LPG Delivery Plan

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Damie Martin

April 26, 2024

Pay attention to the R-words to activate the brain for learning!

1. Objective (Rigor) - SMART and should be visible on your board daily.

By the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to correctly perform an underhand throw towards a partner 6 feet
away by stepping with the opposite foot forward, successfully in 3 out of 5 attempts.

2. Opening (Retrieval) – How will you "hook" your students into the lesson--at both the thinking and
emotional level?

• What will you do to open the lesson to motivate and engage the students’ interest in the content?

I will get students interested in the concept of underhand throwing through a short game, lasting 5 to 10
minutes. We will play tic tac toe relay race, which involves student teams competing in a game of tic tac toe
where they have to underhand throw bean bags.

• How will you help students make connections to prior knowledge?

To make connections to prior knowledge I will refer to students’ performance in thetic tac tow game. I will
be sure to ask questions like, “why do you think some of your bean bags didn’t land in the square?”, “how
would stepping forward with your opposite foot help you underhand throw the bean bag?”. As students are
learning the steps o an underhand throw, I will be sure to make connections showing them how certain
steps could have influenced their performance during the activity.

• How will you identify and present your essential questions, Central focus, and Learning Targets (I CAN

At the beginning of the lesson, I will discuss the central focus and learning targets of the lesson. After students
have learned and broken down the specific steps of learning/performing an underhand throw, I will be sure to
ask the class my essential questions while allowing for a period of wait time for students to think about the
questions before they respond. I will also be sure to address my essential questions towards the end of the
lesson and during closure (think pair share) to ensure my students have an understanding of the skill. I can
statements will be address verbally throughout the lesson and towards the end of the lesson via journal

• How will you identify / teach / assess language demands?

I plan to meet language demands by breaking down the vocabulary used in the lesson. We will discuss
language and terms used through class discussions, asking my students questions and answering questions
they may have, performance, and through written reflections in their physical activity journals. I also think
that it would be helpful for me to implement graphic organizers showing sequence of events for underhand
throwing, and visual outlines with important terms and expectations for the lesson.

• How will you introduce language supports?

Damie Martin
April 26, 2024

I will introduce language supports by using some of John Hattie’s strategies, summarizing and classroom
discussions. I will incorporate KWL charts, Word walls, and journal entries, graphic organizers with
underhand throwing steps for students to reference as language supports. Students with learn vocab through
repetitive exposure to words and learning vocabulary through oral speech.

• Is your opening congruent to the objective?

My opening introduces students to a game that involves underhand throwing. They will be able to reflect
on their previous performance during this activity when learning the proper steps and correct form. I also
hope that they will be able to use this experience as a reference for what they can do differently to
developing their underhand throwing skills. Towards the end of the lesson, we will revisit a game that
involves students using the skill underhand throwing, so the students can apply what they learned in the
Damie Martin
April 26, 2024

3. Teacher Input (Relevance) – What information is needed for the students to gain the knowledge/skill in the
objective? (Be sure you have done a task analysis to break the information/skill into small manageable steps).
How will you use strategies, technology, learning styles? What vocabulary and skills do the students need to
master the material? Are the strategies you plan to use congruent to the objective?

Lesson vocab includes Movement patterns, manipulative skills, underhand throw, self-toss, opposite foot, target,
key elements, self-toss. I will use vocab throughout the lesson in the form of word walls, kwl charts, graphic
organizers, higher order thinking questions, verbally during teacher led instruction, physical activity games, exit
slips, journal entries. I will use technology like video recording to help students to see their performance.

• Model (Routing) – Outline your I DO activities. Be sure to model strategies and academic language
supports needed.

I underhand throw the ball, while stepping forward with the opposite foot.

I swing my arm back and then forward in the direction of my target/partner when performing and
underhand throw.

I underhand throw the ball with my dominant hand/arm and step forward with my opposite foot.

When practicing performing the underhand throw, I verbally talk through the steps as I am performing

I model the correct method for performing and underhand throw so that students can follow and
correctly perform the underhand throw.

• Guided Practice – Students demonstrate a grasp of new learning under the teacher’s direct
supervision. The teacher moves around the room to provide individual remediation as needed. “Praise,
prompt, and leave” is an excellent strategy to use. Outline your WE DO activities. Be sure to incorporate
strategies and academic language supports that are needed.

Student partners take turn performing the underhand throw (not actually throwing the ball). Partners

discuss the steps and better each other understanding.

Student partners take turn underhand throwing the ball to one another.
Damie Martin
April 26, 2024

• Independent Practice (Retaining/Rehearsing) – Students demonstrate an independent

application of new skill. Outline your YOU DO activities. Students demonstrate an independent
application of new skill. Be sure to praise and assess strategies and academic language supports that are
being used.
Student independently perform underhand throw, while aiming at target

Students can identify the correct steps and key components of underhand throw.

Students can apply the skill of underhand throw to physical activity game or exercise.

• Check for Understanding (Recognizing) – Practice doesn't make perfect; it makes permanent.
So, make sure the students understand how to proceed before moving to the practice phase of the lesson.
You may need to stop and reteach, so students practice correctly. How do you plan to assess
understanding? What HOTQs will you ask? List at least 3

I will assess for understanding through formative assessment methods. I am looking to assess students’
performance as well as the ability for them to identify the key components for an underhand throw.

1. What are the parts involved of performing the underhand throw to successfully deliver the ball towards you
2. Describe the purpose of stepping forward with the opposite foot when performing an underhand throw.
3. Retell the correct steps for an underhand throw?

• How will you check for understanding or reteach?

I will check for understanding by implementing my essential questions throughout the lesson unit, and
by having formative and summative assessments to see what my students have learned and to do
determine areas that need more development. At the end of the lesson, we will do a think pair share so
students can discuss and share what they learned from the lesson unit.

4. Assessment – How will we know that the students have individually mastered the objective? What evidence
will be collected? What will be an acceptable score? What evidence will be collected to demonstrate mastery of
language demands?

Several methods for assessment will be use throughout this lesson. Formative assessment methods include oral
reports and observations. I will have the students verbally state the steps of an underhand throw to me, I will
also use exit slips for checking students’ knowledge on underhand throw. Summative assessments include
performance observation (can also be used as a formative assessment), and checklists to check off the students
Damie Martin
April 26, 2024

who have mastered the skill and make note of those who have not/need more development.

5. Resources - What materials will you need for a successful lesson?

Hula hoops, bean bags, balls, journals, pencils.

6. Closure (Re-exposure) – How will you have the students end the lesson/reflect upon what was learned?
Students will reflect on what they learned through the closure activity-think pair share and through their
journal entries which I will assess at the end of the unit. Students will also be able to apply learned skills
through end of unit activity.


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