite lichen’s duration only begins to count down when it first affixes to something. If acidbite
lichen lands in an empty square as a result of being thrown, it can be picked back up and used
again. If ripped off of a creature once affixed, the duration continues to count down despite being
detached. However, the herbalist who originally picked it may throw that same lichen again, so
long as some of its duration remains.

Acorn (Fruit)
Biome(s): Forest
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Thornpalm elixir
Appearance: Dropped by the oak tree, acorns are the seed of the plant and sport a cap and
pointy bit that nobody in their right mind needs described.

Effect: When one unit of acorn is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains an
enhancement bonus to natural armor equal to 1 + 1/3 the herbalist’s class level (max +5),
rounded down.

Arctic Poppy (Herb; iconic)

Biome(s): Tundra
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/5 levels, or until discharged
Recipes: none
Appearance: Found in the arctic desert upon otherwise barren ledges of rock, the arctic poppy is
a hint of bright green and yellow in a sea of white and brown.

Effect: When one unit of arctic poppy is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains a limited
immunity to death. If the chewer would be killed by damage, he is instead set to one hit point
above death, automatically stabilizes, and then the benefits of this herb end immediately. This
herb only affects living creatures.

Baneberry (Fruit)
Biome(s): Forest
Point Value: 1
Duration: as poison rules; see text
Recipes: Aconite poison, stillheart poison, the Van Winkle
Appearance: Baneberry sports compound leaves on long stalks, a thin stem, small white flowers,
and black berries of about one-third of an inch in diameter. It is these berries that contain the
greatest concentration of its natural poison, though should supplies of the plant be dwindling,
processing the stalk yields a usable, if labor-intensive, quantity of the substance.

Effect: One unit of baneberry can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison with
the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect Fatigued for 1d4 rounds; at herbalist level 11th, exhausted for 1d4
rounds instead; Cure 1 save

Barbary Fig (Fruit)

Biome(s): Desert, Grassland
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: none
Appearance: Also known as the prickly pear cactus, the Barbary fig grows to a variable height
due to the plant’s propensity to hybridize. Variants all sport the flattened cactus leaves and fleshy
tuna fruits. Care is advised when picking the fig proper. It’s attached to a cactus, after all!

Effect: When one unit of Barbary fig is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains fast
healing 1, increasing by +1 for every three herbalist levels the picker possesses. Further,
consumption of a Barbary fig is equivalent to drinking enough water to stave off dehydration for
one day.

Black Alder (Fruit)

Biome(s): Forest, Grassland
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: Bottled insight
Appearance: The black alder tree is characterized by rounded, heavily veined leaves and its
drooping yellow blooms.
Effect: When one unit of black alder is chewed as a standard action, the chewer receives an
alchemical bonus to saving throws against disease equal to 2 + 1/3 the herbalist’s class level,
rounded down.

Brighteye (Fungus)
Biome(s): Underground
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: Stabbed eye elixir
Appearance: This small, button-like mushroom feeds off of psychic energy, and few psychic
emanations are stronger than that of a sentient moments before death. As such, it is typically
found very near hazards that have the capacity to kill. Intelligent hazards have a tendency to
compulsively clear out brighteye whenever it crops up, as intelligent prey may very well know
what the mushroom’s presence entails, and there goes the element of surprise.

Effect: When one unit of brighteye is chewed as a standard action, it grants an insight bonus to
the Perception skill equal to 2 + 1/2 the herbalist’s class level (max +10).

Calamus (Herb)
Biome(s): Wetlands
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: Calamus oil
Appearance: Calamus can be spotted by its blade-like leaves with a strong, central vein and a
large spadix. Once a leaf or a stem has been broken, the characteristic scent dispels any doubt
that this is the real deal. A horizontal root, or rhizome, contains the greatest concentration of
medicinal compounds.

Effect: When one unit of calamus is chewed as a standard action, the chewer receives an
alchemical bonus to saving throws against the sickened and nauseated conditions equal to 1 +
1/3 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down.

When first administered, if this is the first time the chewer has had calamus today, then he may
immediately make a new save against any sickened or nauseated condition currently affecting
her, ending that effect immediately on a successful saving throw. The recipient does not gain the
alchemical bonus granted by this herb when making these new saves.

Carrageenan (Herb)
Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 1
Duration: n/a
Recipes: All
Appearance: Carrageenan is a variety of seaweed well known for its beer-clarifying properties.

Effect: Carrageenan has two uses.

1: Whenever the herbalist combines herbalism plants to make a plant product using a recipe or a
combinatorial mycology formula, she may expend one unit of carrageenan in addition to those
used to make the plant product. If she does, the DC of the Craft (alchemy) check for that recipe or
formula decreases by 3.

2: Whenever the herbalist applies an herbalism plant that is treated as an oil to a weapon, she
may also expend one unit of carrageenan. If she does, the duration of that oil increases by 50%.

Carrion Flower (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level, or until discharged
Recipes: none
Appearance: This enormous red bloom smells like rotting meat, attracting flies and other insects,
which then get trapped, usually drowned, and then consumed by digestive fluids. It’s not quite as
dramatic as the venus fly trap, but it certainly catches more food at once.

Effect: When chewed as a standard action, the chewer’s skin bubbles with pockets of noxious,
rotten gas that pressurizes itself just under the surface. The next time the chewer is struck in
melee, the attacker is nauseated for 1 round with a Fortitude save to negate, but only if he
occupies a square adjacent to the chewer.

Cattail (Herb)
Biome(s): Wetlands
Point Value: 2
Duration: multiple uses; see text
Recipes: Cattail glue, elemental cattail
Appearance: Cattails grow thick masses of vertically-oriented leaves up to ten feet in length,
among which are situated pistils that are shaped much like brown cylinders.

Effect: Cattail has two uses.

1: One unit of cattail can be used instead of trail rations or generic produce when cooking other
plants. If used in this fashion, treat the herbalist’s class level as +2 higher for the purpose of
determining how many creatures can consume the food, if applicable, and for determining the
magnitude of the benefits granted to the consumer(s).

2: The herbalist may swing one unit of cattail as though it were a club of her size. If it hits, it deals
bludgeoning damage and explodes in a cloud of white fluff, which just so happen to be the seeds
of the plant. This fluff sticks to the creature damaged by the cattail and behaves as the glitterdust
spell, but can be scraped off by dealing damage equal to twice the herbalist’s level to it. Given it is
immobile and stuck to the creature in question, the befluffed creature automatically hits cattail fluff
when attacking it. Others trying to help the creature must successfully hit an AC of 10. Given this
not a magical effect, the fluff is permanent and will not go away unless removed manually.

Note that although cattail can be wielded as though it were a club, it cannot be affected by plants
that act as oils or poisons, or by actual oils or poisons.

Chameleon Bloom (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/2 levels
Recipes: Twisted fate
Appearance: These small, unassuming flowers are the color of their direct surroundings, making
them particularly difficult to identify by any means other than careful inspection of their silhouette.

Effect: When chewed as a standard action, the chewer’s aura becomes muddled. Choose one
alignment axis. For the duration of chameleon bloom’s effect, that axis has no value. It is not
merely hidden for the purpose of divinatory magic, but entirely not present. Spells that apply
effects, including damage, based on alignment treat the muddled alignment axis as the alignment
that receives the smallest effect, such as the least damage, the least healing, or the least amount
of status effects.

As a side effect, those under the effects of chameleon bloom cannot cast spells with a descriptor
associated with the muddled axis. For example, if the Good/Evil axis is muddled, then spells with
the Good, Neutral, and Evil descriptors cannot be cast.

Chimera’s Fang (Fruit)

Biome(s): Forest
Point Value: 4
Duration: 8 hours
Recipes: none
Appearance: Chimera’s fang trees can be spotted by the three tufts of leaves, red, green, and
yellow, that grow in distinct umbel-like structures at the tree’s crown. Their fruits, are, similarly,
bastardizations of common, everyday fruits such that no two are the same.

Effect: When one unit of chimera’s fang is chewed as a standard action, the chewer rolls once on
the table below and receives a +1 luck bonus to the result rolled.

At 5th level and every five herbalist levels thereafter, roll an additional time on this table. Duplicate
results are wasted. At 10th level, the luck bonus granted by chimera’s fang increases by +1.
Table: Chimera’s Fang

d8 Category Affected
1 Skill Checks
2 Ability Checks
3 Attack Rolls
4 Damage Rolls
5 Saving Throws
6 Concentration Checks
7 Rolls to Overcome Spell Resistance
8 Armor Class

Chokevine (Herb)
Biome(s): Mountains
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/2 levels, starting at choke’s initiation; see text
Recipes: Elemental chokevine
Appearance: Chokevine is most easily identified by provoking it to attack, though most naturalists
wisely balk at such brute force methodology. In chokevine’s case, either the sample or the
naturalist gets mangled in the process.

Effect: The herbalist may swing a unit of chokevine as though it were a whip of her size. If it hits,
she immediately makes a grapple attempt as a free action, albeit with a +1 circumstance bonus to
her CMB. This circumstance bonus increases by +1 for every five herbalist levels she possesses,
to a maximum of +5 at herbalist level 20th. If the grapple is successful, the vine leaves the
herbalist’s hand and the victim is strangled and constricted, dealing 2d4 points of bludgeoning
damage each round. Further, the victim cannot speak, breathe, or cast spells with a verbal
component for the duration.

Unique anatomical features, such as the ability to breathe through one’s whole skin, can render
this strangulation effect partially to completely ineffective. The choke may be broken by a
successful grapple check against the vine’s CMD (equal to the herbalist’s CMD + 1 + 1/5 the
herbalist’s class level, rounded down). If the choke is broken, the unit of chokevine is destroyed.

Chokevine cannot have poisons or weapon oils applied to it.

Cholla Cactus (Herb)

Biome(s): Desert
Point Value: 2
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Stabbed eye elixir
Appearance: Most cholla cacti are little more than lumps of cylindrical lobes sporting some of the
densest, spiniest thorns present on cacti.

Effect: When one unit of cholla cactus is thrown as a standard action, its needles erupt outward,
dealing 1d4 points of piercing damage per herbalist level to creatures in a 30-foot line with a
Reflex save for half. Creatures that fail their saving throw take bleed damage equal to the
thrower’s herbalist level. This bleeding persists for 1 round.

Cinderbloom (Herb)
Biome(s): Desert, Mountains
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level or until discharged
Recipes: Attuned specifitine, roasted chestnuts
Appearance: This incredibly short-lived plant grows to a height of about two feet and sports a
single, red bloom with a diameter of about eight inches. Upon pollination, the entire plant bursts
into flame and explodes, scattering seeds far and wide.

Effect: When one unit of cinderbloom is crushed and rubbed onto the body of a willing creature as
a standard action, it forms an ablative layer between the recipient and fire attacks. The recipient
ignores the next 8 x the herbalist’s class level fire damage taken.

Cocoa (Fruit)
Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: none
Appearance: Dull and brown, the pod of the cocoa plant must be cracked open to get at the
unprocessed chocolate inside. This contains trace amounts of caffeine.

Effect: When chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains a competence bonus to Acrobatics
skill checks equal to the herbalist’s class level.

Coldsnap (Herb)
Biome(s): Mountains, Tundra
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level or until discharged
Recipes: Attuned specifitine
Appearance: This short, white-green lichen creeps along the surface of barren rocks in cold
places and is responsible for primary succession. Its namesake is a sort of antifreeze present
within its structure that allows it to survive at temperatures that would kill other plants. The
presence of this compound causes the stem of the plant to break with a very brittle snapping
Effect: When one unit of coldsnap is crushed and rubbed onto the body of a willing creature as a
standard action, it forms an ablative layer between the recipient and cold attacks. The recipient
ignores the next 8 x the herbalist’s class level cold damage taken.

Common Yarrow (Herb)

Biome(s): Forest, Grassland
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: Yarrow paste
Appearance: Common yarrow ranges in height from anywhere between 6 inches and three feet.
Its leaves are larger the closer they are to the ground and express varying degrees of hairlike
fuzziness. Yarrow flowers are concentrated in bundles at the end of the stem.

Effect: When one unit of common yarrow is applied topically to a wound as a standard action, it
immediately delivers a burst positive energy, healing 1d8 points of damage, plus an additional 1d8
for every 3 herbalist levels beyond 1st (max 7d8). Additionally, yarrow continues to slowly deliver
residual positive energy, healing an additional 1 point of damage every round for rounds equal to
the herbalist’s class level. Since undead are powered by negative energy, this herb deals damage
to them instead of curing their wounds. There is no saving throw, though applying yarrow to an
unwilling creature requires a melee touch attack that provokes attacks of opportunity.

If multiple units of common yarrow are used together in a compress, their effects stack, including
the healing over time effect.

Conkers (Fruit)
Biome(s): Forest
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Roasted chestnuts
Appearance: Conkers are the seed of the horse-chestnut tree, known for its absolutely gorgeous
flowers in the spring.

Conker also share their name with that of a traditional children’s game. Each player starts with a
conker through which a string has been strung, and then take turns bashing one conker against
the other. The last player with an intact nut wins.

Effect: When one unit of conkers is thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of 20 feet,
a standard action, it deals 1d8 points of acid damage, plus an additional 1d8 points of acid
damage for every two herbalist levels beyond 1st, on a direct hit. A successful Reflex saving
throw reduces the damage by half. At 5th level, those who fail their Reflex save are doused to
such an extent that any worn leather or hide equipment takes damage equal to the herbalist’s
class level. Creatures not made of flesh are immune to conkers.
Creosote Bush (Herb)
Biome(s): Desert
Point Value: 4
Duration: see text
Recipes: none
Appearance: Scented much like its namesake, the creosote bush is woody and tough, as is
expected of desert flora.

Effect: When one unit of creosote bush is chewed, the chewer is nauseated for 4 rounds, but is
cured of all natural poisons currently afflicting him. Magical and supernatural poisons are
unaffected. For every six herbalist levels the administering herbalist possesses, the duration of
the nauseation effect decreases by 1 round, to a minimum of 1 round at 18th level.

Deeproot Creeper (Herb)

Biome(s): Mountains, Wetlands
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: none
Appearance: This fibrous vine can be found creeping along marshy and uneven terrain and
sports periodic fibrous root systems that anchor it into the ground. Deeproot creeper’s roots are
snow white and can sometimes dig four or five feet into the earth. Herein lies its strategy. By
covering a wide range, the creeper can harvest resources from that whole area, allowing it to
survive even if there are many competitors stepping on its toes.

Effect: When one unit of deeproot creeper is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains an
enhancement bonus to CMD against trip and bull rush combat maneuvers, as well as an
enhancement bonus to saving throws against any effect that can knock the chewer prone, equal
to 1 + 1/4 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down (max +5).

Desert Thorn-apple (Herb)

Biome(s): Desert
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Toxic cocktail
Appearance: Found in sandy washes and the like, desert thorn-apple is an annual whose white
flowers are frequently pentagonal in shape, though they can also be round.

Effect: One unit of desert thorn apple can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of
poison with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect 1 Charisma damage, plus 1 Charisma damage for every four herbalist
levels beyond 1st; Cure 1 save

Destroying Angel (Fungus)

Biome(s): Forest, Underground
Point Value: 4
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Destroying puffball
Appearance: Destroying angels are easily recognized by a filigree-like structure halfway down
the stalk. Some puffballs engulf the mushroom, making it a priority to cut puffballs in half to see if
it has consumed an angel.

Effect: One unit of destroying angel can be applied to a weapon as though it were a poison with
the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect 2 Constitution damage, plus 1 Constitution damage for every two
herbalist levels; Cure 1 save

Dragon’s Maw (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Chromatic dragon’s maw
Appearance: Long, majestic curves of stem and stalk terminate in large, red blooms that are hot
enough to scorch flesh with a mere touch. The air around a dragon’s maw is cool and refreshing
to downright cold depending on the heat of the ambient air that day. Given its need to draw heat
from external sources as a source of fuel, dragon’s maw prefers warm to sweltering conditions
with plenty of water. Sun is not a concern.

Effect: One unit of dragon’s maw can be swung in a wide arc as a standard action, creating a 15-
foot cone of flame that deals 1d4 points of fire damage per herbalist level with a Reflex save for
half damage.

Drowned Hemlock (Herb)

Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: none
Appearance: This perpetually-waterlogged variant of hemlock dries up to nothingness when not
exposed to water on all sides. As an aquatic plant, it doesn’t sport the waxy structures that its
terrestrial cousin uses to retain water. In all other respects, drowned hemlock and hemlock are
surprisingly identical, which makes drowned hemlock extremely popular as a microscope teaching
unit in courses ranging from herbalism to Poisons 301: Cutting Out the Dealer and Getting Better

Effect: One unit of drowned hemlock may be applied to a weapon as though it were an oil. The
oiled weapon is treated as though it had the wounding weapon special ability.

Drowning Man (Herb)

Biome(s): Mountains, Underground, Wetlands
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Capacity: 4
Recipes: Toxic cocktail
Appearance: This strange herb roots itself at the water’s edge and grows toward the water, its
thin, translucent leaves literally floating on the surface of the water itself. Tiny rootlets grow from
the stem.

Effect: One unit of drowning man can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison
with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect 1 Strength damage, plus 1 Strength damage for every four herbalist
levels beyond 1st; Cure 1 save

Dryad’s Saddle (Fungus)

Biome(s): Forest
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Fungal feast
Appearance: A shelf mushroom with an outer ring of a lighter yellow color compared to the inner
orange, dryad’s saddle looks pretty much like a stylized saddle.

Effect: When one unit of dryad’s saddle is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains an
alchemical bonus to Ride skill checks equal to 1 + 1/2 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down
(max +10).

Dwarf Cattail (Herb)

Biome(s): Wetlands
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 hour, or until subject becomes sickened or nauseated
Recipes: Cattail glue
Appearance: Dwarf cattail only grows to approximately two and a half feet in height. As a result,
dwarf cattail is more tender when cooked and makes a superior soup, but is otherwise very similar
to common cattails.

Effect: One unit of dwarf cattail can be cooked and served to a single individual. Cooking dwarf
cattail requires one unit of trail rations or an equivalent amount of fresh produce, as well as 10
minutes of cooking time. If a unit of herbalism plant that grants a bonus to the effective herbalist
level of a cooked plant is used as the unit of fresh produce added to the cooked dwarf cattail, then
it can be served to two individuals instead. Those who consume cooked dwarf cattail, a full-round
action, gain a +1 size bonus to armor class, attack rolls and saving throws, but take a -1 penalty
to damage rolls, CMB, and CMD. At 10th level, the bonuses increase to +2 and the penalties
increase to -2.

Elderberries (Fruit)
Biome(s): Desert, Forest
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/4 levels
Recipes: Strawberry wine
Appearance: Nobody has ever gotten a good look at the source of elderberries, as they smell far
too foul for anyone to not try to look away.

Effect: When one unit of elderberries is crushed and rubbed onto the body of a creature, a melee
touch attack that requires a standard action to perform, the subject is nauseated for 1 round with a
Fortitude save to negate. Further, at the beginning of each of the subject’s turns, it must make a
Fortitude save or become nauseated for 1 round. If the subject makes a successful saving throw,
it is immune to the scent of elderberries for 24 hours.

Creatures without a sense of smell are immune to elderberries.

Emperor’s Candlesticks (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Candlelit lichen
Appearance: Long clusters of small, brilliantly-yellow blooms on thick stalks are the namesake of
the emperor’s candlesticks.

Effect: One unit of emperor’s candlesticks can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose
of poison with the following profile. Unlike most poisons, emperor’s candlesticks affects any and
all corporeal creatures, even those who are otherwise immune to poison for any reason.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for herbalist level rounds; Effect 1d6 fire damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves
False Coral Snake (Herb)
Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 1
Duration: 8 hours or until discharged
Recipes: none
Appearance: Plants often mimic animals. The false coral snake is a grass that has gone very far
out of its way to look like one of the most toxic snakes on earth, then went even further by
approximating that snake’s venom. Some naturalists, the more whimsical ones, of course,
suggest that the false coral snake is even now figuring out a way to mimic serpentine locomotion.
This is almost assuredly asserted in jest, but it wouldn’t really surprise anyone if it happened to be
free. After all, the false coral snake truly is the biggest fanboy in the plant kingdom.

Effect: One unit of false coral snake may be activated as a standard action while wielded as
though it were a one-handed weapon. When false coral snake activates, it gains a poison pool
containing 1 poison point, plus an additional poison point for every two herbalist levels the picker
possesses. Any creature wielding an activated false coral snake may consume a poison point as
a swift action to deal an additional 1d6 points of damage with its next successful physical attack
made that round. This damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.

Starting at 7th level, the wielder may consume up to 2 poison points at once, while, starting at
13th level, this increases to up to 3 poison points at once. A unit of activated false coral snake can
only have poison points drawn from it once per round. When the last poison point is consumed,
false coral snake crumbles and becomes useless.

Creatures that are immune to poison are immune to additional damage dealt by false coral snake.

Fang of the Mountain (Fungus)

Biome(s): Mountains, Tundra
Point Value: 4
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Stillheart poison
Appearance: The antithesis of hair of the mountain, fang of the mountain is short, squat, and
nearly jet black. This causes it to stick out like a sore thumb in the snowy upper reaches of the

Effect: One unit of fang of the mountain can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of
poison with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1/2 herbalist level rounds (rounded down, minimum 1); Effect 1 point of damage to all
ability scores; at 10th level, 1 point of drain to all ability scores instead; Cure2 consecutive saves
Fanged Algae (Herb)
Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: none
Appearance: Fanged algae is named for its ability to lash out at creatures that attempt to
consume it.

Effect: One unit of fanged algae can be thrown as though it were a splash weapon with a range
increment of 20 feet as a standard action. Creatures in the square of impact are covered in algae,
taking 1d6 + the picker’s herbalist level points of acid damage, as well as a -2 penalty to armor
bonus to AC for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude saving throw negates the AC penalty.

Fiddleheads (Herb)
Biome(s): Wetlands
Point Value: 4
Duration: 8 hours, or until subject becomes sickened or nauseated
Recipes: none
Appearance: Fiddlehead ferns are readily found along riverbanks and the like and are
distinguished by the fact that new fronds begin life as round coils that curve inwards rather than
as an open leaf.

Effect: One unit of fiddleheads can be cooked and served to a group numbering up to half the
herbalist’s class level, rounded up. Cooking fiddleheads requires one unit of trail rations or an
equivalent amount of fresh produce, as well as 10 minutes of cooking time. Those who consume
cooked fiddleheads, a full-round action, gain a +1 morale bonus to all saving throws. At 10th level
and every ten levels thereafter, all granted morale bonuses increase by +1.

Fiddleheads cannot be grown in a cultivation pot.

Flametongue (Herb)
Biome(s): Desert, Underground
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Elemental cattail, elemental chokevine
Appearance: A single, bright red pod rests at the end of a thin, yet rugged stalk whose outermost
layers seem to be peeling away. Not a single leaf can be found on this plant. Given the
flametongue survives by absorbing the small amounts of primal fire magic that coalesces in
volcanoes, hot springs, deserts, and the like, this is none too surprising.

Effect: When one unit of flametongue is applied to a metal weapon as though it were an oil, the
weapon rapidly heats to a dull red glow. A weapon glowing in this fashion sheds light as though it
were a candle.

Further, the weapon deals additional fire damage equal to 1 + 1/3 the herbalist’s class level,
rounded down (max 7). Finally, when a flametongue-treated weapon is pressed against brush, dry
tinder, paper, or another form of firestarter for 1 minute, that firestarter ignites. This is treated as a
wholly-mundane and non-magical flame.

Fly Amanita (Fungus) [mind-affecting]

Biome(s): Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: none
Appearance: Fly amanitas have a white stalk with a red cap. This cap is speckled with white or
yellow clumps of material here, there, and everywhere.

Effect: One unit of fly amanita can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison
with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Will; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency 1/
round for 1 round; Effect dazed for 1 round; Cure 1 save

Fool’s Parsley (Herb)

Biome(s): Forest, Grassland
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: none
Appearance: Fool’s parsley grows upwards of two and a half feet in height and sports a hollow
stem, ternately pinnate leaves that exude an unpleasant odor, and compound umbels of white

Effect: One unit of fool’s parsley can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison
with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect mute for 1d4 rounds; Cure 1 save

Frostcap (Herb)
Biome(s): Mountains, Tundra
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Elemental cattail, elemental chokevine, proximity shardbloom
Appearance: Frostcap sports a wiry, pale blue stem that terminates in a fluffy white tuft. This tuft
is not a bloom. Rather, it reproduces asexually via runners.

Effect: When one unit of frostcap is applied to a metal weapon as though it were an oil, the
weapon rapidly frosts over in a deep chill. A weapon chilled in this fashion deals additional cold
damage equal to 1 + 1/3 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down (max 7).

Gnomish Puffball (Fungus)

Biome(s): Mountains, Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 4
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Destroying puffball, fungal feast
Appearance: Round, mottled grey and white, and among the heftiest fungi known to humanoid-
kind, gnomish puffballs are easily identified because, like gnomes, they have a propensity to
explode violently when left to their own devices.

Effect: The herbalist can place one unit of gnomish puffball on the ground as a standard action. If
within 30 feet of a unit of gnomish puffball she picked, the herbalist may detonate it as a standard
action, dealing 1d6 points of fire damage per herbalist level in a 10-foot-radius burst with a Reflex
save for half damage. An herbalist may detonate a gnomish puffball while it is still in her inventory.
However, if she does so, she is not entitled to a saving throw against the damage it deals.

Groundelder (Herb)
Biome(s): Grassland
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: none
Appearance: A member of the carrot family, groundelder is characterized by its long, wispy stem
and the hemispherical clouds of tiny blooms that dot the uppermost reaches of the plant. It is
further distinguished from other wild carrots in that its flowers and leaves resemble that of the
elder. Like domestic carrots, the root is the edible portion. However, wild carrot roots tend to be
white or a pale yellow rather than the bright orange known oh so well by anyone who frequents
the farmer’s market.

Effect: Groundelder has two uses.

1: One unit of groundelder can be used instead of trail rations or generic fresh produce when
cooking other herbalism plants. If used in this fashion, treat the herbalist’s class level as +2 higher
for the purpose of determining how many creatures can consume the food, if applicable, and for
determining the magnitude of the benefits granted to the consumer(s).

2: When one unit of groundelder is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains temporary hit
points equal to 5 + 1/2 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down. These temporary hit points
persist for 1 minute.

If multiple units of groundelder are used together in a compress, their effects stack.

Hair of the Mountain (Fungus)

Biome(s): Mountains, Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 1
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/4 levels
Recipes: Fungal feast, yarrow paste
Appearance: Found everywhere in and on a mountain, be it at the topmost reaches, in the
foothills, or within the mountain itself, hair of the mountain is a grasslike mushroom that grows to a
height of between one and three feet. Each stalk terminates in a snow-white cap that is about an
inch-and-a-half in diameter.

The mushroom tends to grow in clumps; in the case of ancient growths, these clumps can radiate
from a central lump representing ancient, accumulated fungal growth.

Effect: When one unit of hair of the mountain is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains
temporary hit points equal to 1 + 1/4 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down. Additionally, he
gains fast healing 1 + 1/4 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down.

Starting at 4th level, when the effects of hair of the mountain cease, a final pulse of positive
energy rocks the recipient, healing him for 1d6 points of damage for every 4 herbalist class levels
the picker possesses.

Unlike most other fungi, hair of the mountain can be used in a compress.

Harmony Fruit (Fruit)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 round
Recipes: none
Appearance: Found where the classic elements all meet in one place, such as embedded in the
sand of the shoreline of a river just before the edge of a waterfall that cascades over an extinct
volcano, harmony fruits are the produce of scraggly little trees that embody the fact that the
elements can indeed get along.

Effect: One unit of harmony fruit can be shaken about as a standard action. All creatures within
30 feet of the herbalist gain resistance equal to the herbalist’s class level against acid, cold,
electricity, fire, and sonic damage. Additionally, whenever energy damage is dealt to a creature
affected by harmony fruit, the herbalist may force that source of energy damage to reroll up to one
damage die per five herbalist levels, rounded down (minimum 0) as a free action.
Heart of the Mountain (Fungus)
Biome(s): Mountains
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 round/level
Recipes: Heart’s blood
Appearance: When hair of the mountain becomes excessively old, its stalk thickens and
becomes flaky. These mushrooms are known as heart of the mountain.

Effect: When one unit of heart of the mountain is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains
temporary hit points equal to 5 + the herbalist’s class level, DR 3/- , and fast healing 2.

When the effects of heart of the mountain cease, a final pulse of positive energy rocks the
recipient, healing him for 1d6 points of damage for every two herbalist levels.

Hemlock (Herb)
Biome(s): Grassland, Wetlands
Point Value: 4
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: The Van Winkle
Appearance: Hemlock grows upwards of eight feel tall and features purple or red streaking on the
bottom half of its stalk. The leaves can grow up to over one and a half feet in length and exude an
unpleasant odor.

Effect: One unit of hemlock can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison with
the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round forever; Effect 1 Con damage + 1 Con damage for every eight herbalist levels beyond
1st; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Hemlock cannot be grown in a cultivation pot.

Hen of the Woods (Fungus)

Biome(s): Forest
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 hour, or until subject becomes sickened or nauseated
Recipes: Fungal feast
Appearance: Typically found at the base of old or dead oak trees, hen of the woods is a polypore
mushroom with a wavy cap edge that grows in vast colonies that can reach 20 pounds in weight.

Effect: One unit of hen of the woods can be cooked and served to a group numbering up to half
the herbalist’s class level, rounded up. Cooking hen of the woods requires one unit of trail rations
or an equivalent amount of fresh produce, as well as 10 minutes of cooking time. Those who
consume cooked hen of the woods, a full-round action, experience a tightening of the gut as it
sets to work digesting the mushroom, granting a +2 enhancement bonus to initiative rolls. At 5th
level and every five levels thereafter, this enhancement bonus increases by +1 (max +6 at level

Holy Ghost (Herb)

Biome(s): Mountains, Wetlands
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: none
Appearance: A type of wild celery, holy ghost is characterized by globular umbels of tiny flowers
that range in color from yellow to green and groupings of leaves in bundles of three. Most
characteristic of holy ghost is its pleasant aromatic nature, which is a great departure from the off-
putting scents of its relatives.

Effect: Holy ghost has three uses.

1: One unit of holy ghost can be used instead of trail rations or generic fresh produce when
cooking other herbalism plants. If used in this fashion, treat the herbalist’s class level as +2 higher
for the purpose of determining how many creatures can consume the food, if applicable, and for
determining the magnitude of the benefits granted to the consumer(s).

2: When one unit of holy ghost is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains fresh breath,
granting an alchemical bonus to the Bluff and Diplomacy skills equal to 1 + 1/5 the herbalist’s
class level, rounded down (max +5), as well as a penalty of equal magnitude to the Intimidate
skill. These effects persist for 1 minute per herbalist level.

3: One unit of holy ghost can be sliced open and fashioned into a makeshift woodwind instrument
with a sound close to that of a clarinet. This instrument takes one minute of uninterrupted effort to
create and grants a +2 circumstance bonus to Perform checks when used by anyone. At 6th level,
holy ghost also grants the user a +1 insight bonus to the DC of any bardic performances made
using it. This bonus persists for 1 minute per herbalist level before holy ghost loses its potency.

Late Spider Orchid (Herb)

Biome(s): Grassland
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: none
Appearance: The late spider orchid is frequently confused with the bee orchid and exhibits darker
coloration on the underside of the bloom.

Effect: When one unit of late spider orchid is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains an
alchemical bonus to Charisma-based skills involving the opposite sex equal to 1 + 1/3 the
herbalist’s class level (max +5).

Liana (Herb)
Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Recipes: Powdered liana
Appearance: Rooted to the ground, the liana vine coils up trees and other rigid structures to
break through to the canopy above. It is also the primary ingredient for a particularly potent
psychoactive tea.

Effect: When one unit of liana is chewed as a standard action, the chewer treats all other
creatures as though they had concealment. However, all other creatures also treat the chewer as
though he had concealment. Concealment gained in this fashion does not enable hide in plain

Madagascar Periwinkle (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: none
Appearance: Small, unobtrusive flowers of red, white, and purple grow low to the ground in a
blanket of green. Though there are various species with different petal shapes, all Madagascar
periwinkles have four petals.

Effect: When one unit of Madagascar periwinkle is chewed as a standard action, the chewer
gains a +2 luck bonus to saving throws against gaze attacks.

Manmelter Vine (Herb)

Biomes(s): Jungle
Point Value: 4
Duration: see text
Recipes: none
Appearance: A rather unremarkable vine with some darker green striping along its length,
manmelter vine produces a liquid that can liquefy most organic material, including humanoid flesh.

Effect: When one unit of manmelter vine is thrown as a splash weapon with a range increment of
20 feet, a standard action, it wraps around a random creature in the square it directly hits, dealing
1d6 points of damage per herbalist class level with a Fortitude save to negate. In addition, the
subject is entangled for 1 round per herbalist level, reduced by half if the aforementioned Fortitude
save is successful.

Given manmelter vine’s homicidal nature, it cannot be grown in a cultivation pot.

Marsh Mallow (Herb)

Biome(s): Wetlands
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: none
Appearance: Marsh mallow sports white blooms of six petals that cup around a yellow eye. Its
leaves are long and narrow.

Effect: When one unit of marsh mallow is chewed as a standard action, the chewer’s mouth is
flooded with positive energy, healing 1d8 points of damage plus an additional 1d8 for every 2
herbalist levels beyond 1st (max 10d8). At 8th level, the chewer also receives a +2 bonus to the
next Fortitude save he makes. This effect persists for 1 minute per herbalist level or until

If multiple units of marsh mallow are used together in a compress, their effects stack.

Marsh Marigold (Herb)

Biome(s): Wetlands
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Toxic cocktail
Appearance: The marsh marigold sports massive leaves that drape over the ground. Above
these pop bright yellow flowers.

Effect: One unit of marsh marigold can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of
poison with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect 1 Wisdom damage, plus 1 Wisdom damage for every four herbalist
levels beyond 1st; Cure 1 save

Moss Campion (Herb)

Biome(s): Tundra
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: none
Appearance: Moss campion, low-growing like many arctic plants, is essentially a mat of pink
flowers upwards of a foot in diameter that colonizes rocky outcroppings and the like in the arctic

Effect: When one unit of moss campion is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains an
alchemical bonus to the Survival skill equal to 2 + 1/2 the herbalist’s class level (max +10).

Muskroot (Herb)
Biome(s): Forest, Mountain
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute, or until doused with water
Recipes: none
Appearance: Muskroot grows up to six inches tall and features triangular, lobed leaves that tend
to grow nearer the root. It is easily characterized by a musky scent that vanishes when the plant is
bruised and the large, four-petaled flower that is flanked on four sides by five-petaled flowers.

When carefully sliced open, muskroot’s stench endures, allowing for the application of its oils as a
means of camouflaging one’s scent. This is of particular use when hunting certain species of
game animal.

Effect: One unit of muskroot can either be applied topically to a willing creature as a standard
action, or to an unwilling creature as a melee touch attack that requires a standard action. The
creature immediately begins to smell very strongly, causing the creature itself and all other
creatures occupying squares it threatens to take a -1 penalty to attack rolls. At 4th level and every
four levels thereafter, this penalty increases by -1, to a maximum of -6 at 20th level. Creatures
that have no sense of smell are immune to muskroot.

Needlegrass (Herb)
Biome(s): Desert, Grassland
Capacity: 4
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Stabbed eye elixir
Appearance: Needlegrass grows in tough clumps of needle-thin blades that reach a height of
about five inches. Covered in irritants, it is advised to wear gloves when picking the stuff.

Effect: One unit of needlegrass can be thrown as though it were a thrown weapon with a range
increment of 20 feet as a standard action, dealing 1d6 points of piercing damage per herbalist
level on a successful ranged touch attack. A successful Reflex saving throw reduces damage by
half. Poisons may be applied to needlegrass as though it were a weapon.

Night-blooming Jasmine (Herb) [mind-affecting]

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Recipes: Powdered liana
Appearance: The night-blooming jasmine features thin, elongated leaves and cream-colored
balls for blooms. Extremely fragrant, this plant does much to make itself appealing despite its

Effect: As a standard action, one unit of night-blooming jasmine can be held aloft and shaken to
release its fragrance in a 30-foot-radius burst centered upon the herbalist. Creatures caught in the
burst have all morale bonuses and fear-based penalties suppressed with a Will save to negate.
Morale and fear effects with a limited duration continue to elapse while suppressed.

If night-blooming jasmine is grown in a cultivation pot, then the herbalist is considered to be

permanently under the effects of night-blooming jasmine with no saving throw allowed.

Old Man Winter’s Beard (Herb)

Biome(s): Tundra
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: none
Appearance: This shaggy plant grows in the deep tundra and insulates itself with fluffy plant
fibers. These plant fibers trap millions of tiny air bubbles, which helps the plant survive the cold
darkness of winters in its homeland. Sadly, even casual grazing in the dead of winter can crack
this shield of insulation, leaving a dead plant come spring. As a result, when an old man winter’s
beard believes it is dying to extreme cold, its last action is to mature an enormous quantity of
seeds, which scatter in the spring when its frozen remains are jostled by those same grazers
coming back for more. Though old man winter’s beard’s survival strategy does nothing to keep the
individual alive, it is quite adept at perpetuating the species. For this reason, the plant is held in a
place of reverence by arctic kobold clans with a druidic population, to the point that some
depictions of their gods include heavy winter coats made of the stitched beards themselves.

Effect: When one unit of old man winter’s beard is crushed and rubbed onto the body of a
creature, a melee touch attack that requires a standard action, it must make a Will save or be
subjected to a strange and terrible sensation. For one round per herbalist level, those who fail
their Will save are treated as one age category older for the purpose of taking penalties based on
old age. Venerable creatures that fail their Will save are instead stunned for 1 round.

Opium Poppy (Herb)

Biome(s): Desert
Point Value: 4
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: none
Appearance: Though found in other biomes, opium poppies tend to produce a greater amount of
narcotic chemicals when grown in arid regions. The opium poppy is an annual flower that
produces large, green buds before blooming into beautiful pink, purple, white, or red flowers.

Effect: One unit of opium poppy can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison
with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency 1/
round for 1 round; Effect All attacks made by the subject have a percent miss chance equal to
three times the herbalist’s class level. Additionally, starting at 11th level, the subject is denied its
Dexterity bonus to AC. These effects persist for 1 round per herbalist level; Cure 1 save

Given its nature, opium poppy cannot be placed in a cultivation pot.

Palmer’s Agave (Fruit)

Biome(s): Desert
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 minute/level (brew)
Recipes: none
Appearance: Radiating from a central point, palmer’s agave is little more than a hemisphere of
fat, pointed leaves when not in flower. Stems shoot up from the center of this shrub when in
flower, quickly blooming into large bundles of six-segmented blooms that are rich in nectar.

Effect: An herbalist can brew a batch of fresh tequila from one unit of palmer’s agave, a process
that requires 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration. A batch of tequila contains 1d4 doses,
each of which can be consumed as though it were a potion. Each dose grants the drinker a +2
morale bonus to Strength and a 2 penalty to Will saves. At 5th level and every five levels
thereafter, the morale bonus to Strength increases by +1.

While brewing, the herbalist may expend a unit of herbalism plant that can be used as though it
were a unit of generic fresh produce when cooking. If the herbalist expends such a plant, she
produces an additional dose of tequila. Further, if the expended plant increases the herbalist’s
effective level when used in cooking, it also increases her effective level when brewing.

As a brewed product, tequila can be passed from the herbalist to another creature without it losing
its efficacy.

Palo Verde Bark (Fruit)

Biome(s): Desert
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Bottled insight, thornpalm elixir
Appearance: The palo verde tree is waxy, to avoid excess loss of moisture, and covered in
thorns, to deter herbivores desiring its stored water. In exceptionally dry weather, the palo verde
tree sheds its leaves, but continues to photosynthesize due to chlorophyll found directly in its
bark. This gives the tree a strange green hue.
Effect: When one unit of palo verde bark is chewed as a standard action, the chewer’s body
grows a number of woody spines that deal 1d3 points of piercing damage to those who strike at
the chewer with natural weapons or while unarmed. At herbalist level 5th and every five levels
thereafter, this damage increases by +1d3.

Pheasant’s Eye (Herb)

Biome(s): Grassland, Mountains
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Aconite poison, toxic cocktail
Appearance: Blooming in early spring, this plant’s leaves are thin and needle-like, while its bright
yellow blooms are approximately two inches in diameter and feature upwards of twenty petals

Effect: One unit of pheasant’s eye can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison
with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect 1 Dexterity damage, plus 1 Dexterity damage for every four herbalist
levels beyond 1st; Cure 1 save

Phosphor Mushroom (Fungus)

Biome(s): Underground
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 minute, or until discharged (brew)
Recipes: Fungal feast
Appearance: Phosphor mushrooms are simply overgrown psilocybes that glow with a warm blue
radiance. Several underground races who have not evolved a total disdain for light, whether by
chance, by relative racial youth, or by a need to see as we do thanks to periodic topside raids,
grow them to bring some sort of illumination to their homes.

Mature phosphor mushrooms are particularly finicky. However, and demand specific soil nutrients
in exchange for a glow bright enough to make their inclusion as a public utility worthwhile.

Effect: An herbalist can brew a batch of fresh phosphor beer from one unit of phosphor
mushroom, a process that requires 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration. A batch of
phosphor beer contains 1d4 doses, each of which can be consumed as though it were a potion.
Each dose causes a strange rumble to build in the stomach of the drinker, granting the drinker the
supernatural ability to make a single breath attack sometime during the brew’s duration. This
breath attack is a 60-foot ray of light that deals 1d8 points of damage plus an additional 1d8 points
of damage for every two herbalist levels beyond 1st on a successful ranged touch attack.

While brewing, the herbalist may expend a unit of herbalism plant that can be used as though it
were a unit of generic fresh produce when cooking. If the herbalist expends such a plant, she
produces an additional dose of phosphor beer. Further, if the expended plant increases the
herbalist’s effective level when used in cooking, it also increases her effective level when brewing.

As a brewed product, phosphor beer can be passed from the herbalist to another creature without
it losing its efficacy.

Phosphor Puff (Fungus)

Biomes: Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 2
Duration: see text
Recipes: Fungal feast
Appearance: This large, round puffball glows slightly, generating a supply of heat.

Effect: Phosphor mushrooms have two uses.

1: One unit of phosphor mushroom can be used as a source of light. It illuminates as though it
were a candle. Starting at 7th level, it illuminates as though it were a torch. This effect persists for
8 hours.

2: An herbalist can brew a batch of fresh puff beer from one unit of phosphor puff, a process that
requires 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration. A batch of puff beer contains 1d4 doses, each
of which be consumed as though it were a potion. Each dose grants the drinker fast healing 2 for
rounds equal to half the herbalist’s class level, rounded down and minimum 1. While brewing, the
herbalist may expend a unit of herbalism plant that can be used as though it were a unit of generic
fresh produce when cooking. If the herbalist expends such a plant, she produces an additional
dose of puff beer. Further, if the expended plant increases the herbalist’s effective level when
used in cooking, it also increases her effective level when brewing.

As a brewed product, puff beer can be passed from the herbalist to another creature without it
losing its efficacy.

Phosphor Weed (Herb)

Biome(s): Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: none
Appearance: This stringy weed would be thoroughly generic were it not for the fact that it glows.
Unlike the phosphor mushroom, phosphor weed produces, at most, a gentle glow, and is
significantly less picky about the soil in which it finds itself. This makes phosphor weed the
equivalent of the candle in underground realms that really don’t have the air circulation to support
torches everywhere.

Effect: Phosphor weeds have two uses.

1: One unit of phosphor weed can be used as a source of light. It illuminates as though it were a
candle. At 7th level, it illuminates as though it were a torch. This effect persists for 8 hours.

2: An herbalist can will a unit of phosphor weed wielded as though it were a one-handed weapon
to erupt in a blast of light as a standard action. Creatures in a 30-foot-radius must make a DC
Fortitude save or be dazzled for one minute. The herbalist herself receives a bonus equal to her
Wisdom modifier to this saving throw.

Starting at 9th level, those who make their Fortitude save are dazzled for 1 minute, while those
who fail are dazzled for 1 minute, as well as blinded for 1 round.

Pineapple (Fruit)
Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: Assorted fruit wine
Appearance: A large, spiny aggregate fruit with juicy yellow flesh underneath, the ubiquitous
pineapple is the most popular produce projectile among halflings the world over.

Effect: Pineapple has two uses.

1: When one unit of pineapple is chewed as a standard action, the chewer is healed for 1d8 +
twice the herbalist’s class level points of damage.

2: An herbalist can brew a batch of fresh pineapple wine from one unit of pineapple, a process
that requires 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration. A batch of pineapple wine contains 1
dose, which can be consumed as though it were a potion. When consumed, a dose of pineapple
wine heals the drinker for 1d8 + the herbalist’s class level points of damage.

As a brewed product, pineapple wine can be passed from the herbalist to another creature without
it losing its efficacy.

Pink Wood Sorrel (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: none
Appearance: The pink wood sorrel is characterized by its elongated pink blooms that grow in an
umbel-like configuration. Its stem is thin, yet less springy than would be expected.

Effect: One unit of pink wood sorrel may be used as though it were a dose of poison with the
following profile.

Type poison (ingested); Save Fortitude DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier;
Frequency 1/round for 1 round; Effect After 1 hour onset, staggered permanently until the
subject receives a full day of bed rest or is subject to any spell or ability that restores ability score
damage, such as lesser restoration; Cure 1 save

Posidonia (Herb)
Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level or until discharged
Recipes: none
Appearance: Also known as seagrass, posidonia’s appearance can be fairly accurately surmised
by its common name alone.

Effect: When one unit of posidonia is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains a +4
alchemical bonus to his next saving throw against an inhaled hazard, such as the poison breath of
an iron golem.

Pricklegrass (Herb)
Biome(s): Grassland
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Stabbed eye elixir
Appearance: A close relative of crabgrass, pricklegrass has been known to slice open the shins
of horses who brush by it. Needless to say, the shiny-leafed grass quickly earns a wide berth from
anything that can’t handle its silica.

Effect: When one unit of pricklegrass is applied to a metal weapon as though it were an oil, the
weapon rapidly gains a dull sheen and becomes wickedly sharp. A weapon treated in this fashion
deals additional bleed damage equal to 1 + 1/6 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down (max 4).

Puckerberry (Herb)
Biome(s): Forest, Wetlands
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Elemental cattail, elemental chokevine, strawberry wine
Appearance: Growing at the base of old trees, this shade-loving bush loves moist, even
waterlogged earth and is characterized by the small, yellow berries hanging from it in heavy

Effect: One unit of puckerberry can be applied to a weapon as though it were an oil. A weapon
treated in this fashion deals additional acid damage equal to 1 + 1/3 the herbalist’s class level,
rounded down (max 7).
Rampant Liverwort (Herb)
Biome(s): Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 round/level, or until discharged
Recipes: Nullmagic elixir
Appearance: Liverworts in general tend to be quite thin and no more than a few inches long.
What makes rampant liverwort so interesting, however, is that it can feed itself with pretty much
anything. Photosynthetic, chemosynthetic, and magosynthesic, among others, rampant liverwort
can and will survive pretty much anywhere where other plants don’t simply outgrow it.

Effect: Rampart liverwort can be placed in a square the herbalist threatens as a standard action.
Once placed, if any spell is cast where the square the liverwort occupies is part of that spell’s
radius, the caster of the spell must succeed on a DC 10 + 1/2 the herbalist’s level + the herbalist’s
Wisdom modifier Concentration check or lose the spell. Whether or not the spell is stopped, the
liverwort is consumed in the process.

Root Spore (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/2 levels
Recipes: Leech spore
Appearance: Root spore is a root parasite that looks like the spherical cap of a brown fungus, but
it is, in fact, a flowering plant.

Effect: As a standard action, one unit of root spore can be thrown as though it were a splash
weapon with a range increment of 20 feet, a standard action. It clings to a random creature in the
square of impact, dealing acid damage equal to 1d4 + 1/3 the herbalist’s class level, rounded
down, at the beginning of each of the subject’s turns. As root spore deals damage, a nodule
begins to grow from the herbalism plant. Once the duration of root spore expires, the herbalist
may consume this nodule as though it were a potion, healing her of points of damage equal to the
amount of damage dealt by root spore to the subject. A root spore nodule remains fresh for 1 hour
before spoiling.

Ripping root spore off of a creature requires a DC 10 + 1/2 the herbalist’s class level + the
herbalist’s Wisdom modifier Strength check, and may be attempted as a standard action, or in
place of an attack in a full-attack action.

Root spore’s duration only begins to count down when it first affixes to something. If it lands in an
empty square as a result of being thrown, it can be picked back up and used again. If ripped off of
a creature once affixed, the duration continues to count down despite being detached; however,
the herbalist who originally picked it may throw that same root spore again and again, so long as
some of its duration remains.

Sawweed (Herb)
Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: none
Appearance: A strange, magically-infused variant of seaweed, sawweed only pops up in a
creature’s peripheral vision.

Effect: When one unit of sawweed is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains the benefits
of the see invisibility spell.

Scarlet Pimpernel (Herb)

Biome(s): Desert
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Toxic cocktail
Appearance: This weedy plant grows from a central root in a starburst pattern, its leaves hugging
the stem close in little hemispheres. It blooms are a muted orange with red in the center.

Effect: One unit of scarlet pimpernel can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of
poison with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect 1 Intelligence damage, plus 1 Intelligence damage for every four
herbalist levels beyond 1st; Cure 1 save

Screaming Creeper (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Chromatic dragon’s maw, elemental cattail, elemental chokevine
Appearance: This bright green vine lets out an ear-piercing scream whenever it is disturbed.
Given most creatures find this sound to be highly unpleasant, it turns out to be a rather effective

Effect: When one unit of screaming creeper is applied to a weapon as though it were an oil, that
weapon begins to hum. A weapon treated in this fashion deals additional sonic damage equal to 1
+ 1/4 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down (max +6).

Seerbrush (Herb)
Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level, or until discharged
Recipes: Twisted fate
Appearance: Like the the outstretched arms of an ancient oracle grasping for a portent just out of
reach, seerbrush’s dry and scraggly brown stalks are always splayed out awkward, albeit in a
common direction.

Effect: When one unit of seerbrush is chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains limited
insight into the immediate future. As an immediate action, the chewer may elect to reroll a single
d20 roll, albeit at a 4 penalty, before the results of that roll are known.

Shadowbloom (Herb)
Biome(s): Underground, Wetlands
Point Value: 2
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: none
Appearance: Found in the deep, dark places of the world, the shadowbloom is noted for the
swirling purple coloration of its central flower.

Effect: One unit of shadowbloom can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of poison
with the following profile. Unlike most poisons, shadowbloom affects any and all corporeal
creatures, even those who are otherwise immune to poison for any reason.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for herbalist level rounds; Effect 2d6 acid damage; Cure none

Shaman’s Assistant (Herb)

Biome(s): Jungle
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute/level, or until discharged
Recipes: Leech spore
Appearance: Found near the phosphorous-rich remains of campfires in the hot and wet areas of
the world, the fast-growing shaman’s assistant is a thin creeper with snow white blooms and a
very potent scent.

Effect: When chewed as a standard action, the next source of ability drain dealt to the chewer is
converted to ability damage instead.

Shardbloom (Herb)
Biome(s): Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Proximity shardbloom
Appearance: Although it is a plant, it looks more like somebody made a cheap facsimile out of ice
and stuck it in the ground.

Effect: One unit of shardbloom can be thrown as though it were a splash weapon with a range
increment of 20 feet as a standard action, dealing 1d4 points of cold damage per herbalist level to
all creatures within 5 feet of the square struck. A successful Reflex save negates.

Specifitine (Herb)
Biome(s): Desert, Tundra, Underground
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: Attuned specifitine, extremophilic elixir
Appearance: The opposite of ubiquitine, specifitine has an appearance that reflects its
conditioning to perfectly match the environment at hand.

Effect: When chewed as a standard action, the chewer gains resistance to the energy type that
most recently damaged the chewer (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) equal to the herbalist’s class
level. If two energy types tie for this distinction, the chewer can choose which resistance to gain.

Spider Milkweed (Herb)

Biome(s): Desert, Forest
Point Value: 1
Duration: instantaneous
Recipes: Toxic cocktail
Appearance: Growing up to three feet in height, but usually only somewhere in the vicinity of half
of that, spider milkweed is noted for growing an umbel heavy enough to tip the plant over into a
stooped position. This umbel is globular in appearance and is a solid blanket of pale green flowers
with small spots white and maroon for color.

Effect: One unit of spider milkweed can be applied to a weapon as though it were a dose of
poison with the following profile.

Type poison (injury); Save Fortitude; DC 10 + 1/2 herbalist level + Wisdom modifier; Frequency
1/round for 1 round; Effect 1 Constitution damage, plus 1 Constitution damage for every four
herbalist levels beyond 1st; Cure 1 save

Springroot (Herb)
Biome(s): Grassland, Wetlands
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Attuned specifitine
Appearance: The only above-ground presence the springroot has is a mat of dark purple, almost
black flowers blooming directly upon a twisted mass of runners. When dug up, the plant’s heart is
revealed to be a rubbery tuber the size of a potato.

Effect: When one unit of springroot is crushed and rubbed onto the body of a willing creature as a
standard action, it forms an ablative layer between the recipient and electric attacks. The recipient
ignores the next 8 x the herbalist’s class level electricity damage taken.

Standard Bearer (Herb)

Biome(s): Grassland
Point Value: 4
Duration: see text
Recipes: none
Appearance: This strange herb, a single thick stalk covered in small, unobtrusive leaves, actively
courts other herbs, creating an area of greater species diversity around itself. Strangely, many of
the herbs don’t even look like they belong where they are presently growing.

Effect: Standard bearer has two uses.

1: When a unit of standard bearer is placed into the ground, a full-round action that provokes
attacks of opportunity, the herbalist gets an extra find herbs roll the next morning if she is still in
the same general area as the standard bearer. As standard bearers draw plantlife to them that
sometimes doesn’t even make sense, the herbalist may make her find herbs roll on the table for
any biome. Only a single standard bearer may be used in this way per herbalist at any one time.
The standard bearer is consumed in the process.

2: When used in a compress, standard bearer mimics the effects of up to two other herbalism
plants in the compress. If an herbalism plant does not allow its effects to stack in a compress, this
doubles the duration of the effect instead.

Given its propensity to draw other species to it, a standard bearer cannot be grown in a cultivation

Swampweed (Herb)
Biome(s): Wetlands
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: none
Appearance: This sickly grass grows to a height of about one foot and is identified by its pale
color, drooping leaves, and musty smell. Swampweed has been touted by the sort of individuals
who write cheeky monographs as the primary reason why certain swamp communities simply
have no chance to ever advance to the echelons of society that the monograph writers
themselves inhabit. This is because swampweed turns out to be the most easily fermentable plant
in the world and the resulting alcohol is actually quite fantastic.

Effect: An herbalist can brew a batch of fresh swamp beer from one unit of swampweed, a
process that requires 10 minutes of uninterrupted concentration. A batch of swampweed beer
contains 1d4 doses, each of which can be consumed as though it were a potion. Each dose
confers immunity to the shaken condition. At 6th level, each dose bubbles up in the stomach of
the drinker, granting the drinker the supernatural ability to make a single breath attack as a
standard action sometime during the brew’s duration. This breath attack is a 20′ cone that mimics
the effects of the stinking cloud spell, save that its DC is 10 + 1/2 the herbalist’s class level + the
herbalist’s Wisdom modifier. At 11th level, each dose also confers immunity to all fear effects.

Finally, at 16th level, each dose grants the drinker a small measure of luck. As an immediate
action sometime over the course of the duration of the ability, the drinker can grant himself a +2
luck bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, skill checks, or AC for 1 round. This bonus can be
granted after the success or failure of a roll is known and can retroactively change its outcome.
Using the breath weapon or the luck bonus ends the effects of swampweed immediately.

Swampweed can be passed from the herbalist to another creature without it losing its efficacy.

While brewing, the herbalist may expend a unit of herbalism plant that can be used as though it
were a unit of generic fresh produce when cooking. If the herbalist expends such a plant, she
produces an additional dose of swamp beer. Further, if the expended plant increases the
herbalist’s effective level when used in cooking, it also increases her effective level when brewing.

As a brewed product, swamp beer can be passed from the herbalist to another creature without it
losing its efficacy.

Given swampweed’s propensity to love absolutely flooded dirt, it is impossible to grow

swampweed in a cultivation pot.

Trident of the Current Lord (Fruit)

Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 4
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/4 levels
Recipes: none
Appearance: The fruits known as the trident of the current lord grow from a central stalk that can
only be found where cold water meets a warm ocean current or warm water meets a cold ocean
current. This disparity in temperature promotes circulation of ammonia through the long, trident-
shaped fruits, thus powering a sort of organic turbine that sustains the organism as a whole. This
unique method of feeding is not found anywhere else in nature, suggesting that a wizard probably
did it.

Effect: One unit of trident of the current lord may be activated as a swift action while wielded as
though it were a one-handed weapon. Any creature wielding an activated trident of the current
lord treats it as an exact copy of whatever one-handed weapon he is wielding in his other hand, if
any, so long as that weapon’s total enhancement modifier is less than or equal to one-half the
herbalist level of the picking herbalist, rounded down (minimum 1).

Ubiquitine (Herb)
Biome(s): All
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: All, extremophilic elixir, heart’s blood, ubiquitium
Appearance: Ubiquitine is thoroughly generic in appearance and needs. In fact, it is so generic
that it can grow in any biome; however, it is specific about its generic needs. In other words, given
it has become hardy enough to impose upon itself a sense of aesthetics, it only grows in places
that are themselves suitably generic.

Effect: Ubiquitine has two uses.

1: A single unit of ubiquitine can replace a single unit of any other herbalism plant in a recipe. Use
of two or more units of ubiquitine in this fashion will cause the concoction to be too generic and
the recipe will fail. As it is, the use of one unit of ubiquitine in this fashion increases the Craft DC
of the recipe by +5.

2: A unit of ubiquitine can mimic the effects of any other 1-point herbalism plant in the herbalist’s
possession, but can only mimic a particular plant once per week.

If two plants in cultivation pots other than ubiquitine itself ever share a biome of origin, any
ubiquitine in cultivation pots gets upset about how aesthetically unpleasing its surroundings are
and promptly dies.

Vanilla Grass (Herb)

Biome(s): Grasslands
Point Value: 2
Duration: 1 minute/level
Recipes: Attuned Specifitine
Appearance: Growing in tufts that reach about three feet tall, vanilla grass is characterized by
hairy ligules of up to half an inch long and sports needlelike red flowers whose average length is
approximately 2.5″.

Effect: When one unit of vanilla grass is crushed and rubbed onto the body of a willing creature
as a standard action, it forms an ablative layer between the recipient and acidic attacks. The
recipient ignores the next 8 x the herbalist’s class level acid damage taken.

Venus Hair Fern (Herb)

Biome(s): Desert, Forest, Mountains
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 minute
Recipes: none
Appearance: Also known as the black maidenhair fern, its fronds are light green in color and
grow from rhizomes that creep along. The frond rachis are black, hence its other common name.

Effect: When one unit of venus hair fern is eaten as a standard action, it confers an alchemical
bonus equal to 1 + 1/3 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down, (maximum +6) to saving throws
against confusion effects, sanity effects, and Will saves to disbelieve harmless illusions.

Water Aloe (Herb)

Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 4
Duration: 8 hours or until discharged
Recipes: none
Appearance: Eschewing the hard exterior of a terrestrial plant, water aloe’s survival strategy is
that of the endurer. It grows large and wide in an attempt to survive grazing, and compounds
within its structure simultaneously cause predators to feel full and stimulate new, rapid growth in
eaten areas.

Effect: One unit of water aloe may be activated as a standard action while wielded as though it
were a one-handed weapon. When water aloe activates, it gains a mending pool containing 1
mending point, plus an additional mending point for each herbalist level the picker possesses. Any
creature wielding an activated water aloe, as well as any of the wielder’s allies within 30 feet, may
consume a mending point as a move action to heal 1d6 + 1/2 the picker’s herbalist level hit points
(rounded down). Starting at 9th level, a creature may instead expend 2 mending points to be
healed as an immediate action rather than as a move action. A creature may only be healed once
per round by water aloe. When the last mending point is consumed, water aloe crumbles and
becomes useless.

Water Lily (Herb)

Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 2
Duration: 24 hours
Recipes: none
Appearance: The water lily is series of leafy pads sporting a brilliant bloom every now and then.

Effect: One unit of water lily may be placed in an unoccupied five-foot square as a standard
action. When placed, the lily expands to cover the five-foot square it occupies, effectively
becoming a rowboat. It weighs 10 pounds, has hit points equal to 10 times the picker’s herbalist
level, and hardness equal to twice the picker’s Wisdom modifier. The lily-rowboat can carry up to
200 pounds + 100 pounds for each herbalist level the picker possesses without sinking. When this
plant’s duration expires, it dissolves into a puddle of green goo.

Starting at 9th level, an active water lily left in sunlight produces a sugar nodule every eight hours.
When eaten, a standard action, this nodule nourishes a Large or smaller creature as though it
were a full meal. Nodules remain fresh for 1 week before spoiling.

Weirdlock (Fruit)
Biome(s): Underwater
Point Value: 1
Duration: 8 hours or until discharged
Recipes: none
Appearance: The fruit of the weirdlock is an elongated cerulean pod from which wispy hairs
sprout. The beans within are both pearlescent and translucent.

Effect: One unit of weirdlock may be activated as a standard action while wielded as though it
were a one-handed weapon. When weirdlock activates, it gains an intuition pool containing 1
intuition point, plus an additional intuition point for every six herbalist levels the picker possesses.
Any creature wielding an activated weirdlock may consume an intuition point as a swift action to
gain a +1d3 insight bonus to its next skill check made that round. When the last intuition point is
consumed, weirdlock crumbles and becomes useless.

Wild Angelica (Herb)

Biome(s): Mountains, Wetlands
Point Value: 1
Duration: 1 round/level
Recipes: none
Appearance: Growing to a height of one meter, give or take, wild angelica is characterized by
large, heavily-veined leaves in groupings of three, a celery-like stalk, and dense groupings of
small flower umbels.

Effect: When crushed and rubbed onto the body of a willing creature as a standard action, it
deters the small and the slimy for a time. Whenever a living swarm would enter a square occupied
by a creature covered in wild angelica, it must make a Will save to do so. On a failed Will save,
the swarm’s movement ends immediately.

Wild Strawberry (Fruit)

Biome(s): Forest, Grassland, Wetlands
Point Value: 2
Duration: see text
Recipes: Strawberry wine
Appearance: During the spring, these thin vines bloom with white flowers. Later in the season, if
pollinated, red aggregate fruits grow where the flowers once were.
Effect: One unit of wild strawberry can be thrown as though it were a splash weapon with a range
increment of 20 feet. Upon landing, it explodes in a gout of improbably-concentrated citric acid,
dealing 1d6 points of acid damage plus an additional 1d6 points of acid damage for every 3
herbalist class levels beyond 1st to all creatures in a 5-foot-radius of the impact site. A successful
Reflex saving throw reduces the damage by half.

Starting at 8th level, those who fail their Reflex save are caught in a cloying, sweet syrup and are
entangled for 1d4 rounds.

Wolfsbane (Herb)
Biome(s): Grassland
Point Value: 1
Duration: see text
Recipes: Aconite poison
Appearance: Wolfsbane grows to a height of approximately 3 feet. Its round leaves are found in
clusters of five to seven and are between 2 and 4 inches in length, while its flowers are purple to
bluish-purple in color and are between 0.5 and 1 inch in length. Its root is fleshy and concentrates
a paralytic alkaloid.

Effect: Though a potent paralytic poison when concentrated, small doses of wolfsbane can calm
the heart in a much less dramatic fashion. When one unit of wolfsbane is chewed as a standard
action, the chewer receives an alchemical bonus to saving throws against fear effects equal to 2 +
1/3 the herbalist’s class level, rounded down (maximum +8) for 1 minute. When first administered,
the recipient can immediately make a new save against any fear effects currently affecting her.

If a second dose of wolfsbane is chewed while the first is in effect, the chewer must make a
Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1 round. All other effects still apply.

Yellow Morel (Fungus)

Biome(s): Forest, Grassland
Point Value: 4
Duration: 8 hours, or until subject becomes sickened or nauseated
Capacity: 1
Recipes: Fungal feast
Appearance: Described by those who hunt them as yellow pine cones with a stalk, yellow morels
are a delicacy among mushrooms and are notable for not having a toxic analog (unlike black
morels), thus making them a safe first mushroom to seek out. Morels of all stripes are best fresh,
lose almost all of their appeal when dried, and are excellent with onion and asparagus in an
Effect: One unit of yellow morel can be cooked and served to a group numbering up to half the
herbalist’s class level, rounded up. Cooking yellow morel requires one unit of trail rations or an
equivalent amount of fresh produce, as well as 10 minutes of cooking time. Those who consume
cooked yellow morel, a full-round action, gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls,
temporary hit points equal to the herbalist’s class level, and a +2 morale bonus to saving throws
against non-magical poison. At 10th level and every ten levels thereafter, all granted morale
bonuses increase by +1 (max +3 to attack and damage, +4 against poison at level 20).

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