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Exercise A - Answer key

1. are gathered, are weighed

2. are combined
3. is fermented
4. is punched
5. is portioned
6. are rounded, are shaped
7. are left
8. is put
9. is placed

The present simple passive (verb to be + past participle) is used to describe processes.

How bread is produced.

1. Gathering and weighing the 2. Combining and mixing the 3. Fermenting the dough
ingredients dough

4. Punching down the dough 5. Portioning the dough 6. Rounding and shaping

7. Proofing the portions 8. Baking the bread 9. Cooling the bread

A. Complete the sentences with the present simple passive form of the verbs in
brackets to describe how bread is produced.

1. To begin, the ingredients ...................... (gather). Then, the ingredients ......................

(weigh) out.

2. Following that, all the ingredients ....................... (combine) together and mixed.

3. Next, the dough ....................... (ferment). This allows the yeast to develop enough C02 to
make the dough rise.

4. After that, the dough ....................... (punch) down to remove all the excess air that has
built up inside the dough.

5. Following that, the dough ....................... (portion) into the required sizes.

6. After which, the portions ....................... (round) into smooth, round balls. If required, the
portions ....................... (shape) into ribbons, twists, or other shapes.

7. Afterwards, the portions ....................... (leave) to proof in a proofing oven.

8. Then, the bread ....................... (put) into the oven and baked. The heat makes the dough
rise again.

9. Finally, the bread........................ (place) on an elevated rack to cool.

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