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Revit MEP 2019 Essentials

Create Automatic Piping Layouts

Exercise 22
1. Start Revit 2019

2. Open the file Exercise_22.rvt

3. There are two view open, tile them. In the 3D Plumbing view, zoom to the sinks
in the first floor. In the floor plan view, zoom to the six sinks, and include the
water heater as well

4. Select one of the sinks. From context tab, click Piping button. When the dialog
box comes up select Domestic Hot Water. Name the system DHW-01. Turn on
Open in System Editor checkbox, and click OK

5. Select the other five sinks

6. Click Select Equipment button, and select the water heater

7. Click () to finish the creating a piping system command

8. Hover over one of the sinks, and press [Tab] to highlight the system (dashed
box), then click to select

9. From the context tab, click Generate Layout button

10. From Options bar, click Settings button. Change both Main and Branch Pipe
Types: Copper, and Offset = 2800mm.

11. Go through the different solution. Pick solution number 6. Click () to finish the
creating of the automatic layout

12. Select one of the sinks again. Create a new Domestic Cold Water, and call it
DCW-01. Select the other five sinks, and finish the creation of the system

13. Select one of the sinks, keeps pressing [Tab] key until you see the six sinks
only is highlighted with a dash box around them. Click to select them

14. From context tab, click Generate Layout button

15. From Options bar, click Settings button. Change both Main and Branch Pipe
Types: Copper, and Offset = 2700mm.

16. Go through the different solution. Pick solution number 5. Click () to finish the
creating of the automatic layout

Chapter 8: Plumbing Networks

17. Zoom to the top left elbow you just created

18. Convert it to T fitting, and draw a pipe connecting it with the main cold water

19. Create a Domestic Cold Water System for the three water closet in the Ladies
room, and hook it up to the main cold water (Hint: Use Edit Layout button)

20. Create a Domestic Cold Water System for the three water closet and the two
urinals in the Gents room, and hook it up to the main cold water (Hint: Use Edit
Layout button)

21. Save and close the file


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